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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. I am assuming that passionate woman is the wife of the late Suldan Hurre?
  2. Dee inuusan awood lahayn ayuu qiray, meeshi aanu tigreegu aadayn inusan waxba ka qaban karin. Raganimuu leeyahay haduuba aduunkoo idile u qiray taasi.
  3. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Harar is a Harari city. GJ, let us not rob these muslim folks. Libaax, yaa is lahaa taariikh baa kugu yar. Harar is recorded in history as a Somali city, built by Somalis, and has recorded Somali rulers. Here is a biography of the nephew of Ahmed Gurey, an Emir who built much of the city.
  4. He was an able politician but to what rubric do we judge the "best politician Somalis ever had"? I am of the opinion that there are many fine politicians who have been born amongst the Somali people; foremost among them being Cabrizaaq Xaaji Xussein, Cumar Carte Ghalib, and Maxamed Saciid Samatar Gacaliye.
  5. This assumes Somalis are united in the Diaspora beyond solidarity in transitioning to diaspora life..
  6. Maxamed Cabdullahi Xaashi Oo Goordhoweyd Loo Doortay Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Gobolka Gedo Ee G/haarey Dec 09,2007 by Garbahaarey-GEDO-NN Waxaa maanta si rasmi ah u qabsoomay doorashooyinkii dagmada G/haarey, waxaana maanta goobjoogayaalka ahaa qaar ka mid ah madax ka socotay Dowladda fedaraalka ku meel gaarka ah ee Soomaaliya, Ugaaska Beesha **** Ugaas Cumar Ugaas Xirsi, Culama Udiinka Ahlu Suna Wal jameeca, Duqeyda dhaqanka, iyo marti sharaf kalaba kuwaasoo si weyn u la dhacsanaa sida ay u socoto hannaanka doorashooyinka iyo sida ay u qabsoomayaan. Waxaana jiray loolan aad u adag oo u dhexeeyay musha rixiinta u tartamayay Gudoomiyaha iyo kuxigeenka koobaad oo ay isu soo shara xeen 4 (Afar) musharax, oo labana u sharaxnaa gudoomiyaha G/haarey labana gudoomiye ku xigeenka koobaad. Musharixiinta u sharaxneyd gudoomiyaha ayaa kala ahaa Gudoomiyihii hore Axmed Cabdille Magan iyo Gudoomiyaha haatan talada hayo Maxamed C/llaahi Xaashi, halka gudoomiye ku xigeenka koobaadna ay u sharaxnaayeen Aadan Barre Cabdi (Aadan dhay) iyo Aadan Xasan Aadan oo isaga ku guulaystay in uu noqdo gudoomiye ku xigeenka koobaad, halka uu hal musharax oo kaliya isu soo sharaxay xilka Gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad oo uu isu soo sxilka gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee dagmada G/haarey. Waxaana maanta ku guulaystay xilalka gudoomiyaha iyo labada ku xigeen Maxamed Cabdullaahi Xaashi, Gudoomiyaha ahna duqa magaalada G/haarey, Aadan Xasan Aadan (Aadan dhey) gudoomiye ku xigeenka koobaad, Cabdi Qaliif Ayaanle (Galey) kudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad. Waxaana gabi ahaanba maanta Afka ciida loo daray dhamaan maamulkii uu madaxda ka ahaa Mr. Axmed Cabdille Magan (Xarawe) ha ahaadaan gudoomiye amaba labadiisii ku xigeenba. Sida loo qabtay doorashooyinkii maanta ayay dad badan amaanayeen taasoo ay ku tilmaameen in ay ahayd mid inta badan caddaalad ku salaysan. Waxaana codka lagu qaadayay Santuuq dhala ah, kaasoo lagu ridayay waraaqda