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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. The first candidate Al Haji Maxamed Yassin sounds like a very good candidate. Allah, SWT, knows if there is substance behind those words, but he seems like a very good candidate. Ayoub brother you know that I am against any person with blood on their hands from becoming president, as I understand you are against any people from Siad barre's government from taking reigns. So my question is if seccession was out of the question, would we not compromise on people who are more like the aforementioned candidate? A president that was not part of Siad Barre's gov and does not have blood on his hands. Would "Somalilanders" not compromise on that issue?
  2. You just sit back and expect one man to fix everything?..... Flying-still it just goes to show you how very human, we, reer binu Aadan are :rolleyes: And why does it seem like New-Nation is a previous nomad?
  3. indirect flattery to u'rself huh? ^^^^^^^^^^ By god not even shy about it! just playing with you silent-sistah
  4. Gabbal


    Ladies since you guys are soooooooooo fond of insulting us and our intelligence, I want to know what qualities you see in a man. And don't say stuff like, oh sensitivity! Cuz we sure know that when a thief breaks into your house in the middle of the night, a "sensitive" man is the last thing you would want beside you. Oh damn I could just picture it. You heard something downstairs, you and your man both get up. You say "I heard something" expecting him to check it and he turns to saying " i heard it too" looking at you expecting You to check it out.looooooool damn Anyways lets be practical. I mean marriage qualities.
  5. Gabbal


    I don't mean to seem frivolous here, but some nomads have asked me that, since they can't see my avator, that I should post it. To those nomads here it is.
  6. SmithnWestern I really don't think it was fair of you to jump down Jamaal's throat like that. The valid point he was talking about was Islam being state religion and Arabic as co-official language. Smith it seems to me like you are trying to instigate another confrontation between you and I, but believe me bro, I am not going into another qabiil debate with you. I have learned my lesson and I won't bring SomaliaOnline any more disgrace. On a last note you are free to write down whatever you want and please understand that I am in no shape or form trying to curb your freedom of speech so don't take this post offensively.
  7. Thanx Conscious thats exactly as I thought. :cool: Barwaaqo well sis if you and the rest of the nomads were to participate more often, I'm sure a broader understanding of our situation today would be understood by all Somalis.
  8. Silent-Sistah Abaayo macaanto I don't want to cause you any hurt or anything, but your case was unique. It is not the average discipline that one goes through in Somali society. If your life was as the way you allege, then I would be the last person in the world to deny that you were abused. But sis the majority of Somali parents discipline their children, not abuse them. And another thing that puzzles me is why you and some other nomads are thrashing our daqan? Do you think that there is no abuse in western culture? In American culture? Do you think the U.S or the Western world is a happy-go-lucky lalaland for children? The U.S and Somalia (because it did not have a recognized government to ratify it) are the only nations in the world to not have ratified the Convention on the rights of the Child, and the U.S is the only nation in the world to sentence minors to state prisons and penitentiaries and the only nation in the world to sentence minors (therefore children) to death. From Amnesty International The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most widely accepted human rights treaty in the world. Yet of of all the United Nations member states, only the U.S. and the collapsed state of Somalia have not ratified it. The Somali daqan does not propagate hitting children into senselessness, despite what you've been told. If you hate the Somali daqan, because of other reasons, then they are your own, but please don't say because it calls for abuse.
  9. Opinionated sorry sis, I ment a child grows up to be neither a Christian nor a Muslim, it's what the parent makes him. Of course, there are those who Allah, subxanawatacala, leads to the true path, but that is basically how it is. And yes, my macalin did teach me that and I don't know if it was a Sahaba or Nabi Maxamad, salalaahu calayhi wasalam, who said. Ma dambaabi kari, but it was either one who said it. Sister about discipline it is permissable but not on the face. Hadith - Bukhari (#883) and Abu Dawud Nafi' said, "Ibn 'Umar used to beat his children for mistakes in diction Hadith - Dawud, Narrated As-Saburah [Also recorded by Ahmand and al-Hakim. Al-Syuti has give in a notation signifying that it is authentic. Al-Albani has graded it hasan. Al-Albani, Sahih al-Jami, vol. 2, p. 1021] The Prophet said: Order your children to pray at the age of seven. And beat them [lightly] if they do not do so by the age of ten. And separate them in their bedding. However one must not beat children when in any level of anger. Thank god I don't practice the somali dhaqaan, maybe the way you displine your kids are the reason why they behave the way they do. I don't want to say names, but some people in here are proving to be just another Waris Dirie. Our religion is our culture. ****Don't misinterpret my post nomads, I know exactly the difference between abuse and discipline. In fact I would never go beyond 2-3 swipes with a hanger.
