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Kudhaa Island prisoners released by elders
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Duke your bogeyman is not in the scene anymore, he can't be your excuse now, come up with some better, why were you evicted from the city in two hours. -
Kudhaa Island prisoners released by elders
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Duke is acting tough on SOL while the TOL who have been eaten by ants and other little animals in buuloguduud are praying for a reconciliation. -
Kudhaa Island prisoners released by elders
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
The businessman that was attacked is a close relative of mine. Pity, you guys [combined forces of reer-afmadow reer-puntland] attacked a businessman and ten of his boydguardstried so you can be portrayed as warriors; to save face after your 2 hour eviction from the city. Its even more funny that the businessman that was attacked is also a kin to the man who freed af-guduud when he was captured in the battle. -
Duke you better hope peacefully, because we all know there is no other way that the ill trained fish eating boys can come back to the city, especially now since Ethiopia won't come to aid you guys. Kimsayo will be ruled by the clan of Hiiraale. Like horn said, majority rule minority rights is the case when it comes to Kismayo.
Kudhaa Island prisoners released by elders
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
The reer-afmadow men were told by the beesha that "ama siidaya ama dhila, kuwaan afarti kale ee bu'aale baan ku darney." Duke, the puntland/af-madow sites were saying that the island was attacked to save face since they easily got defeated in Kismayo, they spin the story so they would look somewhat brave, that they actually "retaliated" against reer-gedo. When in fact it was a reer-gedo businessman who exports charcoal there and few of his bodyguards that were attacked by a force of reer puntland and reer af-madow; I must say for such a planned attack the reer-gedo businessman and his bodyguards defended themselves well. -
'Ciidamada DF oo ku sii jeeda magaalada Kismayo'
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to Paragon's topic in Politics
Duke what makes it different is that Af-guduud already got in a fight in Kismayo and ran away in two hours, actually he was captured by some reer-gedo men when the fish eating boys scattered as the first bullets were shot, and those reer-gedo men freed him; a dear mistake. -
'Ciidamada DF oo ku sii jeeda magaalada Kismayo'
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to Paragon's topic in Politics
Jimcaale the nomadic militia supports the TFG, by "they" I think dhubad was referring to the fish eating boys from the north and the donated milk drinkers -
Kismayu : the rule of law will return swiftly
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
The fight between the ICU vs. Barre Hiiraale has been interperted as Reer-Gedo v. WHOM? Which clan was it that we fought? Xassan Turkis clan with indhacade clan? Its quite funny seen as how a good majority of the people who went to Kismayo with the ICU were Reer-Gedo. Care to mention any other time we ran? I am pleading with you to mention a CLAN WAR in which the outcome was us running away? I think your forget Morgon hitting the road to dhoobley THREE TIMES, and now Af-guduud AND Koojar making it the fourth time that your tol ran away. -
Kismayu : the rule of law will return swiftly
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Che, wallhi we believe in eqaulity and treat people fair in Kismayo, its why all other clans who live there besides the greater clan of Abdullahi Yusef and Cumer Jess support us, and told the TFG delegates that its af-guduud who started this problem. We stand up to aggression, and what we see as xaq-darro. -
Kismayu : the rule of law will return swiftly
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Duke-delusionist, aren't the "JVA" inc control of the city now? What is the return you speak of? Lol! -
Kismayu : the rule of law will return swiftly
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
You keep on repeating that Hiiraale has not spoken out about this, nor has Abdullahi Yusef so whats the deal? Why is he so quite about it? Hadal dadka loga baahanyahey baa hadlo. Now untill the greater clan [who are fully united] can come and capture the city hadal kuma tallo. Remembers its reer-gedo who are in the city and the af-guduud and koojar you speak of are 35km away from the city -
Kismayu : the rule of law will return swiftly
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Biixi tariikh Somaaliyeed iyo siibo mid reer Gedo kuma baryo waqtineh ku maheeyo inaan kula barro, balse dadku waa la is wadaogyahay. Koojaar, af-guduud, along with gudoomiyaha gobolka, and duqa magaalda all hail from the same clan and they attacked buisness and hotels owned by members of a certain clan, after seeing this the 3rd division of the national army, who are majority kin of Hiiraale started to defend their kinsmen from the aggressors. The man leading the army in Kismayo now is part of 3rd division army, and is the next man to fartaag. Xassan-dheere spoke about the invasion of local buisness that happened, and the clan division that has been going on since af-guud and his militia left their Bari fisheries and came to Kismayo. He has always stated that its army members that fought each other and not certain clans; is comprehension a problem for you? -
Kismayu : the rule of law will return swiftly
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Don't flatter yourself dukow, I only said so you differentiate between me and someone else, WHO YOU SEEM TO BE CONFUSING ME WITH. Gheedi needs to learn a new word besides "al-qaeda" and he apologized to hiiraales kin for making such idiotic and childish statements. The locals of Kismayo with the backing of guutada sedexaad ee xoogga dhalka somaaliyeed stood against the aggression of koojar and af-guduud, who foolishly thought that their ill-trained militia can oust whomever they want form the city; their planned attacked did not succeed and were forced to run to buuloguduud. -
Kismayu : the rule of law will return swiftly
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
They protested in the wrong manner. Quite funny, seen as how af-guud and koojar pathetically attacked Hiiraales kin, there was no protest only cheers of the locals after those men and their militia were ousted in two hours. -
Kismayu : the rule of law will return swiftly
Dhabat-Amaanreer replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Duke you seem to be mistaking me for someone else, I have seen you make some statements such as that before, maybe you think I am the other "Ahmed_Gurey." Walaal, I am a kin of Hiiraale not Cumer Jess, get the drift? Also, the people who control the city are part of the TFG, the police commissioner, the airport commissioner, port commissioner, gudoomiye ku-xigeenka gobolka, cidaanka gutaada sedexaad are all there. The Ethiopians are not coming to Kismayo, so who will fight ghedi's clan, puntland clan, and dhoobley clan? Lol, ah, its quite funny seen as how none of them are known to be fighters, and the last two oo iskaashanayo ba laga saarey magaalada muddo labo saac ah. Dameer hadey so wataan iyo hadi kaleneh it will not change anything.