doorashada. Waxaana la dhigay meel fagaara ah oo Baarlamanka deegaanka hortiisa ah, waxaana mid mid u dul istaagayay xildhibaanada cod kooda dhiibanayay. Mana jirin habaynkii xalay ahaa magaalada G/haarey guda heeda inaba ha yaraatee wax jiif ah oo waxaa muuqanayay musharixiinta oo dheelmanayo gudaha magaalad si loo kala jiito Xil dhibaanada Golaha Deegaanka. Waxaana maanta ku guulaystay guurayntii xalay gudoomiye Maxamed C/llaahi Xaashi, gudoomiye ku xigeenkiisa koobaad Aadan Xasan Aadan, iyo gudoomiye ku xigeenkiisa labaad Cabdi Qaliif Ayaanle (Galey). Dhanka kalana waxaa si farxad iyo kalsooni ku dheehan tahay maanta ugu wareejiyay xilkii uu horay u haayay gudoomiye Axmed Cabdille Magan (Xarawe) gudoomiyaha cusub Maxamed C/llaahi Xaashi, isaga oona ku nuuxnuux saday in uu la shaqeyn doono maamulka cusub ee Maxamed C/llaahi Xaashi, mana jirin gebi ahaanba wax khilaaf ah. Waxaana ugu danbeyntii lagu guulaystay in la soo xulo lixda xubnood ee golaha Baarlamanka Gobolka. Wali Sh Cabdi Gurxan Gedo NN G/haarey Soomaaliya
  7. GABAHAAREY: Dhismaha Maamulka Gobolka Gedo oo qaybtiisii hore la soo gabagabeeyay Posted to the Web Dec 10, 16:50 Gabahaarey (PP) – Munaasabad heer-sare ah loo soo agaasimay laguna dooranayay maamulka Gedo kana dhacday hoolka shirarka ee hay'ada WFP ayaa lagu soo dhisay qaybtii hore ee maamulka Gobolka Gedo hoggaamin doona. Xafladdan ayaa waxaa soo qabanqaabiyay hay'ada CRD ee horey gacan ugu gaysatay maamul u samaynta Gobollada Bay iyo Bakool; munaasada ayaa waxaa kasoo qaybgalay dadweyne aad u fara badan; waxaana sidoo kale goobjoogayaal ka ahaa mas'uuliyiin ka socotay Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha Somalia, odayaasha Dhaqanka deegaanka oo uu ka mid yahay Ugaas Cumar Ugaas Xersi, culumaa'u'ddiin, aqoonyahano, madaxda shirkadaha isgaarsiinta iyo shirkadaha kala duwan ee ganacsatada iyo Hay'adaha wadaniga. Doorashada xilka guddoomiyenimo ee degmada Garbahaarey oo lagu waday in ay dhacdo maalmihii aynu ka soo gudubnay ayaa hakad gashay kaddib markii sida la sheegay qilaafyo badan ay hareeyeen xildhibaanada golaha deegaanka taasoo uu ugu dannbayntii uu xaliyay ugaaska beesha ****. Maanta ayaa waxaa si lama filaan ah ugu guulaystay qabashada xilka guddoomiyenimo ee Degmada Garbahaarey Mudane Maxamed C/laahi Xaashi oo ka haley 18-cod halka gudoomiyihii hore ee degmada Axmed Cabdulle Magan (Harawo) oo isna heley 14-cod oo kaliya. Doorashadan ayaa Gobolka Gedo iyo guud ahaan Gobolada Alto Jubba waxaa looga arkay inay tahay tii ugu horreysay oo si dimuqraadiyad ah loogu qabto Gobolka xaduudaha la wadaaga dalalka Kenya iyo Itoobiya ee Gobolaka Gedo. Sidoo kale waxaa xilka guddoomiya ku xigeenka koowaad ee doorashada uu ku guuleystay Aadan Xasan Aadan oo helay 18-cod iyadoo musharraxii kale ee kasoo horjeeday uu helay 14-cod taasoo ka dhigan in Aadan Xasan Aadan (Dhaay) uu kaga adkaadey 4-cod Mudane Aadan Bare Cabdi, waxaana xilka gudoomiye ku xigeenka 2aad ku soo baxay Mudane Maxamed Khaliif Ayaanle (Galey) isagoo ka haley 32-xubnood ee golaha deegaanka degmada Garbahaareey 26-cod golaha deegaanka oo loo dhaariyay Maanta inay xilkood si wanaagsan u gutaan. Gabagabadii