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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. ^That was never part of his itinerary. Barre Hiiraale oo ka war bixiyay safarkiisii Nairobi Kismaayo 30 April. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Wasiirka dib u dhiska iyo dib u dejinta dowladda FS ahna Gudoomiyaha isbaheysiga D/jubba Barre Aadan Shire Hiiraale ayaa maanta ka war bixiyay safarkiisii magaalada Nairobi. ol. Barre Hiiraale oo maanta si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka J/hoose, ka dib safaro maalmo qaatey oo uu ku tagay magaalada Nairobi ee dalka kenya. Wasiirka oo uu wehliyay Ambassador Cabdi Xasan ayaa waxa ay u soo dhaqaaqeen dhinaca degmada Kismaayo halkaasi oo shir Jaraa'id uu ku qabtey wasiirka uu faahfaahin kaga bixiyay socdaaladii uu ku tagay magaalada Nairobi. Col, Barre Hiiraale ayaa sheegay in magaalada Nairobi uu kulamo kula soo qaatay Madaxweynaha Somalia C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed, isagoo ka gaabsaday in uu faahfaahiyo waxyaabihii ay isku afgarteen. Wasiiirka waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in uu kualmo la soo qaatay Saraakiil ka tirsan Hay'adaha Q.M oo ay ka wada hadleen arimaha samafalka gobolada Jubooyinka, isagoo tilmaamay in sidoo kale halkaasi uu kula kulmay Jaaliyadaha Soomaaliyeed. Col, Barre Hiiraale ayaa soo hadal soo hadal qaaday xiisadaha ka taagan magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo ugu baaqay labada dhinac ee is haya in xabadda ay joojiyaan isla markaana ay wada hadal ku dhameystaan khilaafkooda. Waxa uu sidoo kale ka hadlay qatarada iyo afduubka kooxaha Somalida ay ka wadaan xeebaha Somalia, isagoo sheegay in aan loo dul qaadan doonin arinkaasi,ayna diyaariyeen doomo iyo maraakiib ka hortagta kooxahaasi. waxa uuna tilmaamay in talaabo ay ka qaadi doonaan cidkasta oo falal amni xumo ka wada xeebaha Somalia oo ay qabtaan. Farxaan Lafoole Shabelle Media Network, J/hoose
  2. Barre Hiiraale Oo Maanta Kismaayo Soo Gaaray Wasiirka dib u dhiska iyo dib u dejinta xildhibaan Barre Aadan Shire (Barre Hiiraale) ayaa maanta waxa uu ka soo degay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Kismaayo ka dib safar dhowr toddobaad qaatay oo uu ugu maqnaa magaalada Nayroobi ee waddanka Kenya. Wasiirka ayaa waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Kismaayo ku soo dhoweeyay madax sarsare oo ka tirsan Isbahaysiga dooxada Jubba oo uu hor kacayay siyaasiga Xasan Maxamed Nuur (Qalaad) waxaana ka mid ahaa dadka soo dhoweeyay xildhibaan Yuusuf Mire Maxamuud (Seeraar) oo ah guddoomiye ku xigeenka isbahaysiga dooxada Jubba, Afhayeenka Isbahaysiga dooxada Jubba Bile Cabdille Cabdi, Guddoomiye ku xigeenka arrimaha bulshada Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Waldiire, Taliyaha ciidanka isbahaysiga dooxada Jubba Maxamed Rooble Jimcaale Goobaale, Abaanduulaha ciidamada Isbahaysiga dooxada Jubba Cabdullaahi sheekh Ismaaciil (Fartaag) Madaxda