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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^Where did you get that before you start to question the validity of Shabelle News? Sxb, there is only one difference between the Duke you accuse tribalism of and yourself. Duke diinta iskuma qariyo.
  2. ^Sxb I think there's enough lynching going around here already. My understanding is Shabelle is not able to report from Baidoa anymore; any more sources?
  3. Xoogsade- Duke maxaad u xaarxaarin? If Duke loves this transitional admin because of tribe, you don't hate it because of that?
  4. Muuse Suudi Yalaxow lagu wado in la keeno magaalada Seattle ee gobolka Washington. No wonder, his son and other family members reside here.
  5. ^U kaadi adeer, mahkamad lagu tilmaamayo "maxkamadaha" meel u gaar maahe. Warku ha isku qaldin.
  6. Waxgaradka gobolka Gedo oo dalbaday in dib loo furo Radio Shabelle Baydhabo Baardheere - 19 June. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Waxgaradka iyo shacabka ku dhaqan gobolka Gedo ayaa ka dalbaday dowladda KMG in ay dib u furaan Radio Shabelle ee magaalada Baydhabo oo shalay lagu xirey amar ka soo baxay wasiirka beeraha ee dowladda Fadhigeedu yahay halkaasi. Mas'uuliyiinta iyo aqoonyahanada waxgaradka degmada Baardheere ayaa ka dalbaday dowladda FS in dib loo furo Studiyaha idaacadda shabelle ay ku laheyd magaalada Baydhabo oo shalay subax ay xireen ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda FS. Xubnahaan kala duwan ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in idaacadu ay aheyd mid dhex dhexaad ah oo had iyo jeer soo tabineysay wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Somalia iyo caalamka, oo dhageystayaal tiro badan oo Somaliyeed ay ku xirnaayeen, iyagoo si gaar ah u xusay doorka idaacada ay ku laheyd soo tabinta wararka abaarihii ka taagnaa gobolka Gedo. Dadka si weyn u muujiyay dareenkooda ku aadan in la furo studiyaha idaacadda Shabelle Baydhabo ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Max'ed Sheekh Axmed Keyd oo ka mid ah Mas'uuliyiinta degmada Baardheere, isagoo dhinaca kale ka codsaday dowladda FS in ay furaan idaacadda. Tan iyo shalay markii albaabada loo laabay Studiyihii idaacadda Shabelle ay ku laheyd magaalada Baydhabo ayaa xiritaanka Studiyaha waxaa si weyn looga dareemay guud ahaan degmooyinka uu ka kooban yahay gobolka Gedo, waxaana soo baxayay baaqyo kala duwan oo dowlada lagaga codsanayay in ay dib u furaan maadaama idaacadda ay u adeegto bulshada Soomaaliyeed. Axmed Cumar Saalixi Shabelle Media Network, Gedo
  7. Muuse Suudi iyo Bashiir raage oo ku sugan deegaanka Darri Mogadishu - 18 June. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Wararka naga soo gaaraya Tuulada Darri ee ka tirsan degmada Ceelbuur ee gobolka G/gaduud ayaa sheegaya in ay ku sugan yihiin hogaamiye kooxeedyada hubeysan ee Muuse Suudi Yalaxow iyo Bashiir Raage. Warkaan oo aynu ka helnay dad indhahooda ku soo arkay hogaamiyeyaashaan ayaa waxaa kale uu sheegayaa in ay kula kulmeen Max'ed Qanyare oo halkaasi horey ugu sugnaa. Warku wax faahfaahin dheeri ah kuma darin oo la xiriirta in hogaamiyeyaashaan halkaasi ay joogi doonaan iyo in kale. Bashiir raage iyo Muuse Suudi Yalaxow waxaa xarumahoodii laga waaayay 3 bari ka hor, iyadoo la xaqiijiyay in ay safar dhinaca badda ah ay ku galeen halkaasi. Hogaamiye kooxeedyada ku sugan deegaanka Darri waxa ay ka mid ahaayeen isbaheysigii la baxay la dagaalanka argagixisada, kaasoo ciidan ahaan looga barakiciyay barahooda dagaalo ay la galeen Maxkamadaha midoobay xoogag u dagaalama. Shabelle Media Network, Somalia
  8. Xiin- Just curious, if it came to a show down, would you support the "Islamists" or the "government". Remember adeer you're not on trial and this is just a cyper forum, do be a little bit more..real.
