The Zack

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Everything posted by The Zack

  1. ^That is the wackiest advice, sit tight and wait aa? On the other hand, keep smiling, its a sign of respect and it shows that u r interested, you know. Don't smile for every farah, smile for the ones u find attractive. I am sure there won't be that many farahs that would attract ur attention as u told us earlier. Don't ignore my warnings against reaching the big 30 while single because the consequences are bad!
  2. ^I will let Ismalura tell us more about the long list of shuruudo. She admitted she has a list of conditions that a guy must meet before she even considers to talk to him. Some of the things I have seen so far are : He has to be 6'4" tall and no 6'3 is not acceptable LOL He has to have a degree in Medical lab and NOT in electronics He can't be bold, must have very healthy hair Calool warkeed ha sheegin Aroos weyn inuu ii dhigo His sub-clan should be XYZ.. things like that... Lool@text and email, did you know an average student in Nairobi uses more text and emails than an average student in Minneapolis? Africa is not as behind as you think it is when it comes to technolgy, xagga waxaaba la iska guursadaa social network sites-ka, waxba ma ogid... Africa gabadh joogta ka raadiyaa twitter baryahan LOL.
  3. ^ The two are different, I agree, lakin the results are similar; get something done via your own effort. Fadhi waxba kuma yimaaddo. Loool@Operation gabdho dhiig kar ku rid, u mean operation gabdhaha caawi, right. On a serious note, I have seen a lot of single and not so young ladies these days. (This is true for faarax's, too) Markaan baadhayna waxaaan soo ogaaday shuruudaha ay doonayaan iney aad u adag yahiin, taas baan uga digayaa kuwan da'da yar ee kobtan ku sheekeysanaya.. yacni waa nasiixa .
  4. Nina, looool hadduu ka hadhi waayo taas macnaheedu waaba mission accomplished dee waa sidii la doonayay - waa hadduu qof caadi ah yahay. Talooyinka aan baxsho weey shaqeeyaan walal, dad badan bey u shaqeeyeen. Kuwaa adi bixiso haddey ka duwan yahiin macnaheeda ma aha waa weird advice. Tan seddexaad, markii laguu qoray waad guursan lakin waa inaad dadaalkeeda la imaataa, waa sidii qof dhahay doctor baan rabaa inaan noqdo lakin aan iskuul u aadin, dadaalka waa loo baahan yahay.
  5. Ismalura Finding Mr.Right shouldn't be a big issue for any Ms.Right (I am sure you are one for someone). Next time you see a "good looking" faarah, make sure you smile at him and not look at the sky LOL. If he doesn't flirt with you, kasii soco he is prolly retarded or married LOL. P.s. don't let your age hit the big 30 while still single. P.s.s. ibtisaam must be very beautiful or something to rec that much attention from farahs.
  6. You missed my point. Oh, well.. Ain't nobody stopping them if they wanna be successful but things u mentioned are more of a dream than reality. Coming from Africa with 4 kids won't help one achieve that dream either or would it? LOL@2010, not sure why y'all keep mentioning the year we are in, were things different in 2009? I am just curious mise sheekadii Somalia ay sanadku waa sanad hebel ee la qabso baad waddaan.
  7. ^ISKA, let me clarify whacha saying..even though the man can afford to cover everything the family needs financially, the wifey can still choose to work? Well, that is just lame. Why would she make her *** work when she doesn't have to?
  8. The Thankful dude is totally something else. He somehow misses to discuss the issue at hand and focuses on the messenger which is entirely against the rules of a healthy debate. Adeer if you want to contribute to a forum, discuss the issues at hand instead of always shooting the messenger or changing subjects. The domain .so has been sold, that is a fact. Discuss if that is right thing or what so! Nassir, Thanks for sharing this! This TFG is somehow selling everything the country had LOL. It was the sea the day before yesterday, the house of the Somali ambassador in Nairobi yesterday, and the .SO domain today. Darn!
