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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. Originally posted by Abwaan: so is C/Qaasim (another big time looser) and many more. Cabdiqasim ha gafin Abwaanoow. Cabdiqasim waa nin wadani ah sharaf iyo sumcadna Soomaali ku leh.
  2. Sakhar- Never have I described you before as a man who knows truly what he is talking about and over the years there are many instances where I called you for wishful fantasies particularly in regards to this realm of Somalia politics, but alas following the age old Somali adage "gaal dil gartiisana sii" so to you must I give you your due rights! Yes Sakhar, you have hit the nail on the nail when it comes to the general foundation of the general political disagreement. Yes indeed one side with political foresight wishes to maintain the status quo in regards to national politics and stay playing the safe game whereas others led by morality and the nature of religiosity believe that the clan is overdue in lending whatever support they could to the true and pure resistance against the invaders and those following their tails. But because of the actions of the ICU and the opportunists who took over that organization in its twilights, one side has found it easy to garner support while the other continues to fight for it and there are many swing-menbers such as I whose mind goes to one side and whose heart goes to another. There is no internal power play, no internal hostilities, but only where we should move from now and how we should move there. In a sense this is only political dialogue.
  3. Gabbal

    Why Now..?

    A daylight coup for a man who was set bent on having a member of his sub-clan (in the sense of Nugaal and Bari) for the Finance ministry and his greatest supporter Gacmadheera as deputy-prime minister alloted to the south Mogadishu group. Informed individuals know Nuur Cadde tried Abdullahi Yusuf's way with some reluctance once and renounced it taking full advantage of his powers. This cabinet is an indictment against the ailing and aging ally of Ethiopia and, according to some sources, with their support.
  4. Gabbal

    Why Now..?

    Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^^ I pay attention from time to time. A political statement in its truest form.
  5. Originally posted by Jimcaale: [QB] ^Must you run away from your governor Taano now? You're not alone. Many republicans just did that back in '06. Couldn't you find any saxiixa gedonet news regrading these reports. I'm sure you'd have flooded the forum by now. No, I'm sure I would not have flooded anywhere as some are want to do. However, shall I prescribe a doze of double English comprehension? Where in anything have I written here have I implied I am "running" away from anyone? You disappoint me Jimcaale if I may care as to say so.
  6. Gabbal

    Why Now..?

