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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Che & Generale, cut it guys! You're a knee deep in clannish argument that's even too low for somali standards! Debate points raised on thier merits but stop this back and forth tribal arguments that you are having! It's not pretty saaxiibayaal! Let me second that.
  2. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: LOL@Horn, Gedonet too reported it so he obliged to post ! Yaan lagaa tegin adeer! Care to give your opinion on the problems highlighted by the said men?
  3. Dableey Kasoo Gadooday Maleeshiyada Maxaakiimta Ee Gobolada Dhexe Ee Somaliya Oo Dib Ugu Soo Laabtay Gaalkacyo Dec 05,2006 by Gaalkacyo-Gedo-NN Maanta ayaa waxaa dib ugu soo laabtay maleeshiyo kasoo jeeda Gobolada Puntland oo markii hore ku biiray maleeshiyaadka Maxkamadaha ee ku sugan Gobolada Dhexe ee Somaliya. Dableydan soo baxsatay oo tiro ahaan gaaraysa 35 nin ayaa maanta waxay Saxaafada ugu waremeen jiida hore ee Tuulada Bandiiradleey halkaas oo ay ku sheegeen wixii ay la kulmeen. Nin kamid ah kooxdan soo baxsatay ayaa sheegay in markii ay ku biireen midowga maxaakiimta la geeyay isaga iyo ragiisii meel Cadaado u dhow halkaas oo tababar aad u adag loogu sameeyay, hase yeeshee ay xamili waayeen qaabka tababarka iyo dhaqanka meesha yaalay. Xagga Diinta isagoo ka waramaya ayuu saxaafada u sheegay inaysan oolin halkaasi wax Diin lagu tilmaamo waxay noo sheegeen ayuu yiri ragii meesha xukumay inay xaaraan ahayd haweenkii ay markii hore guursadeen raggani, hadana looga baahan yahay inay nikaax cusub sameeyaan taasoo nagu kaliftay inaan qaadano go’aan deg deg ah. Arrinta layaabka dhalisayna waxay ahayd markii loo sheegay in lagu duulayo Puntland iyo Somaliland oo hantidoodu tahay mid Qaniimo ah shacabka ku sugana ay doonayaan in si fiican loo fahansiiyo ujeedooyinkooda. Wuxuu kaloo sheegay inay dhowr mar isku dayeen inay baxsadaan, hase yeeshee laga daba yimid halkoodiina lagu celiyay, haatana ay ku soo baxsadeen dhuumasho, haatana ay kusoo baxsadeen koox koox. Walina ay la’yihiin qaybo badan oo rag lasocday halkii ay qabteen. Xagga jirka ragan waxaa ka muuqanaysa rafaad iyo diif aad u daran kadib markii ay soo lugeeyeen masaafo kor u dhaafaysa 350KM. M J Faarax-Gedo News Network Puntland
  4. Your optimism is respectable to say the least.
  5. Bambo, do you know foreign forces the communique is mostly aimed at?
  6. Somali-Friend- Sheikh Dahir Aweys could have contradicted Sheikh Hassan Turki on his asserting that they planned to militarily take both Somaliland and Puntland but not on highlighting the fundamental differences between the TFG and the ICU. In fact, what Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys did was to contradict Turki on the earlier while never even bringing up the latter. What are two of the main fundamental differences that stops any decision from being reached (other then the TFG do the compromising and accepting the ICU demands)? 1. There is no such thing as a constitution except the Holy Qur'an. 2. The law of the land shall be based on Sharia (and infact this has always followed "we are inviting the president to Mogadishu" by adding "provided he will rule by Sharia Law"). As you can see, the problem does not disappear when and if the TFG and the ICU sit face to face again, as some have already led themselves to believe. It is the TFG that will do any major comprising and I do not see how that is particularly possible with the number and weight of foreign hands in the mix.
