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Everything posted by Jaber

  1. Iam neither an expert on circumcision nor I approve of this barbaric act.However,I,have had the maximum displeasure of reading Waris's useless book,I spent an entire day reading it from cover to cover,in the end. I wished I never touched it. Waris is the classical case of"from camel to cadillac",the whole book circles around her "private parts!!".I mean.Com'om,there're plenty of things one could come up with in addressing the taboo subject of FGM. For Waris,an ignorant woman who've never picked up a pen or a paper to have written that book,is simply an insult to our brains,this is just another piece of the endless propaganda war being waged at non-western-like cultures,the filthy gaalo will do everything and anything within their power to deface our religion and way of life. Sadly,in this case they've found a disgarce named Waris Diirie,The Un's special Ambassedor on FGM. I wonder,what sort of educational backgroud does she have to hold such a high position?...Am sure there're Somali women and others who are more worthy of it!.Being a model and the wife of a drummer is no credintials. The most embarrissing moment was while I read her pointless book,I came across a chapter where she is showing her private parts to this Jamaican friend of her's at the YWCA!!.Right there and then I was so close to vomiting.
  2. Muna Am only kaftaming walaalo,Although,I like living on the edge,but am not that brave to wake up a Somali chick at 6am to cook,Naah.Thats some kind of a death wish!! Flight13 Bro,No need to rap about S-chicks,they're alright,some are good some are bad,just like S-men.So my Flying-Cabdi,take it easy on the sisters and start appreciating what we got.
  3. Sorry Ameenah,I,only listen to the new stuff,cause I like the beat,those old Somali songs with caman,caban or cuud go like this tam qadham bam bam tum jum ballao balalo I just don't get them!?.Better luck with budhman ,brother qawdhan,just becareful he doesn't hit u with his huge budh. Hibo,Yes sister its Dejiyo,hope you know the lyrics.
  4. Ameenah lol@Subagsixin,how about subag badhi lol? thats even better....Nah my list is so simple,but, appears complicated for the average-naayaa,in order to undesratnd men you have to know the three golden rules Three golden rules a woman should know about us men 1-Am thirsty=make me some shaah cadays and make that with zangabiil and hail will ya? 2-Am hungry means if its morning time make me(oops,I meant us) some darn,well-cooked shaaxid laxooxs and add some sonkor&subag on top of it,if its Launch time,hilib adhi&bariis baryaani or mushakal(the colorful one,yellow,red and white all the way) occasionally we will have pasta,if its dinner time its KIMIS TIME with shaah. 3-The remote control stays in my hand until I fall a sleep. You see,Like I said before,its simple yet complicated!!
  5. Hibo U gotta be kidding me sis!lol U skiing?..Pretty cool,I tried it once and won't break my leg again.Just make sure u don't wear diric or anything like that
  6. Jaber


