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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. ^It's the thought the counts. Anything is better then nothing and apperently a lot of us just do not understand that concept. Harnessing power of Muslim World Arabs need to come together not simply to punish those who offend them, but to also change policies that directly impact their causes and beliefs This week, we witnessed the power of the Islamic and Arabs Worlds to bring a Western nation virtually to its knees over an issue that the nation’s government had nothing to do with. I was amazed at that power. All I can wonder is why the Islamic and Arab World doesn’t harness that power more effectively and change policies that directly impact our causes and our beliefs? A newspaper in Denmark, Jyllands-Posten, published a series of cartoons that depicted the Prophet Mohammed in a derogatory and libelous manner. Few Arabs or Muslims had ever heard of the newspaper before the controversy, yet they were rightly angered. Ironically, the cartoons were published in September 2005, more than five months ago. But this week, the issue came to a head after it surfaced in the Arab World media.Arabs and Muslims are justified in their anger against the action of the newspaper. The publication of the cartoons may constitute a Hate Crime, which is considered an offense in most Western Countries. They certainly should not have been brushed off as being protected under the universal right of free speech as they were initially by the Danish Government. Not an unjust religion In their justified anger, Arabs and Muslims have begun boycotting not only the newspaper but also many products that are produced in Denmark. That power has caused many of Denmark’s largest corporations to reel in shock, forcing many to absorb massive profit losses and lay-off employees. That power to act was mobilized in less than two weeks, although it should have begun as soon as the offensive material was first published five months ago. In response, the newspaper offered a luke-warm apology. The Government of Denmark also claimed it had no power over the newspaper. But we know that is not true and the government could have stepped up and denounced the depictions. Sadly, many innocent companies and people who might otherwise support the just causes of the Muslim and Arab Worlds have been punished. That is unfair. Islam is not an unjust religion. The Arab and Muslim Worlds, despite being the target of a constant and unyielding campaign of hatred in the Western Media, should stand as examples of how right and wrong can be addressed correctly. The entire episode reminds me of when the Arab and Muslim Worlds joined together in the 1970s to launch an embargo of oil against what were clearly unfair foreign policies against the rights of the Palestinian people and the Arab World. Plagued by disunity With the power of unity, the Arab and Muslim Oil producers put great pressure on the world’s greatest powers, reminding all that right is not always based on might but is instead based on justice and fairness. Today, Arabs and Muslims are plagued by disunity. The only time we come together to exercise our moral and principled strength is when emotion has overcome our reasoning and we act to punish everyone. Unplanned and spontaneous acts of anger and emotion are not strategic. They may even cause a backlash. The protests and boycott against the Danish Newspaper are the result of spontaneous emotion rather than strategic action. We reacted rather than acted. Everyday, newspapers throughout the world libel not only Islam but everything the Arab World stands for that is principled and just. Everyday, the righteous Palestinian cause is victimized by hate incitement in newspapers throughout the world, and especially in the United States where free speech has exceptions when it comes to Arab and Muslim voices. Yet we do nothing about these offenses. Ironically, we sometimes help the offenders in their libel. In several major American cities, mainstream newspapers are often sold to the American public over the counters of hundreds of thousands of Arab and Muslim owned stores. These newspapers depend on us to help them sustain their circulation. Power to make a difference In some places like Chicago, newspapers could not survive without the support of Arab and Muslim owned grocery stores located in the inner-city. The reality is that Chicago newspapers depend on Arab and Muslim owned grocery stores to sell their newspapers in poor communities because the newspaper owners fear their newspapers will be stolen from news boxes placed on the streets of those communities. The sales policy of the newspapers in inner-cities is itself racist. Why do we Arabs and Muslims allow this? Why do we allow the American mainstream newspapers that we sell to Americans continue to slander us, defame us and essentially incite hatred against us? Emotion and anger are easy. Planning and strategic unity is more difficult and requires effort. We need to come together not simply to punish those who offend us, but to also strengthen our community and insure that our voices are included in the American mainstream news media. The controversy in Denmark should remind Arabs and Muslims that we have the power to make a difference. But can we harness that power when it really counts?
  2. Originally posted by Say(y)id Qutb: Sxb the funny thing is you accussing me of changing my pseudos from time to time, what are you allegding here. The last time this happened it started like this and it went farther you accussing me having multiple user accounts. Well we all know what surfaced then and what happened to you, so I would urge you to restrain from such accussations. Did you not just shoot yourself in the foot? Remember, this you joined January, 2006 which was just last month. Yet you admit partaking in earlier events. YENICERI- Thanx for the inside analysis sxb. It sheds some light into why Abdulahi Yusuf has decided to retreat to his constituency and really I can't blame him. The situation is not exactly in his favor.
