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Everything posted by ANWAR

  2. Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Howlgal ballaaran oo saakay ciidamada dowladda ay ka sameeyeen saakay gudaha Suuqa Bakaaraha ku guuleysteen in ay gacanta ku dhigaan mid ka mid ah xubnaha ugu sareeya golaha la magac baxay golaha dhaqanka iyo midnimada beelaha ****** oo la aaminsan yahay iney qeyb ka yihiin dagaalada ka socda Muqdisho. Axmed Diiriye oo ah Afhayeenka garabka Golahaasi ee uu Hoggaamiyo Maxamed Xasan Xaad ayaa saakay ciidamadu ay ku soo qabteen howlgal ay ka fuliyeen gudaha suuqa Bakaaraha xili uu ku sugnaa guri ku yaal halkaasi oo hub fara badan uu ka buuxay gurigaasi sida ay ku warameen saraakiisha howlgalkaasi fulineysay oo xiriir nala soo sameeyay. Axmed Diiriye iyo xubno kale oo ay ku jiraan ilaaladiisa ayaa mid ka mid ah xabsiyada Muqdisho loo gudbiyay sida ay sheegeen saraakiishaasi waxayna ciidamada la wareegeen hub isugu jiray Baasuukeyaal, bambooyin iyo waxyaabaha kale ee qarxa, sidoo kale ciidamada waxay kaloo ku raad joogaan xubno kale oo garabkaasi ka mid ah sida Guddoomiyahooda Maxamed Xasan Xaad. Ciidamo lagu qiyaasay Kun ayaa howlgal xoogan ka wada Suuqa Bakaaraha iyadoo howlgaladaasina ay ku soo qabqabteen hub fara badan waxayna ciidamada kaxeynayeen shaqsiyaad lagu tuhunsan yahay iney ku leug leeyihiin dagaalada ka dhanka ah dowladda. Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali AllPuntland, Muqdisho
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 3 million dollars A year do not make your piece of land a GREAT nation ^
  4. "Dhibaatooyinka Maamulka Soomaliland Ka Wadaan Gobolka Sool Uma Dul Qaadan Doono" Mr. Eric Laroche.. Xiriiriyaha arimaha gargaarka Qaramada Midoobay u Qaabilsan dalka Soomaaliya Mr.French Eric Laroch ayaa isaga oo ku sugan Magaalada Geneva isla markaasina ka hadlaya arimaha ka soo cusboonaaday Dalka Soomaaliya ayuu sheegay in ay Maamulka Somaliland doonayaan in ay xoog ku qabsadaan Degaano. Aan laga doonayn oo ay dadka degani diidan yihiin isla markaasina ka soo hor jeedaan nidaamka ay wataan,wuxuuna ku tilmaamay Mr.Eric in Arintaasi keeni karto dagaal mar kale ka qarxa Gobolka Sool,oo isu roga dagaal sokeeye ama beeleed,ninkan ayaa sheegay isla markaasina Mamulka Daahir Riyaale ugu baaqay in uu kala baxo Magaalada Laascaanood Ciidamadiisa. "Waanu la soconaa in aan maamulka Somaliland laga rabin Gobolka Sool,dadkuna ay si cad uga soo hor jeedaan,raga isla gobolka ka dhashay ee ka socda dhinaca Maamulka Somaliland dad aad ayay u diidan yihiin oo dooni maayaan Magaalada Laascaanoodna waxaa ka jira Mudaharaadyo rabshado wata oo looga soo hor jeedo Qabsashada Gobolka Sool,iyada oo dhinaca kale ay jiraan dad rayid ah loo taxaabay Xabsiyada Somaliland ka dib markii ay muujiyeen rabitaankooda "ayuu yiri Mr.Eric Laroche. Mas'uulkan ayaa Shir Jaraa'id oo uu ku qabtay Magaalada Geneva sheegay in ay jiraan Tacadiyo ay dadka Gobolka Sool u geysteen Maleeshiyaadka Dagaalka ee maamulka Soomaaliya sida iyada oo xabsiyada loo taxaabay dad waayeel ah iyo haween aan waxba galabsan ka dib markii ay ka hor yimaadeen nidaamka Maamulka Somaliland ay ku doonayaan in ay ku khasbaan siyaasadooda. THE MAN IS NOT HAPPY
  5. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: We have the best example when we look at the last develepments between the tfg and buglad ,,,,, I SEE YOU HATE PUNTLAND LOOOOL