    Ngonge- Much has changed in these ends. When have you taken that leap to become a connoisseur of Somali news? Juje- You are more near the bullseye than many want to let on.
  7. Tsk tsk such sarcasm Duke! However, I hesitate naught in saying I despise and never support any of those that lay a single checkpoint(isbaaro). Whatever you may say of it, the first thing that led me to support Hiiraale unflinchingly was his war with checkpoints, those who laid them, and others of their peerage in that form of criminality. Taano, however, is an intellectual of his own right and I am more comfortable with you addressing him by his respectful name, Dr. Cabdirizaaq. There is a minor political disagreement and those of his sub-sub-subclan sought to exert pressure and show support on his behalf. Even so it was not of his planning and the checkpoint laid in front of the port as a form of political weaponry has already been removed and the militias of his sub-sub clan sent back to their dwellings with his support. Here are your favorite websites as of late: Shabelle Gedoweb Now out with it Duke and cease this embarrassment of your character.
  8. Serenity saying "majority of" is a loaded word and especially in this case of Awdal in regards to the Somaliland case. By Boqor Raabi's on reckoning, during his testimoney at the summer traditional elders' conference, "majority of" people in Awdal favor a united Somalia but the circumstances, i.e anarchy in the south in conjunction with the large SNM clan to their east, prevent them from speaking out the truth. What say you?
  9. Hadaladiina qaarkood maaha kuwa waafaqo da'aadiinu iyo garaadka laga rabo inaad gaarsiisantihiin. Kolaybo adeeryaalo wax isula hara inkastuu Duke cadayste ceeb iyo ceeb la'aan inaysan karin hadane waxaan usoo jeedinayaa inuu raganimo bal waxoogaa iska dayo una dhaqmo sida raga u dhaqmaan. Waxaad ku dhaqmaysan run ahaantii wax laga xishoodo maahana maaha wax ay ragu ku dhaqmaan. Ka xanaaqsanaada ninkaad amaani jirteen ee Afgaduud baa Kismaayo laga cayriye, ka xanaaqsanaaada ciidan beeleedkiinu baa Buulogaduud lagaa masaafuriye, ka xanaaqsanaada adeer Cabdullahi umay suragelin inuu Kismaayo faro saaro, lakin adeeryaalo rag baa tihiin ee wax isula hara.
  10. Dhubad, laa sxb. There is really nothing to discuss. What these men have brought here is what they want to see happen as opposed to what is even close to what is going on if there is anything going on. Slash, imagine if Kismaayo was Boosaaso in the last month and the bombings and kidnappings there had taken place in Kismaayo. Can you imagine how much rukus Duke and his crew would have made?
  11. Duke, Kismaayo has become the obstacle to your full new years celebrations. Qur'aan iska saar.
  12. Everything is becoming unglued for Kibaki. Kenya: I Acted Under Pressure, Says Kivuitu The East African Standard (Nairobi) 2 January 2008 Posted to the web 1 January 2008 Isaac Ongiri Nairobi On Tuesday night, Mr Samuel Kivuitu made a damning admission that he announced results of the fiercely contested presidential election under pressure. The announcement plunged the country into a post-election violence of a scale never witnessed before. The magnitude of the Electoral Commission chairman's admission and the further dent on the credibility of the election was captured in his answer when asked if indeed President Kibaki won the elections: "I do not know whether Kibaki won the election". Kivuitu continued with his stunning revelations when he said he took the presidential election winner's certificate to State House, Nairobi, after "some people threatened to collect it while I'm the one mandated by law to do so". "I arrived at State House to take the certificate and I found the Chief Justice there, ready to swear-in Kibaki," Kivuitu said. On claims that he was under undue pressure to declare results, Kivuitu said: "Some PNU (Party of National Unity) and ODM-Kenya leaders put me under pressure by calling me frequently, asking me to announce the results immediately". President Kibaki ran for re-election on a Party of National Unity ticket, while Mr Kalonzo Musyoka, made his bid on an ODM-Kenya ticket. Mr Raila Odinga, who has said he was robbed of victory, ran on an Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) ticket. On Tuesday, Kivuitu said the alleged pressure to declare results came in the wake of parallel pressure from a number of ambassadors from the European Union countries and Mr Maina Kiai of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights not to announce the results until complaints, which arose, were addressed. "I had thought of resigning, but thought against it because I don't want people to say I'm a coward," he said. The embattled ECK chairman made the revelations shortly after meeting with 22 ECK commissioners. On Tuesday, Kivuitu conceded that matters that arose from the poll results were so urgent that they should be taken to court, and the ruling done with minimum delay to ease national tension. Court settlement "If this matter is finally taken to court, the ruling should be made urgently so that if it were decided that Raila is the President, so be it. If it is Kibaki, so be it," he added. Kivuitu said he made the decision, whose far-reaching implications are now being felt across the country. He said he announced the results because the commission had no legal mandate to investigate complaints raised by the opposition immediately. Kivuitu fell short of naming the individuals from the two parties - PNU and ODM-Kenya - who coerced him to announce the disputed poll outcome, but went on to announce that the commission was consulting eminent lawyers over the next course of action "so that its actions remain within the law". The EU observer team has discredited the poll results and urged for an independent audit. On his part, Kivuitu said he backed independent investigation into what may have happened, but added that this would be only if the law would provide for it. "We are culprits as a commission. We have to leave it to an independent group to investigate what actually went wrong," the chairman said, stunning local and international journalists, who had gathered at his Nairobi residence. It has also emerged that some countries concerned with the poll outcome, like South Africa, had sent in their electoral officials to the country. Kivuitu said the officials would be arriving on Wednesday "to look into the matter". On Tuesday, Kivuitu was in a meeting with his 22 commissioners, which his deputy, Mr Kihara Muttu, described as "a house-keeping meeting". In a signed statement, the 22 commissioners condemned the violence, which up to last night had claimed the lives of about 300 people.
