The Zack

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Everything posted by The Zack

  1. I know this girl by the name of Faysal.. and yes she is Somali LOL, you will be like Naa feysaleey bal kaala
  2. 2 +2, aniga kula hadlayo ayaaba carab ah. yep I am originally from Palestine LOL
  3. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@waa nin. Magac xumaa ninku! KK, qofta nin baa geeraaro badan ku akhriyo habeenadan baan u maleen, waan ka shakiyay, arintaas baadhitaan bey u baahan tahay. I hope he aint from SOL ehe.
  4. LOL Sorry I have never heard of Qamar Yusuf, she is prolly a local singer or something. Qamar Abdullahi (Harawe) is a national singer who used to be a member of the Waberi Band.
  5. ^Maybe she is in love finally LOL.
  6. OG's in Western Somalia, NFD, and Jubba's are 6.5 million, intiina kale isa soo tiriya oo noo soo sheega tiradiina.... That is according to the official tolka census. PeaceNow, Ethiopians maybe larger in number than Somalis but keep in mind Ethiopia can breakdown into smaller states any times. Those people don't even belong to each other.
  7. ^worst they can do to him is fire him from his bus driving job, he will definitely find a better job ASAP.
  8. Originally posted by 2+2=5: Why white hands? . The hands are not white, they are arab : )
  9. Assalaatu calaa waqtihaa was very important to this brother. Masha'allah!
  10. ^haa duqa war uu jecel yahay kuwa sheego umbuu dhageystaa baan u fahmay. I guess he has the right to do so.
  11. I am waiting for the day that this Peacenow character posts a single piece of good news about Somalis....
  12. Originally posted by Maaddeey: yaaqay naga dhaafa maalaayacniga, warka Xamar Shabeelle & HornAfrik ayaa laga dhegeystaa/akhristaa, finito. Midda kale Shabaab suuqa Bakaaraha saldhig kuma laha. You can't be serious...tSince when did the geographical location of a website's editor become an important factor. Plus, how do u know if doesn't have reporters in xamar? Mise u r stereotyping by clan? Hornafric and shabeelle bas ah baa la dhageystaa ku ye looooool. P.s. good point jaceylbaro, some people read somali news on, as a matter of fact I am sure I have seen this same dude posting links from foreign sites...
  13. How do you know what website published this news first? Midda kale, does that really matter?
  14. Yea these guys never stop to amaze me, they claim they are there for jihad but they still run away every time they are attacked..
  15. "Dib u gurasho waa xeelad dagaal" Al-shabaab oo ka daldalanaya Bakaaraha iyo Dayniile Ururka Al-shabaab ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inuu ka daldalanayo goobihii uu ugu xoogbadnaa magaalada Muqdisho sida suuqa Bakaaraha iyo Dayniile ka dib markii ay soo baxday in DKMG ay weerar xoogan ku ekayn doonto goobaha kooxaha mucaaradku kaga sugan yihiin magaalada Muqdisho. Telefishano caalami ah oo soo xiganaya illo wareedyo hoose ayaa shaaciyey in Ururka Al-shabaab uu Suuqa Bakaaraha kala baxay wax alaale wixii hub ahaa ama gaadiid ahaa ee u yaalay Saldhiga weyn ee uu ku lahaa Suuqa Bakaaraha iyo degmada Dayniile. Lama garan karo sababta Al-shabaab ku qasbaysa in hubka waa weyn iyo gaadiidka dagaal ay kala baxaan saldhigyadii lagu yiqiinay waloow loo fasiri karo inay salka ku hayso xeelad militeri waa tii horey loo yidhi "dib ugarasho waa xeelad dagaal". Si kastaba ha ahaatee waxaa maalinba maalinta ka dambaysa sii kordhaya daryaanka durbaanka colaadeed iyo diyaar garowga kooxaha isaga soo horjeeda siyaasada Somalia.
  16. $1.8? What is 1.8 cent? What currency do they use? P.s. It just sounds funny how marketing is "suuq-geyn" in Somali LOL.
  17. ^Did u hear back from that interview? Fill us in nooh..
  18. I can't believe Aaliyah doesn't know what Qandho means. Liyah, Qandho is a fever walal
  19. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Zack: you might be right on something I dont hear, but I agree with you that Abbas is better singer. Here is one where he is performing live in Denver: Koora, very classic song! Thanks for sharing!
  20. Koora, listen to both songs very carefully sxb, even though they even sound they are different genres you can still hear the similarity of the beat. I agree with u that Danab sounds a bit better but Dardaaran expresses itself better.
  21. Zack, labada hees waa kala daran yihiin, laakiin tanaa score-ka badiska siiyey. Nassir, LOL I see ur point but I still think Abbas is a better singer than this new dude.
  22. ^You are so 2006 adeer. Aduunka la soco, it is 2010 and a lot of *** changed.