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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. WHY NOT??? Simple. We Somalis are the biggest hypocrits of all. We value saving face and shy away from hurting ours and our family's reputations. To answer you question: No Somali women will come out in public and say she was raped and no Somali man will come out in public and admit he raped a women. It is a taboo and the slience emanating from that delegates the subject to the far abyss corners during discussion of the civil war.
  2. We need all the help we can to rebuild. We welcome Italy's support.
  3. Baashi gacan baa kuu taagay ina adeer. Sidaa u soo qabatay.. War dee barabiyo baan ku iri :cool:
  4. I have stopped trusting any Somali news thats written in Somali period. p.s. Where's Duke? This kind of thread falls into his category
  5. HORN - Thanks for the two conflicting articles. Just makes me wonder who's really in charge in the districts of western Galguduud. Nin walba asagaa is maamulo Freedom: Somali style
  6. Despite being state-less for over a decade and have the most amounts of negative press attention per country, we are thriving. I have even read statistics that point out that the average Somali lives better off then a number of other African citizens, including those of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Tanzania, Zambia, etc. My own father who just came back recently from a business trip there backed up that point. He, unfortunately, was not able to visit Muqdisho. Imagine if he had..! As the poet Carays Ciise said "dadku isku hooyo iyo aaba ah, qabiil baa la huwiyoo, iska jafa!"
  7. . In other words, Muslims must abandon their supposed orthodoxy and adapt their religion to suit the demands of the modern secular state. That's the mentality of Jews. Christians and Jews have rewritten and done so many revisions to their books that today you can call the Bible and Torah completely man-made books. These are not the "people of the book" that the Quraan decribes so accurately as really they have no book! Keep in mind that the Prophet's (SCW) message came down much latter than that of the prophet's Musa and Cisa (CS's). It was in the middle ages that the Christians and Jews completely adopted the policy of rewritting their holy books to fit their lifestyles. In contrast, we Muslims are at our middle ages and the mentality that lead to todays "King James Version" and "...... Version" is being planted in the heads of Muslims! Mark my words that soon you will hear calls or attempts by so-called "Muslims" to alter the Qur'aan! It seems as though this is the starting of a battle we, the faithful, have to prepare for. For some Western non-Muslims, the message of Islam’s “reformists†holds attraction on a number of levels: it reinforces the cultural hubris that Western values are the panacea for every ill; it offers a simplistic answer to a very complex problem; and it represents a message delivered by people who are palatable to the secular West, even if they hold little credibility in the Islamic circles they claim to influence. Irshad Manji is a textbook example of such a phenomena: as a lesbian activist she espouses a lifestyle that Muslims, like many Christians and Jews, disagree with, holds no formal qualification in Islam, yet purports to lecture Muslims as to how they can ‘reform’ whilst only ever addressing non-Muslim audiences or forums. Read and analyze this paragraph carefully.
  8. Sxb I wanted to question what you ment by a comment you made in the tacsi for the dead marxuum, so I opened up this thread to not disrespect the other tacsi one. Condolences will suffice.Your history lesson though highly flawed as it is is better off somewhere else. What was so highly flawed about my saying Shire Jamac Ahmed wrote the Somali latin script :confused:
  9. The reports of Cabudwaq, Balanbale, and Dhabat joining have long by falsified so I don't know if there's any truth to Cadaado joining. Gudoomiyaha Degmooyinka Caabudwaaq, Balanbale iyo Dhabad oo beeniyey inay ku biirayaan maamuul Gobolleedka Puntland But then this came out today so there's conflict of interest I have to say. Xagee Maraysaa Wadahalkii u socday Wafdiga Beesha ********* iyo Maamul Goboleedka Puntland (Waraysi Hilowle Aadan):-
  10. I've known SNF-Biixi for sometime but I never knew how Hiiraale fit into the entire SNF thing. He seemed to appear out of nowhere and hit it big with the Kismaayo capture years ago. Appeared out of nowhere? Col Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale) is most famous for being the man to have repelled Caydiid's (ilaahay ha u naxariisto) invasion of Gedo! Way before Kismayo, it was Hiiraale's bullet that peirced Col Shabeele's body and sent Caydiid limping away in injury from Gedo! The man most responsible for the "independence" of Gedo and you say he appeared out of nowhere? :eek: WindTalker there are things I have to inform you about bro After securing Gedo, Hiiraale made his way upto Galgadud and is the man responsible for having secured the peace in that area too! Not through the sword as in Gedo, but through a peace agreement that destroyed all the hostilities between reer Cabudwaq (and relations) and the other Muqdisho-affiliated clans in Galgadud. There was a "Walaalaha Galgadud" (coined by Caydiid's sub-subclan) way before Kismayo came into the picture bro and it had comprised of reer Cabudwaq and Abdiqasim's sub-clan as early as 1994.