doorashada ayaa waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay gudoomiyaha cusub ee degmada ahna duqa magaalada Garbahaareey Mudane Maxamed C/laahi Xaashi oo sheegay inuu wax weyn ka qaban doono ammaanka degmada isagoo la tashiyo kala yeelan doono golaha deegaanka. Dhinaca kale; waxaa magaalada lagu soo gabagabeeyey barnaamijkii socdaalka nabadda oo ay waday hay'adda N.C.A. iyadoo munaasabadii lagu soo gabgabeeyay socodkaan nabadeed ay ka dhacday isla goobtii ay ka billaabatay, waxaana maalinimadii Sabtida lagu soo gabagabeeyey magaalada garbahaareey tartan ciyaareedka kubadda cagta ee tubta nabadda oo isla hay'ada N.C.A oo kaashanaysay gudiga Sportiga gobolka ay qabanqaabisay, waxaa ku tartamayay illaa 4-degmo oo ay ka mid yihiin Luuq, Beled-xaawo, Baardheere, iyo Garbahaareey; waxaana koobkaasi ku guuleystay degmada Baardheere oo 1-0 kaga badisey degmada Luuq. Puntlandpost Gobolka Gedo – Somalia
  8. You're welcome jaamaca. Qaar Kamid Ah Guddiga Markabley Relief And Development Trust ( MRDT) Oo Kormeer Ku Tagay Dugsiga H/Dhexe Ee Markabley Ee Deg.Baardheere. Waxaa saaka kormeer shaqo ku tagay Dugsiga Markabley ee degmada Baardheere qaar kamid ah xubnaha guddiga Markbaley Relief and Development Trust, iyaga oo soo kormeeray geedi socodka hanaanka waxbarashada ee iskuulku uu ku socdo. Waxaana xubnaha kormeerayaasha ah ay socod ku soo mareen iyaga oo soo eegay safafka ay ardaydu ku jiraan ka hor inta aysan u gudbin fasalada. Xubnahani Guddiga Markabley Relief ayaa waxaa ay u sii tillaabsadeen fasalada gudahooda halkaasoo ay duruustu ka socotay, iyaga oo u kuurgelayay habsami u socodka hanaanka waxbarashada islamar ahaantaasi waxa ay ku dhiirigeliyeen Maamulka iyo Maccalimiintaba inay laban laabaan dadaalkooda oo aysan ku seexanin amaanta mar walba ay u soo jeediyaan waalidiinta ardayda. Qaar kamid ah ardayda ayaa waxaa goobtaasi su’aallo ku waydiiyay macalimiinta , iyadoo ay goob jog ka ahaayeen kormeerkii yimid, kuwaasi oo yididiilo weyn ka muujiyay tayada waxbarashada Dugsiga oo noqday mid kamid ah xarumaha ugu wanaagsan Gobolka . Muuqaalada arday oo tiradooda ay gaarayso ilaa 400 oo arday oo isugu jira wiilaal iyo gabdho ayaa run ahaantii u muuqday kuwo la geliyay dadaal farabadan.Dadaalkaasi oo ka yimid isku xirnaanta Guddiga Markabley Relief , waalidiinta, maamulka dugsiga iyo maccalimiinta. Dugsiga Markabley oo la aas aasay sanadii 2005 ta ayaa waxaa uu kamid noqday horyaalka waxbarashada gobolka. Waxaana Dugsiga uu suurtageliyay adeegyo waxbarasho , kuwaasi oo looga kaaftoomay ardaydii u bixi jirtay meelo ka baxsan gobolka sida magaalada Muqdisho iyo qeybo ka mid dalka Kenya, kaddib markii uu dugsiga uu xushay maccalimiin ka kala yimid gudaha dalka iyo weliba dalka Kenya oo aan dariska nahay. Dugsiga oo u diyaarsan fasalo kala duwan ayaa waxaa hadda xooga la saaray tayaynta ardayda dugsiga H/Dhexe ka hor inta aan loo gudbin heerka dugsiga sare oo isagu haatanba diyaarsan. Waalidiinta iyo dadka degaanka degmada Baardheere ayaa u mahadceliyay Ururka Markabley Relief oo fadhigoodu yahay dalka UK.dadweynaha ayaa ku amaanay dadaalkooda iyaga oo ka codsay qeybaha kale ee jaaliyadaha