    Islam exposed!! Give me a frigging break!.....Another piece of what the Christian+Jewish+Atheist propaganda machine is pumping out since 911,So you have finally gathered together to excute Islam once and for all!? I knew you poeple were upto no good,ever since you received the green light from ur superiors to attack what you call a "Barbaric religion",I must be from another planet? Look who's talking?...Pointing the finger? Thanks to the Christian religion we have had to major world wars!.The Hulocost,The Knights of Malta(currently known as the KKK) who so openly preach Christianity and peace for whites!..Oh Uh ,Did I forget the "Crusaders?".The froces of King Richard the Lion heart and others,who massacred by the thousands,looted innocent Muslims in the name of the lord Jesus Christ!!? They even drank blood and celebrated the killing of poor Civilians. Don't give me that "Hollier than Thou",Civilized crap you fool the niave masses with. Speaking of Civilizations,it is mystifying how you could be so ignorant and contemptious of a civilazation that intellectually nourished your so-called western civilazation,this western civilazation had no idea of hygiene!.Philip The Second of Spain,the most powerful man in Europe at the time,had to throw out his excrement through window because there were no toilets lol.The Caliph of Cordoba had as modern as any of todays best Mansions. Those Bedwin tribes and because of "Islam" have created one of the most glorious civilazations in the history of mankind,introduced to us the habit of daily "Bath",Algebra,Astronomy,Medicine,Modern Commercial practices,Chemistry,Eye-Glasses,Trigonomity,our Numerical system with its Number Zero,Beautiful poetry,Philosophers& Great Travelers(they transleted and preserved for Humanity,the works of Plato and Aristotle).The word "Admiral" and its military implications,the concept of Knighthood,the concept of family integration,and,many other things. What I saw in those pictures,is not Islam,but,a group of self-proclamied Islamist who intrepret the Islamic religion to fit their own cultural values,the excution of that poor woman is nothing short of a genocide,I can sit here and preach about Islam until sun up and you will still be unconvinced there is an aaya in the holy Quran(" Wa Gacalna fii Wuguuhihm qaashaawatan fa hum laa yubsiroon") Instead of displaying the pictures of people who are prosecuted in a distant land,why not bless us with the pictures of Mr.Bush's 140 victoms,one of them was a grandma of aged 67!!
  7. HIBO,I C the ciyaal r giving u a hard time!..Still chilling in the east?...At least you taking a break from the baraf!
  8. Athena?Athena?? Uumm Uummmmmm.......Your name is composed of the following letters A R O D N A P
  9. And,Ladies&Gents,That was Ameenah's short list,wait until u find out about the long one!!
  10. Why Ameenah,r u a dhex yar? Glad 2 C u've made it to the promiseland
  11. Buubto I feel for you&all of the ppl who had to go through a similar experiances,indeed I can't relate,having grown up in the gulf and later coming to the western part of the world,the closest I got to feel the pain of my fellow nomads was through the TV screens displaying a heart-breaking pics of ppl who've suffered beyond imagination,its easy for us to sit here and criticize you and others for not wanting to go back,there's an Arabic saying"Ili eeduh fil maya mush zayile eeduh fil al-naar",in english "he who has his hands in water feels quite different from the one who has it on fire",I hope things change for the better during our life time,I also hope that those who commited these savage crimes against the powerless,,someday,InshaALLAH will be brought to justice.
  12. Buubto I feel for you&all of the ppl who had to go through a similar experiances,indeed I can't relate,having grown up in the gulf and later coming to the western part of the world,the closest I got to feel the pain of my fellow nomads was through the TV screens displaying a heart-breaking pics of ppl who've suffered beyond imagination,its easy for us to sit here and criticize you and others for not wanting to go back,there's an Arabic saying"Ili eeduh fil maya mush zayile eeduh fil al-naar",in english "he who has his hands in water feels quite different from the one who has it on fire",I hope things change for the better during our life time,I also hope that those who commited these savage crimes against the powerless,,someday,InshaALLAH will be brought to justice.
  13. Isra Make sure you say Hellooooooooow to the geel&adhi,and kiss them for me will ya?!
  14. Isra Make sure you say Hellooooooooow to the geel&adhi,and kiss them for me will ya?!
  15. Jaber

    Only in Uganda!

    I am glad that we all have reached an agreement of some kind,aroosyada are meant to be enjoyed by the young couple,how can they enjoy it if they're burdend with countless debts?!! Simplify your lives,you both want to build a family together,regardless of what others might think,its up to you to think ahead and budget for the unkown,a child,a car,a house or even getting that degree you've always wanted to get. I agree,us men should pay the dowry money,but I would also like to highlight another issue in here,the dowry money belongs to the wife-to-be,from what I hear it usually ends up in the hands of the girl's father who then after extracting his share passes it on to his clan members,one by one,and all along poor Xaliimo is sitting in the backroom with a bunch of mushxaradyaal women! The money belongs to the woman who's about to get married.There's a Hadiith about this.
  16. Jaber

    Only in Uganda!