  13. You would think Kibaki would try to come the situation as the only man who can addressee the grievances concerning his broad daylight theft. The world has left your side, your country is unproars, and you would rather let it burn? What state house will Kibaki dream of if there is no Kenya?
  14. Duke, it is very unfortunate that you all people would label a man like Dr. Abdirizaaq Faarax Taano, one of Somalia's leading intellectuals whose brother Axmed Faarax Taano (Idaajaa) is the world's leading Somali language writer, as a "gang leader". You cease not to amaze however. What is amazing is the fact Xiin and Jimcaale have not entered this topic before I.
  15. Jamaal, the U.S has showed signs today that they are retracting the sound legitimacy they gave Kibaki. This is too much for them to play off. On Monday, the U.S., whose State Department at first congratulated Kibaki on his victory, issued a statement through its Nairobi embassy saying it was concerned by "serious problems experienced during the vote counting process." "These included various anomalies with respect to unrealistically high voter turnout rates, close to 100% in some constituencies," it said. Time
  16. Raila is doing all Kenyans a disservice if he legitimizes this daylight highway robbery.
  17. I presume this was at the height of the Al Itihad vs. Ethiopia war in Gedo region.
  18. Jamaal, I was very disappointed when I read the ECK results from the Northeast in which Odinga did not receive landslide support. As a matter of fact, it was to the contrary, Kibaki seemed to be ahead of him in that area. we should be happy that ministers like Raphael Tuju, who masterminded the rendition of Kenyan-Somalis to Ethiopia, Sharmarke, and here I believed I was the only one praying Tuju loses his seat! Good riddance and may he never get voted back in. Also Mohamed Abdi lost his vote, to him I say good riddance, what a corrupt man.
  19. Reer Kismaayo oo 100 Milyan oo Shillin Soomaali ah ugu deeqay Dad Muqdisho ka barakacay oo ku sugan inta u dhaxeysa Muqdisho iyo Afgooye Arbaco, December 26, 2007(HOL): Qeybaha kala duwan ee ku dhaqan magaalada Kismaayo ee Gobolka Jubbada Hoose ayaa waxay lacag dhan 100 Milyan Shillin Soomaali ah waxay ugu deeqeen dadkii ka barakacay magaalada Muqdisho ee ku sugan inta u dhaxeysa Magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Afgooye. Lacagtaas oo ay iska soo uruuriyeen Odayaasha, Culumaa’udiinka, Ganacsatada, Mas’uuliyiinta Magaalada Kismaayo iyo guud ahaan shacabka ku dhaqan magaaladaas ayaa waxaa loo qeybiyay kuwa ugu nugul 400 qoys oo ku dhaqan xero qaxooti oo loogu magac daray Alle-magan, taasi oo ku taala deegaanka Xaawo Cabdi. Dadkii deeqdaas la guddoonsiiyay oo ay u hadleen Xasno Xuseen Xasan iyo Axmed Xasan ayaa waxay u mahadceliyeen Dadka Magaalada Kismaayo oo ay sheegeen in ay soo gaarsiiyeen kaalmo ay u baahnaayeen, waxayna Allaah uga baryeen in uu siiyo bedel kheyr leh. Shiikh C/llaahi Daa’uud Cumar oo Kismaayo uga yimid in uu deeqdaas lacageed soo gaarsiiyo dadka ka barakacay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in lacagtaas soo uruurinteeda ay ku suurtagashay in ay 19 Masjid oo Kismaayo ku yaala ay baaq uga jeediyeen dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Kismaayo, kuwaasi oo ay ka codsadeen in ay u gurmadaan dadka ka barakacay magaalada Muqdisho. Shiikh C/llaahi waxaa uu sheegay in dadka Kismaayo oo uusan kala soocin ay iska soo uruuriyeen lacagta intaas la eg, wuxuuna tibaaxay in ay dadka Kismaayo garteen in ay u gurmadaan Dadka ku barakacay inta u dhaxeysa Muqdisho iyo Afgooye iyadoo ay jiraan sida uu yiri dad tabaaleysan oo ku sugan Magaalada Kismaayo iyo deegaano kale oo ka tirsan Gobollada Jubbooyinka. Si kastaba arrinta ha ahaatee, Deeqda lacageed ee maanta la soo gaarsiiyay Dadka ku barakacay inta u dhaxeysa Muqdisho iyo Afgooye ayaa waxaa la oran karaa waa mid loogu abaal-guday dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho oo iyagu intii aysan dhibaatada ku dhicin u gurman jiray Dad ay waxyeeleeyeen Abaaro iyo Fatahaado ka dhacay Soomaaliya, iyadoo la xusuusan yahay in lacago ay iska uruuriyeen dadka Muqdisho Raashin iyo Dawooyin loogu iibiyay Dad ay saameeyeen abaaro ka dhacay Koofurta Soomaaliya. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online Mogadishu, Somalia
  20. What is rotten is the supposed TFG troops. Young men whose lives have been waste and suffering from many a psychological problems. The true test is going to be how to take them from society and rehabilitate them.
  21. I would hardly classify a mere 100 as a battalion, more like a symbolic company.
  22. Hunguri, xaaladu waaba sidaas. Emperior isla yaab, mararka qaarkood wax laga yaabaad sheegtaa. Sheekadaas oo kale Miskiin iyo waxa la halmaala baa laga filayaa, reer Gedo iyo reer heblaayo baa kala xukumo ku ye. Sow Hassan Dheerihi Afgaduud buursaday nin reer Baardheere asalkiisu yahay maaha?
  23. Emperor, Jubbaland State is more closer to being realized than any other time before. The only reason why former RRA spokesman Madoobe would dare speak of such things as Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka whose job description is limited to the daily functioning of Parliament is because of desperation and the almost realization of Jubbaland. Many thinks will become public knowledge in due time.