  3. Gabbal


    ^Tuug talo uma taal adaa yidhi marka ninyahow ship dheh. Inagaa ku maqalnee yaan lagu maqalin ileen magac haybad leh yaad wadataa'e. Xaditaankaadane qiro uma baahna, iyadaa sideedabo u cad.
  4. Gabbal


    Bishaaro, Indeed! Odayga tried to deny it ka waran. Alla-Ubaahne waad ceebowday ya saxbi Abaadir thanx for the source. Gabaygaas Cabdi Galayax baa tirshe markii asagoo duqooway la su'aalay sababtuu suugaanta u daayay. Macnaheeduna waxay tahay, cimrigeyga waan soo dhamaystaye cibaadada waa inaan badsado intuusan mawdki i helin.
  5. Gabbal


    Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: [Q] ^^Ina adeerow sidaas ha dhihin, waa intaas oo saaxiibkeey xiinfaniin yara caroodaaye! Koley haatan waxaa meeshan koobka u sita Xiinfaniin, maadaama aan gabayga sidiisaba iska taagay mowqifka ah: Gabayada hadaan shubi lahaa, amase geeraarka Wuxuu iga galaafanahayaa, garasho diimeed'e Cibaadada ninkii gaar ka mara, guuldaraa heli'e Gabaldhiciyo waagii barya, iyo gooriyo ayaanba Galin dhexe habeenkii, wardibaan galow kasiiyaa'e Gafkii iga dhacaa maanta, waa geeri oo kala'e Inuu godob islaameed ibado, woowga gaabsaday'e Marka Ducaqabow, arintu waa sidaas, ragna gabay u tafa xeyday, ragna gees iskaba beyr oo goobtii holin waaye! [/Q] Shiekh Alla-Ubaahne, I am going to give you ample time to give recognition where it's due and name the famous source of that poem or I am going to have to expose a classic case of plagiarism . Even though you purposely altered the poem to decrease the chance of google-search speaks for itself, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt untill you can clarify your position.
  6. Does this not highlight Abdulahi Yusuf has lost trust in Jowhar and wants to meet the prime minister in his own safe enclave where his safety and security is unconditional? Faah faahin dheeri ah ayaa kasoo baxeysa safarka uu madaxweynaha dowlada Soomaaliya Cabdulaahi Yuusuf uu ku joogo magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug. February 03, 2006. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia. Faah faahin dheeri ah ayaa kasoo baxeysa safarka uu madaxweynaha dowlada federaalka Soomaaliya Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed uu ku joogo magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug. Madaxweynaha dowlada federaalka Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo safar aan la sii qorsheyn shaley ku tagey magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug ayaa waxaa kasoo baxaaya warar dheeri ah ujeedada socdaalka madaxweynaha uu ku joogo magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug, iyadoo ay shaley dadweynaha magaalada Gaalkacyo ay ku baraarugeen madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf oo kusugan magaalada Gaalkacyo gudaheeda. Aggaasimaha iddaacada Gaalkacyo Xasan Maxamed Jaamac “Xasan Jidka†ayaa HornAfrik usheegay in warar kudhow dhow madaxtooyada maamul goboleedka Puntland ay sheegayaan in bari la filaayo magaalada Gaalkacyo inuu yimaado ra’iisal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo haatan kusugan magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya, iyadoo ay wada hadal ra’iisal wasaaraha iyo madaxweynaha ku yeelan doonaan magaalada Gaalkacyo. Mar wax laga weeydiiyey aggaasimaha iddaacada Gaalkacyo waxa ka jira wararka sheegaya in madaxweynuhu uu sii joogi doono magaalada Gaalkacyo ilaa 26ka bishii February oo kubeegan xiliga uu guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan uu ku dhawaaqey in magaalada Baydhabo uu ka dhaco kal fadhiga baarlamaanka federaalka ayaa wuxuu sheegay in warar laga soo xigtey xarunta madaxtooyada maamul goboleedka Puntland ay sheegayaan in madaxweynuhu uu muddo kooban sii joogi doono magaalada Gaalkacyo, kadibna ra’iisal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi marka uu yimaado halkaasi ay isku sii raaci doonaan magaalada Jowhar. Inkastoo ra’iisal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf iyo guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan markii ay ku kulmeen magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya dhowaan, isla markaana guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan uu ku dhawaaqey shirka baarlamaanka ee magaalada Baydhabo uu ra’iisal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi uusan ku qanacsaneyn shirka ka dhacaaya magaalada Baydhabo. Sidoo kale waxaa la weeydiiyey aggaasimaha iddaacada Gaalkacyo mar la su’aaley waxa ka jira in baabuur iyo rasaas kasoo dagtey dekedda magaalada Boosaaso ay dhowaan soo gaartey magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa waxa uu sheegay ineysan jirin wax hub ah oo uu arkey ama uu maqlin. Madaxweynaha dowlada federaalka Soomaaliya Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo shaley soo gaarey magaalada Gaalkacyo iyadoo safar kiisu ahaa mid kadis ah ayaa horey waxa uu booqashooyin ugu soo kala bixiyey magaalooyinka Nairobi iyo Jabuuti.
