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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. Dagaalkii B/Xaawo ka dhacay oo haatan yara joogsaday & gacan kuahaynta magaalada oo aan la xaqiijin karin Oct 21,2010 byNairobi GedoNet News Dagaal culus oo la isku jilba jabsaday kadib ayay magaaladu haatan oo waqtiga B/Xaawo ay tilmaamayso 09:35 waxaa laga maqlayaa rasaas goos goos ah. Ma jirto cid sheegan karta in magaaladu ay gacanta ugu jirto dhinicii la doonaba ha noqdee, wararku waxay tilmaamayaan in xarakada Al-Shabaab ay magaalada makhribkii soo galeen kadibna markii ay cid ka waayeen ay u dhaqaaqeen goobaha ay difaaca kaga jireen garabyadii isbahaysiga ahaa ee kasoo horjeeday, sida aanu warka ku helayno. Dagaal la isku adeegsaday madaafiic cul-culus ayaa ka dhacay dhinaca Kabooley, Xananleey iyo Jaamacadda-Waabari halkaasoo difaac ciidan u ahayd ciidamada uu horkacayo xildhibaan Barre Aadan Shire. Gacanta hore ee weerarka waxaa lahaa xarakada Al-Shabaab, waxaase dagaalka markii dambe si dadban uga qayb galay ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo aan goobta dagaalka joogin, Sida wararka aan haynaa xusayaan madaafiic laga soo ganay dhul aan dhawayn oo la iigu sheegay inuu yahay deegaanka Leef-Leef oo u dhow Doolow ayay Ethiopian-ku kasoo ganeen madaafiic xoogan. Qori ay Somalidu u taqaano Fooriyoow oo ay adeegsadaan ciidamada Ethiopia ayay ku garaaceen goobaha ay Al-Shababku ku sugan yihiin, jugta qorigaas markii hore way fogayd sida uu ii sheegay qof magaalada ku sugan oo aan xiriir toos ah la sameeyey. Rasaasta qorigaas ka dhacaysay ayaa markii dambe soo dhawaatay, taasoo la oran karo wuxuu ahaa qori lahagayo, dadka magaalada ku sugan ayuu cabsi ballaran ku abuuray qorigu markii rasaastu ay soo dhawaatay jugta qorigaasna ay sii laba jibaarantay. Duqaynta fog ee ay sida dadban Ethiopian-ku dagaalka uga qayb galeen lama sheegin khasaare ay gaysatay lamana hayo khasaaraha kala gaaray labada dhinac ee dagaalku u dhexeeyo waqtiga oo habeen galay dartiis. Rasas goos goos ayaa wali laga maqlayaa dhinaca bari ee magaalada oo uu dagaalkuna ka dhacay, rasaasta ayaa marba si lama filaan ah u xoogaysanaysa inkastoo dagaalka xoogiisu uu istaagay. Dadka shacabka kama bixi karaan guryohooda qof walbana wuxuu adeegsanayaa isgaarsiinta magaalada ka jirta nooc kasta oo ay tahay, mana jiro cid xaqiiqo u haysa garabka magaalada u haray iminka. Dadka shacabka ah oo aan waraysiyo kala duwan ka qaadnay waxay kuu sheegayaan in xarakada Al-Shabaab ay magaalada ka bexeen halka kuwa kalena ay tilmaamayaan in magaalada gudeheeda lagu wada sugan yahay. Isbedelka laga yaabo inuu yimaado. Waxaa dhici karta in ciidamo Ethiopian ah ay caawa magaalada soo galaan iyagoo garab siinaya kuwa dowlada iyo Ahlu-Sunna si loo xaqiijiyo gacan ku hayta magaalada maadaama ay madaafiic uga qayb qaateen dagaalka haatan yara joogsaday. Hadii sidaasi dhacdo xarakada Al-Shabaab waxaa ku badanaya culayska weerar waxaana laga yaabaa inay khasab ku noqoto inay magaalada dib uga gurtaan xeelad dagaal darteed hadii ay kjoogaan magaalada. Maxamed Jaamac Faarax-Barre. GedoNet News-Desk Nairobi.
  2. It is a reflection of irony that is coming from the man who continues to say Faroole defeated "Shabaab".
  3. This was expected. Shabaab has had more militias watching Beled-Xaawo and Dollow area than they have in Kismaayo. The last couple days Shabaab has brought together its men in force and a major battle was expected. They attacked during late evening in surprise fashion causing early success but all contact has shown Dollow group neither retreated nor left the area. They have fought three battles so far and as of yet no one knows the reality on the ground as it is very late. Also, Xiin is correct Ethiopians have started to shell Shabaab positions some of which is inside the town. Allaw sahal amuuraha.