  7. I stumbled upon this exquisite article the other day. A very articulated & moving article pin pointing the term "SomaliLand". Enjoy its reading and boost your mind again..... After I witnessed the carnage and the confusion that took place in the Horn of Africa particularly in Somalia during the past two decades, I find my self a strong supporter of self determination and clan chiefdom. After all, if people can not get along for their good let them be alone for their good. Equipped with the knowledge that there is no single substantial reason that can permanently separate the Somali People, willingly, I would adventure the creation of small clan chiefdoms if it can cool down the present hatered and insanity among many Somalis. Eritrea went its way, but the Ethiopian government with strong support from the powers of today's world suppressed directly or indirectly the aspirations of the Oromos, Somalis, and the Afars. However, "Somaliland" failed to join the community of independently recognized countries of today, despite the lack of any Somali central authority that has a say over the Somali territory. I believe that there are strong underlying reasons for it. For the British , the English name "Somaliland" means the land of the Somalis. After the Europeans arrived in Somalilands, the names have been British Somaliland, French Somaliland, and Italian Somaliland. To avoid any confusion I will use the name Somaliland to to signify the Somalilands that the British ceded on June 26, 1960. Internationally today, Somalis are seen as the lowest of the low, people who failed to govern themselves. However, I would have taken some pride had those Somalis in Somaliland, for the purpose of governance, named it "Dal Somali" or for that matter other Somali name, even a Somali clan name rather than the British naming it for us. In order to undersrand Somaliland on the basis of the British Somaliland that Britain ceded on June 26, 1960, I will divide its history into: 1) Before the arrival of the Europeans, 2) During the presence of the Europeans, and 3) From 1960 till today. 1) Some presence of the Ottoman Empire has existed in some towns in Somaliland before the Europeans. However, the main authority of the land was the prominent Somali clan elders. The law of the land was the unwritten Somali constitution "Xeer Somali". Every Somali in this land has been a sultan for himself and family besides some alliance to his clan. No record of a Somaliland country before the arrival of the Europeans. 2) By mid 19th century the British entered some agreements with different Somali coastal clans. The presence of the British authority grow by the year. But, at no time before the defeat of the Drawish Movement in 1921 has the British exercised authority over all Somaliland, despite agreements with Italy that Somaliland is a British sphere of influence. Moreover, the British Somaliland, then, included large parts of what is now Eastern Ethiopia. During the second world war after the defeat of Italy the Italian Somaliland fell under the British Administration like Somaliland until 1950. An exclusive British Administration which was exclusive for Somaliland took place from 1954, after the British ended its administration on parts of what is now Eastern Ethiopia, until 1960. The only record for separate British Somaliland administration for Somaliland dates only during the 6 years from 1954 to 1960. 3) After the British surrendered Somaliland there was a transitional period from June 26, 1960 to July 1, 1960. During this period there is no record that there was a recognized Somaliland government that entered either an agreement or an understanding with an other government. It was a waiting period for the formation of a Somali government. There was no Somaliland after July 1st 1960 till the collapse of the Somali government 1991. Four months after the collapse of the then brutal Somali government some Somalis in Somaliland declared secession from Somalia. Up to now, no government recognized Somaliland as a separate government since there is no government to separate from. Since we now know the history of Somaliland let me answer why Somaliland aspirants could not have a Somaliland government, at least for now. We know many historical,territorial, and clan lineage reasons that make the international governments to wait and watch the situation. Somaliland could only be defined, distinguishably from the rest of the Somali lands, as that piece of Somali territory that the British administered separatly from 1954 to 1960, or that piece