  10. Ameenah there are people more knowledgable about Islam than I, so I would like to ask this question to you, Conscious Manipulation, or anybody else who has the knowlendge to answer. Considering how Somalia is now today and how the Muslim ummah is divided, would it be "nationalistic" (which is haraam) to be praying for a united Somalia, so our people can be united? And also taking into effect that you plan to join the ummah as part of a (1) community at a latter time. Is that nationalism, therefore haraam, or instead of even being haraam, it is a great belief in the eyes of Muslims and will get one ajar from the al-Rahiim?
  11. The president, who quit the talks on 29 July, accused the peace conference of taking an anti-Islamic direction saying that a transitional constitution being negotiated in Kenya would create a federal state that would divide Somalia. how much of a valid point is the above Shujui Bro the reporter was obviously inexperienced. Abdiqasim accused the conference of being anti-Islamic, because Arabic was dropped as co-first language, and Islam as state religion. Because of his stance those two were replaced in their respective posts. Are those not valid points? Although I fail to see why Abdiqasim is still in Muqdisho. Only Allah, subxanawatacala, knows if he will go back Whether or not he goes back, he is the most deserving visible Somali politician to become president.
  12. What can i say Opp, we are all backward Soomalis, who can only beat up their children. I think we need to get on with the Amerikaan culture, and stop living like REER-BAADIYIIN. I like that. We also need to approve of sex before marriage, and our daughters can have all the b/friends they want in the world. They are also allowed to wear that thing they see on TV, because its so hip to do and its part of the new culture. What else am i missing? I am very sure there are more i haven't said. Oh, and parents who beat up their children, they all deserve to be in JAIL. I'm in league with you Nin Yaaban :mad: Opinionatted, sis I know you got your opinions, but did you reread your post? Just reading from the post I saw a clear picture of the girl's future. The most likely direction she's heading is to become a Christian. Who said one has to be hit in the face to be disciplined? She can be whipped or pinched or any other kind of beating, or are you against any and all beatings? Children are neither Christian nor Muslim, they are what the parent makes them. God knows how many times I got beat, hit, with all kinds of bruises on my body, but it never, ever crossed my mind to go run to Christians and other gaalos, talking about abuse and other ****** such. Then she has the mind to change clothes at school at the 6th grade! Taas wee ku qasaareen! Think about the parents and what they're going through. I understand what abuse is, but surely u must understand the difference between abuse and discipline?
  13. From: Hussein Ahmed Warsame, PhD To: His Excellency, Abdiqasim Salad Hassan the President of Somalia. Abdiqasim Salad Hassan President of Somalia Excellency: Almost three years ago, I sent to you a letter of advice. I believe it was delivered to you privately when you were in New York in 2000. In that letter, I basically asked you to (1) surround yourself with men and women who have the guts to tell you the truth when you are wrong, (2) choose a prime minister who has a good reputation among Somalis and who is conscious of the complex nature of reconciling Somalis and reconstituting their State, (3) appreciate the delicate nature of the Somaliland issue. I was under the impression that most of that advice was uncontroversial and straightforward. Yet, I received some hate-mail for it after friends that I shared it with leaked it to the secessionist camp. I am, therefore, expecting that this one will also cause me some headache. Nevertheless, I decided to write, in the hope that it may help you make an uncomfortably tough but correct decision about the Somali reconciliation process. Excellency, I am asking you to go back to Mbagathi and take your rightful place in the Somali reconciliation conference. I read some where that "Mawliid Macaane" was asked by the Group 8 to convince you to come back to the conference. I am asking you to listen to that wise, humble, and honest Somali man. I am asking you not to wait for a call from the President of Kenya or his delegate. Remember, while the President of Kenya will ask you not to embarrass him, Mawliid will ask you not to abandon the suffering Somalis who are either internally displaced or are in refugee camps in neighboring or Western countries. Excellency, When I wrote my first and only other letter to you in September 2000, I, like many Somalis, was hopeful that the Arta outcome will significantly help in bringing back dignity and unity to the Somali people. Three years later, that hope has all but vanished. Of course, many other Somalis believed that we, the Arta supporters, were either unscrupulous opportunists, or naïve personalities who did not study Somali history. I believe that we were neither. I still believe that despite the failure of your government to carry the day, history will be kind to the Arta outcome and the sacrifices of the 5000 delegates who attended that meeting and the generosity and concern of the host, President Ismail Omer Geelleh and the people of the Republic of Djibouti. At the minimum, it helped destroy the myth that the warlords were invincible. I do not expect that there will ever be a political meeting anywhere and for any group, people, or nationality, that will be free of weaknesses. The Arta Process was no different. In my last letter to you, I wrote this: Excellency, you may not agree with us, but I and many other supporters of yours, believe that the Arta process had weaknesses; that many compromises were made; that the original consultation process was limited, due