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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. Gabbal

    somali prince.

    One cannot but feel honored at the thought of another's greatest opinion about one's sibling. That brought a smile out of one Besbaaso.
  2. ^^You are surprising me everyday nin yahow. Teeda kale, is Gaagaab as saintly as you had led me to believe?
  3. Wind- That piece of information was for both Suldaanka and the Yonis dude. Suldaanka, because he tried to put the foundation of the current problem on the '77 war and in that only Hargeisa hosted the refugees; and the Yonis dude cuz his argument was more then flawed enough. BTW nafta ka waran?
  4. ^^^Walaal goormay hasha mayl kuugu rarnayd?
  5. maandeeq Seccesion is an insult to the tenets of hasha Maandeeq sxb.
  6. Remember aabaha kacaanka wouldn't tolerate anything bad happening to his maternital uncle's that's why he settled them all in Hargaysa town There were 4 refugee camps stationed in the Somali Republic during the aftermath of the '77 war. Those camps were stationed in Waqooyi Galbeed, Hiiraan, Gedo, and Shabeelaha Hoose. The population of the refugees as contained in the camps goes: 1. Hiiraan--375,000 2. Waqooyi Galbeed--400,000 3. Gedo--450,000 and 4. Shabeelaha Hoose--70,000 Source History is grounded on fact, not opinion.
  7. I understand that the President is of a different tribe then you and Somalis love seeing the other fail. You do not know Wind_Talker then.
  8. Oops, I forgot, there is no definitive definition of exactly what or who constitutes a terrorist. Didn't you know, Wind, that every man (and currently woman) that prays five times a day is worthy to be called terrorist?
  9. Duke you have become extremely paranoid as of late.. I don't think it is in your health's interest to be this paranoid.
  10. the JVA is not an alliance of two clans you are right, its between a whole clan and a sub-clan of a clan that dominates south Mogadishu. The propaganda won the day. Duke you will not catch me debating with you on anything concering Hiiraale, the JVA, Kismaayo, or otherwise my man. There really is no point in debating with you about it! Absaloutely no point.
  11. ^^The clan card, it seems, will never retire in Somali politics. General Duke- Earlier debates I had with you baffaled. I was resigned to believing you were emotionally unstable when it came to Kismaayo and that, that, was the reason you continued on faulty assuptioms and analysis on the situation there. I thought it was purely to salve one's ego, but now ignorance (not an insult here) seems to have been behind your debates. The JVA is not an alliance between two clans, per se. It is a loose political affiliation between between members of Hiiraale's clan that reside in Kismaayo and a clan that is now a large part of Mogadishu's population. The meeting could not have been held in "Gedo", because reer Gedo (in the regional sense) would not have let it happen. They are not part of the JVA. The meeting could not be a "two" clan alliance, because the majority of Hiiraale's clan do not acknowledge it. As for Kismaayo itself, like I have said perhaps a dozen times, the extent of a clan in that city is but limited to the personal entourages of Yusuf Mire Seeraar, there to help keep the "image" of an alliance. Ill-Generale you can perhaps face fact and acknowledge the truth, or you can perhaps continue in that cowardly fashion and continue in propaganda.
  12. Here is one example of the weekness of the whole warlord/Mogadishu media... Ver emotional.. Very emotion indeed. I mean, really, how are they that much different from the opinions held by your own person? They say "heshiis qarsoodi ah buu Cabdulaahi Yusuf la galay", you say "heshiis qarsoodi ah buu warlordska la galay". They say "Cabdulaahi Yusuf buu dabo-dilif u yahay", you say "warlordska buu junior member u yahay". Really, Duke, it is amazing what people see when they are not part of the equation.
  13. ^^It becomes clearer as the times pass that manipulation and hood-winking is the biggest control the corrupt politicians there have over the population. Manipulation achieved through keeping old wounds raw and enforcing an invisible divide between the people there and those from all other parts of Somalia, who are lumped under the term reer Xamar or "Muqdishoans". As a result of the political manipulation encouraged by the Anti-SNM'ists there, only "Somaliland" and Muqdisho exist in waqooyi vocabulary; all good things happen in "Somaliland", all bad things are products of "Muqdisho" (and by extension, Somaliweyn's). The people will wake up one day and realize that the enemy is not Somalia, but is living amongst them in Hargeisa square.
  14. Surely the ummah is in great strife! Yawmul Aakhira is just around the corner sis. These are but signs prophesied long ago in that 8th century! In the West, minority Muslims are expected to abide by the land’s law or the ‘majority’s law’. Secularism in Britain hasn’t been forced on the majority; rather it is because of the majority’s democratic choice that secularism is the law of the land. Such should be the case in countries where Muslims are the majority, and their choices should be the law of the land. The Christian minority in Beirut or Tehran must abide by the rule of the majority’s law, as is expected from a British Muslim. Rushdie should not therefore speak doubly in contradictable tone, while advocating for the proliferation of one majority’s law (secularism) across/upon Muslim lands and peoples, while disregarding another majority’s law (Islamic or traditional) altogether. Bravo! Bravo! Paragon welcome home nomad.