inay gacan ka siiyaan Ururkaan u guntaday inay wax ka badelaan tayada waxbarashada ee gobolka. Dhinaca kale waxaa manta laga raray dugsiga Markabley qalab isugu jira kuraas iyo miisas ,kuwaasoo loogu talagalay qalabaynta dugsi cusub oo guddiga Markabley Relief and development Trust ay ka hirgelinayso tuulada Buraa oo qiyaastii 20km dhinaca galbeed kaga began magaalada Garbahaareey ee xarunta gobolka Gedo. Dugsigan oo qalabkiisu idiin muuqanayo ayaa waxaa uu ka mid noqonayaa dugsiyada hoos yimaada Markabley Relief and development Trust. C/llaahi Axmed Dool waa wakiilka waxbarashada Markabley Relief, isagoo hoggaaminayo Maccalimiin dhawr ah, qalabka dugsiga iyo manhajkii iskuulka ayaa waxaa uu manta ku sii jeedaa tuulada Buraa. Duqowda waxgaradka iyo dadka degaanka buraa ayaa waxa ay horay codsi ugu soo gudbiyeen guddiga Markabley Relief ,iyagoo sheegay in aysan awood u lahayn in ay carruurtooda u hirgeliyaan waxbarasho tayo leh.
  9. Beladxaawo Oo Maanta Si Weyn Looga Soo Dhaweeyay Socdaalka Nabadda, Dadweyne Iyo Masuuliyiin Ka Soo Qeybgalay Munaasabadaasi Dec 06,2007 by B/Xaawo-GEDO-NN Munaasabadani maanta oo lagu qabtay Beerta Timacade ee kutaal duleedka koonfur bari ee magaalada B/xaawo ayaa waxaa maanta ka soo qeyb galay qaar kamid ah xildhibaanada DFKG ka ah ee Soomaaliya, gudoomiye ku xigeenka G/Gedo Aadan Dhaqane Kaalmoy, Gudoomiyaha dagmada B/xaawo Axmed Maxamed Yuusuf (Burkuus) iyo sidoo kale marti sharaf kale. Furitaankii munaasabadan oo uu ka hadlay gudoomiyaha degmada B/xaawo, Mudane Burkuus ayaan ku amaanay hayadda NCA Barnaamijkan loogu magacdaray Socdaalka Nabadda oo ay ku soo mareen degmooyinka G/Gedo oo dhan, isagoo xusay in abadd la aanteed aysan nolol jirin. Waxaa sidoo kale goobjoogayaalka ahaa madax ka tirsan hayadda (NCA) oo isugujiro Soomaali iyo Ajanabi, waxaana kamid ahaa madaxa hay dada (NCA) ee Gobolka Gedo C/laahi Maxamed (Qorax) oo sheegay in Barnaamijkan uu ahaa mid aad u ballaaran oo lagu nabadaynayay dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gobolka Gedo. Wuxuuna hadalkiisu xanbaarsanaa fariimo isugu jiro kuwa ka hadlayo nabadda ka hortaga HIVga iyo wacyigalinta gudniinka fircooniga ah. Wuxuuna intaa ku daray in barnaamijkan uu ka dhacayo 171 dal oo caalamka ah hayadan NCA waxay ka hirgalisay Barnaamijkan 8-Dal oo Afrika ah ayna ku jirto dalka Soomaaliya. Munaasabadan Socdaalka nabadda oo ay isugu soo baxeen dadweyne aad u fara badan ayaa waxaa halkaasi ku soo bandhigay Ruwaayad ka turjimayso fariimaha uu xanbaarsanaa narnaamijkaas,fannaaniin Soomaaliyeed oo ay kamid ahaayeen Bashiir Ibraahin, Nimco nabaddaa naaslanuuga leh, Faadumo Daljir, Xasan gabay iyo fannaaniin kale oo caan ka ah fanka Soomaaliyeed. Barnaamijkan Socdaal ka nabadda ayaa la filayaa in uu wax weyn ka badali doono hannaanka maamul u sameynta gobolka Gedo oo la filayo in lagu guulaysan doono maalmaha fooda nagu soo hayo. Wali Sh Cabdi Gurxan-Gedo-NN-B/Xaawo-Soomaaliya
  10. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: ereyadii Cabdi Muxumed Amiin. Incorrect. The product of a close family relative, the former ambassador to France Danjire Maxamed Siciid Samatar (Gacaliye).