kala duwan ee guutooyinka ciidammada isbahaysiga, denjire Cabdi Cartan Aadan madaxa samafalka wakiilka ammaanka ee hay'adaha samafalka Axmed Cabdullaahi Xirsi (Labaale), Guddoomiyaha degmada Kismaayo Xaaji Daahir Maxamed Cilmi (Daahir Carrabey), urrrada bulshada rayidka ah oo ay ugu horreeyaan haweenka magaalada Kismaayo, guddiyada isboortiga, kooxaha fanka iyo kooxaha baambeyda ee magaalada Kismaayo, dadweyne fara badan iyo culuma u diin fara badaniyo ardayda dugsiyada qaarkood. Waxaa sidoo kale soo dhoweyntiisa ka qayb qaatay ciidammada ammaanka iyo kuwa booliska oo uu hor kacayo generaal abwaan Maxamed Axmed Muuse Cawl (Busuloos). Magaalada gudaheeda ayaa waxaa sidoo kale laga dareemayay soo dhoweyntiisa iyada oo ciidammada Taraafikada iyo kuwa ammaankuba illaa xalay ay ku mashquulsanaayeen hab sami ku soo celinta marinnada magaalada, saakana la arkayay ciidammada taraafikada oo jidadka taagan oo kala hagaya gaadiidka. Guud ahaanna waxa loo soo dhoweeyay si aad u heer sarreysa iyada oo ay soo dhoweyntiisa ka qayb qaateen dadweyne isugu yimaada garoonka diyaaradaha ee Kismaayo kuwii ugu badnaa ee wefti soo dhoweeya muddo 16 sano ah. Hadallo dheer oo uu u jeediyay dadweynihii soo dhoweeyay ayuu ugu horreyn uga mahad celiyay sidii loo soo dhoweeyay, isaga oo ka cudur daartay isla markaasna ka cafis dalbaday dadweynihii reer Kismaayo ee maalmihii la soo dhaafay ku lug-go'sanaa garoonka xilliyadii uu baaqanayay, sidoo kalena waxa uu ku dhiirri geliyay inay nabadda adkeeyaan si noloshu ay u horumarto, waxa uu wasiirku ka war bixiyay kulankii isaga iyo madaxweynaha ku dhex maray magaalada Nayroobi ee wadanka. Waxa uu cambaareeyay kooxaha burcad badeedda ee doomaha qafaalanaya isagoo tilmaamay in isbahaysigu uu u diyaar garoobay la dagaallanka burcad badeedda biyaha Jubbooyinka haddiiba lagu helo fal burcadnimo ah. Ugu dambeyntiina waxa uu wasiirku baaq iyo codsi wada jira u soo jeediyay mas'uuliyiinta iyo kooxaha colaadda ka wada meelo ka mid ah Soomaaliya, waxana uu ugu baaqay in dagaallada laga joojiyo Soomaaliya. Wasiirku waxa loo soo gelbiyay xaruntiisa Baranwaa si uu halkaas uga warbixiyo saraakiisha isbahaysiga. A T Gedonet Kismaayo
  3. He certainly created these warlords. Does he currently control them? Who knows. Wind- All of Somalidom is well aware of the chance that Abdiqasim's administration had given a whole sub-clan, but to say he is an evil mastermind propagating all the wrongs being committed by his sub-clan without substantial evidence is certainly not right. Seems as though the ploy being used is guilty by association. That won't work in this day and age. Also, to accuse Sheikh Aweys, like you and others have said, is ludicris.
  4. I still find it hard to believe individuals with an Islamic garb commit such actions. I also have not found all inclusive evidence pinpointing Abdiqasim and Sheikh Aweys dealings of that calibre in the Shabelle. Indha-cade yes, but those men I have not.
