The Zack

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Everything posted by The Zack

  1. More talking, more problems: 'Cell phone elbow' damages nerves If your pinkie and ring fingers tingle or feel numb, you might not want to pick up that cell phone to call the doctor. Too much cell phone use can lead to overextending nerves, causing what doctors call "cell phone elbow." Orthopedic specialists are reporting cases of "cell phone elbow," in which patients damage an essential nerve in their arm by bending their elbows too tightly for too long. When cell phone users hold the phone to their ears, they stretch a nerve that extends underneath the funny bone and controls the smallest fingers. When talkers chat for a long time in that position, it "chokes the blood supply to the nerves. It makes the nerves short-circuit. The next thing you know, there's tingling in the ring and small finger," said Dr. Peter J. Evans, the director of the Hand and Upper Extremity Center at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. When that happens, the advice is simple: Switch hands -- before it gets worse. People who have this condition, called cubital tunnel syndrome, can feel weakness in their hands and have difficulty opening jars or playing musical instruments. "It could impede your typing ability, your writing ability," Evans said. "People get very unintelligible writing if it gets severe." Donna Malloy, 66, noticed the numbness in her hands when she spoke on her cell phone for hours Kobtan riix for article-ka dhan
  2. Naxar, it's one thing NOT to follow the Sunnah but another to bad-mouth it adeer. The latter is bigger sin. Hijaab is one the most important awaamir in our deen calling it tent or names aint cool adeeer ee isku xishoo.
  3. The Zack

    NBA 2009

    Howard was never great, he is little good at rebounds and blocks and that didn't work out good this time when you have an entire that can shoot from outside of the colored area.
  4. This is nicely put report and its very detailed.
  5. Waxyaalaha diinta looga baxo bey ka mid tahay in la dhaho "dumarka is dado, ama maryaha weyn sito" maxaa u maleeneysaa teendho. It is like calling the salat dadka foor foorarsado. People watch what you are saying about the deen.
  6. ^LOL beentaa ma aha ciyaalka qaarkood caloosha banaanka socoto lakin badanaa wali caatonimadii somalida waa ka maquutaa badankood. I agree with other one u mentioned even though I am not big fan of marti galka if the family-ga aan martigalayo is not an immediate one.
  7. Being skinny a&% and not worrying about being over weight or obese is another one ( for guys only).
  8. ^It aint a joke it is just a word that can have multiple meanings.
  9. ^Alla yaa arko isagoo hadli he probably has some old thick Northern Somali/English accent. LOL.
  10. LT and Dabshid, I know what you guys were both thinking when you heard candho, lakin meeshaas ma aha LOL.
  11. ^Candho = OSAAN. ( Gadaal gadaal u akhri) SO she can clearly their size from outside dee. LOL
  12. Originally posted by Somali Pirate: and you guys fell for obama's speech in cairo. Truly laughable Excuse me?
  13. High D clan miyaa sheekadu? I see Somali version of KKK here.
  14. Emperor and Duke, why are you guys ignoring the questions that I and AfricaOwn are asking. You don't have to answer question with another question. If you can't answer it just say so. Let me repeat the question one last time: You were both die-hard supporters of the TFG-1, now what you guys are saying is this TFG is following the same policies of the old TFG so the million dollar question is why is this TFG not getting your SUPPORT since its doing the same thing and following the same path i.e. bringing Ethiopians to the country, fighting with Islamists, bombing some parts of Xamar? What changed? Or are you guys saying you never supported the TFG at all?
  15. ^I thinki he was referring to the name of the airport. Why change it from Ziyad to Egal? LOL Specially when Ziyad's employee is in charge of the place.
  16. ^I thinki he was referring to the name of the airport. Why change it from Ziyad to Egal? LOL Specially when Ziyad's employee is in charge of the place.
  17. To the poster, so what? Isn't that what you liked and supported during the TFG-1 era? What changed?
  18. ^You get analyzed just like you analyze people. LOL
  19. ^Definitely! That kinda sh&% is illegal and it doesn't matter how red ur neck is I am sure your rear will end up in behind the bars if you do that.
  20. Sabriya, I have been great, how about you? How is everything going on for you? (I know you are currently on break from school) I haven't talked to you for a while though.
  21. ^Maalina muxaadaro baa soo dhajisaa maalina heeso buu ka wadaa LOL. As for the topic, it is good song, indeed.
  22. Aaliyah, I don't know if it is haram to celebrate for someone oo waa hore dhintay (allaha u naxariistee) but what I do know is it is haram to celebrate with guitars and music for the dead. I think we should be praying for him rather play music and bring guitars.
  23. U banee!!! He is finally fighting back he should have done this long time ago. He has given them enough time and now he can really fight and still keep the shacab's support. Way to go Mr. Leader!