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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. It seems Qaybdiid and his friends have reached the conclusion that post-ICU revolution Mogadishu to be unsuitable for their earlier hami and so wish to continue some of the tribal pandering in nether regions. I can hardly fault them but times will catch up to the rest of the country as they always do.
  2. Such conferences have momentum in the beginning but at the end of the day will follow the same route of division and ineffectiveness. Also, I think the powers that be have realized the hope in warlords, clan elders, tribal fiefdoms, and the likes yield no fruit. Today, the battles are drawn between the TFG vs. Al Shabaab. The situation is very clear. It is the world's interest not to muddle the situation by adding new factors such as clan elders and the likes and rather instead work on strengthening the TFG, which they are surely planning for I assure you post-mandate. For example, the consitution has already been formulated, the number of parliamentarians and how they will be chosen has already been formulated. So the process of post-mandate has not really uncovered itself, but the planning is already complete. There is no need for a conference. What is a conference going to reconcile; Al Shabaab with what they call a "isticmaar" government?
  3. Moving the capital from Mogadishu is a pipe dream and there is no more need for any conferences.
  4. Somalina;696067 wrote: Did you just write that? You have lost it now, Glen has nothing on you. AUN dheh atleast when you mention a dead person. Glenn has nothing on him. The whole premise of this topic makes naught sense and the tribal pandering and political hooliganism displayed is truly on another level from an individual who just recently penned hopes for a new, non-tribal outlook for Somalia.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;693442 wrote: herer nabadi way fiicantahay laakin wa in nabaddiidka iyo qarandiidka laso qa qabta So why then are you so anti-Siad?
  6. Abwaan;693797 wrote: lol...No 1 this proofs sida magaalo walbaa markii wiil ka soo jeeda Soomaaliya mas'uul looga dhigo ay Soomaalinnimada u dhawraan inta kalena aysan wax dana ka ahan wax Caabudwaaq ku gaar ah ee ogoow. Haddii Buulobarde mid ku dhasahay la keeno sidaas baa dhici lahayd. Midda kale nin Waqooyi Galbeed ka soo jeeda (anigu magacyadaan maamullada qabiilka ma karo) oo aan caawa arkay baa ku doodayey Sarkaal ka soo jeeda Caabudwaaq baa dagaalka lagu ma caddayn karo oo masuuliyaddeeda ninkaas baa iska leh... I don't believe Farmaajo has anything to do with it. Even when the SSC maamul decided to move from Nairobi to Buuhodle, they landed in and were taken to Buuhodle by the citizens of Caabudwaaq.
  7. Al has nothing to do with the Al Jazeera media network from Qatar. It is an Emirates company listed in London. You would be wise to differentiate the difference and not accord as having anything to do with
  8. Very interesting to see Jacayl Baro's much to be desired attempt at damage control.
  9. Where is Xiin to give his take on this?
  10. You cannot be serious? Comparing Walmart's move to South Africa and the "Somali competition" is like comparing Walmart to the nearest Korean owned MiniMart in a ghetto neighborhood. There is no Somali business in South Africa. It is what you call "spazas" or little tin corner stores inside of the slums. How can you even compare that to a Fortune 500 company setting shop in Africa's most developed country? I am shocked you would even compare the two and to me really shows a lack of understanding about economy and just about basic knowledge around the world.
  11. Remarkable feat in collapsing a government peacefully and a warning to the Arab world. The Arab street is getting ready to be heard.
  12. As usual, the Somalis proof themselves to be surface people. I found the prime minister's press conference to be relatively unremarkable, rather than the mediocre with which some have labeled it. His demeanor is also very diplomatic like rather than the showmanship attributed to heads of states addressing constituents. Given the venue, it is not entirely unexpected. As for his oral grasp of the English language, I find it capable for an individual having picked up a foreign language in his 20's. Certainly I find it above average when compared with the many Somalis who have been here for 20 years and more I come across on a daily basis. Part of why we have political upheaval and social disintegration is rooted in the negative aspects of being a part of the Somali race displayed in this very page; surface, rarely displaying substantive critique, and fickle.
  13. This is true hallmark of Al Shabaab reminiscent of the excessive secret assassinations carried out in cities like Mogadishu, Kismaayo, Beled-Weyne, Baardheere, and elsewhere they set their sights on.
  14. Immaturity concerning international and standing is missing in this forum and has been missing for some time. In hindsight, I should have said this when the Puntland oil talk was its peak but the reality is Chevron, Conoco (or ConocoPhillips now), and Mobil own most inches of Somalia for exploration from the southern regions to the Guban area in the northwest. Under international law, as achieved with the legitimate Somali government at that time, they are the legally binding holders of concession under the hydrocarbon laws adhered to by the international community. No illegitimate entity in Somalia can give away what is theirs and no international country, whether China or Russia even, can contest the manpower if any of those individual companies were to seriously assess intrusion on their rights of concession in Somalia. In 2007, Conoco said it has no plans to go into Somalia any time soon but has a special branch for protecting their interests there in this current climate. Where do you entertain impoverished tribal regions of a failed state will contest what is already claimed by companies more powerful and wealthier then majority of the world's nations? Big Oil is a world superpower itself.