  5. Khilaaf ka taagan sidii maleeshiyo reer Gedo ah loogu uruurin lahaa DFS Bardheere 29 April. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Maamulka gobolka Gedo ayaa waxaa soo kala dhex galay khilaaf ku aadan sidii maleeshiyaad Reer Gedo ah loogu uruurin lahaa dowladda FS, iyadoo mas'uuliyiinta qaar ay sheegeen in xiligaan maleeshiyo aan laga uruurin karin gobolka Gedo. Gudoomiyaha maamulka gobolka Gedo Xuseen Sheekh Cabdi Ismaciil iyo Col, Cabdi Nuur oo dhowaan loo magacaabay in uu noqdo taliyaha ciidamada xoogga ee gobolka Gedo ayaa waxa ay kulan la qaateen qaar ka mid ah saraakiishii hore ee ciidamada Somalia. Mas'uuliiintaan oo maalmahaan ku sugnaa degmada Baardheere ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ujeedada socdaalkooda ay ugu muhimsan tahay sidii loo uruurin lahaa maleeshiyaadka gobolka Gedo si ay tababar ugu qaataan degmada Waajid ee gobolka Bakool, halkaasi oo ay sheegeen in xeryo ku yaala in tababar ay ku qaadanayaan maleeshiyaad ka kala yimid gobolada dalka Somalia. Qaar ka mid ah sarakiisha ciidamadii hore ee Somalia oo kulankaasi ka hadlay ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in xiligaan aysan habooneyn in maleeshiyaad laga aruuriyo gobolka Gedo oo tababar ay ku qaataan meelo ka baxsan gobolkaasi, iyagoo sheegay in gobolka Gedo uu leeyahay xeryo, ayna soo dhaweynayeen hadii dowladda ay halkaasi tababaro uga fureyso. Sidoo kale Gudoomiye K/xigeenka gobolka Gedo iyo Taliyaha maleeshiyooyinka Ceelwaaq, Max'ed Cabdi Jaliil ayaa iyaguna ku gacanseyray in maleeshiyaad ka soo jeeda gobolka gedo ay tababaro ku qaataan meelo ka baxsan gobolkaasi Axmed Cumar Saalixi Shabelle Media Network, Gedo
  6. Kulan Looga Hadlayay Taageerada DFKG Ah Iyo Dib U Uruurinta Ciidamadii Hore Ee Xooga Soomaaliyeed Iyo Isu Soo Uruurinta Maleeshiyooyinka Ku Sugan G/GEDO Oo Maanta Lagu Soo Afmeeray Deg/Baardheere Kulankan wadatashiga iyo xogwareysiga ku aadan hanaanka dib u askumida ciidamadii hore ee qaranka soomaaliyeed iyo qaabeynta maleeshiyooyinka oo ay ka soo qeybgaleen masuuliyiin, waxgarad iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada boolista iyo kuwa milatariga ayaa maanta abaarihii 11:00 barqanimo lagu soo gunaanuday xarunta Ex-Shiirkolihii hore ee degmadan Baardheere. Kulankan oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen madaxda masuuliyiinta maamulka G/GEDO oo uu horkacayay gudoomiyaha Gobolkan Md Xuseen Sh Cabdi ismaaciil iyadoo uu weheliyo taliyaha ciidanka xooga dolwada Federalka Md C/nuur Maxamed Faarax (Ananaati) kaasoo ay ka soo qeybgaleen saraakiil iyo waxgarad kale ayaa waxaa muddadii uu soconayay la iskula soo qaaday dhiraandhirinta tubta jiheynta ciidamada gobolkan GEDO. Furitaanka Kulankan maanta ayaa waxaa hadalo kooban ku soo bandhigay taliyaha ciidamada xooga dowlada federalka ee gobolkan GEDO Md Ananaati oo sheegay muhiimada taageerada dowlada isagoona xusay ahmiyada soo xeerinta malesshiyooyinka iyo taabagelinta diwaan loo sameeyo ciidamadii hore waxaa kaloo uu carabaabay taliyihu in haatan la soo gaaray islamarkaasna looga fadhiyo Guud ahaan Beesha SADE sidii loo soo xera gelin lahaa maleeshiyooyinka si buu yiri loogu biiriyo maleeshiyooyinka taabacsan dolwada ee haatan ku xeraysan xeryaha saldhigyada dowlada ee ku yaala Gobolka Bakool. Waxaa sidoo kale isna goobtaasi hadalo dheer ka soo jeediyay Gudoomiyaha Gobolkan GEDO Md Xusen Sh Cabdi Ismaaciil (Xuseen Fareey) oo ugu horeyntii muujiyay in qorshahooda