  11. I was wondering what is the link between Hiraale and Biixi? Also, why is Adden often, regarded as an enemy per se, by the people of Gedo? Well Hiiraale and Biixi virtually go hand in hand, they are each other's biggest supporters. Sayid Adden is not an "enemy", but his political ideology is considered "outside or alien" to the politics of the region and the community as a whole. At the time when Anti-Ethiopia feelings were high in the region and the community was in widespread support of the Carta government, Mohamoud Sayid Adden joined the SRRC pro-Ethiopia coalition, which was and is considered a grave sin in Gedo! about your location saaxib, dalka waan kala aqaana. since when did galguduud have hills, are you serious about balanbale hills mise waa kaftan? There are hills and mountains in western Galgadud bro Have you heard of Buurta Burgeesoole? It is the biggest mountain in all of Mudug and it located centrally between Cabudwaq and Balanbale. Horn, I was wondering,if relations with other brethren sub-clans were part of the discussion? Their first priority is cleaning up their own house (about time I say). After thet, they can debate about where they fit in the national arean. quote: Abdirizak ***** Biixi is he the one that resides in VA(or was it DC area?) and If yes, any relations to the former "Ambassador-Fadumo ***** Biixi" (from my understanding she also has a sister who resides in VA) He is not the one living in Virginia, thats Gen. Haji Massale, and yes he is a brother to the lady ambassador. Horn-was the support for Barre(Allaha uu naxaristo) spurting from his sub-clan (as in reer siyad) or was it affirmed by the whole TRIBE(as in M/rehan). Iam asking this coz it seems like the other M/rehan clans are FAINT in GEDO politics-do tell me brother coz you are much more informed in HOME [big Grin] politics than I dear. On the other hand, It just dawned on me that the Reer Siyad might have had the "popularity" when the former regime was at place due to the support by Late president. You had to name clan names didn't you? Let's hope the Admin doesn't get you Actually most of the "community" was in league with Siad Barre, and the funny thing is his only opposition was coming from those that spurted from his sub-clan (as in Reer Siyad). As for the "faintness" you alleged of the other sub-clans in Gedo politics, well they did not and do not want exacerbate the situation by disagreeing with Reer Siyaad (literally). That's exactly why the majority of the sub-clan sided with Col Abdirizaq ***** Biixi and against Mohamoud Sayid Adden. Mohamoud Sayid Adden and his reer Hassan (and their allied camps) felt disenfranchised and betrayed that the majority of the community sided against them (native reer Gedonians) and sided with Reer Siyaad (mostly immigrants from Mudug).
  12. that Barre (Ilaahay ha u naxariisto) was shown somewhat brutally that he didn't have the support of his sub-clan, didn't they turn against him thus leaving him no choice but to accept Moi's invitation? Ms Word two of your "uncles" (literally) verbally whip lashing the late strongman didn't make him run away He decided the best course was the leave the situation in peace so as not complicate the situation in Gedo.
