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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. Hundreds in Ohio Protest Somali's Shooting By ANDREW WELSH-HUGGINS, Associated Press Writer Fri Dec 30, 8:44 PM ET COLUMBUS, Ohio - Somali immigrants upset over the fatal police shooting of a man they say had mental health problems rallied Friday in protest, questioning the decision to use deadly force. A crowd that Columbus police estimated in the hundreds alternated between standing in front of City Hall and marching around two city blocks chanting and yelling, "We want justice!" Protesters held signs with statements such as, "Nasir Abdi needed medication, not a bullet." Nasir Abdi, 23, was shot Wednesday as four Franklin County deputies tried to take him back to a mental hospital where he had been force-fed medications. Columbus police detectives said Abdi had threatened them with a kitchen knife with a 6-inch blade. But Somali leaders said witnesses to the shooting never saw a knife in Abdi's hands. "What we need is the facts to come out, and we want justice to be served," said Liibaan Ismail of Columbus, a spokesman for the protesters gathered outside City Hall. Bashir Mohamud, a 23-year-old Ohio State University student, said he came to the protest because he didn't think Abdi had to die. "The police just shot him without reason. I believe they could have saved him instead of killing him," said Mohamud, who came to Columbus from Somalia about three years ago. Sheriff Jim Karnes said Friday that his office was familiar with Abdi and his mental health problems, though the deputy who shot him was probably not. Nevertheless, he said, his officers know their responsibilities. "They know what they have to do to protect themselves and the public," he said. Karnes said his officers have taken only the minimum training in dealing with mentally ill suspects required by the state. "Unless it's mandated by the state, we probably don't have enough time or money to do it," Karnes said. "Training costs money." Crisis training is a priority for a state Supreme Court committee studying the mentally ill and the court system. Such training is voluntary for police departments in Ohio, though a growing number are taking advantage of it. "You can't deal with a mentally ill person like you can with a person who is rational," state Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton said Friday. "They don't think the same way. They're in a delusion." ___ On the Net:
  2. Originally posted by Paragon: Illaahey amarkii, marna Woqooyiga ayey roobabku ka soo daahaan, marna Koonfurta, taasoo sababta nafwaa iyo khasaarooyin kale oo laxaad leh. Illaah baan ooga baryeynaa inuu roob iyo xareed ugu deeqo dadyowga ay abaartani saameeysey, aamiin. PS: This is a serious drought, Kashare. May Allah relief these peoples with a good rainfall. Amin. Amiin sxb.
  3. Tolstoy you misunderstood the gentleman. Though he can clarify just what he was asking better then anyone, I clearly understood him to be inquiring as to whether Somaliland would hesitate a second in joining the group, irrespective of what state apparatus they had to go through, and what kind of thesis you would give a newly polished essay on the "ramification of the affirmation of Somaliland's nationhood and the legitimacay bestowed upon it by the international community"? I for one would understand this site in particular to be bombarded with headlines bespeaking the "extraordinary" leap by some of our fellow nomads, while you sit back smiling and rubbing thy hands with glee.
  4. Drought Strikes Three E. African Nations Millions in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia Face Risk of Famine Amid Severe Drought, Group Says By ANTHONY MITCHELL Associated Press Writer ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia Dec 30, 2005 — Drought has triggered extreme food shortages in three East African countries, putting millions of people at risk of famine as the lean dry season approaches, a humanitarian group said. Pre-famine conditions have already emerged in eastern Ethiopia, including escalating malnutrition, reports of child deaths, early human and livestock migration and rising sorghum prices, the U.S.-funded Famine Early Warning Systems Network said Thursday. A preliminary assessment showed that more than a million Ethiopian cattle herders will face serious water, pasture and food shortages in the first half of 2006. The crisis will peak from January to March, the group said. Drought has also led to food shortages in neighboring Kenya, where an estimated 1.2 million people are expected to be affected over the next two months, said Special Programs Minister of State John Munyes. The government said it will take immediate emergency measures to deliver food to those at risk. That's in addition to the 1.3 million Kenyans who receive food aid annually from the government because they live in semiarid or arid areas and never harvest enough food or don't have sizable herds of animals to sell. In Somalia, about 2 million people need humanitarian aid, including food and water, medical supplies and security assistance. The drought has led to increases in admissions of severely malnourished children to feeding centers in the south. About 70,000 tons of food aid are needed through June to feed those hit by drought in Somalia, but only 18,000 tons are available, the U.N. food aid agency said. Eastern Ethiopia, one of the driest and least hospitable parts of the country, was hit by a catastrophic famine in 2000 that killed an estimated 50,000 people. Most residents eke out a living as nomads. An initial estimate from the regional Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Administration indicates that Ethiopia needs more than $40 million to provide emergency water, food and health care to people and animals affected by the drought.