of Somali territory that the British surrendered on June 26, 1960. We can not define it as a former British Somaliland since former British Somaliland consists of othe Somali territories. We can not define it as a Somali territory where the inhabitants are unique in culture, character or clan lineage since the Somali clans in Somaliland differ and spill over its assumed borders. Some of the main reasons that the world governments are reluctant to rush recognition of Somaliland are obvious. There is no history of any organization that actively sought separation from Somalia. As such, its separation is seen as part of the present Somali quagmire. Somaliland does not have a clear definitive meaning other than that the British where there once for a while. Sure it is a piece of history, but so is the history before and after the British. The British came and left in other parts of Somalia as we have seen above. Moreover, many governments learned that the debacle in Somalia today is neither regional nor pure clan hatred. It is a nomadic culture aggravated by individuals maneuvering for absolute superiority over others, so that they might enjoy the kind of power Siyaad Barre enjoyed in the past, i.e. " ANAA IRI OO LOO NOQON MAAYO, ARKAY OO ANAA ISKA LEH." Above all, since there is no understandably a distinctive historical, religious, cultural, geographical, or clan lineage for Somaliland that distinguishes it from the rest of Somalia, the international governments are hesitant to consider recognition. They do not want to jump into a band wagon that they are not sure of its direction or whether it is a real entity. They prefer to wait and watch.
  9. Xisbiga KULMIYE oo ku gacan saydhay musharxnimada kursiga madaxsweynenimo ee Dr. Ahmed Xuseen Ciise xiligan la joogo Warsaxaafadeed ay maanta soosaareen gudida qaban qaabada shirweynaha labaad eexisbiga KULMIYE ayaa lagu shee*** in aan la ogolayn musharax iskii isusoo sharaxa kahor shirweynaha xisbiga, waxayna tani kadambaysay maalin uun kadib marii Dr. Ahmed Xuseen Ciise shalay kudhawaaqay inuu usharaxan yahay kursiga madaxweynenimo ee xisbiga Kulmiye, waxayna tani siweyn usoo shaac saartay kala qabysanaan balaadhan oo xisbiga dhexdiisa kajirta. Warsaxaafadeedka oo dhami waxa uu uqoraa sida tan: Gudida qaban-qaabada Shirweynaha II-aad ee Xisbiga KULMIYE, waxay in dhaweydba ku hawlanayd qaban-qaabada shirweynaha II-aad ee Xisbiga oo imika arrimihiisii gebo-gebo yihiin. Arrinta la xidhiidha Musharixiinta Madaxxweynaha iyo ku xigeenka, waxa Dastuurka Xisbigu siinayaa awooda xulistooda golaha dhexe ee Xisbiga. Shir Gole Dhexe oo Xisbiga u qorshaysan inuu Shirweynaha ka soo hormaro ma jiro. Sidaas darteed, Golaha Dhexe ee la filayo inuu ka dhalan doono Shirweynaha ayaa mas'uuliyaddaa yeelanaya, waxaana hubaal ah inuu arrintaa u samayn doono hab-raac (Procedure) lagu kala sareeyo, musharixiintana guddi u saari doona fulisa hab-raacaas. Markaa gudida qaban-qaabadu waxay cid walba o***siinaysaa inay kala saarista iyo kala shaandhaynta musharixiinta aan weli goorteedii la gaadhin, cidii xilkaas iska lahayd oo ah Golaha dhexe wali ma uu samaysmin. Sidaa darteed, waxaa cid kasta oo musharaxnimada madaxweynaha iyo madaxweyne ku-xigeenka damac ka hayo laga codsanayaa inay xaq dhawraan nidaamka Xisbiga u yaala oo ay goorteeda iyo madasheeda ay arrinkaas la sugaan, inta ka horaysana hawshaa ina hortaala waa qabashada Shirweynaha; sidaas darteed waa in la joojiyo hawl kasta oo aan khusaynin Shirweynaha siiba ololaha Musharaxnimada kiisa qarsoon iyo kiisa muuqdaba. Waxaynu u baahanahay in loo guntado sidii uu u qabsoomi lahaa Shirweynaha labaad ee Xisbigu." ------------------------------------------------- lol loved