  9. Wararkii Ugu Dambeeyey Iyo Wadohadaladii Ceelwaaq Wadahadaladii nabada ee maalmahanba ka socdey degmada Ceelwaaq ee G/Gedo ayaa haatan ku dhow heer gebogebo ah,heshiis rasmi ah oo laga gaaro nabadaynta Ceelwaaq ayey ku xiran tahay hadba natiijada ka soo baxda kulamo u soconaya xubno ka tirsan DFKMG,Ugaasyada,masuuliyiinta maamulka G/Gedo,odayaasha iyo waxgaradka labada beelood oo loo xilsaarey inay xal ka gaaraan qaab qeybsiga maamulka Degmada Ceelwaaq oo wadaag ay ku yihiin labada beelood. Arinta ugu muhiimsan oo laga wadahadalayo ayaa ah sheegashada dhulka degmada Ceelwaaq iyo qaabkii loo qeybsan lahaa gudiga maamulka oo ka kooban 21 xubnood,iyadoona horey laysula meel dhigay Qodobka sheegashada dhulka oo xubnaha Dowlada ka socdey labada dhinac ay ku qanciyeen labada beelood in arintaasi ay u taalo dowladda federaalka,isla markaana cid ayan si gaar ah u sheegan karin dhulka. nkastoo arinta Gudoomiyaha la siiyey beesha Garre, hadana weli waxaa jira qaabka wax loo qeybsanayo oo Beesha Garre weli ay ku adkeysanayso tirada 20ka in saami dheeri ah la siiyo. Guddigaasi ayaa waxaa ka mid ah dhinaca Beesha Garre: Cabdi kaafi Macalin Xasan –W/kuxixeenka Boostada ismaaciil Cabdi Maxamed ---W/kuxigeenka Beeraha Xildhibaan.Ibraahin ***** Ceymooy Xidhibaan Hore Kenya –Aden Maxamed Nuur Ugaas Aden Ugaas Cali. C/laahi **** -Mayorka Mandera Geedow Aden ***** Fiiloow ***** ibraahin Dhinaca Beesha Sade: Xildhibaan Xasan Cumar Xuseen Sh.Cabdi ismaaciil-Gudoomiya G/Gedo Ugaas Cumar Ugaas Xirsi Ugaas Ciise Ugaas C/lle Maxamed Cabdi Aden (iris) Xasan Nuur Sharmaake (warbac) Nabadoon Mxamed Axmed (indho-yare) Indhabuur Jaamac Deer Gudoomiyaha Maamulka G/Gedo Xuseen Farey oo aan kula kulmay hoolka shirka ayaa rajo wanaag ka muujiyey heshiis laga gaaro qodobka hadda leysku hayo ee xaga maamulka ,isagoo dhianaca kalena sheegay in maalmaha soo socda maamul loo sameyn doono Degmada Ceelwaaq. A C Saalixi Gedonet
  10. Khadka Isgaarsiinta Oo Hawada Ku Soo Noqday Degaano Ka Tirsan Gobalka GEDO Wararka naga soo gaaraya degaano ka tirsan gobalka GEDO ayaa sheegaya in degaanada qaarkood ay qadkii isgaarsiinta ay hawada dib ugu soo noqotay kadib markii ay maanta in muddo ah ay hawada ka maqnaayeen. Wararku waxay intaa ku darayaan in shirkadaha telephonada qaarkood ay hawada dib ugu soo noqdeen degaanadaasi halka kuwa kale ay ilaa iyo hadda hawada ka maqan yihiin. Ilaa iyo hadda lama oga sababta ay shirkadaha qaarkood ay hawada dib ugu soo noqdeen halka kuwa kalena gebi ahaan laga waayey degaanadaasi. Waxii warar ah oo ku soo kordha arrimahaan dhowaan ayaa idiin soo tebin doonaa insha allah. Gedonet News Desk
  11. Somalia's change could be U.S. gain Editorial: The Seattle Times Thursday, June 15, 2006 The United States has a real chance for positive gain in the Muslim world. To achieve it, the U.S. would have to swallow its Western pride and open talks with the Islamist militants who defeated the reportedly CIA-backed warlords in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu. The struggling and violent nation is in dire need of stability. The secular warlords have not provided that structure since Somalia's government collapsed in 1991. Muslim clerics stepped in and created a semblance of stability in the form of Islamic courts. The moderate clerics — with whom, historically, Somalia lined up religiously — have told Western leaders that their