yahay uruurinta maleeshiyooyinka iyo hub ka qaadistooda isagoo xusay in ay jiri doonaan saldhiglo iyo goobo lagu uruuriyo maleeshiyooyinkaasi sidoo kale Xuseen Fareey ayaa farta ku fiiqay qodobka ah maamul u sameynta Degmooyinka gobolka in ay guda geli doonaan sida ugu dhaqsaha badan. Waxaana uu ugu dambayntii tibaaxay Gudoomiyuhu in dhamaan haqabtirida howlahaasi looga baahanyahay iyo muujinta ifafaalahooda Koowaadba shacbiga G/GEDO taasoo uu yiri waxa ay astaan u noqonaysaa hanashada saldhiga taageerada dowlada. Gabagabadii kulankan maanta oo ahaa mid looga gol lahaa wacyigelinta iyo dib u habeynta dadaalada soo mirkicinta rajada laday ee ay shacbiga Gobolkani u hayaan dowlada iyo aas aaska xudunta bilowga ah ee ciidamada Gobolkan GEDO ayaa waxa ay masuuliyiintii goobtaasi ka hadashay ay si weyn u cadeeyeen in ay diyaar u yihiin dib u hanashada meeqaamkoodii ciidanimo. Maxamed Gaarane gedonet-Baardheere,GEDO
  7. take the rest of his war lords Your resentment is quit deep, wouldn't you say, to make a statement of that sort?
  8. ^Should you not be concentrating on building a widespread maamul for Gaalkacyo city rather then a city thousands of kilometers away?
  9. Daqan iyo caaddo koleybo macna kale ayay ila leedahay. What has been described are pre-Islamic barbaric rituals. What in the world can "dabshid" alleviate? Dad Islam baynu nahay, dadku dhaqan cawaaneedkaan ku harayne waa inaanu ka ilbaxino. Dhaqan markii la yiraah, I tend to think of truest meaning of cultured.
  10. The current situation is a direct result of the Siyaad’s bad rule, which has been reproduced, time and time again. Ibtisam you are saying you are not tribalistic in your assesment of Siyaad? Sis, in all honesty, the Ethiopian state and the Somali state both had back-to-back attempts to overthrow the ruling government in the late 80's, early 90's. Both rebellions succeeded and both Siyad Barre and Menguste Haile Mariam were overthrown. Both were autocratic and ran dictatorships, yet, even though some would allege the Ethiopian peoples were more polarized and oppressed then the Somalis, the Ethiopian state exists today while the Somali state doesnt. No one credits Haile Mariam for the continuity of the Ethiopian state so why should one blame Siyad Barre for the continuity of the Somali civil war when he has absaloutely nothing to do with it? :confused: But what about Axmed Gurey, well Axmed Gurey was not a somalian, he was an Ethiopian muslim who came to Zeylac to fight against the ethiopian crusaiders. Why don't you tell as how you got hold of the midwife that helped bring Gurey into this world that gave you such a definite fact my friend?
  11. ^I would say Dhubad is getting on point seeing as how Morgan would not have entertained attacking Kismaayo in the last two episodes without the widespread support of Baydhabites. Abdirizak Isak Biixi even cites those defeats that came to Morgan and his allies (the Bay and Bakool ones) as the harbinger of the rifts and divisions between the RRA. In fact the RRA has continued to be a shadow of what it is during the Aydiid militia expulsion from Baidoa because of that support to Morgan and how they were repaid for it. Don't act the coy, innocent one my friend. Some of us know where you are coming from.
  12. Falkland Islands-557. Suldaanka- What's so premier about it? The United States doesn't even seem to be participating even though its supposedly taking place in the U.S.