to obvious financial as well as time considerations; and that the delegate selection process was deficient. We believe that this resulted in sub-optimal choice of representation from certain regions, especially the Northwest regions. Of course, the repressive self-styled separatist administration of Mohamed Ibrahim Egal, which denies the people of their self-expression, is mainly to blame for it. We also believe that representation based mainly on clan affiliations has major inherent drawbacks. Many people believe that the government of Djibouti, especially its president, had undue influence on the early stages of the process. Your presidency and administration unfortunately inherited these perceived and/or real weaknesses. The above weaknesses alone were enough to compromise the functioning of any administration produced by the Arta process. But, I believe that four other factors contributed to the failure of the Arta process: (1) not only did your administration underestimate the ability of the disgruntled warlords and the secessionist Somaliland administration to disrupt its efforts, it also behaved as if the World community owed it to solve its problems for it, (2) your administration underestimated the determination of Ethiopia to frustrate the outcomes of the Arta process, (3) your administration overestimated the status of Somalia in the Arab League and unduly relied on Arab support, (4) the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on U.S.A. Excellency I am asking you to go back to the Mbagathi conference to basically save its outcome from the same problems that frustrated your administration. Just like you underestimated the warlords, the members of the "leaders group" in the Mbagathi conference are now underestimating you, Yallaxow, Hiiraale, Xaabsade and the Somaliland administration. Just like you expected the World community to solve your financial and strategic problems for you, they are relying on the African Union (AU), the European Union and EGAD to put and keep them in power. Just like you overestimated support from the Arab countries, they are overestimating Ethiopia's ability to do good deeds. Your objections to the July 5th outcome of the Mbagathi conference, as stated in your press conferences, are all understandable. In fact, I believe that your presence and the media coverage that your press conferences received vastly improved the version of the Charter currently under discussion. The charter now indicates: that Somali and Arabic are Somalia's official languages; that Islam is Somalia's religion; the borders of the nation are clearly specified. That improvement is in large part due to your campaign. Excellency There is no doubt that some participants and sponsors of the conference worked hard to isolate you. Had it not been for the opportunity that you received to air your concerns about the conference in this year's AU Heads' meeting, I believe that their plan would have been more effective. But I also believe that your decision not to participate in the remaining phase of the conference will neither help you to become less isolated nor will it help the Somali people to get a better deal. I believe that the sponsors of the conference are anxious to show something for the 20 million US dollars that they spent on it. Therefore, they will push hard to pass a charter and they will build a government. They will also pledge to finance a weak peace keeping African force just to indicate that the outcomes from Mbagathi will not meet the same fate as those of Arta. They will probably decide on an alternative seat for the transitional government while reaffirming their support that Mogadishu remains the future capital of Somalia. In the mean time, you and the remaining members of the Transitional National Government (TNG) and Transitional National Assembly (TNA) will probably meet and unilaterally decide to continue claiming to be the government and the parliament of the nation until such time that an arrangement that meets your approval is agreed upon by the "Somali People". But we all know that such an action will accomplish nothing more than providing you with a newly minted warlord status. Excellency Notwithstanding the failure of your administration to make a meaningful contribution to the reconstruction of the Somali state, I believe that you still command fairly high credibility among the participants of the Mbagathi conference and internationally. Your presence in that conference will improve its outcome by as much as your absence will ensure its failure. Most likely, at the end of that conference, you will be losing your presidency with or without your presence. But the consequences for the Somali people as well as for your name in the Somali communities will depend on your participation in that conference. Therefore, I implore you to go back to the Somali Reconciliation Conference in Mbagathi, Nairobi, and to continue working as best as you can to basically throw yourself out of office but to keep your dignity in tact. I hope that at the conclusion of the conference I can still refer to you as "Excellency". Regards, Hussein Ahmed Warsame, B.Sc., MBA, Ph.D. Professor Warsame teaches and researches in accounting and taxation at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, Canada.
  14. Athena well-said sis. Mizz Unique girl i have to give it to you. You just summed up what i was thinking about. This is what tells me the girl wanted to be "free", she started wearing little shirts and tight jeans when she left her parents. And what grade is she in? 6! Acuudibilaah the father shoud've done more than threaten that little doocil. He should've whipped her *** till she forgot her own name!, and he carried her on his back for miles so she can get to a hospital! :mad: Just imagine what the father is thinking Ou religon says a child is neither a Chritian nor a Muslim, it is what the parent makes him.
