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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. Originally posted by Suleyman: Does anyone the number of the cidamada that Barre Aaden Shire is controlling? According to someone from Xamar, 20,000 ciidan, 35 taangi and 350 teknicals have left Xamar heading to Kismayoo. Then it is the tribal war they were trying to hide, no?
  2. It amazed me when I read that the Charcoal trade has been allowed because of the "cabasho" of dependent business people in Shabellada Hoose (and who could they be). Yet the excuse they have given for the Kismaayo unrest was "qaadki" was outlawed and it was the dependent business women who were looking out for their livelihood. Hadaad mar kale i indha-siracaadaan HornAfrique la ima yiraah!
  3. Geed hoose iyo mid sare u korayaan sidii ay ugu laaban lahaayeen magaalada Kismaayo
  4. Xiin Ciyaari waa gelin dambe. Bacdul howsha socotee inoo tahay. Xoogsade- Do differentiate between fact and unsubstantiated opinion next time will ya? Barre was getting ready to leave the place right after the formation of Jubbaland State. Sababtaa kali un weeye waxuu meesha usii fadhiyey. Howshaasne inuu damaystiro weeye waxa kali u haatan Kismaayo ka dan leeyahay. Barre Hiiraale"xilka waan wareejinayaa haddii la dhiso Mamaulka Jubbaland 19,08,06
  5. ^Cut the spin. You support them because it was Barre in Kismaayo. Alleyle Oodweyn baa si fiican kuu soo qabtay; The Story of Xiin: From Cabdulahi Yusuf to Yusuf Siyaad Indhacade. Kismaayo waa loo soo socdaa, mark my words. p.s. I love the hypocrisy in this statement. Soomaali qabiil maaro looga heli maayo lamana qancin karo maamulwalba oo la sammeeyona qolaa eed sheeganaysa.
  6. ^Doesn't that proof to you that all you have been saying was false? That infact Barre was fair and the JVA was a regional-wide maamul that recognized all the inhabitants of the Jubbas and had a place for each? That people who were supposedly oppressed, as you have alleged, are actually speaking out in favor for the maamul of Barre and violently protesting against this put together maamul that you just yesterday alleged was a political feat and will bring all the people together? And these are not even "reer Gedo" people to say the least. Suldaanka beesha Cowra-ma leh “Hadduu Mareykanku ku goodiyo cunaqabateyn, aniguna waxaan leenahay laga billaabo saacadan Kismaayo waxaa saaran cunaqabateyn
  7. Xoogsade- Can you tell me why Dahir Aweys and Sheikh Shariif are trying back to back to contact Barre and even speaking with Ugaas Ciise Ugaas Cabdille right besides Barre Aadan Shire exclaiming they made a mistake and a wrong decision to allow a non-fully supported aggression towards Kismaayo to take place in the first place? No sxb, lest you think it is ku-tiri-ku-teen, waa xaqiiq dhab ah. Qorshaha Kismaayo dadkii watay waa la yaqaan; Diine looma ogalaanayo iney ku gabadaan. Barre specifically told Ugaas Ciise he would not speak to them nor any other people who represent them unless they remove their militias all the way to Barawe. How feasible it is for them I don't know, but I know what Barre will do. If Barre Aadan Shire had done anything in his power to stand against or do anything to harm the Islamic movement in Somalia, I would have reason to oppose him. If Barre Aadan Shire supported foreign troops to come to Somalia and would allow Ethiopian troops to come to Somalia, I would have reason to oppose him. If Barre Aadan Shire was part of the "anti-terror" alliance and had participated in the molestation of our religious people, I would have reason to oppose him. If Barre Aadan Shire had been seduced by Western money and power and had given up Sheikh Hassan Turki while he was under his protection in Ras Kambooni, I would have reason to oppose him. I have no reason to oppose Barre Aadan Shire sxb and neither do they from this interview starting at 6:50
  8. I am sure HornAfrik and Shabelle are against the Maxkamado and are engaging in propaganda. :rolleyes: Shabelle, which can be said to be very, very guilty of your accusation , even said this: Dibadbaxayaasha oo ahaa kuwo careysan ayaa waxa ay socod ka soo bilaabeen dalcadda Suuqa caanaha iyo Somalia Star, iyagoo u soo ruuqaansaday isgoyska Aaargo, waxaana ay ku dhawaaqayeen halku dhigyo ay uga soo horjeedaan maamulka cusub ee dhowaan maxkamadaha ay ka hirgaliyeen magaalada Kismaayo. Dadkaan oo aad u careysnaa ayaa waxa ay shidayeen taayaro...Qiic, olol iyo sawaxan ayaa hareeyay magaalada Kismaayo and HornAfrik said this: Dibad baxayaasha oo wadooyinka ku xeray dhagaxaan iyo taayaro gubanayay ayaa isugu soo baxay wadooyinka waa weyn ee magaalada Kismayo si ay u muujiyaan sida ay u diidan yihiin maamulka cusub ee shalay laga dhisay magaalada Kismaayo.
