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Everything posted by Dhabat-Amaanreer

  1. So 'Sanlaawe" and the Asians you made fun of are not Allahs adoons? Just because you fit the discription of the people that Alle-ubaahne is making fun of we must get all religious now huh; practice what you preach
  2. Istaqfurallh, war is qabo baan ku iri. You are not Allah, subaxnallah, if the person takes his shahaada and does not announce that he has left the religion then you can not call him a gaal, and its surely not up to you to decide who is or is not Muslim. Tan kale, those "scholors," presuming your talking about the ICU men, killed fellow Muslim men,caused Muslim women and children to flee thier homes, slaughtered injured Muslim men in hospital beds, who I may add had support from a Christian nation too, and so many other things; ruunahaantineh diini kama aheeyn waxoode ee siyaasad bey aheed. Marka hadaad u maleysid qof aan ayaka raacsaneeyn in uu gaal yahay walaalo iga raliaho anaba ka daran oo qof marqaansan la hadley. Macsalaam
  3. You are trying to present yourself as a guy who is religious and fighting for Islam, yet you call a Muslim man---yes he is Muslim until he publically states that he has left our beloved religion--a gaal? Diinta aad dhaheysid waad u dagaaleysa horta ma baratey? If it helps I don't really like this guy that much eithier but you don't see me calling him a gaal, its best to talk about his actions in a fashionably manner without getting yourself in daambi ina adeer.
  4. ^^I think he was talking about ethnic Soomaali, hence why he decided to mention that he was one in the first sentence, and since you are not an ethnic Soomaali I don't think you have any say in this
  5. Dude get a grip over yourself, acudubillah miyaa jirantahay, waba qafiiftey ee.
  6. If I recall correctly, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Hassan, said on an Arab news site " Haraagi Siyaad Bare ," but I did not see any of you guys say anything about him or his creditability; double standard? Tan kale,the phrase is more of speech thing then anything else and its quite common for Somalis to use it because its a way of expressing anger and disbelief at something. How many times have you heard common Somalis saying "war waxaan wa maxay ma midga."
  7. You guys are mistaken, this guys has been the ambassador before Cabudllahi Yusef, before Carta, and during Siyaad Bare time (alle ha u naxariisto), and he lived in Egypt during the whole civil war; marka af-lagada iyo Ethiopian lackey ka dhaaye ninka, dad diin u istagayo baad isku sheegeysiin lakin sidi rag jahiliin ah baad u daqmeysiin, the same thing the ICU was doing; bunch of hypocrites.
  8. I think this is very childish, the N word is very offensive to a lot of people and I don't think it should be on here. Secondly, talk about the mans actions and what he has done instead of how he looks like, unless you're willing to put your picture up here and be judged. No? Lastly, I have seen you personally attack quite of few people on here, practice what you preach or give up your Mod position to somebody more noteworthy.
  9. I don't understand why you still don't grasp the idea that the man was dragged through the streets; barbarians at their best.
  10. I thought it was an artistic picture of a women, hence why I put it as my avatar, it does not have anything to do with my gender.
  11. ********************************** __________________ Do not call clans animals. We know what you mean. [ January 29, 2007, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  12. Oh I thought it was a women in the desert, its a man :eek: Well, I will be changing it soon.
  13. Mystic, where they dragged as if they were a parade? Walaal iska aamus ceeb ka daran ba meesha ka dhacdey.
  14. I think Horn was talking about mentaility wise rather then the guys real age. No? Just refer back to their comments and you would see these people clearly do not have the same caqli.