  5. Drought-hit East Africa faces acute hunger-monitor NAIROBI, Dec 30 (Reuters) - Millions of people in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia who need pasture and water for their livestock face acute food shortages because of poor rains, a U.S.-based monitoring unit said on Friday. In a report on the three East African countries, the Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWSNET) said about 2 million people in southern Somalia and more than one million in Ethiopia's Somali region need urgent humanitarian aid. In Kenya, dozens of pastoralists and hundreds of their animals have already died of hunger and thirst during a three-month drought in the arid eastern and northern regions. FEWSNET said the situation in the region was alarming because of reports of a rise in malnutrition, child deaths, livestock deaths and crop wilting in agricultural areas. "(These) pre-famine conditions at this early stage are alarming," the FEWSNET report said of Ethiopia's Somali region. "Drought has also affected neighbouring eastern Kenya where reports indicate a severe shortage of pasture and water and consequent poor physical condition and death of livestock." Pastoralists move with the seasons to find food and water for their animals. Kenyan officials say 2.5 million people are affected and President Mwai Kibaki announced on Dec. 24 that the government would give about $40 million to help the region. Kibaki visited northern Kenya this week and ordered the military to provide emergency assistance there. Presidential spokesman Isaiya Kabira said the World Food Programme (WFP) had agreed to give the government money to conduct a speedy assessment to establish where help was needed most. The study is expected to be complete by next week. Critics have accused the government of being slow to recognise the threat of famine and asked Kibaki to declare a state of emergency to attract more food donations. But Kabira said the reponse had so far been satisfactory. "The response from the private sector has been very good," he told Reuters.
  6. Sanduuqii Dhaqaalle Arruurinta ee G/Gedo oo la furay Shallay Galab ayaa waxaa kusoo dhacay 6 kun oo Doollar saacaddo yar gudahood. Sanduuqii Dhaqaallaha loogu arruurinayey Abaaraha G/Gedo, oo ay furtay Shirkadda Amal, ayaa waxaa ku soo dhacay in ku dhaw $6000 kun oo Doollar kadib markii la furay shallay galab. Sanduuqan dhaqaalaha oo ah mid Muslimiinta Soomaaliyeed ay kagga qayib-qaadan karayaan meel kasta oo ay dunidda ka jooganba ayaa waxaa la filayaa in uu wax un ka tari doono Ummadda Muslimiinta ah ee Abaaruhu wax yeeleyeen. Culumadda Soomaaliyeed iyo Ganacsatadda Soomaaliyeed ee reer Columbus ayaa amaan iyo bogaadin u soo jeediyay maamulaha Shirkadda Amal, ee Columbus Ohio oo lahayid fikirka isla markaana ku riday Doolaradii ugu horeeyay. Ololahaan oo socondoona Illaa iyo inta wax iska badalayaan Abaaraha ka jira G/Gedo ayaa la filayaa maanta oo Isniin ah in Olole balaraan la qaadi doono si loo kordhiyo dhaqaalaha loogu tabarucayo Muslimiinta Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhibaataysan G/Gedo. Qofkasta oo Islaan ah waxaa uu leeyahay oo kaliya waxa uu sadaqayisto, oo uu illahay hortii u baxsado in uu kaga abaal mariyo maalinka Qiyaame.Hanti kasta oo aad leedahay maanta waxaa kaa raaci doona un wixii Illahay Dartii aad ulla baxdo, Ogow un dhaqaaluhu waa naga baxayaa laakiin waxaa uu nooga baxaa un