The Zack

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Everything posted by The Zack

  1. Midda kale soo adigii qabiilo dhan caayi jiray goormaad hanuuntay?
  2. Adeer, you can't cherry pick on what you call out on. I haven't seen u say any thing when other communities are picked on but always speak very loud when reer bari are offended. What kind of somaliness is that bal. Don't try to play innocent for us when u want. P.s. why do u love reer bari so much adoo reer maakhir ah?
  3. ^war beenta daa, I call spade a spade. You have never seen me defending my uncle Turki neither have u heard me supporting my other uncle Ahmed Madoobe.
  4. I like that quote, it makes sense to me but your love for reer bari is noted yaa maakhiri.
  5. ^if he believes what he posted he's got serrious issues.
  6. He has a point, the king has a point!
  7. ^LOOL. I am not defending anyone, neither I am for attacking an entire community aka qabiil. I just find it amusing that you generally get very upset when the term bari is mentioned. I don't see u get mad when waqooyi, west or other communities are attacked. Per your profile, u ain't reer bari maxaad nimanka sidaas ugu difaacdaa?
  8. ^reer bariga saxda ma hadlayaan adi maxaa lasoo booddaa horta?
  9. ^you sometimes sound like u r from another planet. What do u think faroole can do if he goes Bosaso? Kick the diano guy out of his office physically?
  10. ^is that any where close to qarri-juqood?
  11. ^You are either retarded or have issues with comprehension. Reread the post above yours and address that. Debate like a man or hit the road adeer. Qaxootinimo haddaad cey u taqaanid go ahead and rewind cajaladdii lagaa soo duubay markii Utanga lagaasoo qaadayay. Rumors state that you spent 15 years of your life in a refugee camp hence you think it is an insult to be in one.
  12. So the Afghanistans, Pakistans, Saudis, Muslim-Americans are not foreigners?
  13. ^Somalida qaar baa siyaasiiin sax ah, qaarna waa lo'. Dadka ha isku qasin
  14. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Markaanoo kale waxaan dhahaa 'waryaahe, war what's my name?' ... [/i] [/b] LOOOOL Afkaa ka xaday Sikaawe, Abdirisaaq is from a clan we can never be friends with kulahaa ahahahaha Waaryee war shaah cab.
  15. Siyaasiinta waaweeyn dadka ay ku kacsan yahiin waa tagaan shirarka ay public-ga u qabtaan si ay usoo dhuuxaan sida ay cadowgoodu u hadlayaan iyo qaabkoodaba.
  16. ^Which side is a foreigner? The TFG or the Shabaab?
  17. ^Waxuu sheegayn iney run tahay waa wax dhici kara, sidoo kale inuu xanaaqsan yahayna waa wax dhici kara LOL, lakin as I said earlier I have seen some of things he highlighted on my own eyes oo waa macquul. P.s. Maaddeey, Adigu ma aadday shirka uu Shariifka qabtay? Habeen kaas London wax banaanka joogay malaha baan maqlaye. Chatham House wuu buux dhaafsanaa baa la yidhi.
  18. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: rer-Somaliya Markaa adinka ma iska saareysaan? LOL
  19. Loool some of what this article's author wrote are actually true, I have witnessed it myself when the president was visiting USA but he is exaggerating a bit, he sounds bitter. Howsha inuu wax ka qabto nin loo diiday buu u egyahay.
  20. ^Not only u missed my point but you failed to get the JOKE. The poster of this thread posted about some victims being killed in Somaliland, your cousin Xaaji Xunduf came out and had the guts to tell the poster to "forget about the past and get over with the calaacal" while the xaaji himself posted a whole topic about Samatar and 1988 so we are telling him and his like to practise what they are preaching. If you want to defend that arguement come out and say so ha meer meereysane lol. On another note, haddii somali kale idin leysay waddanka ma somalidaas darteed baa uga go'eysaan, idinku maad xukuntaan ood leysaan?
  21. Geel_Jire, no that was Faroole and he is still in charge of Garowe.
  22. Cowke, So Hizbil Islam members are terrorists in your book? Please do clarify yourself, "Yaa King".