  10. THE FORMATION OF THE MAAKHIR STATE OF SOMALIA Too Little Too Late? By: Abdalla A. Hirad Saturday, August 11, 2007 It may have been a little too soon or, indeed, surprising to many outside the community of the newly proclaimed Maakhir State of Somalia, as the people of the territory now officially call themselves. But the idea is not strange to or new among the Maakhirites. Ever since the collapse of the Somali government in January 1991, the initiative was being increasingly contemplated by the community, alongside political considerations to maintain good neighborly relations with its neighboring communities to the East, West and South as well as maintaining internal harmony within the Maakhir community itself. Maintaining such a balance has not been easy, given that, on the one hand, there have always been those within the community—a minority—who have preferred to explore the possibility of cementing political relations with northern clans including the Issacs, the Gadabursi and ***********, with a view to maintaining peace and stability in the northern regions, in the interim period, during the absence of national government. I must hastily add that some may have even been considering cementing those relations between the northern communities towards reconfiguration into a new political compact under the banner of what has come to be known as “Somaliland”. Needless to mention that these have been a negligible minority. On the other hand, there were those who valued kinship (tolnimo) over non-kinship-based regional interests (Ood) and were therefore inclined to unconditionally amalgamate with their kinsmen in a “Puntland” Federal State. Indeed, a greater rationale for joining a “Puntland” or a “*****” compact, tilting the balance to the East, has been the collective wish of the community to neutralize the separatist intentions of “Somaliland”, in the interim period, and while there was no national government in Somalia. However, the majority of the Maakhirites remained in the middle, with a preference to a region or a State of their own, independent of both sides—“Somaliland” and “Puntland”. As a result of this precarious political situation the community remained in a limbo between its nationalist motto and aspirations for independence and its interim goals to achieve peace and stability in the region and with surrounding communities. The downside of these noble and lofty considerations has been that it may have dearly cost the community in terms of rehabilitation, reconstruction and development in the interim period. In fact, both the hopes of those preferring amalgamation with “Puntland” as well as those bent on cementing relations within “Somaliland” have failed. While constantly hampering and frustrating the aspirations of the majority of the Maakhirites for independence and self reliance, these entities have also contributed to the community’s underdevelopment and lack of progress during the interim period, since the collapse of government in 1991. The United Nations may have contributed with its lion’s share in undermining the community’s interest and aspiration for independence and self-reliance, in this regard. The UN’s Administrative Zoning Program which divided Somalia into Administrative Zones for providing relief and rehabilitation assistance in 1992, as recommended at the time by the former Secretary-General’s Envoy to Somalia, Mr. Muhammad Zahnoun, has been the major culprit in this regard. Zahnoun’s zoning program which remains operative until this day, as adopted by the Security Council at that time, had lumped the community with the North West region—in other words, “Somaliland”. However, despite the bogus claim of Maakhir regions by “Somaliland” as part of its territory, the regions remained neglected by the international community since its share of resources for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance was being channeled via Hargeisa, the leadership of which remained deliberately swayed against letting the assistance through to the Maakhir community. On the other hand, assistance through “Puntland” was thwarted on the grounds that the Maakhir community’s share of international assistance was appropriated through the North West or “Somaliland”. So the community’s