  15. It is unfortunate that Abdiqasim left the conference. His concerns are legitimate, but as the Puntland delegate Awad Ashara said "Let everybody who cares about the political problem of our country get on board. The issue of pulling out of the process will not hold water, not at this juncture". It is sad, but the peace of Somalia will not be held for one man. I just hope a president worthy of the post succeeds.
  16. The United Nations (UN) plans to deploy a peacekeeping force in Somalia as soon as the proposed new Government is installed after conclusion of the on-going Somali National Reconciliation Conference here, UN Special Envoy for Somalia, Mr Winston Tubman told a press conference on August 1. Tubman, who had joined Ambassador Bethuel Kiplagat at the press conference, said security would be paramount "when the current peace and reconciliation process for the politically-troubled Somali yields its intended fruits". Ambassador Kiplagat is Kenya's Special Envoy for Somalia peace process. Tubman noted: "At this juncture we shall be at hand to deploy peacekeepers as part and our contribution towards this long journey." Ambassador Kiplagat would not say how long this process was likely to take, but noted, "We have done pretty well", and added: "As per now, we are in the process of reviewing the draft document on the proposed Charter, after which we shall move to the third leg of the process, involving power-sharing." Answering a question, Ambassador Kiplagat said the reported cases of some people "pulling" out of the current peace and reconciliation process will not derail talks. He was alluding to some reports that the leader of the Transitional National Government (TNG) of Somalia, Abdiqassim Salad Hassan, had pulled out of the negotiations. In a statement issued on July 29, the TNG had raised some complaints against Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), which is playing the mediation role at the peace talks. "With or without some people, the process must continue. The regional Governments of IGAD, the UN, the Arab League, the friends of IGAD as well as the Somali community in general, are committed to seeing it through, hence we do not intend to either derail, delay or stop," observed Ambassador Kiplagat. A delegate from Puntland, Awad Ashara, told AANA after the press conference, "Let everybody who cares about the political problem of our country get on board. The issue of pulling out of the process will not hold water, not at this juncture".
  17. You know what? I've been in the middle of what I hate the most, which is qabiil politics. Yusuf has made me realize a few things. For those of you who gave me support, thank you; and for those of you who were in opposition to me well let's forgive and forget. To my brother SmithNwestern all I have to say is I have new found respect for you bro. All that time I was insulting you personally, you shrugged it off and went on with your part of the debate. That is a trait to be admired and respected upon. Good debating with you. Yusufaddie I'm happy to say that your posts woke me out of an unpleasant dream. Thank you bro, although I think a true Somali is a true Muslim, seeing as how our religion is intertwined with our everyday culture and tradition. Our religon is our culture and religion, to be exact. Thanx again bro. I'm glad to say this is my last post in this thread, a thread that I had no idea would take this road. SmithNwestern I apologize for the insults I threw at you. No hard feelings bro.
  18. Let the game play brother. A man supported by Somalia's mortal enemy comes to kill and destroy a whole village and you are asking why the village received help? You are trully as despicable and clanistic as I thought SmithNWestern. You have just been a witness to how you care about nothing, but for only the betterment of your clan! code: We Won't Forget Bossaso genocide Warlord Abdullahi Yusuf and his militia have started clash by 9:00 am on 5th of August 2001 and they shot down the Airport Bossaso with heavy guns and anti aircraft weapons. After one hour fight Col. Yusuf captured the Airport. Inside Bossaso, 130 Darawish who were loyal to Col. Yusuf have settled and captured President’s palace which is located near the coast of Red Sea outside of Bossaso. Those Darawish were planning to capture port of Bossaso and also distributed military supplies to Col Yusuf’s militia. With confidence the people of Bossaso led by their elders have fought bravely and defended the town and hated the Colonel’s militia, avoiding them to spread in the town. Col. Yusuf seem unsafe and hopeless when the fight started he tortured and killed some of his militia. He was wearing military uniform and carrying pistol. On 6th of August, Col. Yusuf has received better lesson from Bossaso till they defeated him by 11:30 am. Col. Yusuf was not hesitated after when he saw many of his militia wounded and died. He decided to run away without a military plan. He run with his staff by himself and then rest of Militia alerted with nothing and exhausted while they seem very disappointed. After two days of genocide and killing Bossaso town become very safe and normal. These success come from elders and people of Bossaso town who protected their dignity, unity, and their future destiny. Here are lost of Bossaso heartbreak: Victims of Bossaso Death. 1. Hirsi Shire Ali 2. Jama Muse Ismail. 3. Haykal Abdirahman Artan. 4. Khadra Abdirahman Artan. 