  13. I'm not quite sure I fully understand the intra-politics of the region. What are the factions and what agendas do they adhere to? As in, what are the major disagreements v. alliances etc? The first division and problems of the region started in the beginning of the civil war. It started as a result of two opposing views held by the majority of the inhabitants of Gedo and their relations throughout the country. One half of the community wanted to say in the past and still recognized Mohamed Siad Barre (ilaahay ha u naxariisto) as the de facto head of state and believed that was what all reer Gedo and their relations should be working towards, on how to put the strong man back in power. The other half of the community realized that there was no way possible that the president could be put back to power and they wanted to move on and reconcil with the rest of the Somali nation concerning some of the bad deeds that had been done in the name of their sub-clan. That problem worked itself when Siad Barre, realizing the he didn't have a good chance of going back to power and not wanting to create divison between the community, decided to accept Daniel Arap Moi on his invitation to go to Kenya and from there on to Nigeria. This long-standing current conflict that is being pacified now has its roots in the leadership of the SNF. General Cumar Haji Massale, the leader of the SNF since 1991, was sent by members of the sub-clan to the United States for mediacl treatment. He has since been residing in the state if Virginia. With his leaving, there was a sudden and unexpected power vacuum in the SNF since it had accomadated only one chairman since its founding. Two men then claimed leadership of the organization and with that the community efictively split into two. A majority of the people favored Abdirizak ***** Biixi and he was named chairman of the SNF, while the other contender Mohamoud Sayid Adden split from the SNF, allied himself with Ethiopia, and joined the coalition of SRRC anti-Carte groups. Gedo was divided into SNF controlled areas and SNF/SRRC controlled areas until parliament of the transitional government was built. Both Abdirizaq and Mohamud were immediately named MPs and were told to leave Gedo for Nairobi thereby leaving the region to be administered by traditional leaders and intellectuals. Now what we are seeing is the fruits of the long work that was done by the intellectuals and traditional leaders in trying to unify and pacify the region without the negative presence of the two men there. Gedo has great potentional, the community wants to make sure that the future of the region is never left up to the ego of "strongmen" again. :cool:
  14. up to two hundred Somali ex military personnel today met at the centre of the ex revelatory party in Mogadishu and confirmed that they would fight if Ethiopia solders arrived in Mogadishu desorbing them former enemy. My support goes out to them and I hope a lot more from all over the country stand up and join forces with them. Fight the filthy, AIDS-infested, raw meat-eating cannablistic Habeshs who dare to even contemplate going anywhere near Somalia! This is a precendent that must not be allowed to stand. :mad: Our internal affairs shall be controlled by no one save us! Could this be the single act that unifies the nation? I truly hope so.
  15. Aqoon-iswaydaarsi laga hadlayay nabada Gobalka Gedo oo maanta lagu soo gabagabeeyay degmada Baardheere ee Gobalka Gedo. Waxaa maalintii Shalay ahayd lagu soo gabagabeeyay xarunta Ururka Samafalka wadaniga ah SADO ee degmada Baardheere Aqoon-iswaydaarsi lagaga hadlayay xalinta khilaafaadka iyo sameyn qorshe lagu hormarinayo nabada Gobalka Gedo oo ay ka soo qaybgaleen in ka badan 100 xubnood oo ka kala socday 7-da ee uu ka kooban yahay Gobalku. Aqoon-iswaydaarsigan oo socday mudo 3 maalmood ah ayaa gabagabadii waxaa laga soo saaray qodobo ay ka mid yihiin In baaq nabadeed la gaarsiiyo dhamaan qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada ku dhaqan Gobalka, in la qabto shirwayne heer Gobal ah laguna qabto degmada G/haareey mudo 45 casho gudohood ah, Balan qaad dhinaca nabadgaliyada Gobalka ah oo loo diray dhamaan hay’adaha Samafalka iyadoo loo balan qaaday in Garoonada diyaaradu furan yihiin amaankooda la sugi doono si ay dadka Gobalka u soo gaarsiiyaan howlihii ay bulshada u qaban jireen. Aqoon-iswaydaarsigan oo lagu doortay gudi ka kooban 28 xubnood oo ay ku jiraan Gudoomiyeyaasha degmooyinka Gobalka ayaa la sheegay inay Gudigan qaban-qaabin doonaa shirwayne heer Gobal ah isla markaasna ay u raadiyaan dhaqaalle lagu qabto shirkaasi. Gudigan ka shaqayn doona howlaha nabada Gobalka ayaa waxaa gudoomiye loogu doortay Gudoomiyaha Deg. G/haareey Gaarane Nuur Maxamuud halka Cabdi Barre Cabdi isagana loo doortay Gudoomiye ku xigeen iyo C/qaadir Cismaan Jaamac oo xoghayn ah. Aqoon-iswaydaarigan oo uu shir gudoominayay Gudoomiyaha Maamulka Degmada Baardheere Barre Cabdi Ismaaciil ayaa wuxuu u mahadceliyay Hay’ada SADO oo iyagu in mudo ahba ku howlanaa Barmaamijka tubta nabada Gobalka Gedo iyo Hay’ada CIDA oo bixisay dhaqaalaha, isagoo ugu baaqay dadweynaha ku nool Gobalka Gedo inay iska ilaawaan khilaafaadkii hore uga dhexeeyay wuxuuna ugu dambayntii Gudoomiyuhu ka codsaday Hay’ada Samafalka inay Gobalka ka qaadaan Cunaqabataynta. Xasan C Keynaan Gedonet, B/Dheere
  16. Originally posted by who_me: ^waxaan ula jeedaba waad fahantay Waxaad uga jeeday waan gartay laakin soory sheeko kuu ma'hayo. :cool:
  17. LOL Ayoub Abdulahi Yusuf was at first doing everything in his power NOT to go to Xamar and now this..? I wonder what brought about the change?
