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Everything posted by Armstrong

  1. Just forwarding a little Poem I received via E-mail:- The End... It was early in the morning at four, When death knocked upon a bedroom door, Who is there? The sleeping one cried. I'm Malkul Mawt, let me inside. At once, the man began to shiver, As one sweating in deadly fever, He shouted to his sleeping wife, Don't let him take away my life. Please go away, O Angel of Death! Leave me alone; I'm not ready yet. My family on me depends, Give me a chance, O please prepense! The angel knocked again and again, Friend! I'll take your life without a pain, Tis your soul Allah requires, I come not with my own desire. Bewildered, the man began to cry, O Angel I'm so afraid to die, I'll give you gold and be your slave, Don't send me to the unlit grave. Let me in, O Friend! The Angel said, Open the door; get up from your bed, If you do not allow me in, I will walk through it, like a Jinn. The man held a gun in his right hand, Ready to defy the Angel's stand. I'll point my gun, towards your head, You dare come in; I'll shoot you dead. By now the Angel was in the room, Saying, O Friend! Prepare for you doom. Foolish man, Angels never die, Put down your gun and do not sigh. Why are you afraid! Tell me O man, To die according to Allah's plan? Come smile at me, do not be grim, Be Happy to return to Him. O Angel! I bow my head in shame, I had no time to take Allah's Name. From morning till dusk, I made my wealth, Not even caring for my health. Allah's command I never obeyed, Nor five times a day I ever prayed. A Ramadan came and a Ramadan went, But no time had I to repent. The Hajj was already FARD on me, But I would not part with my money. All charities I did ignore, Taking usury more and more. Sometimes I sipped my favorite wine, With flirting women I sat to dine. O Angel! I appeal to you, Spare my life for a year or two. The Laws of Quran I will obey, I'll begin SALAT this very day. My Fast and Hajj, I will complete, And keep away from self-conceit. I will refrain from usury, And give all my wealth to charity, Wine and wenches I will detest, Allah's oneness I will attest. We Angels do what Allah demands, We cannot go against His commands. Death is ordained for everyone, Father, mother, daughter or son. I'm afraid this moment is your last, Now be reminded, of your past, I do understand your fears, But it is now too late for tears. You lived in this world, two score and more, Never did you, your people adore. Your parents, you did not obey, Hungry beggars, you turned away. Your two ill-gotten, female offspring, In nightclubs, for livelihood they sing. Instead of making more Muslims, You made your children non-Muslims. You ignored the Mua'dhin Adhaan, Nor did you read the Holy Quran. Breaking promises all your life, Backbiting friends, and causing strife. From hoarded goods, great profits you made, And your poor workers, you underpaid. Horses and cards were your leisure, Moneymaking was your pleasure. You ate vitamins and grew more fat, With the very sick, you never sat. A pint of blood you never gave, Which could a little baby save? O Human, you have done enough wrong, You bought good properties for a song. When the farmers appealed to you, You did not have mercy, tis true. Paradise for you? I cannot tell, Undoubtedly you will dwell in hell. There is no time for you to repent, I'll take your soul for which I am sent. The ending however, is very sad, Eventually the man became mad With a cry, he jumped out of bed, And suddenly, he fell down dead. O Reader! Take moral from here, You never know, your end may be near Change your living and make amends For heaven, on your deeds depends. If this poem inspires you, It can help someone too.
  2. and believe me girls guys find this soo mysterious! Sunshine you hit the nail on its head Madam UnHijabified sisters walaalayaal please get with a Program I know in the west you are in a difficult situation For society are putting you in a state of confusion Some men and women walk past you making degrading comments Like if you are oppressed caged bird without happiness These folks are jealous of your intelligence They wish to have your charming innocence Sometimes the sun hits 100 degrees you are feeling uncomfortably hot Gasping for a breath of fresh breeze to ease your disheartment The hereafter you could be sitting pretty in a shade Whilst those that mocked you on earth could be in a horrific state without any aid Unhijabified sisters don’t miss out an opportunity of a lifetime Because Hijaab is not a piece of cloth that’s lame But a cloth encapsulating beauty and respect So say no to being an object of pleasure for men’s lust But Yes to liberating your womanhood and attaining Taqwah For Paradise is so near for the those who fear Allaah Life on this earth is a one-time show Play a starring role from now. Peace out, Mujahid.
  3. wa alaykoma salam wr wb. Maa calaysh Bukhari first then Muslim ofcourse but both of them sahih innit. Hot Exotic Weather or Winter WonderLand? Mujahid over and out...