rule will not be like that of the severe Taliban of Afghanistan. To be of any help, the U.S. first must pull away from the remaining warlords — who were employed in the hunt for al-Qaida cells after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to a wide array of news reports — and call for them to lay down their weapons. Then the U.S. and other key nations should sit down with the clerics and discuss how to bring in the weak transitional Somali government from its ineffective vantage 155 miles outside of Mogadishu in the city of Baidoa. The U.S. would bolster its image and clout internationally by working with the Islamists to make Somalia whole again. America could demonstrate to the world that it can work with a new Islamist movement, and help a people in desperate need. Constructive diplomacy can also help close the gap that has widened between the U.S. and Somalia since 1994, when 18 Army Rangers were killed by rebels in Mogadishu. The incident led to a complete American withdrawal from Somalia. The U.S. should not be afraid of Somalia's political evolution. Nation-building begins with discussion, not violence. Somalis will continue to suffer — and groups such as al-Qaida will surely gain a foothold on the African Horn — if the U.S. stubbornly decides corrupt warlords are the right partner. Editorial: The Seattle Times, June 15, 2006
  12. ^Af-Soomaali si fiican u qor ama soo baro sida loo qoraya. Axmarada kabaha-u-qaad miyaa kugu kaliftay inaad qolkani soo gashaa?
  13. ^Adigu iyo Amhara-raaca kula mid ahbo inshallah wadanku waa laga sifayn doonaa.
  14. ^Ethiopia might not have entered say Mogadishu or Jowhar, but they have been sighted around Dollo, Somalia which would mean their troops have entered the Somali Republic. This is a gesture that will bring the people of Gedo into the picture of the current war in Somalia. They have driven the Ethiopians out of Gedo before and I do not believe they will allow them to enter the region fully again without a fight. We wait to see.
  15. Abdi- Ethiopia, at this point, has not shown agression to the people of Gedo. That is because they are not after any elements in Gedo. Al Itihad has long been gone, and the former SNF has completely united and not susceptible to the Ethiopian's divisionist tactics. Rather, it seems as they are sending a subliminal message to the courts by putting troops enmasse in areas near Luuq and Dollow, themselves former strongholds of Al Itihad remenants in the current Islamic Courts. It seems as that is all. Do I believe Ethiopian soldiers and army contingents will enter Somalia beyond various miles from the Gedo border? No and that is because of the level of international attention and scrutiny directed at Somalia at the moment as result of the heavy western media coverage there. The world will find out that the Somalis have not been lying about the Ethiopians for the last decade and half and infact Ethiopia will be caught red-handed for intruding into the territorial integrity of the Somalis and help keeping the flames of anarchy alive. Ethiopia does not have enough weight in the international community to ignore and/or not feel the weight of the strong international condemnation from the international community were it to be found to be intruding into Somalia's internal affairs materialized in the form of troops and military installations.