  9. ^Sababtay Ciidamada lagu sheegayo waa Maxaakim ee Bu'aale u aadeen miyaad garan karaysaa? Hadaadan garan karaynin anigu bal ii daa howshaan. Col.Fartaag Oo Dib Ugu Soo Laabtay Magaalada Baardheere Iyo Ciidamadii Isbaheysiga Ee Buaale Oo Soo Gaaray GEDO Dhianaca kale, ciidamo taabacsan isbaheysiga dooxada jubba oo ku sugnaa degmada Bu'aale ayaa ayaguna soo gaaray degaano ka tirsan gobalka GEDO, ayaga kuwii biiri doono ciidamadii horay ugu sugnaa magaalada Baardheere.
  10. ^Nin weyn baa tahay sxb. Qaab rageed u hadal. Gangs iyo waxaad sheegeysid yaa doonaya idaacadaha Soomaaliyeed ee wada dhan iyaaba sheegayee sababta iyo siday wax u dhacayaan. Teeda kale what makes you think I don't speak to Kismaayo and I don't know what's been going on? How do you think I have been refuting all the propaganda from people like you taking this opportunity to hurl tribal based shots at Barre? bannaanbaxyaasha maamulkan ku meel gaarka ah ayey ka soo horjedaan ee kama soo horjeedaan Maxaakimta. Kii kan ka horeeyene ee bilaawmay intii aysan Ciidamada ee Kismaayo qabsaday kuli xaadirine maxay ka banaanbaxayeen? Qaad baa? Barre Garwene ayaa intaa ku daray in ay taageersan yihiin maamulkii hore ee dooxada jubba iaga oo sheegay in ay ku qanacsanaayeen habdhismeedkii maamulkii hore.
  11. Nuune- Gedo waxay ka mid tahay Maamul Goboleedka Jubbaland oo iyaduna magaalo madax u tahay magaalada Kismaayo. Waa waajid faral ah meel walba ee laga soo xuli karayo difaac ee lagu difaacayo magaala-madaxda maamul goboleedka Jubbaland in laga soo xulaa. Also, Gedo waa meesha ay isku aruursanayaan taageerayaasha Jubbaland. Raga si xawli ah shaqada wax uga wadane waxaa ka mid ah Xildhibaan Cabdirashiid Xiddig oo isaguna matala eena doorteen beel ka mid ah beelaha ugu cududa weyn Jubbada Hoose iyo Jubbada Dhexe oo isne ciidamadiisa kasoo aruursanaya Bu'aale, Xagar, iyo meelooyin kaloo badan. Marka aalaba dadku shaarka wey iska siibaan. Waxaad uga duwantahay rag badan ee qaab qabiil ku dacaayadeenaya ujadeeda la leeyahay waa diiniyan ma jirto. Marka adna xooga bal hadalada cayriinka ah ka gaabso walaal.