  7. ^Shaytaan takes over those with weak minds and weak hearts combined with weak faith. The farther you drift from your lord the easier Shaytan's sway over you becomes. I think that is a testament that speaks for itself.
  8. ^Is this your new chameleon? Do you think changing colors ever once in a while (I see the newest one is Jan, 2006) is going to make you seem a legitimate new voice? War ileen balayo. Abdulahi Yusuf haduu madaxweyne yahay kama haysto kumana haystee pray whatever possessed you to explode in pent-up frusteration? Miyaad ka xumaatay markaan idhi Cabdulahi Yusuf has seeked shelter from his constituency? Why would you hate the truth? Once you remove personal feelings from the situation (yours and mine) you will see Cabdulahi Yusuf is not exactly a conventional president nor does he command a conventional president's powers. If he went to Galkacyo for safety reasons, it is strongly plausible seeing as Jowhar, his former safe heaven, is not exactly welcoming to him at the present. You can hate me for expressing the truth, but remember it will do naught to change the status quo. Teeda kale, why would you decide my opinions for me concerning Abdulahi Yusuf? Whatever possessed you to think I consider him a "Somali hero" when I have never thought so, do not think so, and will not think so? I have not nor will I retract any earlier statements I have made against Cabdulahi Yusuf and his previous Axmaro kow-towing. I started this thread simply because I am noticing a trend, a present trend that even though in no way, shape, or form disqualifies shameful past might set a different future, a different course for the said man. Ninyahow hadal macna la'aanta kuma haboonide, duul la kicide ka gaabso. In simple terms, do not unleash your frusteration on me when I have no control over what caused them in the first place.
  9. Why has Abdulahi Yusuf seeked amnesty from his constituency at a time his Jowhar opposition group including the insubordinate Juriile along with Gheedi and Maxamed Dhere are enroute to Addis Ababa? Especially at a time this accusation is surfacing? Maxaa Sababay in Xilligaan ay kala boodaan Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Cali Geedi ? maxaase sababay in C/llaahi Yuusuf Jowhar ka guuro? Allwadani-Feb 01- 2006 Waxaa sida lala wada socdo soo kala dhexgalay Mugdi iyo is aamini waa Madaxweynaha iyo Ra'isulwasaare Cali Geedi taas oo aad ka garan karto in uu Cali Geedi uu ka dhuuntay Madaxweyne Yuusuf ka hor intii aan lagu dhawaaqin Go'aankii Nairobi. Hadaba Baroortu Orgigga ka wayin, ee waxaa jira warar hoosaad sheegaya in Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Dawladda Itoobiya uu soo kala dhexgalay qilaaf kaas oo ka dhashay Markii Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Itoobiya uu yimi magaaladda Jowhar kadibna uu la galay shir soconayey Maalmo inkastoo uu jiray, Mr Geedi iyo Mr C/llaahi Yuusuf si looga dhaadhiciyo Madaxwenaha in uu Saxiixo Dukamenti ku saabsan sidii Soomaaliland loo siin lahaa Madax banaani ama Ogolaansho Gooni isu taagnimo iyadoo loo raadinayo aqbaliyad cod ah oo Baarlamnka la hordhigayo. Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ayaa arrinkaas gaashanka ku dhuftay meesha uu Cali Geedi ku adkayistay taagerida kala go'a Waddanka Soomaaliya. Warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa sheegaya in Maxamed Dheere uu safaro qarsoodi ah ku tagey Waddanka Itoobiya halkaas oo uu ka hellay hub aan yarayin. Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ayaa Idaacadda BBC-da u sheegay in ay jiraan Dawlad Daris la ah Soomaaliya oo rabta Burburka Soomaaliya in ay jirto balse uusan sheegi doono markale, taas oo aad ka dareemi karto farqi cusub oo siyaasadeed in uu soo kala dhex galay isaga iyo Mela Zenaawi. Warar kale ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in Maxamed Dheere uu hada abuuraya Xulufo Cusub oo uu u geeyo Dawladda Itoobiyo, hadana uu safar ku marayo inta u dhaxaysa Jawhar iyo Hiiraan. Columbus-Ohio.