  13. It's amazing Macruuf, how you are never far from a discussion concerning Hiiraale or Gedo. Given your history, ceeba kuma karto iyo waxaad meesha dadka ku indha-tiraysay. Ninyahow internetka ku noolow. Duke- Stop your pointless bantering and false information.
  14. ^Ninyahow I actually met the guy and even though he seemed a very humble, diplomatic guy you could tell he was not a guy to be bullied easily. I don't believe he would be taking shitt from Dubya (pardon the pun). Also I have admire the Chinese for their political shrewdness. By coming to Seattle and signing back-to-back trade agreements promising Chinese investment and buying from Boeing and Microsoft, they want to go to Bush and say "hey, there is a large trade deficit between our nations, and you do owe us alot of money, but we are willing to spend that money on your country and help your economy". I bet Hue is saying that right now to Dubya in the West Wing. A+ for the Chinese on political shrewdness.
  15. That's funny Duke cuz I read the title and I knew only you would post such rubbish.
  16. Ma shayaadiin buu ka mid noqdaa? Igama ahan! Duke you usually have an assortment of articles from different news sources backing up your first article, so why not this one that you know is utter rubbish?
  17. People wave American and Chinese flags as China's President Hu Jintao leaves Paine Field, in Everett, Wash., Tuesday, April 18, 2006. Hu planned to kick off his U.S. trip by meeting with Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates and other Seattle business leaders later in the day, part of a two-day whirlwind Washington state visit that will also include a stop at Boeing Co. Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire, left, meets with Chinese President Hu Jintao on the first day of President Hu's visit to the United States, in Seattle Tuesday, April 18, 2006. Hu will also meet with Bill Gates of Microsoft and tour Boeing in his two-day visit to the Seattle area that is part of his four-day U.S. tour. (L-R) Former Secretary of Defense William Perry, former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger look on during a meeting between Chinese President Hu Jintao and China scholars and academics from the Center of Strategic and International Studies, in Seattle April 19, 2006 Chinese President Hu Jintao ® listens to Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates during Hu's visit to Microsoft headquarters. Chinese President Hu Jintao, center, is aided by a translator as he talks with Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire, right, and Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates, at the head table Tuesday,April 18, 2006, at a dinner in Hu's honor held at Gates' home in the Seattle suburb of Medina, Wash. Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire, right, flanked by Mark Emmert, President of the University of Washington, center, and Steve Hill, Director of the Washington Dept. of Health, left, talks at a news conference after her meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao on the first day of President Hu's visit to the United States, in Seattle Tuesday, April 18, 2006. Hu will also meet with Bill Gates of Microsoft and tour Boeing in his two-day visit to the Seattle area that is part of his four-day U.S. tour.
  18. China's Hu in Seattle for first stop of key US visit Wed Apr 19, 4:43 AM ET SEATTLE, United States (AFP) - Chinese President Hu Jintao received a celebrity welcome in Seattle at the start of his first official US visit, pledging to step up IPR protection and using the stop to show that China can be a good trade partner. Although trade disputes are expected to hover over Hu's four-day US visit, in Seattle the 63-year-old leader of the world's most populous country and his wife Liu Yongqing were warmly greeted by a state which has booming trade, including a surplus, with China. Members of a local multiracial kung-fu club drummed and danced Chinese dragon and lion dances upon Hu's arrival, while a delegation including Washington Governor Christine Gregoire, Senator Maria Cantwell, and Boeing's president Alan Mulally greeted him. Hu said Seattle and Washington state were "important American gateways to China." "I'm very happy," Hu told reporters after shaking hands with the welcoming crowd. "I hope my visit ... will strengthen dialogue, deepen cooperation." He was wined and dined Tuesday evening at the home of the world's richest man, Microsoft's Bill Gates, in a 100-seat dinner hosted by Gregoire. Prior to that, Hu was given a tour of Microsoft's Home of the Future, a model of the type of high-tech home the company envisions will be used in five to 10 years. Following the tour, Hu said it "left a strong impression" on him, praising Microsoft for its innovative spirit. He called Bill Gates "a friend of China," and himself "a friend of Microsoft." Hu also pledged to better protect intellectual property rights, a key trade dispute between China and the US, with the US accusing China of not doing enough to stop rampant piracy of software, movies and many other US products. "Regarding intellectual property rights protection, it's not only needed by China as it expands its opening to the outside world, and improves the investment environment, it is also needed as we strengthen our innovation ability," Hu said. "We have already toughened protection of intellectual property rights through laws. In the future, we will seriously keep our promise." On