  12. Banaanbax looga soo horjeedo maamulka cusub ee Kismaayo shalay looga dhawaaqay oo xalay ka dhacay magaaladaasi. October 07 2006 HornAfrik, Mogadishu, Somalia Banaanbax looga soo horjeedo maamulkii shalay maxaakimta islaamka ay kaga dhawaaqeen magaalada Kismayo ayaa xalay boqalaal qof ay ka dhigeen magaalada Kismaayo iyaga rabshado sameynayay kuwaasi oo qaarkood xabsiga la dhigay. Dibad baxayaasha oo wadooyinka ku xeray dhagaxaan iyo taayaro gubanayay ayaa isugu soo baxay wadooyinka waa weyn ee magaalada Kismayo si ay u muujiyaan sida ay u diidan yihiin maamulka cusub ee shalay laga dhisay magaalada Kismaayo. Kooxahaan mudaaharaadka dhigayay oo muddo hal saac ah waday rabshado ayaa ku waramay in ay ka careysan yihiin qaabka loo dhisay maamulka Gobalka . Barre Salaad Axmed (Barre garwene) oo ka mid ahaa maamulki hore ee degmada Kismaayo kana soo jeeda beesha Cowramale ayaa sheegay in ay ka xun yihiin qaabka loo dhisay maamulkaani, isaga oo xaqiijiyay in beeshiisu aysan ku qanacsaneyn. Barre Garwene ayaa intaa ku daray in ay taageersan yihiin maamulkii hore ee dooxada jubba iaga oo sheegay in ay ku qanacsanaayeen habdhismeedkii maamulkii hore. C/qaadir Maxamed Jibriil oo ka tiran mas`uuliyiinta maxaakimta islaamka ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegay in ku dhawaad 30 ruux oo dhalan yaro ah ay xabsiga u taxaabeen ka dib markii ay sameyeen rabshado , isaga oo sheegay in banaanbaxaasi uusan aheyn mid weyn ayna fulinayeen dad doonaya in ay dhacaan hantida dadweynaha. Waxaana magaalada xalay laga maqlayay dhawaqa rasaasta inkastoo aysan jirin cid wax ku noqatay sida ay sheegayaan wararka saaka soo baxay. Dhismaha maamulkaani loo sameeyay gobalada Jubooyinka isla markaana ay dhiseen maxakimta islaamka ayaa ah mid ka kooban 18xubnood oo loo dhisay waaxyaha maamulka degmada iyo guud ahaan gobalada Jubooyinka. Iyadoo 33 xubnood magaalada Kismaayo looga dhisay golaha shuurada jubooyinka.
  13. Barre Hiiraale oo dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan ka wada deegaano ka tirsan gobalka Geddo. October 07 2006 HornAfrik, Mogadishu, Somalia Dhaqdhaqaaqyo ciidan oo xoogan ayaa ka socda deegaano ka tirsan gobalka Geddo ,iyadoo habeenimadii xalayna tiro maleeshiyooyin ah oo ay hogaaminayaan xubno ka tirsan isbaheysigii dooxada jubba isla markaana wata gawaarida dagaalka ay u runqaasadeen dhanka gobalka jubbada dhexe. Maleeshiyaadkan ka tirsan ciidamadii maamulkii dooxada jubba oo dhawaanahaan fariisin ay u aheyd degmada baardheere ee gobalka Geddo ayaa qaar ka tirsan waxa ay habeeenimadii xalay u ambabaxeen dhanka gobalka Jubbada Dhexe sida ay xaqiijiyeen xubno ka tirsan mas`uuliyiinta isbaheysigii dooxada ee dhawana halkaasi gaaray. Maleeshiyaadkaani oo ku hubeysan gawarida dagaalka ayaa xalay la arkayay iyaga oo u diyaar garoobayo dhaqdhaqaaq milateri , iyadoo dhaqdhaqaaqyadaasi oo si xoogan u socda ayaa hadana aan la ogeyn waxa ka dambeeya . Waraar lagu kalsoonaan karo oo ka soo baxaya saraakiil ka tirsan isbaheysigii dooxada jubba ee iminka jooga Baardheere ayaa sheegaya in ciidamadaani ay baro milateri ay ka sameysanayaan qeybo ka mid ah deegaanada gobalada jubooyinka Diyaar garoowga ciidamadii dooxda jubba ee u hogaaminayo wasiirka gaashaandhigga Barre Hiiraale ayaa soo baxaaya xili ay jiraan warar sheegya in ciidamada maxakimta iyana fariisimo hor leh ka sameysteen deegaano ka tiran gobalka jubbada dhexe. Dhaqdhaqaaqyadaani ayaa dad badan ay rumeysan yihiin in ay keeni karan isku dhac dagaal oo dhex mara ciidamada maxaakimta iyo kuwa Barre Hiiraale. C/laahi Shiikh Ismaaciil oo ahaa abaanduulihii dooxada Jubba ayaa dhawaan sheegay in mar waliba ay ka go`an tahay in ay dib ugu laabtaan magaalada Kismaayo , horayna ay uga soo baxeen xeelad milateri.