  4. Until bush goes back to USA I would be changing my location details on my profile from Buckingham Palace This is my protest lol Peace out, Mujahid.
  5. Something i received recently on a cyber messaging service (none of it is my work I only coppied and pasted). Quote. Side by Side They lie on the table side by side The Holy Quran and the T.V. Guide. One is well worn and cherished with pride. Not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide. One is used daily to help folks decide. Not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide. As the pages are turned, what shall they see? Oh, what does it matter, turn on the T.V. So they open the book in which they confide. No, not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide. The Word of Allah is seldom read. Maybe a verse before they fall into bed. Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be. Not from reading the Quran, from watching T.V. So then back to the table side by side, Lie the Holy Quran and the T.V. Guide. No time for prayer, no time for the Word, The plan of Istiqama is seldom heard. But forgiveness of sin, so full and free, Is found in the Quran, not on T.V. Unquote. P.S. Poetic Nomads take it away and add more based on a similar theme or anything else.
  6. Athena, she is fierce intelligentual and contrary to the popular believe she is well mannered too! and of course the Mujahid whose persona makes any man envious for his cool mentality—though it is become spicy lately!. lool@spicy sxb i been having some spicy chicken wings lately and I think this had an illustrous temporary effect on my persona. As for Athena I think she is being over-fed at home with alot of kaluun (aka brain food) hence explaining the smart ora that abundantly flows through her (mashallah) This has given me some profound thoughts for future research posibilities for pyschology students. Dont you reckon those academics should perhaps pursue some sort of thesis with a null hypothesis that vaguely resembels something along these lines:- "are people's persona/identity affected by what they eat? :cool: Now i feel for any poor individual wishing to perform such mundane exercise but hey whatever rock's your boat mate Mujahid over and out.
  7. Jidaawy... InshaAllaah Ameen but gotta work on myself first to reach a certain level of eemaan cause in general we tend to attract what we are so on that note got some tough work ahead. See ya later breda cheers for opening our minds to this fascinating topic. salam alaykom. P.S. Miswak was practised as Sunnah so it aint taking it too far its just about cleanliness. Peace out, MuJaHiD.
  8. Inaa lilaah wa inaa ilayhi raajicuun. Raxmah I can relate to your feelings Those sisters time was up no more lecturers, no more lab work, no more taraweeh, no more fasting, no more applications to jobs, no more chit chat with their sisters, no more chilling out in coffee shops and etc. And to witness it how suddenly they died must be a shock to you Raxmah but inshallah take it easy walaal and good luck I am sure you will cope fine. Death is not biased on age. Cheers for the reminder Raxmah.
  9. Pardon me folks but I dont condone any attacks on Mecca or Riyaadh simple as that nor on innocent victims whether Muslim or not...This is the aim of the current thread. Thats all I wanted to get across. As for whose behind these attacks in Riyaadh I did not mention any group of people like Al qaeda except the article might and the article was not written by me its source is BBC. Whoever done it are the culprits and the ammount of damage done is major. Originally posted by Thunder: Sunbhaanallaah wa Mujahid watch your what you call muslims "Abu Dharr (May Allah be pleased with him) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying, "If somebody accuses another of disbelief or calls him the enemy of Allah, such an accusation will revert to him (the accuser) if the accused is innocent.''[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Point taken bro but I am not calling anyone disbeliever wa ciyaadu bilaah its simply not my position to do so plz sxb dont misinterpret the comments I annotated if you dont mind And the term khawaarij is used by the ulamah to describe some groups of people who rebel against Muslim rulers based with evidence from Quraan and Sunnah its not a word I invented from the top of my head. Farah gave a very good definition. Neither am I implying that particular term to any specific groups of people nor saying so and so is this rather its for the ulamah' job not for a rookie like me. But regardless your advice is nice thanks bro. Entrep.. I agree with you sxb violence is not condoned. We are peaceful people and our Prophet SCW was patient and peaceful so we follow that example. Rahima... thanks for the input and for clearing some clouded issues up. Buubto...Welcome back and your input is appreciated Libaax Sanka... lol to be honest with you bruv I dont sympathise with anyone that is causing mayhem and violence. Originally posted by Farah: As a sympathiser of the Salaf's manhaj Farah Peace out, Mujahid. P.S. A particular nomad states: Originally posted by muraad: [QBMujaahid Brother, i don't mind who wrote this book because i said Rabiic or his alike... but if you believe what on this book are the way of SALAF, brother sorry to say, but you've been misguided. [/QB] No offence intended with this statement but just because I dont agree with your ideas that doesnt mean I am misguided :confused: Am I suppose to just accept whatever you say without verification and questions? Are you words infallable to the extent that they cant be scrunitised? Every man's ideas and sayings can be challenged except the Prophet Muhammad(SAW) Only Allaah can judge people and guides to the truth. And when did I claim whats on the the book was the way of the salaf? :eek: Thus we agree to disagree simple as that and move on Peace out, Mujahid.