    I know I can count on you Hibo,I feel at ease knowing that you got my dhabar. If I ever make it to the baraf-state,I'll make sure to get a taste of your much taled about Xalwo(they say the proof of the pudding is in the taste),you are a good Somali sister,in fact one of the few remaining blue-ladies,having spent your entire Eid holiday feeding the masses of bachelor S-men,you are worthy of praise,its time we re-name you to Mother-Hibo
  17. Please stand up.......Please stand up. Unfortunately,even the educated bunch are cursed with trabalism. Soon,uncle Sam will come and start throwing smart bombs left and right operated by an unmaned airplanes. Casulaties from uncle Sam's side=0 to 3. Casulaties from the Somali side=at least few more hundreds or perhaps thousands,only then will the "evil" men smile having achieved sweet revenge. Surely.Pay back is a *****!
  18. Please stand up.......Please stand up. Unfortunately,even the educated bunch are cursed with trabalism. Soon,uncle Sam will come and start throwing smart bombs left and right operated by an unmaned airplanes. Casulaties from uncle Sam's side=0 to 3. Casulaties from the Somali side=at least few more hundreds or perhaps thousands,only then will the "evil" men smile having achieved sweet revenge. Surely.Pay back is a *****!
  19. Hiboooooo This is exactly why I think women r way too emotional,its a fact,you take things personal,didn't mean to offend your womanhoodness,but in the Somali culture there is a saying "Dumarku waa caruur kurtay". There's nothing wrong with it,hey,kids r cool,we all love kids,but at times they could really be irritating especially when they grow up. Another Somali saying goes like this "Women are breasts'(hope you don't find it offensive too),its our beautiful culture. By the way,am still thats good ol' Jaber you knew.
  20. Its a well known fact that 9 outta 10 times a guy gets rejected by some girl,its the rule of the universe,so most men are naturally prepared to get dumped at any moment for no particular reasons,some cry,some beg and some ask,why?!...And some walk away with whats left of their dignity. Women on the other hand can't handle rejection,they too emotional,just like children when they want a toy to play with,therefore,a gentleman should take it easy on a lady,if you don't like her do like I do,be polite yet firm.
  21. Isra,Maskiin,Rahiima,Unux-G&LF thank you very much indeed -
  22. Respect is a two way road,give respect inorder to be respected by others.
  23. Jaber

    Only in Uganda!

    Hibo You got it all wrong sister,its not me who's worried about money or "Jiq" as you put it,on the contrary I save for a rainy-day,apparently,that rainy-day is a Somali-chick!.....Another thing Hibo,I couldn't count on you for a bag of xalwo on Eid-day,what makes a brother believe that you will back him up when that rainy-day,finally arrives?! Qawdhan Saxiib,you're lucky ee xagaa ka wad hawsha,does she have any sisters??? LF&Rahiima I might be a dreamer,some dreams do come true,perhaps,I got carried away with my dream,but,I was thinking of the thousands and thousands of Somali guys who work like a dog so Miss.Haliimo Faarax can have the wedding of her dreams that is better than Asha's wedding and not below Zaynab's!! So.Tell me something young-ladies,are you all waiting on him to buy you everything? Whatever happened to that "Independent-woman"??!! Or is it part-time independent and full-time waryaa-abuser?....Its allright though,some women are woth it. My ultimate point is,that money could be better spent on something else,save it,send it to your needy ones,we all know you chicks get a big fat "NOTHING" while the male members of your family and some guys you never met who happened to be from your qolo divide poor Faarax's hard-earned dollars and your meher between them!! Would you rather go on a nice honey moon or have a lavish wedding?where you can't even eat the darn food you paid for? I much rather go to Hawaii,lay on the beach with my macaan on my right and my Mountain Dew on the left,watching the sun go down
  24. Single Ugandan taxi driver Ahmadah Ntale,25,went against tradition,inviting women to offer him a dowry for marriage;400 responded,one offering 10 cows!! war hayaaaaay And am thinking to myself,Why can't Somali men demand the same from their women folk,perhaps its time they turn the tables upside down,let all of the Somali taxiilayaal demand justice today not tomorrow,its time to change that centuries old tradition of men always having to foot in the whole bill! Let freedom rain.
  25. Last week on the way to work,a large four-wheel-drive truck roared past me and pulled into my lane.It had a U.S. flag in the front and a full-sized U.S. flag in the back.As the flag waved side to side(like it just don't care!)on its erect 6-foot pole,it occurred to me the force of the wind could easily break the flag loose.I imagined myself,going down the freeway at 60 miles an hour,in my little ford,with the flag completely covering the windshield of my car. Riding blind!...With a U.S. flag across my face,I thought this is what George W.Bush must feel like.Or perhaps the whole nation! Incidentally,for those who aren't too sure,this is the United States of America. And quite frankly am sick&tired of all of these flag-waving,neo-patriots I see everywhere!....I even saw a bearded Somali wadaad with a full-size U.S. flag!!