  15. Sol went from one of the most professionally designed forums to well gadaal u socod. What is the meaning of this?
  16. Even so, there is no desire nor appetite in the Western world, particularly in Washington, to have another small poverty-stricken African state dependent on hand outs and easily susceptible to meddling and interference in a globalizing, post-Western world. Realpolitik dictates, especially, Africa issues and not your own interests as evidenced by the bias with which you only take into consideration. I cannot comprehend how one cannot understand this even if they are so much as privy to half the calibrations involved. By this I mean, it is not so much as whether both security considerations in the wider Somali peninsula and your secessionist attempts can be reconciled but should it even be pursued as the best course action. Therein lies your paradox no matter how much lobbying you engage in. Even if such a situation were to be achieved where the paradox is solved, then comes whether the rest of Black Africa, and an empowering one at that, will easily go along as the face with which legitimization would be achieved when the ramifications have the greater possibility of hitting home. Oodweyn, I am afraid since the day you said Somaliland will be recognized as urgently as possible mere months after I joined to this very moment, it is you who has shown an unbelievable hope in the unseen parallel with the latest going on of your Tolka and whatever politburo sends out manifestos from Morgan's old villa.
  17. If you interpreted my correct assessment on the ground as it stands with respect to Somalia's political situation as "fear", I believe such a reflection is grounded on the limitations of your own wishful desire. In fact, I would dare to go as far as say tuug intaadan tuug oran ayuu tuug ku yiraah. Still, I sense that you now comprehend and are willing to publicly display the true standings vis-a-vis Somaliland's secessionist objectives and what avenues it could possibly be heralded from. Both London and Addis Ababa play second fiddle to the more hegemonic power on the main political issues surrounding our part of the Horn just as your own secessionist desires play second fiddle to more constraining political realities that show up more prominent with respect to pressing considerations. On your confusion concerning France and Britain's ability to garner "breathing space" on certain issues from the hegemonic power, it would be left up to you to calibrate whether unilaterally tampering with Africa's sensitive border delineations is comparable to, say, ability to compete in oil and gas concessions.
  18. Originally posted by Oodweyne: ^^^ Waar heedhe, sheekaddu halkaad u qaloocineyso ma ah ( ). Ee waxa weeye howlo aduun oo danta Somaliland ugu weyntahay ( wixii aan ku maqnaa mudooyinkan ) ayaa i cusleeyey; ee walee waad i arki laheyd anoo kugu daba jire oo waliba kugu eryanaya halkan SOL ah; oo leh ama ku dhawaaqayaba: "Eryaay Horn waa F-tii hadhkoodu dhacay e" ... Oodweyne hadalada qaarkood waa la dhaamaa, ha ahaatane war igama moogana.
  19. Try again in here my friend. For, whatever you may think of the "British Position" about the issue of Somaliland's recognition; they have most certainly not left it to the AU as you seemed to be alleging in here. To the contrary, the United Kingdom, following Uncle Sam's stated position, has left the issue entirely up to the African Union to take the first move. You know it fully if you claim to be privy to half the the information you declare yourself to be. In any case, besides the not so secret lead given to the AU on the matter, the other preposterous and ironically laughable bias you hold, as a British citizen no less, is the attempt to make the United Kingdom sovereign on issues of delicate foreign policy in league with the glory days of the Queen's Empire and not a weakened fallen power playing second fiddle to more hegemonic powers such as Uncle Sam. Somaliland's avowed political desire can be legitimately achieved through the corridors of Washington by way of the AU. But of course, Somaliland supporters would be more content going between Addis Ababa and London, and after 20 years still expecting different results.
  20. Oodweyne goor alle goortii la doortay Kulmiye iyo Siilaanyo warkiisu la waa. Tollaw odayga maxaa xiiq tiray?
  21. Melez Zenewi is not the head of State of Ethiopia but the head of government. The head of State of Ethiopia is President Girma Wolde-Giorgis. In protocol, the titles are different. The Queen is the head of State of UK while Cameron is the head of government.
  22. Clearly this is more a reflection of your unawareness than anything. Roobow was one of the first Somalis, along with Aweys and Ayrow, to be added to the terrorism list. Atom is not on the list as far as I know.
  23. Originally posted by The Zack: A reer Bari dude would never say "Gabartaan baan rabaa". I wouldn't either say Gabartaan baan rabaa but some reer Xamar do say which is their prerogative. Still, in my estimation, that is nearer the purer ancient Somali by way of pedigree then say Xaaji single-handedly choosing to change "barri" while leaving "inan" to it's tonal differentiation.
  24. Originally posted by The Zack: quote: I only opined on this based on Miskin's accurate clarification that contrary to what Zack said, Bari does not use it nor the rest of Somalis in their entirety, nor the NFD who border the Bantu speakers nor the May May speakers who are even more ancestral to Maxa Tiri speakers, nor even the eastern most inhabitants of the Og'aden Apparently, you haven't been to Bari nor to Og'adenia. I am not talking from books, I am talking about what I have personally witnessed. Both Reer Bari and Og'adenia along with North-westerners and Djiboutian Somalis all use "DH', and not "R", on most of their words. Keep in mind, there are some very few people in those regions that use "r. I was born in the Og'aden, Hawd and Wardheer to be exact as were my parents and grandparents north of Gaalkacyo. Adeer speak for Dhegax Buur which is a stone's throw away from the Affran Qallo. Wardheer iyo Geladi iyo Shiilaabo iyo xitaa Beyrada ka shisheesa Gaalkacyo anigu ka war doon.
  25. Xaaji, Somali is a tonal language. Car-ro = anger Ca-ro = soil/land I-nan = young one (male) In-an = young one (female) Na-cas = imbecile (male) Nac-as = imbecile (female) ga-r = justice gar = beard bar-ri = buttocks ba-ri = east Xaaji, have you taken a grammar Somali language curriculum as even non-Somali linguists who have researched the language can make apparent to you? Somali is a tonal language and since inan is a Waqooyi vernacular I would expect you to comprehend what I am talking about with respect to the definition of tonality in speech. Also, thanks for bringing to my attention the basis of various theories as to why the unnatural "dh" was developed by the Western most Somalis who neighbor the Eastern Cushitic speakers. I shall pass this on to friends of mine who research the language.