  10. Dont want to dwell on this but it becomes necessary to highlight the following points. The wahabi myth website in my opinion is rather useful. I have researched this term wahabis and concluded that based on rational evidence its nothing but a myth, this shaykh Mohamed Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab called to tawheed to Laa ilaaha ila Allaah simply as that If you dont believe it look at his books such as Osool-Athaalatha. The 'Wahhabi' Myth by Haneef James Oliver clarifies many of the gross inaccuracies and outright lies that have been attributed to the belief of the Salafi Muslims (often referred to as "Wahhabis"). So the Author is not Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Hadee Al-Madhkhalee. since they count one of the Tawheed principles that you should have BAYA’ with Fahad and unless you recognize his IMAMA your Twaheed is not complete. Making bay'ca with fahad to be included in the conditions of tawheed? :confused: As far as I know the conditions of Laa ilaaha ila Allaah are 7 and some ulama say eight. With certainty 100% probability chance that salafiyyah dawah is not that which was mentioned above in some previous post. Rather the manhaj (methodology) is free of shirk, it calls purely to tawheed and the way the early generations of Muslims understood the diin. Simply defined as following the kitaab and sunnah based on the understanding of the salaf-u-salih (the sahaba, taabiciin, taabi taabicuun). Peace out, Mujahid.
  11. Fly Sista.. as long its my future wife inshallah hugs Rokko..Day 1. Hijabi. mise 2. Non Hijaab. Peace out, Mujahid
  12. Clever..there is no substitute for intelligence i reckon... 1. This or 2. That lol Peace out, Mujahid.
  13. Malawax with extra eggs mixed in all the yellow bits taken out first... 1. Timir (Them Kuwaiti ones are dangerous tastes like caramel) or 2. Samosa Peace out, Mujahid
  14. Lucky, Its not our position to debate whether they Muslim or not. Fact of the matter is that these folks are dangerous, armed and willing to do any thing it takes to achieve their goals. Patience :cool: Peace, Mujahid.
  15. ^^ give the benefit of doubt to those who want to attack Mecca? You must be a'ving a laugh son. How can we have sympathy for those who are blood hungry preying on innocent victims? They killed approximately 17 children, likely each of those children had dreams to fulfil, to one day become a better Muslim perhaps, to work and earn a living, to have their own family, to be successful in this life and the next and suddenly out of the wilderness ( even tho its qadar) a bunch of Sylvester Stallone wannabees wanting to play Rambo bombed them to shredded morsels of flesh, blood spilling all over Riyadh's dwellings, even in some cases their parents cannot identify the bodies due to nature of destruction, the coroners probably have to utilise their teeth for that purpose Anyone with an ounce weight of justice embedded within their hearts would never sympathise with such vile and malicious criminals. Peace, Mujahid.
  16. Are you nomads aware of the recent bombardments on Saudi suspectly by (those that rebel against Muslim rulers) and terrorists. Even they tried to attack Mecca? SubhanaAllaah whats the world coming to even in Ramadhaan these people are hungry for blood of innocent victims :confused: Its shows truly a sad case Yesterday Muslims were attacked and many died including bare children ina lilaah wa inaa ilayhi raajicuun. Check out the below BBC article, this is the only source I have thus far. The articles contents are not my responsibility if there are mistakes to be discovered I aint liable. Just copied and pasted. -------------------------------------------------- Riyadh attack death toll mounts The blasts caused widespread damage at the compound Seventeen people, including five children, have been killed by a suicide bomb attack on a housing complex in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, according to the latest interior ministry figures. Among the dead are Saudis, Sudanese and Egyptians, Saudi officials said. More than 100 people, among them 36 children, were injured at the compound, mainly home to foreign Arab workers. Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef vowed to "get the perpetrators no matter how long it takes" and urged them to "stop or surrender". Al-Qaeda blamed Saudi officials said the attack bore the hallmarks of al-Qaeda, which carried out a similar strike in May, but it is not clear why the compound was hit. International condemnation of the attack was swift, and Arab countries in particular expressed shock that it took place during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. VIOLENT WEEK IN THE KINGDOM 3 Nov: Police kill two 'militants' in Mecca, capture six 6 Nov: Two al-Qaeda suspects blow themselves up in Mecca in shoot-out with police 6 Nov: Riyadh police shoot dead third suspect from Mecca 8 Nov: US diplomatic missions closed amid "terrorist threat" 9 Nov: Compound attacked One American is wounded and another not accounted for, according to a US official. The nationalities of all those killed is not clear, although the Lebanese authorities said some of their nationals were among the dead. Saudi security sources said the attackers got in by posing as guards and used a vehicle which looked like a police car. Saudi police in Mecca recently uncovered a suspected al-Qaeda cell believed to be planning attacks. Reference:
