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As it stands, Saacid will not resign. He is resolved to take the issue to Parliament. Unless something unforeseen occurs, the issue will be decided by Parliament. Xaaji Xunjuf, Kenya's temporary championing of Ahmed Madoobe the man notwithstanding, it is still politically strategic for many reasons tp have the PM stay from Gedo/Jubba/Galgaduud. In the event Saacid resigns or is removed from power, he will be replaced be another of his background.
I agree with assessment; I don't agree with interpretation. Two important things came out of Kampala namely the continued African "ownership" of Somalia's security gains and the political legitimacy understood around the region that says officially Somalia is in charge of Somalia. It is one thing if unofficially not in charge, but totally different if even official legitimacy is denied to you. Actors will think twice about entangling with Somalia's national domestic politics to the extent we had seen Kenya do in Kismaayo. The government just wanted recognition of priority of concern understood. There are on going plans to translate into a physical presence capable of downgrading necessity of Kenyan security monopoly in that area. Even so, Kenya has done a lot to help Somalia and hosts large refugees. Bad blood isn't what either want nor the region wants between them. As for the vote against the UN move. It was an appropriate one. The world might have contributed through some financial support, but Somalia would not be what it is today without the brave decision taken by the African Union and sacrifice endured by the Ugandans especially. There is no reason for the UN and its huge self-glorifying bureaucracy to claim success on the backs of dead Ugandans and Burundians. They had ample time to own the Somalia issue. They did not take it because they could not have taken. Museveni toom it and he has a right to be recognized by Somalia's government in that regard.
Barre Hiiraale Advances to Riyad-as-Salihin Course in Alshabaab Scholarship
Gabbal replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
Eid Mubarak brother; I trust you had a very uplifting experience. As for the courses offered, we should thank whatever contributes to our spiritual growth -
Gen Cabdullahi Cali Caanood is from Caabudwaaq and the senior most military official in the field (Taliyah Guutada Koowaad which is based in Banadir). Prior to that he was in charge of Villa Somalia for Sheikh Sharif (Taliyaha Ciidanka Madaxtooyada). There are rumours he will replace Gen Afqarshe as Taliyaha Xooga Dalka (Commander of the Armed Forces) because Villa Somalia is not very impressed thus far with the current Commander following the impressive role Gen Diini played before him.
It is true to my knowledge. I wouldn't say it is more rer Gebilay though although they I am sure they exist,but generally around the vicinity of Luuq and Beled-Xaawo there were historically groups from Laas Caanood and Oodweyn. A relative of mine is married to an Oodweyne aunt whose family is 3rd generation rer Luuq. Both her, my cousins she mothered, and her family have never left Beled-Xaawo. If I am not mistaken Rageh, Rukiyo, and Mohamed Oomar's father may have also been from Gedo.
Jacpher af xumadaa kugu badan iyo aflagadada shaqsiyaadka. Doodu waxay ku saabsantahay mawduuc dawlada Somalia soo saartay. Halkaas sheekada ku koob.
Abtigiis will probably say he spoke to Kenya Defense Ministry and after speaking with BBC headquarters was notified this reporter spole without merit. Somalia accuses Kenya over Kismayo clashes By Mark Doyle BBC International Development Correspondent The apparently accidental publication of a diplomatic letter has exposed a rift between the Somali government and Kenyan troops - supposedly allies. The letter, verified as genuine by the BBC, accuses the Kenyan army of causing recent faction fighting that left at least 65 dead in the port of Kismayo. Kenyan troops are part of the African Union force battling Islamist militants in support of the UN-backed government.The Kenyan authorities have not yet commented on the letter in detail. Some regional diplomats say Kenya is trying to create a buffer state, known as Jubaland, inside Somalia run by local politicians it can control. 'Incompetent' The letter is from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fawzia Yusuf Adam - who is also the deputy prime minister - to the African Union.It is headed "Extremely Urgent - Kismayo conflict". A diplomat in Mogadishu said the letter appeared to have been emailed to journalists in error. It seems, the diplomat said, that someone mistakenly added the prime minister's "press contacts" into the email recipients' list. A senior official in the president's office confirmed to the BBC that the letter was genuine.The communication accuses the Kenyans, who are part of the African Union peacekeeping force, Amisom, of not being neutral peacekeepers. It says the Kenyan Defence Force (KDF) backed one Somali faction against others, arrested a senior Somali government army officer and used heavy weapons in areas containing civilians. What the letter bluntly called the "incompetence" of the Kenyan commander of Amisom in southern Somalia is said to have caused an outbreak of recent fighting in the southern port city of Kismayo that had led to a "preliminary" count of 65 dead and 155 injured. The Kenyan Amisom contingent was recently reinforced by several hundred troops from Sierra Leone. But the Sierra Leoneans are "embedded" inside Kenyan units, so the KDF is very much the dominant force in this part of Somalia, which is known in Amisom jargon as "Sector 2". The letter calls for the "immediate deployment" of a multinational African peacekeeping force in southern Somalia. It doesn't go as far to say the Kenyans should be replaced, but pointedly says new "political officers" should be appointed for the area "whose nationalities will be different from the Amisom contingent in Sector 2". This explosive diplomatic letter has only just been revealed. Kenya has not yet officially responded to it. But the Kenyan army has earlier insisted it is neutral in its dealings with Somalia and is trying to bring peace to its neighbour.The Somali government accusations may nevertheless confirm suspicions in the region that while the Kenyans are part of Amisom they also have their own agenda. Kenyan forces seized the key port of Kismayo about 480km (300 miles) south of Mogadishu from the Islamist group al-Shabab in October 2012. At the moment, there are several self-declared presidents of Jubaland and the government has said it recognises none of them. Although the AU and Somali government have driven al-Shabab from most major cities, its fighters still control smaller towns and rural areas in central and southern Somalia and they sometimes launch attacks in government-controlled territory. The new government, formed last year, is the first one in more than two decades to be recognised by the US and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). http://bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-23177825
Baashi- Walaalkayoow xaajadu Somali iyo kolki yaraydeey isku haysteen dhaaftay. Hadaan is magno iyo hadaanan is maaginba waanu heshiin karnaa oo dhaafi karanaa sidaan awal wax badan u dhaafnay. Kenya balse dirin nooma taal, wax ka yar bixitaankooda dayn mayno.
Thank you for your observations.
It is quite a substantial number. A third of the entire Kenyan troop presence in Somalia. A full armistice has been achieved in that part of the country with the Somalis at war. Actually a degree of unity and sense of purpose that makes smooth and peaceful reintegration very promising especially considering national decline of alternative entities to the Federal government. Kenya will be faced with both a diplomatic and military offensive. Already there are large donors that have been awake to the extent that Kenya's interference can become an obstacle to the defeat of Shabab and the growth of state resurgence in Somalia. Cabaas and these men aren't Shabaaab. Cabaas and these men are Somali Federal Government troops traindd with donor money to fight Shabaab. The closer they get to Kismaayo the more pressing the diplomatic front will be to totally remove Kenya.
Abtigiis;965779 wrote: There is no accusation from Mogadishu, i mean SFG. This morning, Kenyan Foreign Ministry summoned Somali Embassy staff here in Nairobi to explain the accusations. The staff called state house in Mogadishu, aka, President Hassan's Office. The instructions was that they can not say that the allegations made by the junior minister acting on the order of the PM and tolnimo responsibility is the SFG's position. File closed. Sow markaa warku uma eka, dheg ha u dhigina waa war reer saar Gedoode!! Yaan la isu dawladeeyn, jubbaland na dawlad ma aha ; Office of PM na dawlad ma ahe. Reeraha hala kala qabto. Direct confirmation from Villa Somalia; 1. Cabdishakuur Ali Mire spoke with the full authority of the Somali govt. 2. He spoke as deputy minister of information as the minister is in Dubai for official business. 3. The executive branch (both PM and President) are united that Kenya must be removed from Kismaayo because of their actions. 4. The executive branch have informed and are working with UN Security Council and AU. 5. Kenya is a neighboring country housing many Somali refugees---no more public statements on a sensitive issue. 6. The government is using the full extent of its diplomatic arsenal, however, to see a change of AMISOM in Kismaayo.
Xiin- War jiraba cakaarahu imaan. Anigu waan hubaa aamusnaantaadi xagaa iyo Kismaayo inaad sideedi ku laaban doontid. Maamulkii Abdullahi Yusuf hal sano ayuu Kismaayo ku tamashlaynaye Ethiopia isku halaynteedi. Saacad ka danbaysay ka bixitaankoodi waan xasuusan nahay daqiiqad in laga dabo diray Kacdoonki Faarax Taano. Kenya ayadu hal sanabo uma dhawa waqtigiina waa harsan yahay marka waan kugu taageeraanahay intay goori goor tahay inaad farxada si fiican u nuugtid. Wiilashi Kenya daaha ka tuuray maanta wax ka maqan haba yaraatee lama arko. Caano iyo hilib ayeey duleedka Kismaayo ku nagaashayaan iyagoo tariikhda baal dahab ka galay. Hada ayaanan ku sheegaya beri ama saad dambeba Kismaayo way ku laaban. Adiga oo kale yaan Kismaayo lagu arkin markaas.
Abtigiis- A new chapter opened up which has never existed before betweem those communities. Kenya will leave sooner or later. They all did. Just in the last 20 years, the revolutionary government did, the USC did, SPM did, the Belgians did, the ICU did, the Ethiopians did, Al Shabaab did. Kenya will leave and the central factor which continued to exist will continue. When the Kenyans leave, it will be an ugly situation if the "qaan" is exacted and it is a heavy one indeed.