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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. Some things aren't meant to be replied to and your shrill negative protestations are among those things. Whatever achievements this man has garnered, it isn't meant to be critiqued by you all the way in London town holding political allegiance to secessionist Hargeisa. It is meant for the populace under the TFG to remark on and remark have they done.
  2. Let's hope this is a rhetorical question and good Ngonge wasn't expecting to see shining skyscrapers near Liido beach, total defeat of Shabaab, and new Somalia rising out of the ashes from the "world's foremost failed state" in the span of six months while fighting both external enemies of the TFG as well as internal enemies within the TFG. So what is it Ngonge? Is yours just mere disingenuous naysaying or shallow Western ignorance? To answer your question, I am reminded of the poet Yamyam's advice to Somali stakeholders two decades ago in the first reconciliation conference: Starting 1:44 While I can resort to the old used, but still relevant, adage "Rome wasn't built in a day" I will go lower as to say the mere fact the armed forces and the populace of Mogadishu who share no kinship with the man have been this energized and motivated by this individual is enough of an "achievement".
  3. You were never known to grace this forum with a rudimentary level of maturity.
  4. Who would have thought the phenomenon of Farmaajo would lead to this outburst from one of the most prominent ex-USC officials? If the objective of the TFG is reconciliation, what more proof of reconciliation is there if Somalis are left to natural political evolution?
  5. The former warlords of the country be it Maxamed Dheere, Indhacade, Muuse Suudi, or Xaabsade of today all seem to be vehemently in favor of bringing down this government. Masiirkoodi siyaasadeed iyo danahoodi gaarka ayay ka dhex arki waayeen. On the same day Xaabsade and his friend held this press conference, over a hundred parliamentarians were meeting with the Premier to discuss their vote in support of him. How come you don't report that?
  6. It was expected he would seek a Parliamentary vote just when the Parliamentarians realized the Kampala Accord not only removes the Premier from office but sidelines the Parliament from implementation on.
  7. "Farmaajo shacabkaaga ama shisheeye kala dooro" very powerful endorsement from the common man
  8. Just finished up a radio broadcast on the government radio Mogadishu.
  9. I think it is obvious by now that the Information Minister believes his political future is tied to that of the President's.
  10. General Duke;727557 wrote: ^^^Gabbal, did he agree to resign?? If not why has his own minister of information Mr Jama claim that he did? Answers old boy.. He does not need to be coerced to resign. He has said plainly and forthrightly that he would rather resign then implement the accord. If it goes through, in good faith he cannot be part of a government that is held hostage at every turn by the whims and desires of a crook (Sharif Hassan). A single year is not worth those preposterous conditions. Which is why it was important for him to come back to the country and see the massive support in the streets in his favor. Even as I speak, protestors are camped outside his residency. Maybe this will give him motivations to fight. The best scenario right now is to go ahead with the elections and get new people who actually care about the work before them into the mix. Farmaajo's trump card should be to actively support elections and join with the parliament in preparations for electing new Speaker of Parliament and President
  11. The prime minister was moved to tears after coming back into the country and realizing the level of support the people showed him. If he did not plan to fight before, I am sure that would give him motivation now. But Duke, what is being forgotten here is that position of parliament. The Kampala Accord would need to be ratified by Parliament before Farmaajo can decide whether to fight it or accept. It is highly unlikely the parliament will endorse the personal negotiations of two men without advice or counsel from any of the TFI institutions, the Cabinet or Parliament. The issue has a higher probability of dissolving itself through that venue before Farmaajo even needs to touch it. Sharif Hassan was already desperate, but Sheikh Sharif has expended whatever shred of his political capital that was still in existence.