  4. Originally posted by NinaNC: Warmahan? reer Mogadishu is just fine thank you. Warmahan, iyo Warsheikh iyo Cadalle, degmooyin barakaysan oo keydka Alle mutaystay. Tollow goormaa mar labaad laygu sow dhawayn sidaan dadkaan jeclaa shaaxa la cabo.
  5. Nothing changed and will change on the ground. Why would someone put emphasis on the northern provinces for southern problem? US has a specific American educated man in mind that they want to see ascend to the presidency of the Republic come next "election". This is just part of breaking the post-Embagathi usurpation of the two highest posts of the Republic by reer Puntland and reer Warmahan. Such a legitimization has already occurred with the naming of Farmaajo, whose clan appointment was dictated by the State Department.
  6. Originally posted by NinaNC: 'Ninkii soo joog laga waayo soo jiif ayaa laga helayaa' ayaan maqli jirey. [/QB] Indeed. Soomaalidu oraahdeedu waxaa ku duugan caqli ka askumay qarniyan.
  7. Shariif Xassan is petty as well as ignorant. Even if this guy does not get vote of confidence, which he will, the appointment of the prime minister is entirely up to the President's discretion. Who is to say Sharif will not keep naming men who are not in the Speaker's camp? Cayayaankaan baa la yiri waa dawlad, halkee dawlad iyo haykalkeedu ku arkeen? Nin aan talin jirin haduu taliyo nin aan tagi jirin baa tago.
  8. @ Abwaan. Kolayba cafis Abwaanoow, saatirkana kama moogana qof waliba waxa calooshiisa ku jirta. Yes indeed my compatriot.
  9. Originally posted by Abwaan: ]Gabbal waxaa la yiri "Fallaar aad fileysey wax kaama dhibto" Adiga maba kaa sugeyn inaad maqaalkan caddaalad iyo caqli u cuskatid, mana qarsatid qabyaaladda qaawan ee aad hoggaamiyihii Soomaalida hagardaamadan u horseeday qabyaalad awgeed u difaadid. Indho-adaygaaga adigood dad kale ku dheganna waan ku arkay oo ku eedaynayaa adeerkaa baad la jirtaa, bal adigu muraayadda isku fiiri! [/QB] Waan qoslay waayo waxaad tahay ninkii yiri Cadde Muuse garaadkiisa qabyaalad buu ku helay. Cadde Muuse Siyaad ayuu kasoo horjeeday adigu horaantaa, balse waxaa kolkaas muuqatay ilaayo imika inaad nin cadiifad qaawan ka muuqato kuna salaysan qabyaalad ka fog inta ay miisaankeenu qaado. Wax alle waxaad tiraahdid waxay cuskanaysaa xad aan ogohay, kulama yaabni.
  10. Originally posted by Prometheus: Pure piffle. "Dr." Pham revels and excels in penning political hitjobs. It's remarkable how charlatans like him pass off for "experts" in geopolitics. He is a neocon and his rise and fall coincided with the Bush administration. It is like people thinking Ayan Hersi Ali wields influence when the only thing she accomplished here is being a member of the American Enterprise Institute, a think tank despised by the ruling liberal elite.
  11. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Abwaan, this DR. Peter Pham is a fraud of the first order. He has served as the hired pen for the sinister cause of dismembering Somalia on the basis of past colonial history. Excuse Abwaan, waxani caqli uma laha.
  12. Miskiin, Soomaali waa iyadii bixisay Qaan ________ waa qaaxo kugu maqan so you are right ina Aadan Shire ma quusto, mana quusan doono. However, in this respect I would assume his clan, who functioned as the vehicle with which such a situation could exist, are ready as all other Somalis are, to embrace peace, wada noolaansho, and governance.
  13. Qabiil waa laga gudbay awoowe. Labaatan sano ayay midhaha Soomaale tijaabisay qabiil iyo waxa la hilmaala wax kasoo mira dhalayne lama arko. Maanta anigaa ugu horeeyo qofka kasoo horjeesta Barre Hiiraale haduu doonaya hamigiisuna yahay qabiil iyo waxa la halmaala.