  9. ^ Hadda waa isku soo dhacnay sidaa sheegtay. And nothing wrong about keeping the baby factory going as long as one can afford it, don't you agree? My goal is to have at least 18 insha'allah, that is why in waddankii nabad ka dhacdo is very critical for me LOL, haddii kale waan ku waalan halkan iyo 18 ciyaal ah. Sheekada ah xaaska xabsi guri hala gasho anigu ma taageersani haddii xariifka qabo oo qadada xaafadda miiska soo saari karin. Labo shaqo baan xamaali iyadana gurigey joogi? That aint just fair, she would be in the assembly line with me!
  10. @ Xaasiberry, mayee Ixaasid LOL. Now we are getting somewhere.. tusaalaha aa keentay waa wax jiro oo nimanka qaar Africa kasoo guursaday ku dhacdo, laakin hal ogow, ma aha mid ku dhacdo qof walboo Africa kasoo guursado. Dad baa jira ku faa'iida kana faa'iida arintan. You make it sound like in gabdhaha xaga laga keeno ay dhamaan dhego la'yihiin oo noloshan la qabsan karin, waxaan aqaanaa more than couple oo markii la keenay (of course ayaga iyo afartooda ciyaalka ah ) meesha la qabsaday oo horay shaqo ka bilaabay oo biilka xaafadda geeskooda ka baxshay, ciyaalkoodana si fiican u korsado. Gabdho ayagoo waddankii hooyo joogo si fiican wax u bartay baa buuxa. Sheekada aa sheegeyso ee qoftan ninka xitaa diaper gaditaanka ugu waceyso waa wax laga naxo lakin kuwa badanoo inta ku koray ama in badan ku noolaa baa saas ah, gaar ahaan magaalooyin kamida ah Ameerika maadaamo gaadiidka dadweynaha aan laga helin. Baabuur sida loo wado lama baranba, inkastoo la wacan karo dhakhtarka oo sida ballan looga qabsado la yaqaano looma tagi karo marka maxey kuugu taalllaa. BTW my advice had a disclosure on it: It is only for some people in some specific situations.
  11. ^Does this sound right to you? He is trying to have his cake and eat it too. Trying to work for the TFG and still appease Somaliland is a terrible thing to do. A foreign minister of a country needs to have clear stances. He failed to answer any of the questions asked to him.
  12. ^He sounds like a very confused person. The answer to every question that is asked to him is "Dadka Somaliyeed ama dadka Somaliland baa go'aan ka gaadhi" or "Anigu waa la i dirsaday". WTF! He is the foreign minister for god's sake! Go listen to it bal and confirm if this is really him.
  13. Very moving story, indeed. Thanks for sharing, yaa Bob Xaaji Faarax.
  14. If the dude in this interview is really Omaar, I am very disappointed with him.
  15. Nina, waligaa ma maqashay "do as I say, not as I do". If you have ever taken a business management class in college you will agree with me that some of your professors were very good at the subject of "owning/creating/managing" a bussiness. Yet, most of them don't really own or manage a business, why? Because it ain't the right thing to do for them at the time. Marka me not following my own advice is just like that. As far as ladies giving birth to babies at 42+, those are rare and ilaahay amarkii iyo yaa allaah and you know that. Imagine Ismalura getting her first baby at 45(god forbid), markey 60 gaadho, people would be like is this your grandson? LOL taas maxaa ka xun bal. When is she going to have the time to have fun with her children when she is 50 and her daughter is 10. That, walaashey, is just not right! Shukaans is overrated, halla iska xaroodo and run run haloo wada noolaado. Loooool@alshabaabs' 7pm. We are discussing humans here, nimankaas waa wax kale.