5. Ina Said Gaacshe 6. Abdi Xuseen Guray 7. Abdiqadir Mohamed Omar. 8. Jama Firin Shire 9. Mohamed Said 10. Saleeban Ugar Buluc 11. Ismail Mohamed Ali 12. Farah Guhad Abdikarim 13. Said Ali Faarax 14. Sodan Wacays Said. 15. Bashir Omar Said. Victims of Gardo Death. 1. Bari Abdullah Husuf 2. Ina Hilac Cisman Qurxan 3. Cisman Makhayad 4. Ina Abdirahman Artan. Foreign Victims who died Two victims from Ethiopia have died in this tragedy code: Somalia America's Second Coming? Terrorism By Matthias Muindi Early this month, American and British military operatives stated that a Somalia based group Al Itihaad al Islamiya (Islamic Unity) was running terrorist camps in the tiny island of Ras Komboni off the coast of anarchic Somalia. The US which claimed that the group was linked to Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda network added that Al Itihaad had other camps in El Wak region in southwest Somalia and Las Nok in the north. Yet when UN officials visited Ras Komboni a few days later, all they found was a derelict orphanage. "We have not seen any connection between Al Itihaad and Al Qaeda," said Randolph Kent, UN Humanitarian Co-ordinator for Somalia. On December 6, a few days after the Ras Komboni fiasco, a group of Somali and American journalists set out for another village, Shimbirare in the northeast region of Puntland which was also cited as hosting similar camps. It was another wild goose chase. One of the journalists told the BBC that Shimbirare was only inhabited by Somalis fishermen and it "was not a venue for training terrorists." But such statements didn't prevent the US Assistant Secretary of Defence, Paul Wolfowitz to say that Somalia was a country "that has a certain al Qaeda presence." Hence should be the next stop after the Afghanistan expedition. On December 9, nine US military officers visited Somalia to identify potential terrorist targets. According to the Mogadishu-based HornAfrik radio, the officers visited the country’s second largest town, Baidoa located 240 km south of Mogadishu and inspected military facilities, including the airport, in and around the town. Baidoa is controlled by the Rahanwein Resistance Army (RRA), which is opposed to the transitional government of President Abdiqassim Hassan Salat. The RRA which also controls the Bay and Bakol regions stated its willingness to welcome "any outside forces who are fighting terrorism" in its areas. By then the RRA had mounted a propaganda campaign alleging that the country's interim regime of President Abdiqassim Salat was benefiting from al Itihaad's extensive banking and trade investments. The group is also one of the biggest providers of health and education services in the embattled country. Since it came to power in August 2000 after a reconciliation meeting in neighbouring Djibouti, the Salat regime has been struggling to gain as much territory as possible from the numerous warlords who have made Somalia ungovernable. But the Salat regime has vehemently denied the existence of any camps in the country or allegations that it is an ally of al Qaeda. "There are no camps or bases for al-Qaeda in Somalia, and the majority of the Somali people knew of al-Qaeda only after the September 11 attacks," said Somali presidential envoy Yusuf Ibrahim during a visit to Sudan. Ibrahim disputed that bin Laden would head to Somalia if he were routed from Afghanistan saying Somalia was "open territory" lacking hiding places. Somalia’s new Prime Minister, Hassan Farah stated that if the US decided to carry out air strikes on Somalia there would be no justification for this. Indeed, the talk in Mogadishu is that the US is just out to restore honour after the humiliation in 1993 when ragtag militias killed 18 American soldiers scuttling a UN peace force send to the country in 1992. They point that the US is keen to stamp by its authority by any means necessary especially after last month's seizure by the US of assets belonging to Somali-owned largest money transfer agency, Al Barakaat. Washington alleged that al Barakaat was a financial ally of al Qaeda. According to UN's Kent, the result has been a deterioration of the lives of Somalis most who depend on remittances from friends and relatives living abroad. Most of the intelligence being considered for the Somalia operation comes from US missions in Addis Ababa and Nairobi since according to Walter Kansteiner, US Under-secretary for Africa, American interest in the country has been one of "benign neglect." For Ethiopia, dismantling the Salat regime is a priority as Addis Ababa accuses it of supporting secession minded Somalis living in Ethiopia’s Ogaden region. Most of these Somalis argue for a creation of a Greater Somalia, a territory to be inhabited only by Somali speaking people and ruled by Islamic law. That is what Al Itihaad stood for in the early 1990s when it was very active. It has however faded from the picture after it was implicated in a failed assassination bid on Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak in 1995 during an Organisation of Africa Unity (OAU) meeting in Ethiopia. Against such background, Ethiopia, a country beset by ethnic rebellions has been keen to play host to Somalia's many warlords who since the September 11 attacks have been striking poses of political moderation. In their sojourns to Ethiopia these faction leaders who are incensed by the international prestige enjoyed by the Salat regime have met western diplomats accredited to Addis Ababa and senior Ethiopian government officials. The latest visit was on December 7 by Muhammad Nur Shatigadud, RRA boss who also chairs the Somali Reconciliation and Reconstruction