The Zack

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Everything posted by The Zack

  1. Gheele, loool intaan oo dhan soccer ma daawan anoo shaqeynayo, qolada caawa waa la garraacay walee
  2. Wow! Hat trick in a half time! Messi is messings with some behinds.
  3. ^^Arsenal will definitely be kicked out of the CL, no question about that specially when Fabregas is not on board. That should be very simple to understand even for Arsenal fans ehe. NGONGE, do us a favor and post the likeliness of Lpool losing/drawing to/with their respective fixtures, I bet theirs will also not be an easy one either
  4. ^Arsenal will definitely be kicked out of the CL, no question about that specially when Fabregas is not on board. That should be very to understand even for Arsenal fans ehe. NGONGE, do us a favor and post the likeliness of Lpool losing to their fixtures.
  5. Could Liverpool get the 4th? Yes, Do Man city have better chance of getting that same spot? Most definitely! The reason : Man city have 4 points more than Liverpool and a game in hand. Which means they have to lose 2 games and draw 1 for you guys to catch them. I call that a miracle, what do u call it?
  6. ^Looooool you are just wishing miracles to happen.
  7. ^looool@hadduu jaadku qeybsamo, khaldaaan waaxid ehehe Waaryeey xabashi AT&T war ninka teddy ah waa nin waalan wallee addis nagadhee majee mataa = meles inaa tigray majee matuu.
  8. Sacad adhiyullah badhaadh baa tahay, please double check what u r posting, this post has nothing to do with ONLF.
  9. ^The "National Movement" part is not what I am interested in, tell me if it was Somali or Somaliland?
  10. ^The "National Movement" part is not what I am interested in, tell me if it was Somali or Somaliland?
  11. Hal ii kala caddeeya, does SNM stand for Somaliland National Movement or Somali National Movement?
  12. Hal ii kala caddeeya, does SNM stand for Somaliland National Movement or Somali National Movement?
  13. ^Let's see how Faroole obeys those commands.
  14. Madaxwaynaha Dowlad Gobaleedka Puntland ayaa Booqasho ku tagay Magaalada Addiss Ababa Isbuuc Hore Halkaas oo uu la kulmay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada ee Itoobiya Seyum Mesfin Safarka Faroole ayaa ahaa Dhowr Arrimood oo iskugu Jiraa Dhanka Dowlada Soomaliya Iyo Dhanka Xariiirka Puntaland Iyo Itoobiya. Hadaba Faroole ayaa Golahiisa Wasiirada Iyo Maamulka Sameeyay Amar lagu siiyay inuu wax ka badalo Midaas oo sida Sawirka ka muuqata Faroole Naxdin Indhaha Taagay. Faroole ayaa la soo Gudboonatay Laba Daran mid dooro Isagoo Xiligaas Kulanka ka dhacay Hotelka Sheraton ee Magaalada Addiss Ababa. Madaxda Faroole Amar lagu siiyay Inuu ka Saaro ama wax ka Badalo ayaa ah. Mr. Daud Mohamed Wasiirka Qorshaynta. Omar Sheikh Abdihafid Ali Yusuf, Duqa Magaalada Garowe. Abdiaziz Nur Elmi Koor, Duqa Magaalada Bossaso. Mohamud Farah Beldaje Duqa Magaalada Galkacayo. Sheikh Abdihafid Ali Yusuf Gudoomiyah Gobalka Bari.' Dhamaan Xubnahan ayaa Faroole Magacaabistood lagu eedeyay Iyagoo Qaar ka mid ah lagu eedeyay inay ka dhex abuuraan Xasilooni daro Puntland Balse ila kagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in Xubanahan ay Dacweeyaan Koox ka socoto Maamulka Soomaliland oo uu hogaaminaya Mr Ducaale oo ah Wasiir Arrimaha Dibada ee Maamulka la magac baxay Somaliland ee Waqooyi Galbeed. Labada Maamul ayaa Itoobiya isku Dacwayana Itoobiya, Itoobiyana ka dhex Noqotay Police. Ayaan darida haysata Shacabka Soomalia ayaa mid ak mid ah Barlamaanka Itoobiya ku sheegay in Itoobiya u Yeedhiso kooxan Hargaysa Iyo Garoowe in loo yeeriyo Cida Xilka u qaban Midaas Xubin Barlamaanka Itoobiya ah ku Tilmaamay Aayaan Dari Masiibo ah oo Soomalida Maskaxiyan Xor aysan u ahayn waxan ay meesha ku dhoo dhoobeen. Sidoo Kale Itoobiya ayaa u sheegtay In Madax Sirdoonka PIS ee PUNTLAND Cismaan Diyaano oo ay Itoobiya siiso Taageero Dhaqaalo, aysan Faroole ka ogolaayanin inuu Casilo. Isku soo duu duuboo Labadan Maamuladan ayaan waligood ka degaynin Faragalinta Siyaasadeed ee Itoobiya Iyadoo Shacabka ku Nool Gobaladaasna ay Yihiin kuwa Xaqiiqda Maamuladooda aysan waxba ka ogayn.
  15. The correct name is Godey, the xabashis call it Gode coz wey carrab la'yihiiin
  16. Originally posted by MoonLight1: While you chant Ogadeeniya ogadeeniya no somali in that region will support your effort, Adeer thanks but no thanks, nobody needs your support, adaaba help u baahan. Somone from Southern/Central Somalia is the last person that would offer/decline their assistance to anybody, specially a sufi-loving anarchist. Dowladda kumeel gaadhka ah taageer taasaa ku baahane. Kamavi, this is very well written peace, odayga qoray wuu dadaalay.
  17. This is very interesying development. Let's see where this ends at. Will the UWSLf folks get benefit from surrendering or will they be humilated like the previous surrenderers? Only time will tell us. Originally posted by Shihaabuddin: ^When will the ONLF see the light? So you believe surrendering to Xabashis is seeing a light? Cajiib. A pirate is a pirate uun wallee. Che- Well said! The last thing we want to see in our life time is an Ethiopian domination on all lands of Somalia. ONLF are doing their best they can to stop just that.
  18. Kamavi, wow man! This is very beautiful sxb, thanks for sharing! Wait till we kick the Woyane out, the city will even get a lot better.
  19. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: quote:magacooda lagu sheegay C/teerso iyo C/fitaax Maxamed. Teerso ma kii Zack lahaa baa dilbaa Ethiopian-ku xukumeen? Mise waa mid kale? Gheele, ninkaan anu sheegayay waagii waxaa la yiraahdaa Abdi Ahmed oo ku magac dheeraa Teerso, ninkaasu waxuu ku xidhan yahay addis ababa xabsi ku yaalo wali. Allaha u fududeeyo.
  20. Final 2:2 what a game! The problem is Arsenal will have no Fabregas in the next leg.
  21. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Mayee bal adigu Al-Shabaab maxaad uga soo horjeedaa? 1. They are fighting a global war, not a somali one. 2. They call fellow somali-muslims apostates 3. They give themselves the right to kill many for the purpose of trying to take out one or two individuals, good example of that is the cases of Mohamed Hashi and Prof. Ceyrow. Adigu why don't u support the lesser evil of the two? Mise u love the anarchy we are in? Keep in mind u will never find a perfect side to support.
  22. Che, adu wax kasta mucaarad baa tahay miyaa?are u an anarchist? P.s. count me on the dowladda kumeel gaadhka side