  11. Malaysia is 60% Muslim, who is to say what that legislator was?
  12. Naxar, I still, as I have told him long ago, maintain that Kashafa is a rare breed who is genuine in his conduct. I do not allow any of my brotherly comments to him ever be used as a political point.
  13. Originally posted by Xoogsade: Horn You know that a man for the people never succeeds in the current political climate. Aniga waxaan kugula talin lahaa, watch and see instead of banking on hopeless last minute effort. Cade may have a good past but that matters little in his new role. Go listen to A/Y's long lecture to the Parliament and come back with your opinion about the future prospects of things getting any better. I wish I could be as blind or as optimistic as some somalis. [/QB] The man has, as of now, the benefit of my doubt and I will wait and see until what kind of input he brings to the political table becomes materialized.
  14. Originally posted by Kashafa: As usual, side-step all the points made that showcase your naked is-qancis . Allow me to remind you again: Yesterday you supported a 'clean, educated hard-working dignified' man by the name of Cali Gheedi under the fake premise of 'dawladnimo'(read: naked idol worship of Barre Hiraale). Said 'clean man' turned out to be a mass-murderer responsible for the deaths of thousands and the displacement of millions. Mr. Horn-Afrique shrugs his shoulders "Oh, well" Today you support another man, also 'clean educated, hard-working, dignified' by the name of Nur Cade. What do both men have in common ? They were directly installed Meles Zenwai, a small fact that does not trouble your innocent dhabo-dhilif mind. No problem, ka gudub, ilaahay aa saas kuu abuuray. But common sense far aa uu taagan. Common sense(and it's sibling, modicum of intelligence) declare that trusting a man whose first act even before being nominated was to fly to Addis Abba and pledge allegiance to Meles Zenwai is either an act of epic doqonimo or hopeless naiveness that has no bounds(I suspect the latter). That's not me talking. That's common sense. Ayatha la muran. Oops, Modicum of Intelligence would like to jump in with a word:"Being it as it is, that the TFG is is given marching orders from Addis, what difference does it make who holds whatever seat where ?" Um, Duh. What riles me, since you asked, is the occupation of my country and the calculated xasooq of men, women, and children by the entity you profess to support(That makes you my enemy, in case you were wondering). Something you're not encumbered with, but again, saas aa laguu abooray. But I'm feeling preetayyyy good today, thanks for asking. Know why ? 3 Ethiopian(your saviours) Ural trucks got blown up and burnt. Each Ural carries approx. 50 soldiers. Do the math(150). If you've got time on your hands, you can read about it here and send your condolences. See Kashafa, you have failed to comprehend that in your at best juvenile reasoning that I have no reason to give this man the benefit of the doubt nor even speak remotely positive about anything concerning the TFG or its apparatus given that the individual you showcased as having led me to the TFG was demoted and sent packing from that very institution long ago. A classic example of the sort of juvenile reasoning and irascible young, ill-disciplined political immaturity that you have come to symbolize and at the same time become synonymous with around these corners. See young man there are many things I can say about your lack of understanding concerning the true depths of the political and social erosion we face or your less than rudimentary comprehension of the daunting staircase that we as a people and state face in even taking a small step out of the present quagmire, and truth be told nor do I expect you to. However, I think it is silly people around here have continued to let you continue to think of yourself as a spokesman of the true disadvantaged masses when you and the viewpoint you represent are in reality the opposite side of the polar that has put us in this dire situation and continues to be an obstacle. Rational thought needs to prevail and it will prevail, and you in the long run will be relegated to having been nothing more than a counter-productive minority much as the PAC is now thought off as when discussing the history of the South African fight for freedom. But in the meantime continue to engage in ad hominems, they are after all the only ammo you have are they not Kashafa-ow?