  14. Banaanbaxyo ka dhan ah maamulka loo sameeyay Kismaayo oo xalay dhacay Kismaayo 07, Oct.06 ( Sh.M.Network) Banaanbax balaaran oo rabshado wata oo looga soo horjeedo maamulka Maxkamadaha islaamka ay ka hirgaliyeen gobolka J/hoose ayaa xalay ka dhacay magaalada Kismaayo. Dibadbaxayaasha oo ahaa kuwo careysan ayaa waxa ay socod ka soo bilaabeen dalcadda Suuqa caanaha iyo Somalia Star, iyagoo u soo ruuqaansaday isgoyska Aaargo, waxaana ay ku dhawaaqayeen halku dhigyo ay uga soo horjeedaan maamulka cusub ee dhowaan maxkamadaha ay ka hirgaliyeen magaalada Kismaayo. Dadkaan oo aad u careysnaa ayaa waxa ay shidayeen taayaro, iyadoo dad goobjoogayaal ah ay shabelle u sheegeen in mararka qaar ay dhaceysay rasaas sida la sheegay ay ridayeen dad ku soo dhex dhuuntay dibadbaxayaasha. Qiic, olol iyo sawaxan ayaa hareeyay magaalada Kismaayo, iyadoo ciidamada Maxkamadaha islaamka ay galeen heegankii ugu sareeyay, inkastoo aanu sameyn wax dhaq dhaqaaq ah oo ka dhan ah dibadbaxayaasha. Lama yaqaan rabshadaha waxa ay ka dhasheen, laakiin wararka qaar ee la isla dhex marayo ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in dibadbaxaan ay soo abaabuleen beelaha qaar oo aan ku qanacsaneyn maamulka Maxkamadaha ay ka sameeyeen magaalada Kismaayo, inkastoo Maxkamadaha islaamka ay sheegeen in maamulka ay sameeyeen ay ku saleeyeen qaab deegaan oo dadku ay ku qanacsan yihiin. Nin magaciisa ka gaabsaday oo Shabelle la soo xiriiray kana mid ah dadka magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegay in ay sii wadi doonaan rabshadaha ka dhanka ah Maamulka maxkamadaha islaamka tan iyo inta ay beeshooda xubno fiican laga siinayo maamulka magaalada Kismaayo. Dibadbaxyadaan oo bilowday abaarihii 9 kii fiidnimo ayaa gaaray ilaa 12 kii saqdii dhexe, iyadoo dibadbaxyaaasha qaar ay dhulka dhigayeen boorarka xafiisyada sharikaadka magaalada kismaayo. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo dibadbaxyo ka dhan ah Maxkamadaha islaamka uu ka dhaco magaalada Kismaayo tan iyo markii gacan ku heynta magaaladaasi ay la wareegeen maxkamadaha 25 kii bishii la soo dhaafay, ka dib markii isbaheysigii Barre Hiiraale uu u kala jabay kuwo ku soo biirey Maxkamadaha iyo kuwo kale oo isaga huleelay magaalada Kismaayo. Farxaan lafoole
  15. Xubno ka tirsan saraakishii ciidamadii isbaheysiga dooxada jubba oo booqanaya magaalada Baydhaba. October 02- 2006 HornAfrik, Mogadishu, Somalia. Xubno ka tirsan saraakiisha isbaheysigii dooxada jubba oo iminka jooga magaalada Baydhaba ee xarunta gobalka Bay ayaa sheegay in halkaasi ay u joogaan sababo la xariira fariin ay u wadaan mas`uuliyiinta dowlada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya kaasi oo ku aadan sida laga yeelayo ciidamada maxaakimta islaamka ee la wareegay gacan ku heynta magaalada Kismaayo. Xubnahaani ee iminka jooga magaalada Baydhaba oo uu hor kacayo abaanduulihii ciidamadii isabaheysiga dooxada jubba C/laahi Shiikh Ismaaciil fartaag ayaa xusay in sababha uu u joogo