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Posts posted by Maalqabeen

  1. Americans alone bound the city of falluja the last few days with warplanes and heavy artillery

    last night the american troops entered falluja as usual us-troops race to the centre of something without securing nothing this time was centre of falluja and the so feared urban-war started the rest i will leave to up the reporter in falluja Fadhil Badrani, a journalist in Falluja who reports for the BBC World Service in Arabic.


    This what he reported to the BBC a hour ago


    Fadhil Badrani told the BBC News website that the battle was particularly fierce in the district of Jolan, just north of the centre.

    He said he had seen the bodies of eight US soldiers lying in the streets of the city's Hammaniyya area overnight, along with the remains of many dead rebels. He had also found two disabled US tanks and three destroyed Humvee jeeps.


    The journalist added that rebels were moving from street to street, attacking US troops where they could and letting them pass where they could not.

    He said he doubted the truth of US claims that marines were in control of 70% of the city.


    Here link to the whole story


    And for the people who don’t nothing about urban warfare here is a link



    Check it out walahi interesting stuff

  2. quote:


    Morgan brought it upon his people and they deserve everything they got since they took up arms with him!


    You don’t know shit about it homie this people who live in dhoobley aren’t morgans people by tribe the people in dhoobley are from the tribe .... Am gonna don’t say it but i will give you clue Aden C/laahi Nur Gabyow





    If any forces of Sheikh Inda Cadde was involved(which they weren't) Morgan would be six feet underground and not walking around Nairobi


    Hahhahaha you talk a lot of shit what you think that your kinsmen are from a superior ras don’t make laugh Morgan won the war against great gen caydiid. Do you really think that morgan can’t handle some old butt kisser of the great leader


    your reply just shows you don’t know a shit about the jubba’s i suggest you do some research about the jubba’s

  3. Smith it’s was Yusuf Indhacadde who costs this problems in dhoobley the first few days of tihis war Barre Hiiraale got permission from beelaha and ganacsato reer muqdisho to defend him against morgan and co but gen morgan was to strong for barre hiirale and his forces it look like morgan will take kismayo within few days but reer muqdisho didn’t want lose kismayo at any cost that’s why they took part in this was yesterday and when they took part in this war they did immediate good breaking through morgans defends lines freed they captured mates and captured some morgans kinsmen

    Morgan said always that Barre Hiirale was just Maqar sare barre hiirale prove it yesterday he claims to be the guddomiya but he looks more like Afhayeenka Dooxada Jubba give constantly interview to the BBC a leader must be in frontlines of the battle not in front of the mic morgans kinsmen

    Morgan said always that Barre Hiirale was just Maqar sare barre hiirale prove it yesterday he claims to be the guddomiya but he looks more like Afhayeenka Dooxada Jubba give constantly interviews to the BBC a leader must be in frontlines of the battle not in front of the mic

  4. Somalis in Diaspora think that Somalia is a democratic just like California first let us remind that Somalia is not even a democratic it’s failed state one of poorest in world here en there is poorly functional administration but with overwhelming majority the country is ruled by tribesman and warlords Afghanistan was even better then Somalia pre-invasion with taliban controlling 90 percent of the land Let us never forget this facts if we ever want discuss a government for Somalia


    I think Somalia don’t need a superior form of democratic like democratises in the west you know with voting and bla bla what Somalia need in generally the people of Somalia need is safety every Somali most have the right to stand where he/she wants without being killed of his/her tribe or getting for not paying by blockade if just one of all the men who are now in Nairobi can do this i give hem/her my support


    This whole discussion about Mr Abdullahi Yusuf if he is the right men for the job couple mouths ago i had this same discussion with elderly men’s i gotta to say there opinions are same as yours the anti C/laahi camp accuses him lack of patriotism and Ethiopia’s dog and pro C/laahi camp porter him as the only men how who can save Somalia from this chaos it’s always the same story when it comes to Mr C/laahi Yusuf :D:D