  15. Originally posted by Xoogsade: Horn, you have the same men responsible for the mess still at the top. How does this man go about cleaning? An ethiopia, the mother of this conflict is still here never to let go of matters without involvement. The internal workings of the TFG is much laissez-faire then you think and believe me when I say this man has enough working room to do his job if he has strength of character.
  16. Originally posted by Suldaanka: The irony is a man who was once the head of a respectable organisation like the Red Crescent Society and, I make the assumption that, a man who has first hand knowledge about the Ethiopian genocide in Mogadishu, will take the oath to keep that occupation and genocide going. That is the irony I find it hard to swallow. Again Suldaanka, all I had put forth was that I give the said man the benefit of the doubt and for precisely this reason. Why would this individual who obviously loves his nation and people and as head of the Somali branch of a respected humanitarian agency take up this post understanding full well the position of the TFG vis-a-vis situation in Somalia (Mogadishu)? There has to be more depth to this acceptance than "oh the man is a dabo-dhilif" and "oh he is a stooge", etc. This is ridiculous and hot-headed irascible viewpoints. When reason prevails, the overwhelming majority of Somalis who are thinking responsibly about finding tenable solutions to the dynamics of the problems facing the nation realize that there is not an ounce of a chance a powerful Ethiopian army supported and legitimized by the world will be defeated by fractured and divided Somali militias. The time has come to acknowledge only by political will and partaking in the legitimate political machinations of the institutions recognized by the world could we possibly achieve our aims of seeing a free Somalia. Wounds are fresh and some just starting to bleed so I do not expect rational thought and sound reasoning to prevail at this current juncture in time, but I have no reason not to believe that this man will be different than Gheedi and that he is among those many technocrats who are just starting to politically participate but with aims and objectives much different than of the colonizers. The prime ministers position is a very powerful position that has the ability to sway many of the international community's positions on Somalia, this man, if he has the intentions, has the power to defrock the legitimacy of the current occupation altogether. This, any thinking individual would be quick to understand, is a more sold victory than any military battle that could be won against the Ethiopians. I could go on and on but as I have said, I will give this man the benefit of the doubt until he gives me reason not to. Picking up the dirty dagger does not mean you plan to kill. Why must you be defamed if your intention is to wipe it clean?
  17. Originally posted by Kashafa: ^ Ever heard the saying "filinkaan mar hore aa galay" ? Fools have written the exact same fawning 'mini-bio' of Cali Gheedi when Meles Zenwai hand-picked him to be prime minister(in spite of A/y objections). Highly educated, relatively clean, yap-yap-yap. ---- > Today, he is a thief who has stolen millions of dollars intended for the people he has massacred, a mass-murderer who has presided over one of the worst genocide and ethnic cleansings that Africa has seen, and the man who directed the barakacin of over 1 million men, women, and children, making them instantaneous homeless, impoverished refugees. Yesterday, you supported Cali Gheedi. Today, you support Nur Cade. Same fake premise, same false rationalization(is-qancis). You just might wanna look up the meaning of sucker in the dictionary. The sins of the father are not the son's nor will a clean man be judged by the actions of another. You are intruding on a respectable individual's sense of dignity, a hard earned dignity. I suggest you go educate yourself more on the tenets of your faith. Each man will be judged by that which he has worked for and as far as I am concerned the man has the benefit of my doubt. What else do you have to rile about Kashafa, as has become your habit for a duration of time now?
  18. Originally posted by Kashafa: ^^ "Respectable enough" based on what exactly ? Empty plaudits being thrown around at anything this failed Ethiopian exercise manages to come up with. Heh, Why don't you go one step better, why not give the 'benefit of the doubt' to Adeer Zenwai and Abti General Gabre directly. At least then, you'd get points for having cojones. Respectable in the premise that the said individual has kept his hands relatively clean from the negative aspects of the civil war and to the contrary was for a long time the head of the Somali branch of a major humanitarian agency credited as being a symbol of the sort of tenacity and dedication humanitarian agencies should employ while working in some of the most inhumane conditions of this earth. Then again, I did not expect you to understand this.