magaalada Baydhaba ay ugu muhiimsan tahay fariin uu sheegay in uu ka wado Barre Hiiraale taasi oo uu soo garsiiyay xubno ka tirsan mas`uuliyiinta dowlada , isaga oo sheegay in fariintaasi ay ku qotonto arimo la xariira ciidamada maxaakimta ee qabsaday magaalada Kismaayo iyo qaabkii looga hortagi lahaa. Mr Fartaag waxa uu sheegay in xubnaha ay iminka la kulmeen uu ku jiro madaxweynaah Soomaaliya oo ay kala hadleen sidii looga jawaabi duulanka gardarada ah ee lagu qabsaday magaalada Kismaayo sida uu hadalka uu u dhigay. Mr fartaag ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in marka fariintaani uu gudbiyo ay u qorsheysan tahay in ay dib ugu laabtaan magaalada Kismaayo ,isaga oo xusay in Kimsayo ay horay uga soo baxeen xeelad dagaal ayna si deg deg ah a u gu laabanayaan. Aabaanduulihii dooxada jubba Mr Fartaag ayaa dhinaca kale eedeeyay gudoomiye ku xegeenkii dooxada Jubba iyo taliyihii ciidamadii maamulkaasi oo uu sheegay in ay qiyaameen isbaheysigii ay ka tirsanaayeen oo beelahooda ku soo hogaamiyeen magaalada Kismaayo sida uu hadalka uu u dhigay. Mr fartaag waxa uu intaa raaciyay in gudoomiyihii dooxada jubba Barre Hiiraale uu ku sugan yahay deegaanka Baardhgeere ayna wadaan abaabul dagaal oo ay doonayaan in ay ku soo weeraraan magaalaad Kisamayo . Ugu dambeeyntii Fartaag waxa uu xusay in ka hor inta aysan weerarkaasi qaadin ay u digayaan dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Kismaayo si ay uga baxaan magaalada si markaasi ay isugu haleeleen kuwa maxaakimta.
  16. Banaanbaxyo rabshado wata oo xalay ka dhacay magaalada Kismaayo. Mogadishu - 07-October Banaanbaxyo rabshado wata ayaa xalay ka dhacay gudaha magaalada Kismaayo iyadoo taayaro lagu gubay Wadooyinka qaar ee magaalada, xilli maxkamadaha islaamka ay sheegeen in maamul ay u sameeyeen gobolada Jubooyinka. Banaanbaxyadaan oo si goos goos ah uga dhacay gudaha magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxa ay bilowdeen xalay 9:30 fiidnimo, iyadoo looga soo horjeeday qaabkii loo magacaabay maamulka islaamiga ee Maxkamadaha ay ka sameeyeen magaalada Kismaayo. Banaanbaxaan oo ay soo abaabuleen beelo ka mid ah beelaha dega gobolada Jubooyinka ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ay gabi ahaanba qaadacsan yihiin maamulka Maxkamadaha ay ka sameeyeen gobolada Jubooyinka oo ay ku tilmaameen in dhismihiisa lagu sameeyay cadaalad darro. Qaar ka mid ah dibadbaxayaasha ayaa waxa ay socod ku mareen xaafadda Calanleey, iyagoo ku qeylinayay halku dhigyo ka dhan ah maxkamadaha islaamka, waxaana ay ku gubeen wadooyinka qaar ee xaafadaha taayaro. Banaanbaxyada ceenkaan oo kale ah ayay Maxkamadaha ka maamnuuceen dhowaan in lagu qabto magaalada Kismaayo, balse waxa uu ku soo beegmay xilli golaha maxkamadaha ay shalay ku dhawaaqeen maamul islaami ah oo ay sheegeen in ay ku saleeyeen qaab deegeen oo dadku ay ku qanacsan yihiin, laakiin dibadbaxaan ayaa muujinaya in ay jiraan beelaha qaar oo wali saluugsan qaabka maamul u sameynta.