partial association and relationship with both entities has amounted to no more than lib service. Indeed, those precarious conditions which kept the community hanging in the middle have rendered it a victim of the prevailing geographical, political and administrative circumstances surrounding its recent existence Ironically, despite these ill-fated circumstances of the recent past, the community has throughout the centuries remained independent and self-reliant. With a shoreline extending between Bossasso to the East and bordering on Maydh to the West, facing the Gulf of Aden, fisheries has remained an occupation as well as an opportunity for investment in the area throughout the centuries. Laskoreh, a port city in the area was the choice of the Somali government of the early sixties to build a large scale fish factory. Since the collapse of government, another smaller factory has been built by means of private investment attracting share holders from business from other parts of Somalia. Overlooking the shoreline is an invariably lush, green and fertile northern slope of the Golis Range Mountain, known to the locals as Cal Madow, which has for millennia provided for the produce of frankincense among many other potentially high value crops. With a plateau stretching from the bottom of the southern slope of the mountain to the northern banks of the Nugal valley to the south, which is good for grazing and all-season livestock raring, the area has for the centuries past remained self-supporting and independent. In addition to a great potential for infrastructure and tourism development, the area has been a candidate for mineral, gas and petroleum exploration. It is a known fact that the American Petroleum Company, Elf, had conducted offshore oil exploration in the mid eighties. In the last couple of years the government of Puntland signed deals with an Australian conglomerate for mineral exploration, which sparked the famous Mija Yahan skirmishes between the community and some government troops, resulting in the death of about 10 persons. Endowed with this potential for natural resource development and a traditional heritage of independence, the community has a comparative advantage over many parts of Somalia to make its bid for its autonomy as a federal entity of Somalia. That independence is historically documented, whereby the current Sultan Said Abdusalaam Mohamoud Ali Shire of the area is the 26th generation of a long line of Sultans (or Grads). Most widely known to recent history is Sultan Mohamoud Ali-Shire, the Sultan of Somaliland, and the grand father of the current Sultan. As indicated above, the initiative started with a 33 member parliament, the President and 7 member cabinet—a very modest undertaking. A few of the members of the government whose names I recognize had served in the upper and lower houses of “Somaliland”, including the President and the Minister of Justice and Religion. For now, there is a requirement of an overwhelming Maakhirite support within the area and from abroad as well as financial support through remittances from the Maakhirite community in the Diaspora, for the initiative to get off the ground. As the saying goes, there is no stopping for an idea whose time has come. The fact remains though: the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Hence, the establishment of the Maakhir State is very much contingent in how much support and funding it receives from the people it is meant to serve—especially during its embryonic stage. Finally, the Maakhir State will as a matter of course engage in talks with its neighbors to be able to define its borders. The fact that both the cities of Erigavo and Bossasso and their suburbs have sizable Maakhirite communities does not make the negations any easier. In the meantime, it seems that, therefore, the new political leadership and the traditional one have their tasks cut out for them, in this respect. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erigavo is a no brainer, definetly it will fall under Maakhir State however Bosasso will truely be a challenge as it isnt overwhelmingly populated by Maakhirites except for the tuulos of next. But who knows which horse the TFG will back, especially when PL is on the brinks of collapse