  15. I am not surprised, dadkaan waa un dhaqankooda iney waxaan iyo wax kalo ka daran sameyaan
  16. Originally posted by Jimcaale: quote: Originally posted by Axmed_Gurey: My dear lad, I have noticed that your anti-government stance started after Hiiraale fully got on board with the TFG. You were not an ICU supporter before the Kismayo invasion, and it quite obvious that you loathe this man, but for you own good get a grip on yourself before-- some would say it already has-- hate takes over your heart. Proof it punk. Getting a tad bit emotional are we? Punk? Admins, is there a way I can check all of Jimcaale previous posts, only one page is shown and the furthest date was January 10, I assure you that Jimcaale is okay with it, you are aren't you Jimcaale you have nothing to worry about right
  17. Originally posted by Jimcaale: No foreign troops allowed [Defence Minister Hiiraale] My dear lad, I have noticed that your anti-government stance started after Hiiraale fully got on board with the TFG. You were not an ICU supporter before the Kismayo invasion, and it quite obvious that you loathe this man, but for you own good get a grip on yourself before-- some would say it already has-- hate takes over your heart. Also, if I do remember correctly, which I do, Hiiraale said that forign troops are not neccessary because we have enough qualified men in Somalia who can do the job. He sincerly believed that there could be a chance for reconcilation between the TFG and the ICU, mind you this was before the ICU became aggressors and attacked all most everywhere in Southern Somalia.
  18. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: Brother, I don't know where you get that hint. I don't recall saying anything about a people, I coulda swear we were talking about barre. Needless to say, I have nothing against the people who live in kismayo today, be they new comers or ancient denizens: The more, the merrier, if you ask me. Now going back to what we were talking about, you have refuted what I have said with only "you don't know". appearently, neither do you. There are a lot of thinks i don't but one thing i know is that Barre is not from kismayo. wither he was born gelaadi or cabudwaq, i can't tell but trust his somewhere in between those two. I do know were he was born,in the hawd, in Ethiopia! Not even Somalia. But obviously you saying whatever you feel like saying with out knowledge of it said he was born in Galguduud when he was not,so that could only mean you were talking about his clan, since that is what you guys (yes I grouped you, sue me) utter all the time, "they are from Galguduud not Kismayo." Secondly, Barre may not be born there but he has a house there which makes it his home, and using your notion it can be said then that, Abdullahi Yusef was born in Mudug and not Muqdisho so he must leave Muqdisho and be president for Puntland.
  19. The other dude supported dowladii C/qaasin because he considered C/qaasin, along with Seeraar, Goobaale and Indhamadoowe, to be in the same xaaraan ku naax group of ninka uu ugu waco "God-like, honoured and respected" ee Kismaayo loo dhiibtay, which they later ka qaateen, iskagana cararay. Maantana Xabasho ayaa soo celisay, xataa this time waxba maloo dhiiban. [big Grin] Jac kululaa. Nin gobolkiisa tahay kantrolka amxaaraada ba manta nin kale ku ceyey amxaara wadata :confused: cajib badana! Tan kale ninka Barre la yirahdo magaalda asaga jogijirey, marne Goobaale bu ceerinjirey marna Seeraar, marku rabaneh wu u yeeranjirey. Lakiin saransoor inta wiilal laga dhiley baaba ceerin logu dharey :eek: Walibo Kismayo waa "Magaalo xog lagu heysto" Baidoa waa Cabudwaaq oo kale Adi hadaan ahaan laha waba iska aamusilaha
  20. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: quote:It is flawd and will be replaced by district based parliment in which each district in Somalia will get representatives, at the local parliment, councilors and the federal one ya generale, if we go back to that, will we not return to "Marna Rashid marna Rizaq, waxa kale ma roote ba"? Caku siyaasada reer Puntland, war heede gusha markad heshid ba waxaaso kale lagu hadla, tan kale waxa caloshada ku jirto banaka loma so bandhigo Coming back to the 4.5 formula, I don't think they mean that a person is .5 of a human or anything of that sort, so lets not make this seem as if its like the 3/5th compromise. The 4.5 basically means smaller clans (in number) will not have the same seats as bigger clans, kind of like the United States House of Representatives whereby each states seat(s) is determined by its size.
  21. If, however, you cought that ubiquitous diseases that has been lately going around SOL forum which makes people believe that they can argue or write their wishs or opinion into reality, type away as you like. Oh the hypocrisy! You are so right thou, people could write what what they wish to be true and try to make others seem as if it is true; a great example is you. Do you know Barres birthplace? Do you know his life history? No! So why then would say Barre was born in such place when you have absolutly no idea (I can assure you Barre was not born in Galguduud). But I am getting the hint that your comment was not directed towards Barre but to his clan who (some of them) are from Galguduud.