Council (SRRA), a pro-Ethiopia body set up ostensibly to achieve reconciliation in Somalia. A month earlier, two other warlords, Col. Abdulahi Yusuf, governor of the breakaway region of Puntland in the northeast and Mogadishu based Hussein Aidid met with an Israeli delegation in an eastern Ethiopian town of Gode. During the meeting the duo agreed to let Israel use areas controlled by the duo for military purposes. In return, Israel would assist the warlords militarily and economically. Days after the meeting, Yusuf claimed that Puntland was infested with terrorists and it was time the Americans acted. In an interview with an Italian TV station, Yusuf who was ousted from his post in October, paraded some Somali youths who he had arrested claiming they were heading to Afghanistan via Yemen. <a href="'> code: " target="_blank"> code: ......the above accusation is only a cover up for the involvement of Ethiopian forces in 'Puntland' which was confirmed by independent witnesses who were interviewed by the BBC. The Ethiopians were the only forces who went there from outside the 'Puntland' area. These forces were sent to re enforce Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf whom the current Ethiopian leadership has all along been grooming to become the helmsman in post Siad Barre Somalia. Abdullahi Yusuf is the only Somali of some standing who supports Ethiopia's balkanization policy of Somalia, as evidenced by her so called building blocks concept, which is also the catch word of the Paper under reference. Ethiopia, taking advantage of the current situation in Somalia, has been advocating a division of the latter into several or many mini fiefdoms of clan based enclaves (the so called building blocks). Even the creation of the so called 'Puntland' was an Ethiopian brainchild, except its name. It was intended to lead the way for other fiefdoms to follow suit. The innuendo is quite evident from the Paper under review. Ethiopia covets that at least a half of such fiefdoms could be pressured to become client sub states subservient to her whims and thus negate any cohesion of Somali nationhood, much less an effective central authority. Consequently, political support for Abdullahi Yusuf waned not only in his own constituency, because of his support of Ethiopian policy vis avis Somalia, but even the other pro Ethiopia Somali groups rejected the latter's attempts to install Abdullahi Yusuf as groups'leader. The only time on record of these groups saying no to an Ethiopian demand. However, Abdullahi Yusuf, still covets the 'Puntland' leadership and by force of arms with Ethiopian backing defied the democratic process in which his sucessor was elected. In this vein, he killed about a score of his own people whose leader he wants to become again and is fighting for. code: Cashing the idea of fighting terrorism By Somali Support Committee Nov 25 2001 Press Release:Washington DC – Somali Support Committee and the Somali intellectuals around the world are deeply dismayed and outraged by the barbaric coward and the uncivilized act of the former president of Puntland. He attacked the Free world and the democratic people of Puntland Abdullahi Yusuf, ignored all legible charters of the UN and the world by using force to rewrite the will of the Puntland people which they caste to vote freely and elected a new leader . Abdullahi. Yusuf became a lunatic and a warlod whose only abition is to divide and rule by using the barrel of the gun. Mr. Yusuf is trying to insult our intelligence when any time he opens his mouth re repeating that he is fighting with the international terrorism, where indeed he is massacring his own people. It became obvious that all the warlords and the ruthless dictators are cashing the idea of fighting terrorism. Mr. Yusuf, since when the Somali traditional dress and being a Muslim became a terrorist? Or maybe trying to satisfy your greed and selfishness of power hungry is making you blind. The 2nd Constitutional Conference of the State of Puntland of Somalia ended (Wednesday) November 14,2001 in Garowe with the election of a new President and a Vice-President for a period of three years. The results of the two-and-half-month long Conference mean a continuation of Puntland’s administration established here in 1998 due to the prolonged absence of a national government in Somalia since the downfall of the military regime under General Mohammed Siyad Barre in 1991. The President-elect is Mr. Jama Ali Jama, a 61-year-old politician educated at Moscow State University and former political detainee for eleven years. Of ten contenders for the post of the President, Jama won an outright victory in the first round obtaining 283 votes among the present 452 voters. The interim Charter of Puntland stipulates that a winner in the first round has to achieve above 50% of the total votes cast. His nearest rival, Musse Haji Saeed Mumin, got 103 votes. The new Vice-President is Ahmed Mohamoud Goala from Sool region, Governor of the Bank of Puntland State, a 60-year-old professional banker, educated in Britain in the 1960s. Prior to his last job in Puntland, he had served the African Development Bank in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, for twenty years. He defeated his closest challenger, Farah Warsame Osman, a former Puntland Minister of Social affairs, by a wide margin of 97 votes by winning 328 votes. Apart from having the traditional feel of sorting things out, the marathon Conference had to solve a series of clan and sub-clan complaints from most of the regions