  7. The notion that everything hinges on the ICU sitting down with the TFG strikes me as naive. Hasn't the ICU sat down with the TFG before? What came as a result? Better yet, has it relevence? Ragow wax badan soo tuura, waad is indha-tiraysaane! There are extreme differences between the ICU and the TFG that will not be bridged anytime soon particularly that those have been stipulated by their respective supporters (highlighted of course by our esteemed and quite blunt Hassan Turki), but unlike the majority of you, I believe an agreement on those differences has no relevence! I do agree with Baashi that Ethiopia has surely gotten the upper hand in the current power-struggle. So much that Ethiopia has virtually discarded with the TFG and called the fight out for what it is; its own. Today I read an interesting press release by one Abdirahman Diinaari, the personal spokesman of the president. According to Diinaari, Ethiopia has a right to defend itself and "they", persumably the TFG, support the decision by the Ethiopian parliament to support its Prime Minister. Intelligent men do not need any more information on deciding whether anything, rather then everything, rests on the TFG and ICU sitting down face to face!
  8. If Socod-Badne sees the problem with a report like this then kuwaa Muslim sheegto ee noo soo gudbinayo waxaano kale maxaa inoo haray?
  9. I have an extremely hard time comprehending you Bambo, but maybe you should check this topic out?
  10. Somali war fears spark exodus from southern town as battle looms The Associated Press MOGADISHU, Somalia: Somalia's government has sent hundreds of troops backed by Ethiopian soldiers to recapture a strategic town seized by the country's powerful Islamic movement, witnesses and military officials said Sunday as dozens of families began fleeing the area. The Islamic militia, which since June has seized the capital and most of the country's south, declared itself in control of the southern town of Dinsor on Saturday, saying it moved into the area without encountering any resistance or firing a single shot. That means the Islamic Courts Union, as the group is known, has now effectively encircled the weak, transitional government in its fortified base in Baidoa, a city in western Somalia that is the only ground the U.N.-backed government can claim to control. "The Courts' provocative and unjustified act of aggression in the region must be faced with force," warned the government's justice minister, Sheik Aden Nour Mohamed, a powerful warlord. The Islamic movement's spokesman, Sheik Abdirahim Ali Mudey, promised that any government assault would be met with fierce resistance. "Since the town is now under the control of the Islamic courts with the willingness of the local people any attack waged against it would meet a fierce battle," Mudey said. Fears were mounting that a battle for Dinsor, 120 kilometers, or 75 miles, southwest of Baidoa, could be the spark that ignites an all-out conflict in Somalia. The town is considered strategic because it controls a vital bridge linking Baidoa with southern Somalia and the key port of Kismayo. Some 600 well-armed government troops equipped with pickup trucks mounted with machine guns were deployed late Saturday to drive the Islamic group out of the town, said a senior military official on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. Another official speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue said two Ethiopian battalions were in support. Witnesses said there were about 200 Islamic fighters with dozens of machine gun-outfitted trucks preparing defensive positions in the town. Ethiopia backs the transitional government, fearing the rise of a neighboring Islamic fundamentalist state. Ethiopia's regional rival, Eritrea, is supporting the Islamic movement. Fearing a battle, residents were fleeing. One shopkeeper in Dinsor, Mo'alim Isgow Ahmed, said at least half the residents have fled. "We left Dinsor to save our lives," said Mad Ali Gab, a resident of Dinsor who arrived in Baidoa by car. "They are preparing for war so we cannot wait for the fighting to begin." Somalia has not had an effective government since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another. The transitional government was formed with the help of the U.N. two years ago, but has struggled to assert its authority. The U.S. circulated a draft U.N. resolution late Friday that would authorize the deployment of a regional military force to protect the fragile government. The troops would likely come from a seven-nation East African group, but would not include Somalia's neighbors, like Ethiopia. U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said Friday he expects Security Council experts to discuss the draft on Monday. On Thursday a veiled woman and two other suicide bombers exploded cars outside Baidoa, killing 10 people. The attack was the second suicide bombing in the country and had hallmarks of an al-Qaida operation. Osama bin Laden has declared Somalia to be a battleground in his war against the West. Also on Thursday, Ethiopia's parliament paved the way for war by authorizing military action if attacked. There have already been a number of small-scale skirmishes in recent weeks, according to witnesses, with Ethiopian forces inside Somalia suffering several dozen fatalities. ___ Associated Press Writer Mohamed Sheik Nor in Mogadishu contributed to this report.