  17. Bananbax ka dhacey Kismayo 6 Oct 6, 2006, 21:26 Sida ay Garowe Online u xaqiijiyeen dad ku sugan magaalada Kismayo ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose waxaa halkaas ka socda banaanbax xoogan oo ay dhigayaan dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada Kismaayo, kaas oo ay ugu soo horjeedaan maamulka cusub ee Maxkamaddaha Islaamiga ay u dhiseen gobolada Jubooyinka dalka Soomaaliya. Bannaanbaxan oo bilowday maqribkii ayaa dadku soo buux dhaafiyeen xaafada Calanleyee magaalada Kismaayo, waxayna dadku ku dhawaaqayeen diidmada maamulkaas cusub. Warku wuxuu intaa ku darayaa in maliishiyada Maxkamadaha ay isku dayeen iney hor istaagaan bannaanbaxaasi, hase ahaatee waa ku guuldareysteen, waxayna maliishiyada Maxkamaddaha dadka ku ridayeen rasaas si ay u kala kaxeeyaan. Garowe Online ayaa idin soo gudbin doona faah-faahin ku saabsan arrimaha Kismayo.
  18. U.N. Says Rise in Somali Refugees Is Straining Aid By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: October 7, 2006 GENEVA, Oct. 6 — The number of Somalis fleeing fighting at home to seek refuge in Kenya has risen sharply and could stretch the capacity of aid organizations to critical levels, the United Nations refugee agency said Friday. In the past two days, at least 2,000 Somali refugees have arrived through two border crossings, at Liboi and Amuma, amid reports of an advance on several towns in the southern Juba Valley by the powerful Islamic Courts militia. The arrivals brought the total number who have fled to Kenya this year to more than 30,000, the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees said. The agency, based in Geneva, said that if the rate of more than 1,000 arrivals a day continues, it would “severely strain†the organization’s resources at the Dadaab refugee camp in northeastern Kenya. The camp is home to about 157,000 people, most of whom have fled Somalia since the outbreak of a civil war there in 1991. Somalia has not had an effective national government since that time, when clan-based warlords overthrew their dictator, Gen. Mohamed Siad Barre, and then turned on one another, throwing the country into anarchy. A transitional government was formed in 2004 with United Nations help in hopes of restoring order after years of lawlessness. But it has struggled to assert authority, while Islamic fighters seized the capital, Mogadishu, in June and now control much of the south. United Nations officials said the refugee situation is dire. “If we continue to have more than 1,000 people a day, then most of our staff would have to be deployed to the border,†Millicent Mutuli, a spokeswoman for the refugee agency, said in Nairobi. “But we already have more than 150,000 people in the camps who need our help. Also, in terms of our budget and the logistics, we are very, very stretched. We don’t have enough trucks at the moment, and the ones we are using are not reliable.†The latest surge in refugees is likely the result of fighters allied to the Islamic Courts Union taking several towns in Juba Valley, displacing tens of thousands of people, the agency said. The United States has accused Somalia’s Islamic group of sheltering suspects in the 1998 Qaeda bombings of United Nations embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Osama bin Laden has called Somalia a battleground in his war on the West.
  19. One Thousand Somali Refugees a Day Crossing into Kenya By Joe De Capua Washington 06 October 2006 The UN refugee agency reports a dramatic increase this week in the number of Somali refugees entering Kenya. Since Wednesday, about a thousand refugees a day have been crossing the border – as the Islamic Courts Union militias continue their advance in the Juba Valley. Emanuel Nyabera is a spokesman for the UNHCR. From Nairobi, he spoke to VOA English to Africa Service reporter Joe De Capua about the rise in Somali refugees. “In the last two days, we have witnessed 2069 Somali refugees coming in through Laboi and Amuma border crossing points. The dramatic change also is that for a long time we’ve been receiving refugees mainly from Laboi. But now, we have more and more coming in through Amuma…and this has forced us now to be sending convoys to both Laboi and Amuma. Initially we were only sending them to Laboi,†he says. He describes Amuma as a flat area with no trees where refugees are exposed to harsh conditions. So the UNHCR may open a registration center there soon. Regarding the sharp increase in refugees, Nyabera says, “It’s definitely a very big challenge because initially we were handling around 100 per day. But now, in the past two days, it has moved to around 1,000 per day. We are having serious problems with the movement of people, especially with the trucks. We also have logistical constraints when it comes to moving the people.†The refugees are being taken to Dadaab, where there are three UNHCR camps. Dadaab is about 80 kilometers from the border. Most of the refugees are women and children. Now, however, more elderly people are being seen, as well as Kismayo business people, who say they have lost their livelihoods with the arrival of the ICU. What’s more, the refugees now include Somali Bantus, who have their origins in Malawi and Tanzania.