  19. The individual named seems respectable enough and in any other situation should garner immediate support. I will give him the benefit of doubt as of now and will wait and see what he contributes to the political crisis in the country.
  20. Originally posted by Hunguri: quote:Originally posted by HornAfrique: quote: Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: And since when did clan names were condoned? Mise single letters ayaa la mooday inay caadi tahay? I am sorry, biibol, but this is blatant attempt to sidestepping the rules of this site. I am sorry again, but I have no choice but to edit. How ironic. Were you not the one who was caught recently for deliberately posting this with my intention being that Castro has more respect for the rules of the site than you, a moderator picked because of his tribal background and would supposedly be deemed neutral in national matters? Ha is odhan Cidi kuma Arkaysee Afka buuxso Lala Lala dhiidh dhiidh [/QB]Hunguri, anigu isaga lama yaabani, ilaa iyo haatan waxaan la yaabanahay maamulka meesha ku haysto. What twisted purpose could they possible serve having this individual continue to prance around with a position he does not deserve nor is qualified for?
  21. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: quote:Originally posted by Castro: The last part I agree with, partially. Though it could be argued that Afweyne's sub clan, a small minority even within its clan, "decisively" dominated all other clans. Minority ruling over the majority. On ethnicity, it depends upon whom you ask. Many Somalis consider their clan to be ethnically different (superior?) to other clans. Whether claiming ancestry to the Prophet (pbuh) or the Portuguese, ethnicity, my friend, is in the eye of the beholder. Both countries are religiously and racially homogeneous. I believe the ethnicity argument is a creation of colonizers (of any era) and one that has wreaked much havoc in many parts of the world. The conquered are first divided into two or more groups then each group is randomly assigned a superiority index. The colonizer then sits back and watches centuries of bloodshed between them. You do have some good points there, Castro. Divide and rule is the oldest trick in the colonial books. But dictator Barre did not derive his power from his sub clan adeer. And although his sub clan admittedly showed on in the highest managerial levels of the organs of the state, they were not considered entrenched elites for Somalis never had anything of that sort! It was Barre who used supposedly legitimate state machinations and its monopoly of violence to subdue and unjustly silence his opponents, and not the design of his sub clan per se, I believe! Granted that his sub clan helped him and cheered on for him as one of their own but again many others were equally guilty of that crime and happily raised their clinched fist for Barre's regime… The animosity and hatred between Somalis is exceedingly exaggerated! Most grievances I can think of are political in nature! Furhter more, the origins of Somali clans never got factored in Somalia’s political arithmetic. I really do believe this clan majesty thing some speak to hardly leave kitchen tables or transcend beyond Starbucks fadhi-ku-dirirs! To me, it’s just piece of our historical narrative, and as outlandish as it may sound I prefer it to the western anthropologist’s version of our origin and how we come about and progressed as people! In the final analysis, the division between Somalis is maintained by external actors and exacerbated by the ignorant policies of the sole super power of our time! What’s preventing peace from our lands is not only our ignorance and lack of understanding of each other, rather, and I firmly believe this, it’s the Ethiopian resolve to finish off its archenemy while its weak and down. Whether we rise above our differences and accept this historic, and difficult challenge of resurrecting our state whilst others are demolishing it remains to be seen. Even if it’s for Allah’s divine pen that the Somali race expire, we shall in no way perish alone… Xiin, its been a while so if you will allow me to address you, how do you reconcile agreeing with Baashi whenever he is in the house in the position that a dirrin with the TFG is the only possible solution to the present quagmire while giving voice to strong resistance and unflinching stance in the face of the Ethiopian occupation and its stooge administration arguing dialogue is not possible while the country is under occupation? Can one not then label your various positions contradictory in nature?
  22. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: And since when did clan names were condoned? Mise single letters ayaa la mooday inay caadi tahay? I am sorry, biibol, but this is blatant attempt to sidestepping the rules of this site. I am sorry again, but I have no choice but to edit. How ironic. Were you not the one who was caught recently for deliberately posting this with my intention being that Castro has more respect for the rules of the site than you, a moderator picked because of his tribal background and would supposedly be deemed neutral in national matters?