Wednesday, Hu will be taken on a tour of The Boeing Company's Everett plant. Starting his visit in Seattle and its two biggest exporters Boeing and Microsoft appears to be an attempt by Hu to show the United States that trading with China also helps Americans. Boeing has benefitted from China's numerous purchases of its aircrafts in recent years, which accounted for much of the trade, including a deal for 80 passenger jets worth 4.6 billion dollars this month. Microsoft looks set to reap the rewards of a new rule that requires all new computers made and sold in China to be pre-installed with authentic software to prevent piracy. It signed a major deal Monday with China's best-selling PC maker Lenovo in which Lenovo will spend 1.2 billion dollars to buy and pre-install Microsoft software. Much of Microsoft software currently used in China is pirated. A Chinese foreign ministry official, Hong Lei told reporters Tuesday Gates and Hu oversaw the signing of an agreement which will guarantee Chinese government offices use authentic Microsoft software, but details were not given. Two-way trade between China and Washington state in 2004 grew 400 percent from 2000, reaching 20.3 billion dollars, making China Washington state's third largest trade partner after Japan and Canada, said Sam Kaplan, vice president of the Seattle Trade Development Alliance. "If current projections continue, China will eventually be our number one trade partner," said Kaplan. Despite the warm welcome, Hu also got an early taste in Seattle of the protests which are expected to follow his tour. Groups lined up with large banners and bullhorns outside Hu's hotel and the Microsoft compound to air grievances over China's policies towards Tibet, Taiwan, the banned Falungong spiritual movement, the pro-democracy movement and suppression of free speech on the Internet. "Bill and Hu, Free the Web," said one sign on the Microsoft campus. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said neither Gates or anyone else who met with Hu Tuesday raised the issues of internet censorship or jailed dissidents. Hu travels to Washington, the US capital, Wednesday for a summit with President George W. Bush Thursday expected to focus on trade disputes, including China's currency, piracy, and insufficient market access for US firms.
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  20. By Evelyn Leopold 1 hour, 52 minutes ago UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Uganda's defense minister proposed on Wednesday that his troops be allowed to enter Congo in pursuit of vicious rebels who were regrouping there and kidnapping, raping and recruiting children. The Lord's Resistance Army, led by a mystic, Joseph Kony, has been abducting children and forcing them to kill for more than a decade, beginning in northern Uganda where 2 million people have been made homeless by the attacks. Ugandan Defense Minister Amama Mbabazi told the U.N. Security Council he knew the LRA was operating in the Garambe National Park of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Sudan between Juba and Yei, their original base. "When they left southern Sudan they were really running for their dear lives, but in Garamba National Park they have had time to regroup, rest and recruit afresh," he said. Mbabazi appealed to U.N. peacekeepers in Congo and Sudan to help capture LRA leaders, four of whom, including Kony, have been indicted by the International Criminal Court in the Hague as war criminals. He said after an initial engagement with the LRA, U.N. troops in the Congo stopped pursuing them following the deaths of eight Guatemalan peacekeepers in January. Mbabazi said his soldiers should be allowed to chase the LRA in the Congo, under the supervision of a U.N. force. The Ugandan army is currently permitted to pursue the LRA in Sudan, which had originally armed the group. Security Council diplomats doubted Congo's government would permit Ugandan troops back into the country after years of trying to expel them for exploiting resources and backing rebellions. Still, Mbabazi said there should be a regional group formed to address the LRA catastrophe. He estimated that the LRA had been reduced from 5,000 to 500 fighters with remnants operating in northern Uganda. Mbabazi addressed the 15-nation U.N. body along with Ugandan Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa, which was unusual because Kampala is opposed to putting Uganda on the Security Council's agenda, saying the LRA crisis is an internal problem. Some diplomats believe the Ugandan army's treatment of civilians in squalid camps in northern Uganda would also come under scrutiny. Kutesa said his government hoped to produce a long-term development plan for northern Uganda by August in conjunction with a proposed joint monitoring committee that would have U.N. and other international help. He also criticized a report last month by non-governmental organizations, grouped in the Civil Society Organizations for Peace in Northern Uganda, for saying three times more people died in the camps each week than per capita estimates in Iraq. "There is no question that due to the threats from LRA activities the humanitarian situation facing IDPs (internally displaced people) in northern Uganda is unacceptable," Kutesa said. "However it is equally unacceptable that certain international NGOs should seek to exploit the plight of IDPs for self-serving advocacy political and resource mobilization agendas." he added.