siyaabo kala gadisan, marka mida sadaqadda ku baxda oo aad Illaahay Cabsidiisa ugu gargaarto Wallaalkaa un baa rasumaal kuu ah. Insha Allah waanu idiin soo tabin doona barito meesha ay wax marayaan iyo in uu marayo Sanduuqa Sadaqadda, walibana waxaan idiin soo tabin doona illaa iyo doollarka ugu dambeeya sida uu u baxo iyo waliba goobaha la gaarsiin doono. Fiiro gaar ah. Waxaa maamulaya sanduuqan Gudigga Masjidka ugu wayin Columbus Ohio, iyo Maamulka Amal ee Columbus, Cabdirisaaq Maxamuud Cali (Darawal),, oo ah Ganacsade halyeey ah halkaana aanan ku soo koobi karin meesha uu ka joogo Bulshadda reer Columbus Ohio, mudana ku dayasho. Allwadani Newsdesk. Ohio
  7. 28 Caruur Ah Iyo Waalidiintoodii Oo Ku Nafwaayey Abaaraha Ka Taagan Gobalka GEDO Iyo Kumaan Kun Qof Oo Qarka U Saaran Inay Biyo Laaan U Dhintaan Abaar ba'an oo ka taagan gobalka GEDO ayaa ilaa iyo hadda waxaa ku nafwaayey 28 caruur ah iyo qaar ka mid ahaa waalidiintoodii iyo dadka kale oo waayeel ahaa sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen degaanadda ay si aadka u saameeysay abaarta oo aheyd midii ugu xumeyd oo soo foodsaarta degaanadan intii muddo ah. Safar dheer oo aan ku soo maray degaanada Ceelwaaq iyo ilaa Tuulo Barwaaqo ayaa waxaaa indhaagu qabanaya oo wadooyinka ku arkaysaa xoolo badan oo haraad u baqtiyey iyo xoola dhaqatadiii oo ku sii hayaamaya magaalooyinka waaweyn oo ayaguba inta badan aan la laheyn ceelal iyo biyo rasmi ah markastaba u socda. Runtii waxaan aad u murugeysan nahay dhibaatada iyo rafaadka ka muuqday dadkii dhibaateysanaa oo isugu jiray caruur, dumar iyo dad kale waayeelo oo baahnaa gurmad deg deg ah in lala soo gaaro si loo badbaadiyo nololooshada. Waxaadna magaalooyinka aad uu buux dhaafiyey xoola dhaqatadii ka soo hayaamay degaanada ay abaartu ku habsatay iyo ayaga xataa aan heysan hooy fiican ay ku hoydaan. Ilaa iyo hadda ma jiraan wax gurmad ah oo rasmi ah oo gargaar ugu soo maqan dadka maatada ah oo ay abaartanu aafeysay. Hayadaha gargaarka bixiya ayaa qeylo dhaan badan ay gaarsiiyeen masuuliyiinta gobalka ku sugan oo ugu horeeyo Gudoomiyaha Gobalka GEDO, mudane Xuseen Sh.Cabdi Ismaaciil (Fareey). Basle waxaa jira dad isugu culumo iyo waxgarad kale oo ayagu iskood isku xilqaamay oo ku jira dadaalo ay ku soo doonayaan inay booyado biyo ah iyo raashin ay la gaaraan dadkaas ay abaartu waxyeelaysay. Mid ka mid ah waxgaradka ku howlan gurmadkan loo gargaarayo ayaa ka codsaday jaaliyadda dibbadda, soomalida iyo ummadda muslimiinta ah in gargaraa deg deg u fidiyaan dadka dhibaateysan. Xamdi-yare Gedonet, Tuulo Barwaaqo NB:Waxaan dhamaan ka codsanaynaa akhristayaasha GEDONET inay ka qeyb qaataan gurmadka loogu gargaarayo shacabka ku nool gobalka GEDO, guddiyo ay jaaliyaddu dibadda ka dhistay iyo qaabkii aad ku caawin kartana aanu halkan si dhaqso idinku soo gudbin doono.
  8. This is for all rascal souls whose nature is to envy the product of principled people! Bingo!
  9. ^Are we talking about freedom here? Freedom to choose? If yes, then to each his own. I do not think it is fair for hijaab-covered sisters to insult and riducule non-covered sisters and vice-versa. Those that want to wear pants and be uncovered, it is between you and your creator. Those that wear the hijaab and be covered, it is between you and your creator. I don't understand why the hijaab is under attack when it concerns the wearer and their creater and not any other individual. To each his own!