  15. I am not being fair on you, kids. I really can’t help having a pop every time I come across one of your pathetic weeping threads. Ok, I will try really hard to ignore you all and let you blubber in peace. Ngonge- What is so pathetic about informing the SOL community of a sickening incident? Sure the incident can be called pathetic (at the very best), but the intention of posting it? You have me lost as to how and why you reached that conclusion old man. The situation is very simple; you really should not make a point at the expense of a child's misfortune. I don't mean on a low blow (and I hope you don't take it as such), but kuwaada haday ku dhaci lahaydne?
  16. Daahir Riyaale oo qiray in Xubnihii lagu qabtay Hargeysa ay u dhasheen Somaliland Madaxweynaha Maamulka la baxay Soomaaliland Daahir Riyaale Kaahin ayaa shaaca ka qaaday xubnihii habeen hore dagaalka ka riday magaalada Hargeysa ay ahaayeen kuwo deegaanka u dhashay. Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo maanta Warsaxaafadeed ku qabtay magaalada Hargeysa ayaa buriyey wararkii uu hore usoo jeediyey Wasiirkiisa Arrimaha Guddaha Ismaaciil Aadan oo sheegaya in xubnihii lagu qabtay Hargeysa ay ahaayeen kuwo kasoo jeeda magaalada Muqdisho. Daahir Riyaale ayaa warsaxafadeedkiisa ku sheegay in xubnaha la qabtay ay gaarayaan 5 nin isla markaana ay baxsadeen 2 kale dadkaasi oo uu sheegay in ay dhamaantood u dhasheen Waqooyi Galbeed Soomaaliya (Somaliland). Mr.Riyaale ayaa intaa ku daray in xubnahan ay yihiin kuwa kamid ah argagaxisada Caalamiga ah isla markaana tababaro kusoo qaatay magaalada Muqdisho ee Koonfurta Soomaaliya. Daahir Riyaale ayaa ka gaabsaday waxa ay damacsanaayeen kooxaha iyo sida ay ugu xiran yihiin xubnihii hore xabsiga loo dhigay ee loo heystay dilalkii ka dhacay Soomaaliland ayaa ka gaabsaday inuu wax faah faahin ah kasii bixiyo. Daahir Riyaale ayaa sheegay waxa kaliya oo uu og yahay in ay tahay in dadkan ay doonayeen in ay weeraro ka fuliyaan deegaankooda isla markaana si weyn u hubeysnaayeen. Madaxweynaha maamulka la baxay Soomaaliland ayaa sheegay in baaritaan uu socdo isla markaana ay hada heegan geliyeen dhamaan ciidamadooda. Waxaa ayaguna jira warar sheegaya in dagaalkii Hargeysa ka dhacay habeen hore uu salka ku hayo khilaaf siyaasadeed oo la xariira loonanka doorashooyinkaa, balse uu maamulka u bedalay arrimo argagagxiso. Waxaa isa soo taraya wararka kasoo baxaya xubnihii shalay lagu qabtay magaalada Hargeysa ee ka qeyb qaatay iska horimaadkii ay ku dhaawacmeen 5 kamid ah ciidamada iyo labo nin oo kamid ahaa kooxdaa hubeysan. Booliiska ayaa saxaafada u diiday in ay la kulmaan dadka xabsiga lagu hayo ayagoo markaa sheegay in baaritaan uu socdo isla markaana dadkan lasoo hortaagi doono maxkamad laguna qaadi doono danbiyo la xariira argagaxisada caalamiga ah. Tan iyo intii ay soo dhawaatay doorashooyinka ka dhacaya deegaanka Somaliland ee la xariira Baarlamaanka ayaa waxaa jiray xiisado u dhaxeeya qaar kamid ah xisbiyada iyo taageerayaashooda. Madaxweynaha Daahir Riyaale oo mar wax laga weydiiyey sababta ay kooxahan weerarkooda wakhtigan ugu soo aadiyeen ayaa sheegay in uusan ogeyn balse ka hortagi doonaan cid walba oo khal khal gelisa amaanka dalka. Dhanka kale waxaa magaalada Burco ee gobalka Togdheer uu maamulka Somaliland ku xiray mid kamid ah culumaa'udiinka deegaankaasi kasoo jeeda. Shiikh Maxamed Maxamuud Nuur ayaa la sheegay in ay xabsiga u taxaabeen booliiska magaaladaasi, Amarka lagu xiray shiikhaan ayaa la sheegay inuu yahay mid ka yimid magaalada Hargeysa wax faah faahin ahna lagama bixin sababta shiikhasi xabsiga loo dhigay. Bashiir Maxamed (Al-Bashiir) Muqdisho.
  17. Most of those news sources are probably just using one original Associated Press article. You should take a tally for just one of Abdulahi Yusuf's press releases.
  18. ^^No it wasn't critical, but their 180 degree turn around to see the truth is quite..mystifying. Don't you say?