  21. Ra’iisal wasaare Geeddi oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtey magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay ayaa sheegay in xoogaga dagaalka ka hurinaya magaalada Muqdisho ay ka danbeeyaan gacmo shisheeye. April 19, 2006. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia. Ra’iisal wasaaraha DFKMG ee Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo goor dhow shir jaraa’id ku qabtey magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay ayaa sheegay in xoogaga dagaalka ka hurinaya magaalada Muqdisho ay ka danbeeyaan gacmo shisheeye, isla markaana waxaa uu ku baaqey in dhinacyadaasi ay joojiyaan saan saanta colaadeed. Mr. Cali Maxamed Geeddi shir jaraa’id oo uu caawa kuqabtey magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxaa saxaafada uu u sheegay in kooxaha saan saanta colaadeed ka wada magaalada Muqdisho ay yihiin kuwa aaminsan afkaaro aan waligeed ummadda Soomaaliyeed horey u arkin, isla markaana ay yihiin mid ka dhigeysa in shacabka dhiiga Soomaaliyeed gardaro ay u daadiyaan kooxahaasi. Mr. Geeddi waxaa uu sheegay iney tahay wax laga xumaado in xaalad colaadeed ay ka jirto magaaalada Muqdisho, isagoo sidoo kale tilmaamey iney tahay wax markaasi laga yaxyaxo iney jiraan shaqsiyaad Soomaali ah oo u tafaxeytay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee masaakiinta ay dhiigooda daadiyaan isla markaana ay abaabulaan dagaalo kale oo horleh. Geeddi waxaa uu sheegay in dadka dagaalamaya Soomaali ay yihiin, hase ahaatee shaki la ay tahay in xoogag shisheeye ay labadda dhinacba markaasi ay gacan ka helayaan oo arrinta ay sii hurinayaan. Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa waxaa Beesha Caalamku ugu baaqey iney gacan ka geysato baajinta colaad mar kale ka dhacda magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo sheegay in ummadda Soomaaliyeed aaney arrintaasi xamili karin. Mr. Geeddi sidoo kale odayaasha dhaqanka iyo waliba ganacsatada magaalada Muqdisho iyo culumaa’udiinka ayaa wuxuu kacodsadey iney u istaagaan in markaasi nabad ay ku dhameeyaan xaaladaha magaalada Muqdishoo ka jira, isagoo sidoo kale sheegay in dowladiisu indhha indhaha aaney ka saabi karin arrimaha ka socda magaalada Muqdisho. Mr. Geeddi ayaa ka gaabsadey in suxufiyiintu su’aalo ay weeydiiyaan, isagoo markii hadalka uu dhameystayna shirka jaraa’id soo gaba gabeeyey. Inkastoo Geeddi uu sheegay in dhinacyada ku dagaalamaya magaalada Muqdisho ay yihiin laba dhinac oo xoogag shisheeye ay ka kadanbeeyaan ayaa haddana dadka qaar waxey aaminsan yihiin in arrintu sidaa ay ka duwan tahay. Garab kamid ah xubnaha wasiirada ee dowlada federaalka Soomaaliya ee kujira xukuumada Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa ugu badan kooxaha iminka abaabulka dagaal ka wada magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasoo katirsan golihiiisa wasiirada mana sheegin talaabo cad uu ka qaadayo raga xubnihiisa wasiirada ka tirsan ee abaabulka dagaal ka wada magaalada Mudisho horana dagaalo uga geystay magaalada Muqdisho. Horey ayaa Mr. Geeddi mar uu kusugnaa magaalada Brussels ee wadanka Belgium-ka bishii hore waxaa uu sheegay in wixii ku dagaalamey ay ahaayeen shacabka magaalada Muqdisho oo ay taageerayaan Maxkamadaha Islaamiga, iyo sidoo kale wasiiro uu sheegay iney gadood yihiin isla markaana hoggaamiye kooxeedyo dhiig yacabyo ay yihiin oo 16 sano ay wadanka ku heysteen xoog. Balse hadalka ra’iisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa u muuqanayey mid kaa ka duwan, isagoo caawa qirey in labadda dhinac ee ku dagaalamaya aysan jirin mid shacabka Soomaaliyeed dan u haya oo xoogag shisheeye ay ka danbeeyaan.