  10. Originally posted by Socod_badne: quote:Originally posted by Rahima: then again it would be silly to take your thoughts on Islam seriously Of course, same for you as well. Ditto for the billion and one other self proclaimed Allah's interlocutors. The only thoughts that matter are that of silent masses. What do they want, the somali women that is, what do they think? Fact1 : if Sharia law was to rule future Somali state, every woman will be forced by threats of violence to wear the Hijab. Just look at Iran and now toppled Afghan Taliban ragime. That is what Sharia law at practice will look like. And don't you dare deny it! Fact2 : when somali women had the freedom to dress as they liked, they choose to wear the dirac instead of the sand pyramids. There was no threats of violence (to the best of my knowledge) if they dressed otherwise. That should give you a hint as to how somali women would dress if given the freedom. Sug waxyar Bro, qosolka ha iga dhamaadee. So somehow you know what Somali want or how they think :confused: Dude! One thing you cannot say is anyone forces our woman to wear the hijaab. They choose to wear it because you know why? For some reasons you can't comprehend as long as that little man is whispering things in your ear. Now acuudu bilayso oo ayaatul kursi bal isku aqri, iimaanka intuusan kaa tagin.
  11. ^I lost the plot in that post, but I what gathered from it was mis-communication. My post was not personal sxb and I did not expect you take it as such. I merely brought some over-looked points into Yusuf Garaad/BBC debate. Personally I don't listen to the BBC, but I do realize its importance to our people. A famous quote is "it is not as much what you do but what is said you do that matters". Ultimately, whether the case against Yusuf Garad is wrong or right, the credibility and integrity of the BBC is taking a permenant beating with all this unhealthy hype! Either Yusuf Garaad should stop dodging the very public accusations and lay ghosts to rest by defending himself or simply resign.
  12. Rahima, oh you will enjoy the prevailing anti-Islamic attitudes of this day's nomads.
  13. Originally posted by Northerner: [Q] wa naba dh eey. [/Q] Nordhernor, it's nabaday.
  14. Wafdi ka socda Dawladda Federaalka KMG Soomaaliya oo Maalmahan ku Sugnaa Boosaaso oo Maanta u dhoofay Jabouti Allgedo BOSASO, Somalia - Wafdi ka socda dawladda FDKGS oo uu hor kacaayo Wasiirka Hantida Qaranka iyo Qalabaynta ee DFKGS Maxamuud Sayid Aadan ayaa ka dhoofay gagida diyaaradaha Boosaaso ayagoo kusii jeeda dalka Jabouti. Wafdigan ayaa dhowr maalmood kusugnaa magaalada Boosaaso waxayna intii ay joogeen kulamo la lahaayeen maamulka gobolka, degmada iyo ganacsatada gobolka. Wasiirka horumarinta dalxiiska iyo duurjoogta DFKGS Maxamed Maxamuud Xayd oo kamid ah wafdigan dhoofay ayaa Allgedo u sheegay in intii uu kusugnaa magaalada Boosaaso uu la kulamay bulshada degmada Boosaaso uu kala hadlay sidii loo xannaanayn lahaa duurjoogta isla markaana goobihii dalxiiska loo habayn lahaa. Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in DFKGS aysan yeeli doonin sidii dawladdii hore ee dalka oo wax walba gacanta ku haysay , hase ahaatee arimaha dalxiiska dawladdu ay dad shacab ah ku wareejin doonto. Shacabka ayuu wasiirku ka codsaday inay qolo walba ku dadaasho dhismaha iyo qurxinta deegaanka si dad badan oo dalxiisayaal oo haatanba is diiwaan galiyay loo keeno gobollada dalka ee nabaddu ka jirto. Wafdiga uu hogaaminayo Maxamuud Sayid Aadan ayaa magaalada Jobouti marka hore kula kulmaya madaxwaynaha Jabouti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayagoo kala tashan doona hantida qaranka ee taalla magaalada Jabouti sidii loogu wareejin lahaa wasaaradda. Maxamuud Sayid Aadan wuxuu kaloo sheegay ayagoo matalaya DFKGS inay shirar kala duwan la soo qaadan doonaan dawladda Jabouti. Waa markii ugu horaysay tan iyo intii dawladdii Maxamed Siyaad la riday wafdi u socda lasoo wareegidda hantidii qaranka ay aadaan dal kamid dalalka caalamka.