  18. LOL Who_me Haday sidaas tahay, first if all wax ladaho "ula jeedo" ma aqiin Miyaad ka waday ujeedo
  19. Whether it's logical or not logical for the government to go to the capital or not, all I'm saying is that the transitional government will recieve true and complete international legitimization if and when news outlets announce the government has been placed in Muqdisho. The Abdiqasim Episode has completely lost the international community's apetite for Somali "governments". Now, as you well see, it is much more harder to get international support (not talking about lip service here) then pre-Abdiqasim times.
  20. And they say lets all go back to Mogadishu You don't understand Duke, the placing of the government in Muqdisho legitimizes the work that was done for over two years.
  21. Soomalida afkeeda markii loo kala qaybiyo reer Waqooyi iyo "reer Koonfur" waa mushkilo socoto oo tilmaamayso inaad dadka Soomaaliyeed waxba aadan ka aqiin. 1. Reer Waqooyi wax ladaho wee jirtaa ee waa dadka waqooyi ku nool oo waa isku af (maqalka markii la tilmaamayo). 2. Reer Mudug ayaguna waa dad isku af ah (markii maqalka la tilmaamayo) iyo isku dhaqan ah oo waa dad dago bartamaha Soomaaliya. Abdulahi Yusuf is a good example of this. 3. Reer Benaadir iyo xeradeeda waxa dago waa isku af (markii maqalka la tilmaamayo) oona waa "accentkaa" u jeclahay. Muuse Suudi Yalahow is a good example of this. 4. Reer Xamar oo dadka gibil-cadka tilmaamayso waa nooc ka duwan noocyada aan kor kusoo sheegay. A good example of "Reer Xamar" is niikis songs. 5. Reer Bay iyo Bakool afkooda Soomaalida inta u badan ma fahmaan ee waaba nooc lala yaabo. Waxaad u malaynaysaa inay afkala yihiin oo waa Oromo iyo Soomaali iyo wax kaloo isku jiro. Generally #'s 1,2, and 3 are called Maxaatiri af-Soomali while #'s 4 and 5 are called Maay af-Soomali.
  22. Rahima! How are you doing gacaliso? Long time noo see eeh :eek: Welcome back dearly and more for in pm :cool:
  23. Jumatatu kugu ma daba laablaabanaayi, laakiin taangis feery armaajor for clarifying your position :cool:
  24. Such a historic time! Actually the "war" had started on our house months before the day the government was officially kicked out. Months before the the real ruckus begun, our house was being shelled indiscriminately every night after the sun went down. It seems (during that time) that we were in the middle of an "unfriendly" neighborhood! The neighborhood wasn't unfriendly in general, but during that time was unfriendly toward US! Our family and my uncle's family lived in a big compound divided into two houses in the Suqa Xoolaha suburb area far from the city center. So the night the president was officially being overthrown, is ka daa dad kalee ee our own former friendly neighbors were shellin and snipping at us! Well anyways two of my uncles, some friends they were playing cards with, and our guards held fence until my father and another uncle brought suffient "help" to safely escort us out. Trucks were literally placed on our doorsteps so as to minimize the distance we traveled from the safety of the house to the safety of the trucks. Well it's a long story, but we joined a large (when I say large, I mean LARGE :eek: ) convoy that made it out of the city and ran tail west to Gedo region. What happened between the trip from Muqdisho to Gedo is a WHOLE different story..
  25. ^^Yet you still didn't comment on my analysis concerning you which leads me to believe....... .....that I was maybe right. <--------- Waiting next for Jumatatu to verify my description of him. :cool: