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Everything posted by wyre

  1. wyre

    Salama calaikum

    NGONGE;847344 wrote: I will not talk of this, I will not talk of that and I will not discuss this or discuss that. Adeer waa yeelkadaa dee; it's not a job interview. But, you know what, I am finally glad to welcome someone new on this site (someone that wet behind the ears can't be anything but new). We haven't had one for years. Welcome warya. :D Waa Yeelkadaa
  2. OdaySomali;847168 wrote: I think its wrong to say that dad shirk wada oo kiniisad joogay inay "cibaadeeysanayeen". Nonsence, Dadka Wey Cibaadeysanaayeen, Cibaadadooduba Khalad Ha Ahaatee, They Think Themselves They Are In The Right Path
  3. Subax Wanaagsan, War Ninyahow Halkeed U Qaxday?
  4. wyre

    Salama calaikum

    Bluelicious;847188 wrote: Wadani hmm okay if you say so. I guess you did that to get to know the forum a bit in general right. Where are the women? I Didn't Mention All Dee
  5. wyre

    Salama calaikum

    Yes, And The Most Respected Guys In SOL Are Xaaji Xunjuf Nin yaaban Showqi Abwaan Ngonge :D
  6. OdaySomali;847147 wrote: Cibaadeeysanaya? wth is he a Christian. What Is Wrong With Him Saying That??
  7. Mukulaalow;847150 wrote: maybe he is mistaking it with Yantaar which is a D&M sub clan. Macquul
  8. wyre

    Salama calaikum

    Somalia;847146 wrote: :D:D And This Is One
  9. wyre

    Salama calaikum

    Mukulaalow;847145 wrote: man I was fishing for you;) if it was her I would've asked do you have a europian passport.lool;) Ninyahow Inaan Hadlo Maa Rabtaa
  10. wyre

    Salama calaikum

    War ninyahow Her Ayaa Adna Kaa Dhuntay War Isku Xishoo
  11. Mukulaalow;847139 wrote: sixiroole waaxid.
  12. Qudhac;847019 wrote: Adan was not banned The Boy From Zoomaliland Will Not Be Banned
  13. wyre

    Salama calaikum

    Where Is JB When You Need Him :D
  14. Nonsence, Everything That Happens They Blame On Alshabaab Why? Maybe It's Mungiki What Did This
  15. Mukulaal Hadda Kadib Iga Dambee Widaayow Aniga Waxaan Saadaaliyo Wey Dhacdaa Mostly
  16. Bluelicious;847089 wrote: Mukulaalow I only know one Turkish girl who desperately wants to get married and she is open to different races as long as he is muslim. There is a but I wouldn't want her heart to be broken by Wyre since his only plan is to use the woman to his advantage or else I will break his. Wyre - Hit yourself in the head! :mad: Mukulaal tnks horta Blue, nope macaaney I won't break some1's heart, as long as I'll get pAssport I'll be a good husband
  17. Spain Will Win, Yaa ila Sharad Dhiganaa
  18. It's No Wrong Dear, Though She Needs A Man And I Need To Leave Asia
  19. Bluelicious;847050 wrote: Wyre how can you use someone like that?! Don't do to another what you wouldn't want another to do to you. Is It Wrong?