  15. Boosaaso: Wasiirka hantida qaranka iyo qalabaynta DFKGS oo sheegay in hantida qaranka ee taalla dalka Jabouti ay lasoo wareegayaan. - Thursday, December 29, 2005 at 10:02 Boosaaso(AllPuntland)- Wasiirka hantidada qaranka iyo qalabaynta ee DFKGS Maxamuud Sayid Aadan ayaa sheegay in asaga iyo wafdi uu hor kacaayo ay u amba bixi doonaan magaalada Jabouti halkaasi oo ay kala soo wareegi doonaan hantida Qaranka Soomaaliya ka taalla magaalada Jabouti. Maxamuud Sayid Aadan wuxuu sheegay in wafdigiisa marka ay tagaan dalka Jabouti ay wasaaradaha arimaha gudaha iyo dibadda kala hadli doonaan hantida Soomaaliya leedahay ee taalla dalka Jabouti. Wasiirku wuxuu tilmaamay in dalka Jabouti ay taallo hanti ay kamid tahay dhismihii safaaradda Soomaaliya , Bangigii Qaranka , Xarunta Caymiska iyo Somali Airline. Qayb kamid ah bangiga Somaaliya (Branch)ayuu sheegay in laga furi doono dalka Jabouti hawlahaasina ay wasaaraddiisa la qaban doonaan guddi farsamo oo ay kamid yihiin Agaasimaha guud ee bangiga , Xeer ilaaliyaha guud, garyaqaanka guud iyo xisaabiyaha guud. Wasiirku wuxuu tilmaamay marka hawlaha ay jabuuti u aadayaan u soo gabo gaboobaan inay guda gali doonaan inay hantida qaranka ka doonaan dhammaanba wadamada u liis garaysan ee ay ku kala firiqsan tahay hantida dawladda. Dawladda Soomaaliya waxay hanti ma guurto iyo guurtaba ku lahayd dalal fara badan oo ka tirsan caalamka kuwaasoo qaar kamid ah hantidaasi sideedeeda u haya halka dalal badanna aysan la socon halka hantidaasi ay jirto. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
  16. ^War nin baan u danlahaa ee yaa ku yidhi ii jawaab?
  17. ^Are you sure its not adheer?
  18. Don't be fooled by their loving granny demeanour and soft speech. What if they neither have an ounce of granny demeanour nor soft speech?
  19. ^Introvert indeed. Xoog, what do you think about the diverse backgrounds of the criticizing groups and the similarity of background for the majority of his fanbase? Before Yusuf Garaad, it was Cabdulahi Xaji that presided over the radio. The BBC was then still the premier radio broadcast for Somalis worldwide without any criticism or objections concerning its integrity or credibility. After close to century on air, it all changed with Yusuf Garaad. You cannot say all those different sections of the Somali race that expressed criticism are attacking him simply because of his sub-clan.? Maybe since the majority of his fanbase are composed of his clan, have you ever thought that they might be defending him because of that? Either way what you are saying is not entirely feasible and mentioning the magic AllPuntland card wont change facts. From Somaliland to Baydhabo, the man is clearly being criticised and it is primarily because of him (as the chief-editor) that the BBC Somali section, after close to a century on the air, is relagated to being a second-class radio in terms of audience. Out of frusteration listeners have resorted to independent radios and that is something that cannot be denied nor ignored. Come again, sir?
  20. What all of this tells us is, in fact, Yuusuf Garaad is on the right tract, if every tribal section's falaar aiming at him. Not necessarily. So much criticism from all sides must mean there is something wrong. The difference background of the criticizing groups coupled with the lack of diversity in his supporting fanbase just highlight that even more. p.s. Cabdulaahi Xaaji hada halkee buu ku haray?
  21. expecting something his ears (and perhaps your ears too) want to hear. Which is "Kaafir raac" Contrary to what you might think sxb, I don't see "Somaliland" as the enemy and neither do majority of other people. Kaafir raacyo, gaalo raacyo waligood haday ku dabo-laabtaan maxay igu tari maxayse kaa tari? Nothing bro, absaloutely nothing. Somalis have alot of deeprooted problems and complexes I understand, but it is fastly becoming a thing of the past. Ignorance is ignorance; from all sides.
  22. expecting something his ears (and perhaps your ears too) want to hear. Which is "Kaafir raac" Contrary to what you might think sxb, I don't see "Somaliland" as the enemy and neither do majority of other people. Kaafir raacyo, gaalo raacyo waligood haday ku dabo-laabtaan maxay igu tari maxayse kaa tari? Nothing bro, absaloutely nothing. Somalis have alot of deeprooted problems and complexes I understand, but it is fastly becoming a thing of the past. Ignorance is ignorance; from all sides.
  23. ^Thanx for the piece sxb. So what's the biggie? They all mean Land of the Somalis, don't they?
  24. ^Thanx for the piece sxb. So what's the biggie? They all mean Land of the Somalis, don't they?