  11. Dowladda Hoose iyo Ta sare oo dad rayid ah Dhulkooddi Ina Buubaa looga qaaday Is rasaasayn xoogan ayaa shalay ka dhacday goob ku taala bariga caasimada Somaliland ee magaalada Har***sa, taasi oo ka dhalatay dhul aad u balaadhan oo ay lahaayeen dad shicib ahi oo ay madaxda gobolka Har***si ay siiyeen wasiirka waxbarashada ee Somalia Ismaciil Hure Buubaa, dhulkan oo dhaca dhanka bari ee magaalada ayaa ku sii jeeda sii foorarka buuraha caanka ah ee naaso hablood. Wariye goobtaasi boqday ayaa waxa uu soo arkay dadkii dhulka lahaa oo halkaasi la taagnaa waraaqihii sharciyaynta dhulkooda oo ah kuwii ay dawlada hoose iyo maamulka gobolkuba ku saxeexanyihiin isla markaasna ay ku shanbadaysanyihiin, waxa uu wariyuhu soo arkay dhisme laga bilaabay xagaasi oo ay bilaabeen wakiilada Ismaciil Hure Buubaa iyaga oo kaashanaaya ciidamo Boolis ah oo xoogan, kadibana markii ay ka dareereen habayn hore goobtaasi lagu baabiiyay oo dhulka lagu simay. Xiligani ayaa ciidamada boolisku waxa ay goobtaasi ku daadgureeyeen ciidamo aad u hubaysan oo xoogan xaga dadka shicibka ah ee dhulkani laga qaaday ay iyana isi soo abaabuleen isla markaasna ay haystaan qoryo farobadan, taasi oo xiligani dusha la iska eeganaayo oo ay dhici karto in xabdu bilaabanto hadii dhismaha goobtaasi dib loo bilaabo. Ismaciil Buubaa walaalkii oo ka masuul ah dhismahani socda ayaa waxa uu ka gaabsaday in uu arintani ka hadlo,hase ahaatee waxa uu shee*** in uu dhismahani isagu leeyahay dhulkana uu sharci u haysto, ilo kale ayaa noo shee*** in dhulkani oo laga dhisi rabo Hotel weyn oo ka balaadhan Hote-lada Ambasadoor, Mansuur iyo Xamdi ay dhulkaasi siiyeen qoyskan dhisanaaya Maayarka iyo Badhisaabka gobolka Har***sa, isla xiligana ay ugu deeqeen ciidamo xoogan oo ay amar ku siiyeen in ay goobtaasi dufaacaan hadii la soo weeraro. Dhanaka kalena sida ay noo sheegeen ilo xog ogaal ahi dadweynihii kala gadisnaa ee lahaa dhulkani muranku ka taagnyahay ayaa waxa ay maanta kulan la lahaayeen madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland oo isagu arintaasi aad moodo in uu soo kala dhexgalay labadan garab ee isku haya goobtaasi, lamana garankaro wax ka soo bixi doona kulankaasi. Sida ay doontaba ha ahaatee hadii aan arintaasi si deg deg ah wax looga qaban waxa ay keeni kartaa khasaarebalaadhan oo aan laga soo waaqsan oo hadhow la isku canaanto. Sideedaba arimaha dhulka ayaa wali dhaliya murano iyo iska hor imaadyo sababa dhaawac iyo dhimasho farobadan sanadkastaba dhamaanba gobolada dalka, arintaasi oo ay ahayd in Barlamaanku uu u sameeyo shuruuc xoogan oo lagu soo afjaro khilaafyada ka dhasha muranka dhulka, hase ahaatee way ku guuldaraysteen in ay wax sharci ah u sameeyaan iyaga oo had iyo goor ku foogan samaynta shuruucda ku jiqsiida ah. .......................................... SomaliLand is liking
  12. Maanta oo taariikhdu tahay 14 agosto 2007, waxaa magaalada Oslo ( dalka Norway) lagu qabtay xaflad lagu maamuusayey munaasabadda xuska sannadguurada 1aad ee dhismaha dawlad-goboleedka Galmudug . Xafladdaas waxaa soo qabanqaabiyey Jaaliyadda Galmudug ee Norwey oo ay ka mid ahaayee Cabdiraxmaan Cali Beereed, Daahir Maxamuud Warsame, Ismahaan Maxamed Jaamac iyo Faadumo Xaashi Cangul. Xafladdaas oo si fiican loo agaasimay waxaa ka soo qaybgalay dhammaan xubnaha jaaliyadda iyo marti-sharaf ka kale yimid gobollada dalka iyo dibeddaba. Xafladda Xuska oo socotay muddo shan saac ah waxaa lagu soo bandhigay heeso, gabayo iyo ciyaaro, waxaana laga jeediyey khubdo ku saabsan taariikhda Dawlad-goboleedka Galmudug iyo himilada iyo waxa ay hiigsanayaan dadka reer Galmudug. Marti-sharafka ka soo qaybgalay xafladdaas waxaa ka mid ahaa Cabdulqaadir Soofe iyo Prof. Cumar Maxamed Caddow.
