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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. I likes it! First oil, and now fruits(& veggies) spurting from dhulka. Thumbs up.
  2. I was hoping the content would say " Drone attack kills former AS spokesman." Disappointed.
  3. Horta dadkaan oo dhan AUN. Labo, Caydiid brought more bloodshed and hunger than the rest of the warlords & Barre put together. The man makes Barre a saint. Dude had no vision or wisdom, yes a sharp tongue, but then they will tell you all vicious leaders were gifted orators.
  4. Kony 2012 is an oustanding short doc, it firmly desrves all the hype and attention it has gotten. Some nomads surprise me with their conspiracies walaahi.
  5. It is true that the president was demonstrated against- PEACEFULLY- on his arrival. It is also true that he was welcomed into the city, PEACEFULLY I may add. The point is : That people can disagree with their president, especially when he adds on another year, and should be allowed to voice out their position peacefully. If anything, it shows level of democratic maturity not seen much of elsewhere(And believe me this is not a sin on my part.)
  6. I shall keep him in my prayers, iA.
  7. I doubt Mahiga would know any SOLer's real name. How would the ambassador? Unless he has a mole in our midst. Must have been some sort of a mistake, I think.
  8. "The Ala-Sheikh group, according to the Ambassador, is a group of fundamentalists, anti-power sharing, anti-Roadmap, and similar to the Shabab except they do not carry arms."
  9. Lovely dee, did not expect less. The kid did well, feared a little that he may be attacked by the odayga gadaal fadhiyo with bakoorada markii uu Somali ku hadlay.
  10. Fiiriya nimanyahow, we can't always dice and dissect things to support our stand on things. Sh. Shariif is the president for the entire nation, and he sometimes has to play the role of rhetoric-maker-in-chief to bring folks closer. This is hardly controversial, maybe on the truth side given that Somaliland partnered with Somalia to give birth to the Somali Republic.
  11. Gaffes kill political careers, and Somalis are no exception. In a poor effort not to alienate Somaliland, given the tentative talks, he made himself sound hella clueless about the whole stand of the TFG on Somaliland's secession. I am sure we are to hear his admission of incorrectness, and that should clear the air. All he had to do was chose not to comment on the matter citing the upcoming meeting of the TFG & Somaliland. We all can move on from these petty skirmishes, knowing the sort of damage it may cause to the progress made in the last few months.
  12. Che -Guevara;800015 wrote: Even Obama doesn't indulge in this sort of affair. Well, Obama hadde Puntland president kama aha. He too would have "indulged this sort of affairs" had he been PL prez.
  13. Che -Guevara;800005 wrote: I don't get these 'goodbyes' and 'welcome back' ceremonies-what waste of resources and time, Dadka soo safta badankooda waa mid madax ah iyo mid qaraabanaya.
  14. ^Ignorance(aqoon daro) & caadifad been ah(emotional), period. Marka, spare me all the nonsense if you have no facts to contribute to the actual matter.
  15. The saddest part being the sentiments of Garnaqsi & Somalia. Little bit of history may be detrimental to your cause, plagiarizing from the old proverb.
  16. MMA- Gracias for the read! Alas, not everyone will agree with what actually transpired in those last days. But more importantly, we, Somalis, will have to look no further than the distant past to know what & how things went wrong.
  17. Abdulqadir Xaaji Masale was the political adviser to the then president M. S. Barre. My understanding: His counsel was rather dismissed at times when Somalia could have used better judgement. The more hawkish members of the XISBIGA KACAANKA ran havoc in those days, especially given that Abdulqadir Xaaji Masale's own brother was sitting in jail for dissidence. The man is said to have been very reasonable politician, former army officer and of the same lineage as Barre. Regardless, of the circumstances Barre had few other hawkish folks he relied on. And this is strictly my view based on what we have heard of the people running the country then. Folks would tell you that Dafle, Mohammed Sheikh Usman & Abdulrehman Jama Barre were probably the folks that counselled on security, treasury and foreign affairs respectively. So, basically if you were not Dafle & cohorts, your advise probably fell on deaf ears. Not even Samatar or Kulmiye matter then. Nin walba wuu gabanayee, naftooda bay u baqaayeen.
  18. Bishaaro bishaaro! Somaliland will be recognized! Recognized as waqooyi-galbeed gobol of Somalia, as it was recognized 52 years ago.
  19. Carafaat maalin walba maalinka ka danbeeyo wuu kasii darayaa. Young buck is conflicted, trying to appease cid walba.
  20. Welcome back, Maadeey. When Al-Shabaab is taking beating you somehow manage to disappear. But, listen though, how long will these hit & run tactics last ?
  21. Do not know about Tarzan, he is too charged to bring folks together. Like the above gentleman said, Buurahadheer, Somalia could use someone who benefits from the trust of all. I think, Shariif given his acute-learning-curve is best placed to summon the trust of all Somalis. The man could be our generation's Aden Cadde, provided his choice of PM is of contrast to him in terms political savvy.
  22. Quick rest stop on their way to extermination, they wont be there long knowing the ETs are lingering in Baidoa.
  23. Cambuulo iyo bun;796371 wrote: True sxb qaranimo is the most important but caadifada waa in la laga tagaa, shariif is a great guy what i like most with him is that he is daacad and the nation need leaders like him There you go DAACAD is what we are after, and we have it in him. Elect Shariif then, inta kale iska ilooba.
  24. The best Culusow can do is culeeska Somalida ka qaado. Hiding behind articles, and prophetic of fallacies are no longer the cool thing to do. Somalis are have gotten bit too smart to get caught up in these shenanigans.