  16. Ethiopian troops cross border into Somalia By Andrew Cawthorne JOWHAR, Somalia (Reuters) - About 300 Ethiopian troops crossed into Somalia on Saturday, a top Islamist said, after Islamic fighters who wrested control of Mogadishu moved inland towards the seat of Somalia's interim government. Ethiopia immediately denied sending soldiers in but warned the Islamists not to cross the border, where reports say Ethiopia has been massing soldiers for days. Somalia's interim President Abdullahi Yusuf, a former warlord, is closely allied with Addis Ababa, which was instrumental in his election after peace talks in Kenya in 2004. "There are Ethiopian troops just past the border and coming in. Ethiopia is on an offensive passing our borders and bringing war to us. They are backing the (interim government)," Islamic Courts Union Chairman Sharif Sheikh Ahmed told reporters, referring to an incursion in Dollow in southwest Somalia. Ethiopia denied sending troops across the border. "Ethiopia has not crossed the border. So far, the fundamentalists have occupied Baladwayne and are marching towards the Ethiopian border," Ethiopian minister Bereket Simon said. "Ethiopia hopes that they will not cross." Ahmed said troops had been crossing in and out further north in Mudug region and the Hiran region, where Baladwayne is. Bereket declined to say if troops were on the border. Dollow is at the intersection of the Kenyan, Ethiopian and Somali borders and on the road to Baidoa, where Somalia's weak interim government is based and has been increasingly surrounded by the Islamist militias. Local officials there said about 50 armoured vehicles with Ethiopian soldiers had passed Dollow and 50 km (31 miles) further in at Luuq. There were conflicting reports on whether they were heading to Baidoa or Jowhar. WARLORDS FLEE Ethiopia, Washington's top counterterrorism ally in the Horn of Africa, had backed and armed warlords the Islamists have routed from their strongholds in Mogadishu in a swift march from the coastal capital to Baladwayne near the Ethiopian border. Bereket denied any involvement, but said Ethiopia supports the interim government. Largely secular Ethiopia has long been wary of the influence of Islam in the region, and has not hesitated to send its military into Somalia before to fight Islamic forces. The warlords were widely believed to have been financed with U.S. money in their last stand against the Islamists, which killed 350 people in battles since February. Earlier on Saturday, Islamic court sources said two warlords, Bashir Raghe and Muse Sudi Yalahow, took a boat to a waiting U.S. vessel which approached the Somali coast. "They said they would be back in a few days but everybody thinks they may take asylum," said a senior aide to the Islamist leadership, Abdulrahman Ali Osman. It was not immediately possible to obtain independent confirmation of the report, and the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet said it had no information and urged caution. But U.S. ships are in the area, Fifth Fleet spokesman Commander Jeff Breslau said. This is the first time Mogadishu has been under the control of a single entity since warlords plunged Somalia into anarchy with the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre. The Islamists say they have no interest in starting their own government and want talks with the existing administration, but have imposed sharia law wherever they have arrived. "There is no hidden agenda," Ahmed told reporters, adding that the courts planned to focus on cleaning up the territory it had taken. "People might rise up in other towns. If that happens, we have no choice but to respond if the people of any region rise up and ask us to help," he said. They said they can make Mogadishu "sufficiently secure" to host the government, but said it opposed a government plan to allow in foreign peacekeepers. (Additional reporting by Heba Kandil in Dubai and Tsegaye Tadesse in Addis Ababa) Reuters
  17. There comes a time when every man has to do the right thing. If Abdulahi Yusuf cares about the interest of the Somali peoples', he should resign.
  18. Warar Dheeraad Iyo Ciidamadii Itoobiyaanka Ee Soo Galay Gobalka GEDO
  19. ^U sheeg ninku, kolba shaarkiisa kol horaane ogaanaye.
  20. Xiin- La yaab ma lihid. You have to put up a face after all, do you not? Taa weeye mida kuu diiday Kismaayo haatana laguugu diidanyahay. Hadaad magaalada imanaysi adigoo shicib asluub iyo dhaqan wanaagsan leh oo sharciga iyo maamulka tixgelinaya, soo dhawoow. Hadii kale intay awoodaada gaarikarayso "Persona non grata" lagugu afjaray ka maciimsay! Nin doodi karayo oo wax fahmaya yaan ku mooday hadase ciyaal suuq indha-tiran baad iila ekaatay. Wey tahay.
  21. Indhamadoowe and other mafias in Jubbooyinka know if troops come, their fate will precisely be what happened to Qanyare or worse. Ninka umaleeya Kismaayo inuu xigo just because a small section of Jubadda Dhexe is sparsely settled by members of his clan confederation, your subliminal message has been noted. Gedo is my land adeer as is all the way to Kismaayo. Anything there goes through me, legitimately. Kismaayo adigoo igu qabsaday, waa anigoo Baydhaba kugu qabsaday!
  22. Alle-Ubaahne, you have failed to defend yourself completely from the Duke's points. Why? Ma shaki baad iska qabtaa?
  23. Adeer it is not about loosing or winning the debate. Just be civil. We all fall prey at times to name-calling but it is only after we are reminded of it and we continue to engage in it that makes us less noble and without dignity as men. Now I hate to have entered you and the Duke's debate but the name-calling was unjustified. Continue on if you like.
  24. ^That shows, adeer, that you lost and to lose with dignity and akhlaaq is much more noble then to lose sorely. Right, o upholder of the Islamic faith? There lies our sense of dignity.