  16. ^Oz, ok chief waad u jeeddaa. Nina LOOOL..u never cease to crack me up...30 is the new 15 kulahaa. A family friend of mine had a baby at the age of 42 waxii ka dhacay waaba la ogaa, all kinds of doctors baa meesha imaaday, waa la baadhayaa cunugga inuu caadi yahay iyo in kale kulahaa since the mom was "too old". Marka walaaley gabdhahan saacaddu ay ku socoto ha ka waalin. Midda kale sheekada ah waa la is yaqaanaa oo shukaansi love baa jira wax ka jiro malaha. You really don't know the other person's real personality until u live with them. That is just a fact. So I don't see any benefits of marrying a local girl over a one from Somalia. As far as af ingiirska, driving and doctor visits some in Somalia are more knowledgeable and handy than some in the west.
  17. Waraa Nina yaa u wacay? Meesha ma la isu hiilinayaa.. . Nina., how do you even know how the 2010 shukaansi works, maalinna dadkii hore iska maalinna dadka danbe LOL. The false abowe macaane and abayo macaanto of the pre-mariage has been the main cause of many divorces. Ismalura, I hope u understand why I would do that to someone. One can't afford to bring his chosen one all the way from Africa and then she walks away the next morning. That's waste of the hard earned $$, you know. Dhinaca kale, the older, the less expensive. Think of it like a milage on a car, the higher the miliage on a car, the less value .
  18. Ismalura, The older you get, the less expensive. That might not be the nicest thing to say but its the truth. Hadhow mid bidaar leh iyo nin garoob ah umbaa kusoo raadsan LOL. Wakhtiga ka faa'ideyso walal. Juxa gabadha ha lugooyn inaar, runta u sheeg .
  19. KK is right, if somebody comments on one of your pictures, that picture along your friend's comment will be posted on their wall which means their friends can see your picture. Keep in mind, ladies, your friends' friends can NOT view your pictures by randomly pulling up your profile if you set your privacy for the pics to "friends ONLY. So the two scenarios are different.
  20. ^Caawa ma anaa waalan mise idinkaa cirka wada marayo waan yaabaye. LOL@boqol geel ah, riyadaas gabdho badan baa ku daalee ka kac meesha before your number hits the big 30 LOL.
  21. ^Correction, SNM were NOT fighting to secede from Somalia. Trying to create a country by the name of Somaliland was not the goal of the Mujahideen.
  22. ^Ismalura ninka taladiisa qaado walal . Aaliyah, I don't understand why you keep using the analogy of "Me VS the Dude in question" LOL. My situation was different than his situation. The advice I am giving him is based on the guy's situation iyo meesha uu xaalkiisu marayo siduu noo sheegay. Sidaas weeye inaaar.
  23. Originally posted by Ismalura: quote:Originally posted by The Zack: Ismalura, how is that a bad idea bal? Aint marriage all about having children? War yaa nakala bixiyo gabadhan.. Maya huuno marriage is not just about having children. It is about love; wanting to be together as much as possible, taking risks on each other, having common interests and values (Like Aaliyah said) and most importantly caring about the other person. The whole idea of going to Africa is based on taking advantage off dadaka xaga jooga dibad jaceylkoda. The girls and their families have nothing say as long as it is a Farah coming from abroad. You don't know or love the person before you marry them because its all about the easy way out. Moreover it may be the easier thing in the short run but dad badan baa ka shalaayay gadaal; both the men here and mostly the women back home. Ismalura, I understand what you are saying walaashiis but I do disagree with some parts of what you said. The love, the caring, and many other things come AFTER the marriage. That is a proven fact. The shukaansi love aint the real thing.
  24. Aliyah, I did NOT go back to home to get hitched but again this isn't about me, this is about what is right for the starter of this thread. Adigaa isoo dhex galiyay markaa tiri "tan kale maxa dhacay?? ma kuwa badan baa ku goyey oo maanta shekadu waxay taaganahay farxiya iska soo xareeso caruur dhaldhal", taas uun baan ka jawaabayay. I still believe that getting married from home is a very good idea. Of course there is nothing that is 100% successful all the time that is why I advised the brother to wait till she has at least 4 kids before he brings her to the west.