  14. The city of Caabudwaaq welcomes the appointment of one of the sons of one of it's most prominent dignitaries, Cabdullahi Maxamed Diirshe Dheere, revolutionary hero and former manager of Mogadishu seaport during the 1960's as well as the longest chairman of Somali Airlines after Air Italia relinquished administrative duties to the Somali Republic. To Maxamed Cabdullahi, they say good luck and emancipate the Republic.
  15. Gedoweb has always been anti-Barre to the point of spreading lies, even more so than Puntlandpost. The government is fully aware and in support of what the Dollow troops are doing. This is the reason why attacks have begun in Beled-Weyne as well as the border of Bakool in Rabdhure. Also, the Kenyan trained troops are almost complete and will enter Somalia from Ceel-waaq. Even a baby wouldn't believe that Barre would speak of secret maneuverings days before doing it on an teleconference where Islamists of his clan would be listening.
  16. With the exception of Abdirahman who was interim foreign minister, none of those guys held ministerial positions. Also, may I ask what are you talking about with respect to the town of Cadaado? My mother's reer abti is from Cadaado and her mother's juffo within Siad's clan and hers' got into a petty squabble in the early 80's and if I know correctly to this day, most reer Dhabad, who happen to be from Siad's overall clan, have still not forgiven Siad for siding with reer Xaaji during that time. Have you taken a page out of the revisionism of history by Aydiid, alla hau naxariisto, led USC? None of the other things you said warrant a reply because one cannot help but expect allegations and propaganda from the supporters of yesteryear rebels who helped destroy the Republic. SmithNWestern, your viewpoints at time come off as very provincial and not very educated. I would expect an enlightened man to concur with my stance that all man are born equal, especially in this case relating to the Somali people who speak a single language, look like each other, adhere to the same religion, and share cultural similarities but disappointingly, such a situation has not arisen as relating to you.
  17. Originally posted by Abwaan: haddii uu wanaag badan ka tegeyna maanta Soomaali isma cunteen ee waa la dheefsan lahaa Adeer, Siyaad waa ninkii ku samatobixiyey balse la yaab ma lehi; Soomaalidu waa lagu yaqaan inay qaniinto gacanta bariiska siin jirtay.
  18. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: I have yet to come across a Somali who has yet to condemn this formula because its unethical to divide the nation into a clan formula but they all seem to be against this formula which leads me to believe that the reason they oppose this apportionment is that they are happy not with the formula itself but the share they get within that formula. Lets be honest, this formula was based on bringing equilibrium, veering from it will only give certain actors a reason to not only cry foul but to oppose any government not based on such a formula. if we have attained some truths from this endless conflict, its that the way forward must include Federalism or regional autonomy, equatable share of resources and 4.5. Am baffled by those who oppose these well thought panacea without offering any credible alternatives. if not 4.5, what should it be? You are an embarrassment to rational thinking. Because White Americans and Hispanic Americans are the majority and largest minority, respectively, Barack Obama, even though Harvard educated and well qualified, should not have become president? War isku xishood. Siad Barre, alle hau naxariisto, put Maxamed Cali Samatar as his deputy not because Maxamed Cali Samatar came from a clan that would guarantee support and loyalty to the regime but rather because he firmly believed in equality and was ahead of our illiterate and backward people on this fundamental human issue. It is immensely disappointing that 40 years after "siinaan" was uttered, we have a regressive system in which Somali speaking people of the Muslim faith, sharing Somali culture, are labeled "others". Then we ask why the nation has yet to be pacified. Ina Cabdullahi Maxamed Diirshe Dheere waa nin nool haduu tani ka takhaluso.
  19. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^ Saadambaad garan! Inshallah, waxaa rajaynayaa inuu gabbalkaadi dhacay.
  20. Yam-yam, alle hau naxariisto, baa waa gabay u kala dardaarmayey hogaamiye kooxeedyada iyo hungurigay u qabaan joogooyin sare ku yiri "maalmahaas gudbe". Maanta awoowe marxalad adag baa jirta, fara gelin shisheeye iyo waxaad lasoo shirtagtay gudbe, "maalmahaas gudbe".
  21. Abu Mansuur Rooboow isagu ma berri buu ka yahay taageero shisheeye? Teeda kale taageerada ee helayaan ciidamada hawshaan fulin doono inshallah waa mid ka timid kana socoto African Union gaar ahaan AMISOM oo cuskanaysa Qaramada Midoobe. Xoog xabashi meeshay ka muuqato adigu ku og.