regarding the sharing of vote-carrying delegates. Despite the inherent sluggishness, a healthy electioneering campaign kept the city simmering. The conclusion was a free and fair election openly contested in the Conference Hall by both show of hands and count of cards of each of the number of vote-carrying delegates representing the five regions of Bari, Nugal, Soul,Sanag, Mudug and the district of Buhodleh which established the State of Puntland Somalia three years ago The fundamental intention was and is to be part of a future federal Somalia only after comprehensive, all-inclusive and satisfactory reconciliation was done and this has not been yet realized. The election process under the watchful eye of the titled traditional leaders, the Issims, of the people is expected to be completed with the selection of 66 members of parliament by the regions within 45 days. The legislative body shall be required to approve council of ministers to be appointed by the President within the next couple of weeks. But in contrary the former President Mr. Yusuf views it differently, he believes only the power of the barrel should rule the land. Mr. Yusuf, the former president coordinated a deliberate and a well-calculated attack to the capital of Puntland and its people. He repeated his August 5th massacre in Bossaso, which more than 120 people died in his attack, and now in Garoe on 11/20/2001 more than 20 died and 80 wounded so far. The new leadership show determination to strengthen the security and stability of the State, maintain close friendly relations with Ethiopia and co-operate with the Governments of the United States of America and Great Britain to ensure that there are no hideouts of terrorist suspects in the territory of Puntland. It seems, however, that the new administration will have to concentrate some issues of internal concern of its own before taking part in any serious Somali national reconciliation. The first such internal priority is how to deal with Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, Puntland’s first President who is now 15 Km away from Garoe city, claiming that he is still the President. He holds grudges because his wish to breach the law by withholding the planned elections in the Charter has been denied. He has indeed already declared his position to reject the reality in the land. The new leaders’ worry is that the Colonel may be a man consumed by indifference of the situation who could sow hatred and confrontation among his supporters and majority non-supporters of the community in Galkayo. And his recent violent attack and actions in Garoe and Bossaso cities proved that. If these aggressions continue, the situation could lead to wider implications. Somali Support Committee, SDC and the rest of the Somali Communities are asking the UN, US, and national security council to condemn this act of terrorism and watch those warlords who want to cash the idea of the international community for fighting terrorism but indeed acting ruthlessness and kidnapping the free will of their countrymen. More to come. You not only support a senile old murderer, but one who is zionist-loving and Ethio-worshipping too? Amazing. SmithNWestern I daresay I am disappointed in you. Do you not understand what credible and news sources mean? One editorial, wrote by your clansman is not going to cut it. The battle is just beginning my friend.
  19. This has trully gone too far. If I were to respond to my dear brother Smithnwestern's post in the initial urge that I felt, then I would have been instigating a war SomaliaOnline's administrators would trully hold despicable and would have ruined the respect that so much people hold for this forum. I have already defended Abdiqasim in everyway, there is nothing that I can write that wouldn't be repetitious and which would not waste server space. However I would like to say to dear Smith, that he shouldn't always believe the stories dear old grandfather tells him, for obvious reasons. I support PUNTLAND and its leader because it makes sense to me because of the stability and development Smith if you were to support anyplace for their development or stability, it would be your immediate neighbor to the west brother. Abdiqasin sent 65 battle wagons and 400 militias to Kismayu in order to strengthen his clan cousin Colonel Seerar and the JVA in 2002 when he was suppose to bring peace to Somalia he was taking sides with his clan another trait of warlords. You are trully despicable. What you are trying to hide was the fact that Abdiqasim was right in sending that weaponry for the sake of saving lives! When General Morgan, and we all know what clan he is from, supported by Ethiopia(Abdulahi Yusuf's best friend and mentor) attacked Kismaayo which was helpless at that time, the two clans that resided there, and two who had previously hated each other, banded as Somalis and withstood the attack thereby repelling Morgan and his clansmen. I am positive you were happy at the attack and supported it wholeheartedly didn't you Smithy? code: As you know the saying goes "the truth is in the pudding." Dear SmithNWestern I will give you but one day to find any, and I mean any news sources that have any incriminating evidence on Abdiqasim Salad Hassan, and you will give me one day afterword to find any news sources that have any incriminating evidence on Abdulahi Yusuf. We will let the dear members of this great forum decide who is more worthy of supporting. And dear Smith, I don't want you to mistake news sources as news source and only use, kapiish?