  17. somehow weather is exotic now less rain and more sunshine alhamdulilah Buubto and Lakkad did you make it? peace out, Mujahid :cool:
  18. I done a search for ma nick and it comes up as (I have selected a small sample of points):- 1. mujahid is he who makes jihad against himself Comment: lets just hope so inshallah 2. mujahid is one Comment: is it? 3. mujahid is too tiny Comment: lool war cusub 4. mujahid is suspected instantly because of his darker skin Comment: pass that by me again? :eek: 5. mujahid is a well known figure in pakistani cricket journalism and broadcasting Comment: I can never be a paki I dont like curry too hot for me mate 6. mujahid is ready to strike and is launched into the valley to carry out his mission Comment: I am not in Tora Bora; nearest valley is some where along the M1 so I assume 7. mujahid is developing and testing for thought Mujahid over and out :cool:
  19. ^^ Top Man mashaAllaah Keep Educating AbdiNuur :cool: one can learn alot from this bro's statements mashallaah Peace out, Mujahid.
  20. only 48?? Some Doctor in the UK killed over 200 patients mainly elderly women via lethal injection and other devices and still many other bodies to be counted for or re-examined he put down the cause of death to be natural in his records to cover up his crimes think he went down in genius (probably mispelt that lol) world record for the biggest serial killer in the world and currently serving a lotta-lotta life sentences and is still alive cant recall his name tho i think its vaguely something like Fred Shepperd :eek: :eek: :eek: P.S. Suxuur Wanaagsan
  21. Salam calaykum. As a layman I have heard out of curiosity via listening to lectures that human beings can be threatened with harmful experience from unseen creatures such as jinns, evil eye, magic and sorcery :eek: Undoubtably there are individuals (even in somalia dare I say) who specialise in the aforementioned practices in order to cause malicious harm and to de-stabilise someone's life out of jealousy and xaasidnimo. Everything which is a blessing is often an object of jealousy. For example, material posessions, having a nice patner (say a wife) and physical appearances or children etc. Furthermore, I ascertained from my investigations that if someones evil eye catchs someone else it might cause that person spiritual and/or physical unrest or nil-effect. To cut a long story short I just wanted to enquire did any of the nomads experience or heard of any spooky stories regarding jinns, evil eye and magic which caused someone to be sick or gone abit pear-shaped or had nil effect?? P.S. My family appear to recall that some next door neighbours back in somalia use to slaughter chickens and throw it out to the garden of the house :eek: waa dad cajiib badan :mad: P.S. Even this Blaine guy works with jinns i guess or else how can he be in a box for 40 days unless its all an illusion. My apologies for scaring anyone Peace out, Mujahid...
  22. Shyhem welcome back and happy Ramadhaan mate :cool: Peace out, Mujahid.
  23. W/Salaam Lucky. What time is it for you guys? Because for us its 10.30 pm (and we are about to put an hour back tonight at midnight lol) And Saudi Arabia is 2 hours ahead about 12.30 pm approximately. Are you saying that you US folks actually are watching for the moon sighting tonight and you dont rely on Saudi Arabia's sightings or nearby countries? OG GirL = Yeah Kuwait follows Saudi Arabia's sighting :cool:
  24. Flying Still = It appears that we are destined to have different Eid's If what you are saying is correct. Also can I ask do you guys in the USA differ within as to the sightings of the moon? Lucky = Arabic TV channels showed that Saudi Arabia, Emirates and Many other countries say there was no sightings of the moon therefore Ramadhaan defaults to Monday 27th October and also same here in the part of UK that I am at. Its a shame but what can we do? You just gotta roll with it.
  25. Wa 3alaykoma Salaam Wara7matulaah Wabarakatahu Wamaghfiratahu. Ramadhaan Kariim. Plz Brothers and sisters dont forget me and the nomads in your ducaa :cool: Mujahid over and out. p.s. Ramadhaan is on Monday 27th October for UK folks since most Masjids here follow Saudi Arabia's sightings of the crescent :cool: I was just curious to know when is Ramadhaan for you nomads from other than the UK?? Cause Egypt is doing it Tomorrow. Salaamz.