  22. Mogadishu faction fighters regroup NAIROBI, April 19 (Reuters) - Two factions which recently clashed in Mogadishu are moving militias to strategic positions for a fresh round of fighting for control of the Somali capital, residents said on Wednesday. Up to 90 people died last month in Mogadishu's worst battles in years, between militias linked to the Islamic courts and those tied to the Mogadishu Anti-Terrorism Coalition, comprising most of the capital's powerful warlords. Fleeing residents said tension in the city was high as each side stockpiled weapons and ammunition, moved fighters into position and strengthened their 'technicals' -- flat-bed trucks mounted with anti-aircraft guns. "The city is on the brink of war," one weary resident, Abdifatah Abdulkadir, told Reuters by telephone. "I saw several technicals belonging to the coalition patrolling our Bula Hubay neighborhood while Islamic court militia are stationed in our backyard." Many Somalis believe the United States is funding the influential warlords as part of Washington's war on terrorism but the U.S. government denies it. The charge has given the Islamic courts, funded by prominent businessmen, another rallying cry against warlords vying for control of Mogadishu. The courts are the only authority in parts of northern Mogadishu and mete out justice under sharia law. "My immediate neighbours have already fled to Afgoye," Abdulkadir said. "I'm planning to take my kids to Bravo before the guns start blazing." Somalia has had no functioning central government since warlords ousted military dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991, heralding 15 years of lawlessness. Neither the government nor the militia backers had any comment on the situation. "START SHOOTING" Ali Nur, a fighter allied to the warlord coalition, said his fellow militiamen were just waiting to pull the trigger. "There's nothing else remaining except to start shooting," he told Reuters, without elaborating. On the Islamist side, fighters were closely watching the coalition's movements, ready to hit back if attacked. "We will not attack them but if they try to attack us we will defend our positions," one source close to the Islamists said. One Somali analyst said there were signs a new round of fighting would be worse than the clashes in the barren outskirts of the capital last month. "We should expect a disaster because unlike the previous battles this time round they plan to engage each other in the city," said the analyst, who declined to be named. The recent violence in Mogadishu shows how little control Somalia's fledgling interim administration has over the nation of 10 million people. Formed in neighbouring Kenya in 2004, the government moved to Somalia last year, meeting in the southern city of Baidoa because of insecurity in Mogadishu. Most of the Mogadishu warlords are lawmakers or ministers, while the Islamist factions have their allies in government. Source: Reuters, April 19, 2006