  20. Guraad have you been picking up on the rumours Cabdulahi Yusuf and his cronies have been instigating against the TNG so the U.S can attack Somalia? That's beneath you brother, and am sorry to see the filth you're bringing in this great forum. Terrorist? What are you the PR person for the world's great Satan country? Don't talk about qabyaaladnimo, because I have watched from the sidelines these days as you and some other nomads brought a level of qabiil talks unprecedented since the departure of Samy-Gyrl. You know what I'm talking about. Atleast the "landers" outright declare their seccession, but a certain group in here give veiled threats in here talking about how their great (Warlord) ruler has the "experience" to control Somalia and that, that he has to become president or else. Guraad, brother, the last thing we Somalis need is that "experience" and another person to "control" Somalia. Hypocrisy I say, considering how that same group cries Somali Unity, but if only a dying murderer is to take reigns of power. Bari_Nomad you are excluded from that group. When I cry Somali Unity, I daresay I mean it with all my heart, without sacrifing our liberty and freedom under another murderous tyrant! Yusufaddie brother I have great respect for you and understood your point correctly. Thank You.
  21. I don't understand the "odacity" of my mail. Mails are from the one who sent and the one who receives. But if, however, you expected to find some incriminating evidence on me, you've not, far from it you've shown the nomads how far i will go when I'm accused of clan politics! well! why dont we spicy up the pot and but a price on their heads. hah? let say 50k for anyone who displays the head of these killers. i cant believe some of us side with these murders just because unfortunately of tribal reasons. remember if you leave by the sword u do by the sword. and the biggest shame is this. we all claim we r good moslem but if the murder is your keenship, u look the other way. so we come back to square #1, act like the best moslem in the world but when it comes to our dirty laundary, we all pretend to be clueless! reality sucks, dont! ..and then Mystery latched to your post with this Zak99, well said bro, quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- we all claim we r good moslem but if the murder is your keenship, u look the other way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HornAfrique, Though I agree with you the list of names you identified as war criminals I hope you are not excluding ina Salad Boy, because you support him or worse because he's your kinship. I trully hate clan politics and by sending that post I wanted to clarify that I was not from Abdiqasim's clan and that, that had nothing to do with my being pro-Abdiqasim. Anyway good day to you brother.
  22. Grinov don't throw qabyaaladnimo at me. The fact of the matter is (1st) I don't hail from Gedo, I was born in Muqdisho and raised outside of Somalia; and (2nd) I have no problem in bring Gaani, Maslah, and anybody else to trial for their actions. What other insinuations do you have? I daresay none! Brother don't accuse me of qabiil politics, that's one of the worst accusations anybody can throw at me.
  23. But a lot of muslims seem to be under the opnion that Islam is not a suitable system of governance - i don't get that Ameenah sister who has ever told you that does not have Islam in his/her heart. " This day I have perfected your religion for you and have chosen for you Islam as your religon " Allah, subxanawatacala, has said in the Qur'aan. A Muslim who does not want to be lead by the very word of God cannot be called a Muslims at all! But as you know sister we have to take consideration of Shaytaan and the infidels with their immoral culture. Taking those two into consideration, one will understand that today's Muslims aren't ready for Shariah, not because they don't want to, but because they have been brought up to believe that it is immoral, merciless, and oppressive. That is why Shariah has to brought up from the bottom not vice versa. It has to be indoctrinated in the minds and souls of young Muslims and the mercy and blessing of Allah, subxanawatacla, has to be seen as synonomous with Shariah law. Sadly that takes time, and if this bottoms up approach is put to test, than i'm sure it will take no less then 1/3 of a century for Shariah to be widely accepted by all Somalis, and all Muslims. That is I'm afraid how serious the situation is and how far Shaytaan has corrupted our souls.
  24. Maslah and Gani have been defunct in recent time, but Hiraale I have named, because he is functioning. I wonder why you chose those three to throw at me?