  13. Garoowe(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynaha dawlada Soomaaliya C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland oo kulan yeeshay ayaa waxa ay isku raaceen in ciidamada Puntland ee Daraawiishta iyo kuwa Badda ay la wareegto dawlada Soomaaliya. Qodobadan oo kamid ah heshiis lugu soo bandhigay Magaalada Garoowe ayaa waxaa lugu sheegay sababaha arintan ,markii ay dawlada Soomaaliya aragtay danaha Umada Soomaaliyeed markii la arkay dastuurka Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya. Dastuurka dawlada Soomaaliya wuxuu sheegayaa in aysan dawlad gobaleedyadu ay leeyihiin oo kaliya Boolis iyo Asluub ,isla markaana dawlada Dhexe leedahay Awooda Milateri ee dalka Soomaaliya. Maamulka Puntland oo ay ciidamada daraawiishtu u ahaayeen Milateri halka kuwa Baddana sugayeen amaanka xeebaha Puntland ,ayaa waxaa ay ku sugnaan doonaan Puntland ayadoo dawlada Soomaaliya ay siineyso amarada iyo meeshii ay doonto oo ay qaadaneyso. Lawareegitaanka ciidamada Maamul gobaleedka Puntland ee ay la wareegtay dawlada Soomaaliya ayaa waxaad muuda talaabo horay loo qaaday. Waxaa qoraalkan lugu sheegay in ciidamadan ayagoo jooga deegaanadooda ay dawlada Soomaaliya siineyso Mushaaro iyo qalabyada ay ku hawlgalayaan,balse waxaa lasheegay in wixii ka danbeeya shalay ay ka mid noqonayaan ciidamada dawlada Soomaaliya. Dawlada Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay dadaal xoogan ugu jirtaa ciidamo fara badan oo ka mid noqda ciidamada Xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed ,kuwaas oo kala wareega ciidamada Shisheeye sugida amaanka Soomaaliya. Qoraalka waxaa sidoo kale ku xusnaa in ay Puntland kor uqaado tayada ciidamada Boolis iyo Asluubta oo lasheegay in ay yihiin kuwa sida tooska ah hoos yimaada Madaxda Puntland lagana doonayo tayeynta kuwaasi.
  14. YOU are my brother, but we know somalia will be rich AND wealthy then SOMALILAND
  16. 9. ka doodida xagjirnimada diineed wat are they talking abut???
  17. Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Golaha wasiirada ee dawlada Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay maanta cod uqaadeen xubno cusub uu Magacaabay raysal wasaaraha dawlada Soomaaliya Prof: Cali Maxamed Geedi. Golaha Xukuumada oo maanta kulan ku yeeshay Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxa ay isku raaceen ,in la magacaabo xubno ka mid noqonaya qaar ka mid ah wasaaradaha dawlada FKMGS. Cali Maxamed Geedi oo ugu horeyn wasiirada ugu warbixiyay safaradiisii wadamada dibada ayaa wuxuu sheegay in ay dhamaantood ku soo dhamaadeen guul iyo is afgarad dhexmaray Madaxdii ay kulmeen. Goluhu waxa ay isku raaceen in taliyihii hore ee ciidamada Xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed Gen.C/laahi Cali Cumar loo idmay in uu lashaqeeyo wasaarada Arimaha dibada ,ayadoo Jagada taliyaha ciidamada Xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed loo dhiibay Saalax Xasan Jaamac oo ciidamada ka mid ahaa. Sidoo kale Bashiir Ciise waxaa loo Magacaabay Gudoomiyaha Bankiga dhexe ,iyadoo agaasimana loogu Magacaabay Aaden Saran soor oo ka mid ahaa hogaamiyaasha Digil iyo Mirifle. Magaacibada xubnahan cusub ee dawlada Soomaaliya qaarkood lugu soo daray ,ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmayaan ayagoo qaarkood siweyn dawlada Soomaaliya uga soo horjeeday sida Aaden Saransoor oo ku sugan Gobalada Bay iyo Bakool. Faarax C/qaadir Geylan