  11. This means this report must have been accurate despite only Gedonet reported it. Cours vacate their line of defense in Saakow?
  12. Who would have thought a year a half ago Oromo Liberation Front and Pakistani merceneries would be in control of Kismaayo airport?
  13. Ciidamada DFS oo uu horkacayo Barre Hiiraale oo u baqoolay Diinsoor Baydhabo 02, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Ciidamo taabacsan dowladda somalia oo uu horkacayo wasiirka G/dhigga dowladda Somalia Barre Hiiraale oo ay wehliyaan ciidamo Ethiopian ah ayaa u dhaqaaqay deegaanka Diinsoor ee gobolka Baay, iyadoo maanta degmadaasi ay la wareegeen ciidamada maxkamadah islaamka. Ciidamadaan oo ku hubeysan gawaarida dagaalka oo aad u fara badan ayaa galabta ka ambabaxay magaalada Baydhabo, iyagoo u ruuqaansaday dhinaca degmada Diinsoor ee gobolka Baay sida ay shabelle u xaqiijiyeen ilo xog ogaal ah oo ku sugan magaalada Baydhabo. Ciidamadaan ayaa sida la sheegay waxa ay ahaayeen kuwo aad u qalabeysan, duulaana ku ahaa magaalada Diinsoor oo maanta ay la wareegeen golaha maxkamadaha islaamka, iyadoo laga cabsi qabo in halkaasi uu dagaal ka qarxo. Si kastaba ha ahaatee dhaq dhaqaaqyada ciidan ee ka jira gobolka baay ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli golaha amaanka uu ka fadhiyo maalinta isniinta ah qaadista xayiraadda hubka ee Somalia, ka dib markii shalay dowladda mareykanka ay qaraar u qeybisay xubnaha golaha amaanka. Shabelle Media Network Somalia E-mail us:
  14. At least, now you are prepared for next time my man.
  15. I think this ugaarsi of our religious folk is getting out of hand! If you are against the politics of the ICU say so, but do not got and disrupt the implementation of Sharia Law by the people for the people! Will Fartaag disrupt a religious gathering in Baardheere while well known sheikhs in Puntland and pro-Sharia traditional leaders in Somaliland are arrested?? This cannot be! People must not be allowed to go so far in a need to stand before the ICU.
  16. SDF:Shir Sanadeedkii Waxbarashada GEDO Iyo G/Gaduud Oo Lagu Soo Gababeeyey Columbus, OHIO
  17. In Mogadishu, a senior Islamist security official said the bombing was an attack on an Ethiopian military post and an Islamist commander in Bay region where Baidoa is located said it was carried out by "Islamic suicide bombers." So Garoweonline was telling the truth?
  18. Originally posted by xox ogaal: i think so Thanks for confirming. I have known it from the get when you alleged your family was in support of the ICU coming to Caabudwaaq. Reer abtigaa ballee raadinayeen balse alla mahadle hadii laga hortagin ee laakiin laga siyaasad badiyey. Waa iga kaftan abti.
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: All this noise wont last, just dont destroy our city. On the money sxb.
  20. Originally posted by xox ogaal: i'm sorry i meant you know lafta iskaleh sitekaas hmmmm jamac adden dheere Are they the reer Abti?
  21. ^Well yeah, I was talking about the arms embargo also or the misunderstanding all Somalis, including their medias from both sides, had about the American resolution.
  22. That's because the anticipation for the lifting of the arms embargo was politically naive. Qaraar qabyadi maraykanka kuma saabsanayn ka qaadida xayiraada hubka ee Somaliyoo dhan saaran. Tooda waxay ku saabsanayd ka qaadid gaar ah ee loogu talagalay waxay yiraahdaan "peace-keepers". Welina taa lama hor keenin golaha amaanka.
  23. "horn i'm sure you lafta qabiilkaaga oo iskaleh that website" Ma fahmin?