  20. Originally posted by Rahima: HA, Brother, with respect to the people of Kismaayo supporting the take over, you and I will never agree. You say that they don’t, others many reer kismaayo themselves say they do. This is just like Southern Mudug, people will argue till they are blue that the people don’t support the courts and others say otherwise- each is driven by a different incentive. What however I fail to comprehend and really find extremely surprising is that you (an individual I respect) would jump off the wagon so easily and to make it even worse my brother be writing like some people that we all know are questionable. I can go into detail here, but I have too much respect for you to do so and hope that a disagreement doesn’t tilt you to the other side. I am more than sure that the courts would of have given Mr. Hiraale a chance to come on board, he made his choice. He took over Kismaayo by force brother, right or wrong is irrelevant right now, but he had a choice to join the movement. My support for the courts will not wain so long as they continue on their path of good, they have achieved feats brother that no other entity, warlord or leader (including Mr Hiraale) have been able to. I admire Xassan Dahir and I find it surprising that you belittle him the way you do- the above interview is a testament to the nature of the man. Like I said, I find it hard to accept that you’ve adopted such a view; at the end of the day they are serving the people on the principles of Islam. They are not perfect by any measure, but they are doing the best we have seen, on that they should have our support regardless of whether or not we think one man and his leadership were wronged. Qaybdiid let me remind you was once upon a time a staunch supporter of the courts, especially as with regards to the establishment of a court for his sub-sub-clan. He had a choice to join the good efforts of the courts, but when he realised that he would no longer hold the power (negative mind you) that he held, he chose to oppose. Cusmaan Caato on the other hand is no angel but at least he chose to mind his own business. Many will argue that both (Qaybdiid and Hiraale) are selfish and think only of themselves and their leadership instead of the general good- I am one of those people. I don’t know anything of Hiraale, but one thing is clear, he obviously refused to join the movement and instead chose to further his own agenda instead of the agenda on the country and populace. To end it HA, ponder why all the major Somali scholars from Umal, Cumar Farooq, Shariif Cabdinuur, Cukaash to Mustafa support the courts. If they were so wrong as you seem to think, why would they? Men like Umal who has met with these men, who has been to Xamar know the situation better than people like you and I who have no access really other than the internet and the views of people we all know are driven by questionable incentives. The fact the scholars support them says a lot. That is my opinion. Ramadaan Kariim First Ramadan Kariim too sis. Secondly if I were to write, once again, the reason the Islamic Courts has become diminished in my eyes, it would just be too redundant. I would, however, like to re-establish some points. (1.) I have always supported Islamic rule for our people seeing as though we are an overwhelming Islamic people and Islam being a way of life rather then a mere part of life, (2.) I have always supported the protection and the right to lead of our wadaado hence the reason for my conduct towards the previous anti-terror alliance that declared war on the state of Islam in Somalia, (3.) I continue to support our wadaado and my overwhelming support goes to all the religious men and women who are doing their best to unite our people in Islam, and etc. However, it is my strong belief that the action towards Kismaayo was not necessarily wanted nor overwhelmingly supported by the ICU (and there were evidence of wranglings) then say individuals like Cabdiqasim Salad Hassan (whom I had great respect for) and Indhacade. Those are men who were more driven by the idea of Barre Hiiraale giving political support to Abdulahi Yusuf as the president of the Transitional Federal government; something they would have loathed seeing as it is evident Cabdiqasim has been on a "get-back" mode, rightfully or wrongly, towards Abdulahi Yusuf for what Abdulahi Yusuf had previously done towards Abdiqasim's transitional government. Those men could never have acted and nor could they ever have succeeded, but the ICU could have and it was why it was used in a shady manner. I can continue to write on and on but it would be pointless so because of the little that I had written, I would hope you differentiate between my general opinion towards the Islamic Courts movement as opposed to my specific opinion towards specific personalities. p.s. I have never belittled Hassan Dahir Aweys and I don't understand where that accusation came from. The only time I have ever addressed Hassan Dahir in a negative manner was the cover-up towards the Kismaayo protests where he alleged because Khat planes had been turned around. All I had merely said was that is not necessary true for those of us who do have families in the city and understand what is going and I had also asked people to use their logic seeing as though the protests begun before the Courts militias were fully even in the city and could have power to decide the general orderings of the city.