  19. Look at the largely biased PuntlandPost's take and tell me what you think.. Bare Aadan Shire oo dhowr jeer nabad ku baaqay,arrintaas oo ka caraysiisay qaar ka mida Wasiirada Hubaysan ee Muqdisho kusugan Posted to the Web Sep 23, 11:50 Muqdisho:- Wararka kasoo baxaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in Wasiirka dib udhiska iyo dib udajinta DFKS Col.Bare Aadan Shire (Hiiraale) ayaa go'aano adag ka istaagay dhowr shir oo uu kaga qaybgalay magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaas oo ku aadanaa 9 qodob oo ay isa soo hordhigeen golaha dowlada ee kusugan magaalada Muqdisho. Bare Aadan Shire ayaa dhowr jeer si aada ugu cel celiyey in Soomaaliya aan loo horseedin dagaal maadaama shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay kusoo jireen dagaalo badan oo lagu hoobtay.korneylka ayaa kulankii ugu horeeyey ee uu kaga qaybgalay shir ay yeeshaan xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho,ayaa wuxuu talo kusoo jeediyey in Gudi ergo ah loo dirro magaalada jowhar si loo badbaadiyo qaranimada Soomaaliya. Hadalada kasoo yeeray Col. Bare Aadan shire ayaa noqday kuwa aan laga hoos qaadin arrimaasna ay kamid yihiin waxyaalaha keenay kala dareerkii ku yimi Xubnaha Dowlada ee kusugan magaalada Muqdisho. Hadalada kasoo yeeraya Wasiirka ayaa loo maleeyaa kuwo wax ku oola oo nabad u horseedi karta shacabka iyo dalkaba hadii la taageero, maadaama hadalka wasiirku uu sii kaabayo hadaladii kasoo yeeray Madaxweynaha iyo Raysal-waasaha DFKS oo ay maalintii Nabada aduunka ay ugu baaqeen shacabka Soomaaliyeed inay nabada taageeraan lagana wada shaqeeyo. Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in hadalada kasoo yeeray Col.Bare Aadan Shire aysan ka filaynin qolooyinka dhigiisa ah ee kamida Wasiirada Hubaysan ee Muqdisho kusugan,balse dadka Soomaaliyeed ee nabada la doonaya gudaha wadanka Soomaaliya ayaa u arka inuu Col.Bare Aadan Shire uu qaaday weji hor leh oo uu kusoo dhoweynayo talaabo hor leh oo horay loogu qaadayo Nabada. Puntlandpost,Muqdisho,Soomaaliya contact
  20. Look at this..does it not seem the opposite of what you would have said :confused: Being criticized by both sides just spells "objective". Col Barre Aadan Shire Hiiraale oo Xagal Daacinaya Dadaalada lagu doonayo in Talaabo adag ay qaataan Xubnaha labada Gole ee Muqdisho iminka Caqabad ku ah. Hobyonet.Muqdisho.Jimce, Sep 23, 2005. Col Barre Aadan Shire Hiiraale oo ah wasiirka Dib u dhiska iyo Dib u dajinta Dowlada federaalka kmg Soomaaliya oo maalmahan ku sugnaa magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa uu wadaal Dadaal ay ku doonayo inuu ku xagal daaciyo amaba uu ku kala furfuro Xubnaha labada Gole ee Muqdisho iyada oo Madaxweyne C/laahi yuusufna uu ciidamo baaxad weyn urursanayo. Waxaa uu barre hiiraale ka soo horjeedaa kulano ay lahaayeen Hogaamiyayaasha kooxaha ee Hubaysan kuna jira Golaha wasiirada iyo Xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho kuwaas oo ay ku doonayeen in kulan Balaaran oo Difaac qaran lagu sameyn lahaa lagu qabto magaalada Balcad ee Gobolka shabeelada Dhaxe kaasi oo doodahii Xubnaha labada gole uu soo jeediyay Barre hiiraale inaan kulankaasi la qaban oo gudi loo diro magaalada Jowhar si kulan ay ula yeeshaan Xubnaha halkaasi ku sugan isaga oo ogsoon Barre hiiraale Ciidamada Baaxada Weyn ee uu urursanayo Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed . Xunaha labada Gole ayaa laga sugayaa Aragti Midaysan oo wax looga qabanayo Difaaca Dalka hooyo oo ay ku soo xadgudbayaan Ciidamada Ethiopia iyo Kuwa oodwadaaga la ah ee Puntland oo horbooda ee Dhawaan Gacanyta ku dhigay Magaalada Jowhar kuwaasoo isku Diyaarinaya inay Muqdisho u soo talaabaan. Mustafa Nuur Ridil Muqdisho
  21. but daynile and their master must think he is a tool that can be praised one sec then insulted the nex... That also reminds me of the other camp to.. Listen Hiiraale doesn't live for anyone's approval, the man is impartial and objective. Both sides want him to join them, and they get frustarated when he does no such thing. As for Barawe, why are you so obsessed with whatever took place there when it did not really involve opposition to the government? Honestly man..
  22. Orgilaqe, I think you heard a replica of it..
  23. Wlc Macruuf. Shaqo culus baa kuu taal, but I'm sure you can handle it. Glad to see the Admin agree with public opinion.