  10. Hadal dhamaa. Wax baynu qabandoonaa yo waxaa la mid ah sheekada kuma dhignaanayso. Ragu wax ha'iska dayaano ficil ha keenaan.
  11. ^Well yeah, orator is the literal translation but I felt that inanta was looking for rough translation.
  12. This is very big accustion. Just who are those scholars, what are their backgrounds, and how credible are they?
  13. ^Maxaad u qosli aftahan is there but just short of "afmaal". In rough terms "af" means mouth while "tahan" means qof wax badan haya, i.e generous amount. war, af, diid, doon, dheer" camal. Dadka afyaqaanada ereyadaan magac gooni loogo yeero maku lee yihiin af Soomaaliga. They are their own words, but majority of the time they are prefixes and/or suffixes.
  14. Meesha ma luuqadayadu baa la'isku haysta? Originally posted by Idil: wow the longest two minutes of my life, suprisingly re-reading it made aq whole lotta sense along with baxarsaaf, what does aftahan mean :confused: Walaal aftahan means "generous mouth". Paragon, ereyga "soor" sadex definition inuu lee yahay ayaan moodaa. #1 soor oo soorta la cuno. #2 soor oo ah wax la kala sooco [mise ereyga sooc iyo soor ayaan isku qaldoyaa?]. #3 soor waxee noqonee iyadana soori In #2 soor does mean qof wax kala bixiyo as in "gar-soor" oo xaajada falo.
  15. Originally posted by ThePoint: quote:Originally posted by Kashanre: I do not think an Iran with nuclear weapons is such a good or positive thing for this world. God knows the Iranian hardline Shias would as much attack Mecca as Washington. True to the first point. Nor do I know that Iran with nuclear bomb is an unmitigated evil that needs to be invaded. I don't know where you got attack Mecca - they are Muslims after all. Iran has already once funded an unmitigated "take-over" of Mecca in the 70's. I don't know if you remember but Shia extremists stormed the Kaaba and held it for until Saudi special forces overpowered them. Iran does not hide its believe that Shias should have control over Mecca as opposed to Sunnis. The future would be bleak were Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.
  16. I have never seen a political situation such as this. A president who is in the back drop of his own supposed government, a speaker of parliament who has no idea what his job description entails, and a prime minister who sulks nationally.
  17. I do not think an Iran with nuclear weapons is such a good or positive thing for this world. God knows the Iranian hardline Shias would as much attack Mecca as Washington.
  18. Gabbal


    You are beautiful, now thank me
  19. ^^I wonder why you are so interested in that silsilad? So far all you have done is parade around the forum advertising it. Why?
  20. ^Whoah ninyahow is daji. A gaal's slight to the image of the prophet will do naught but accumalate more nacalat for the said gaal. Taa Alla ka awood roon taa bin Aadanka. How in the world does blasphemy apply to non-muslims? In a sense you are right. However, it is prudent to hit them where it matters most: economically. I say BOYCOTT!
  21. Originally posted by Socod_badne: quote:Originally posted by The Rendezvous...: First a gay can never be a muslim coz he is already committing unlawful things in life while knowing it is against ISLAM. Is that true though? If the practice of unlawful/sinful acts annuls your Islamic profession, wouldn't it hold for other muslims who commit equally sinful acts. Like premarital sex? I don't see why not. In a sense you are right. But those who commit pre-marital sex are accumulating a single dambi as opposed to those commiting homosexual sex. Dambiga wuu kala weynyahay and, even though both are dambi, labadu la isma bar-bar dhigi karo.
  22. Yeniceri- What do you think of the actions of Col Barre Hiraale?
  23. Only, with the Cuban kid, he goes the extra mile by dressing in the Steelers' cheerleading squad uniform and singing their team anthem in Samoan!! Comrade, fogive me if I laugh at your expense.