  21. Inshallah we will come this and we hope maxkamadaha inay ku gulaystaan sidey nabad waarto iyo xasilooni u dabaali lahaayeen.
  22. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Horn, I can’t help but agree with you there mate. I wouldn’t classify him as warlord; he’s a total wuss-lord now. Hadii aad Islaamo drug dealers ka sugeysid inay kheyr keenaan, ama kacdoon bilaabaan adigaaba fiyoobeen. Faatixa isa saar. Faatixa inaan isa saaro waaba waxaan u baahnahay lakin I don't think I am talking out of the blue when I say majority of SOL nomads would agree that you need it more then I. Raga markaad dhex joogtid adeer u yara kaadi dhaqanka cayriinka ee habar caraysan aad moodid. Wa-salam
  23. Originally posted by General Duke: LOL. Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida , Maradona is running? The North will support him, as he is a Muslim Hausa. The South-west dominated by the Christian Yoruba, and the Eastern IGBO will not give him much support. Though he has money and might buy his way through. That's why I posted. It caught me totally off-guard because after the Obasanjo and Abubakar feuding and the senate telling Obasanjo he is bared from a third term, I've been wanting to know who would pop out of the blue. IBB of all people..waa war cusub dheh.
  24. Nigerians divided by Babangida By Sola Odunfa BBC Focus On Africa magazine Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, the stupendously wealthy former military ruler of Nigeria, is only one of some 20 presidential aspirants in upcoming polls - but none excite half as much emotion as he does. His supporters are fanatical with admiration; his opponents dislike him with an equal passion. Hardly any Nigerian is indifferent to IBB, as he is known. And with the country's general and presidential elections due in April 2007, Mr Babangida's figure looms large over the political landscape. During his years in power between 1985 and 1993, the press nicknamed him Maradona for his deft political dribbling skills - demonstrated in particular when his elaborate plan to hand over to civilian rule ate deep into the nation's purse for three years, yet produced no democracy. But having given himself the title "evil genius", he is now tasked with convincing Nigerian voters that he means no evil. But the field he faces is hostile indeed. Public campaign On Mr Babangida's 65th birthday in August, a group called the Citizens For Nigeria spoiled the party with a full-page newspaper advertisement proclaiming that "the bedrock for today's economic and financial problems in Nigeria was laid by this man". They blamed him for the "institutionalisation of the culture of corruption" in Nigeria. And the concerted public campaign to rubbish Mr Babangida began as far back as May, when his former chief of defence staff, General Domkat Bali, revealed a minister who was executed for allegedly plotting a coup was convicted on "weak" evidence. "I am not sure whether we were right to have killed him," General Bali said. The widow of the executed minister, General Mamman Vasta, then wrote to President Olusegun Obasanjo protesting her husband's innocence and demanding that Mr Babangida be prosecuted for her husband's "murder". Even without a decision on whether the matter will be officially pursued, incalculable political harm had been done to the former military ruler. Meanwhile, the heat drew nearer to home in August when Mr Babangida's son, Mohammed, was arrested by anti-corruption agents. The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) made no allegations of impropriety, but he was questioned about his financial affairs and alleged investment in the local telecommunications company, Globacom. He spent three days behind bars before he was released on bail. However, his father's supporters were quick to point the blame for his detention on Mr Obasanjo's government - and added that the EFCC's target was in fact Mr Babangida himself, with the intention of finding something with which to discredit him. They also took issue with the earlier arrest and interrogation of Mike Adenuga, the highly respected owner of Globacom, claiming he is being harassed because of his close relationship with Mr Babangida. Major hurdle On his birthday, Mr Babangida gave his first personal response to these mounting problems. "I can understand because we are getting into politics," he said, adding that the Vatsa execution had now been added "into the vocabulary of the atrocities committed by IBB". But he called for people to "understand and to be fair in their condemnation." "Nigeria is bigger than Babangida or any other person - so, we should be thinking on what to do to better our country," he added. However, it is not yet certain whether Mr Babangida's name will even appear on the ballot papers - with a major hurdle for him being a recommendation to government that he and two other ex-military rulers, who rejected summonses to appear before the Human Rights Violations Investigations Commission, be banned from leading Nigeria again. The decision to implement the recommendation rests with President Obasanjo - and perhaps ultimately with the courts of appeal.