  12. Mooge;727411 wrote: they signed a deal on his face. he will go. amisom will not gaurd anyone who rejects musaveni orders. No, they can sign the deal all they want but the Prime Minister has the power to implement it and he knows the only way he can be forced out is a no confidence vote in parliament. While GaroweOnline was writing he has resigned, I wrote this yesterday while the deliberations were taking place; Gabbal;727146 wrote: Farmaajo has concluded his meeting with Sheikh Sharif and has told him three things: 1. He is not resigning. 2. He is not turning over a single post in the cabinet to Sharif Hassan, let alone 9 out of 18 as Speaker requested. 3. He will use his premier powers enshrined in the charter as head of government to go ahead with elections than agree to a single demand of the Speaker's. I would also add, that Galgala's "saacadaha soo socdo xilka laga qaado" is a testament to the ignorance of the writers there. The prime minister can only be dismissed by the president in the event he loses a confidence vote in Parliament. The Prime Minister has entrenched powers given to him by the TFG Charter and if Sheikh Sharif does not come back from being blackmailed by the Speaker, I have been told by close associates of his that Farmaajo will go ahead with using those powers, much as Nuur Cadde did against Abdullahi Yusuf, to force an election and have all three be removed from power.
  13. Farmaajo has concluded his meeting with Sheikh Sharif and has told him three things: 1. He is not resigning. 2. He is not turning over a single post in the cabinet to Sharif Hassan, let alone 9 out of 18 as Speaker requested. 3. He will use his premier powers enshrined in the charter as head of government to go ahead with elections than agree to a single demand of the Speaker's. I would also add, that Galgala's "saacadaha soo socdo xilka laga qaado" is a testament to the ignorance of the writers there. The prime minister can only be dismissed by the president in the event he loses a confidence vote in Parliament. The Prime Minister has entrenched powers given to him by the TFG Charter and if Sheikh Sharif does not come back from being blackmailed by the Speaker, I have been told by close associates of his that Farmaajo will go ahead with using those powers, much as Nuur Cadde did against Abdullahi Yusuf, to force an election and have all three be removed from power.
  14. That "shrewd British diplomat" was representing the consensus of the UN Security Council as its rotating president. I think the test will be whether Somaliland participates in the Mogadishu summit. If such a thing happens, then obviously Faroole will have to be taken at his word but if such a situation does not transpire then obviously we will have to take these statements with a pinch of salt.
  15. Allegedly this was said to the face of the Somaliland foreign minister in the recent meeting in Nairobi between the UN Security Council members and the Somali political groups. Also he says, the foreign minister was ordered Somaliland's attendance at the upcoming June conference in Mogadishu and the representative acquiesced.
  16. Farmaajo is not interested in holding the position. His regular job is on stand by and the New York State government of Cuomo has promoted him to higher position above the six figure mark he was already making. I have spoken with the man. He truly believes the transitional era should continue beyond August to cement the gains and the fact AL Shabaab is now being defeated in southern Somalia is because of his active attention and support. Should formalities abound and continue the same political movements that saw no success in 20 years; perhaps some could argue that. However, if the man feels much is at stake and he will help matters by capitulating he will. He has been told his cousin, living in the US for close to 30 years, with a PhD will be slated president. So I am sure in this case Farmaajo can be confident the support to the defeat of Shabaab in the south will continue. Faroole has already been vetted and disregarded by the same international community he sought to impress. He is a not a man to join the government dictated to and controlled by foreign sources in this time of our loss of sovereignty. If being Puntland president was a projection, Cadde Muuse would have been seen since and he did have "hami".
  17. Zack, ina adeer I don't believe I have mentioned even in a phrase or sentence something to the detriment of the Dhoobley guys. I suppose this is following my anti-Azania posture which I assure you is separate from any movement to liberate the land. Che, Somali historical revisionism is built on the back of tribal lenses I suppose. I have already conceded the man is a warlord and never actually commented on the intra-Somali wars but with respect to Ethiopia and outside forces, this is a recent phenomenon. Also, I believe Somali news sources including the BBC would be the first to say if Ethiopia or foreign fighters were with the Dollow boys. Somalis hold no secret. The reality is the Dollow boys are composed of Somali government regulars (trained for them) and Sufi aligned militia. There are no foreign troops even if I were the last you relied on for accurate news.
  18. Che -Guevara;716373 wrote: What good does war if it brings back Amxaar stooge like Hiiraale bonofide warlord. Hiiraale when we had a government was a government officer and for all of the ruckus of the civil war was considered the most nationalist warlord, you can find it Xassan Dahir Aweys and Mansuur praising him for this even in audio I posted. The man was thanked by tribalists as well as religious alike for abstaining from the Al-Itihad and SNF war because he believed in settlement and without Ethiopian interference. Since 2006, some would say he sold his principles but the reality is the movement in Dollow is greater than Barre and his less than low-key public interaction is more than proof enough. You attempt to hurt the legitimacy of those fighting for their independence and Somali statehood by brushing it off with the mention of a man who has purposely tried not to be linked to it.
  19. Seems as if the Shabaab have met their Somali match for the first time in the southern regions. Dollow boys have been in preparation for over two years, I doubt they would have moved now if they were not overly confident and I suppose the dividend lies in the successful battles in Beled-Xaawo, Luuq, Ceel-waaq, and these in Garbahareey. I would say once the Dollow boys have moved towards Buurdhuubo, Shabaab will head south to Baardheere and there will be the deciding battle for the Gedo region. I believe that will be the last major battle before what is sure to be the battle of Kismaayo. Kolay siday ila tahay gabbalkoodu wuu dhacay.
  20. This is in fact what I had heard and that his body is being taken to Dollow where IGAD transport wants to turn him over to US Africom in Djibouti. Also, Xassan Dahir, Abu Mansur, Zaylici, and even Godane have been confirmed to be in Buurdhuubo following the twice defeat in Garbahaarey district, first the defeat in Tuulo Barwaaqo which saw the turnover of Garbahareey as well as this counter-attack by the Shabaab. I suppose they have realized the tripartite "loolaan" in this new phase is between AMISOM-Shabaab-Dollow and have decided Mogadishu stalemate is more acceptable than loss of Kismaayo which is guaranteed to be tested once Gedo has been singularly conquered by the Dollow boys.
  21. Xaaji Xunjuf;713627 wrote: Somalia needs a strong central government federalism will only create conflict between the various clan regions , and it will also undermine the future existence of the national identity of Somalia. Some good quotes, good Xaaji In my view, the characteristics that might even remotely warrant a federal system for the Somali Republic are absent. Among the factors that might/would justify federalism for any given country are: the existence of unbridgeable and irreconcilable ethnic, religious or other cultural differences, and/or geographical barriers that would make inter-action/interconnection among the inhabitants difficult or impossible. Without doubt a federal system of rule is the ultimate, i.e. the most effective prescription for Somalia’s NATURAL SELF-DESTRUCTION It’s also easy for foreign meddling in the Somali Republic’s internal affairs through incipient federal states. We have already seen clear evidence of this in the current case of “Somaliland” and “Puntland.” Rather than importing federal arrangements that govern strong and advanced constitutional societies, I proffer that the proposed federal system for the Somali people might, if adopted, bring easily about an unintended and counter-productive spectacle of a country divided into numerous zones(i.e federal states) that are based on clanist allegiances, instead of national civic-mindedness. Such a situation would potentially erode the very foundation of national unity and territorial integrity.
  22. gooni;713537 wrote: Sir gabbal wax garadka iyo aqoonyaha puntland way ka hadli karaan gedo haddii abaaro iy colaadba ka jiraan wixii ay ka gesan karaan balse nin walba in gubtaa waa hoos taalaa,siiba markaan ka daawano tv calan cagaaran iyo gargaar ka yimid walaalaheen snm oo ay ug deeqeen tuuluuyin ku xeeran garoowe iyo badhan, garoowana ay ka socoto xafladii ugu fiicnayd ee is barashada dumarka somaaliyeed,,,, gedo waa fogtahay adeer. Waa runtaa. Muwaadan waliboo Soomaali ah wuuu ka hadli karaa balse fitna markay dheehantahay waa laga cowdibilaystaa.
  23. Wisdom has no bounds and the former venerable premier displays it in this "father of the nation" type of advice. He calls Federalism the single most effective path to Somalia's natural "self-destruction" and puts forward his own model of "unitary decentralized". Read the full article:
  24. The Zack;712762 wrote: Qorax, the first picture in your last post is NOT Cabudwaaq as you claimed. It is Caabudwaaq awoowe.