Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Jazakhallah kheir very informative article.
  2. Libaan, they were commenting on the fact that this ladies have bleached their skins but their lips still look outstandingly dark,better to be a shade lighter too as it gives them away.
  3. Originally posted by Nur: Why should you expose yourself, when you can wear Taqwaa Designer Garment? the best garment to wear from exposure. Mashallah you do have ability to express amazing ideas.Interesting conclusion.JazakAllah kheir.
  4. Mmmh, Jamaica Socialist or communist?
  5. Originally posted by *-DaReDeViL-*: Keeping a headache diary is another way to spot connections between your headaches and your diet. Very true weather to can be a trigger. Spring and autumun suffer from bouts of headaches.
  6. Libaan the name actually means plain, simple or original in turkish. like u can ask for a plain coffee - sade kahve as an example. I live in a complex world and try to live with simplicity, if only possible.
  7. Narration in the chaga accent.Guy is hawking fish Fisherman:Nausa nausa,(Nauza nauza)For sale Guy:Wausa nini? What do u sell? fİSHERMAN.Nausa samaki watamu kuliko mama sao (Sellin fish sweeter than their mothers) Guy :confused: He didnt get it. Then he saw that it was Dagaa.(sardines)
  8. Mahamri-mandazi as local bagel niaje -whats up jo-guy sasa-so stima-electricity dame-good looking girl songa- move /give way nyanya-granma mathe-mother kipande-id card (remember the askari lete kipande yako, kaa chini,mikono juu. kipande yako iwapi?) chai ya strungi- black tea sukuma wiki -spinach know more tanzanian swahili than kenyan thats what i remember of my kenya visits. heres some tz sheng dingi/mzee-father mshkaji- pal mshefa-financer as a big daddy maji ya kufugwa-swimming pool kikokotio- calculator kiboro-cellphone jokofu- fridge chai kavu -black tea point fiveu- mixed race kitu - goodlooking
  9. Hi im not good when it comes to choices. What about a somaliaonline get2 gether? just kidding. Originally posted by somalsijui: GUYS 1-SADE somalisijui sorry bro and all the others, guess my username confusing :confused: the most of you. Im a sister glad to be on the mens team though.It happens all the time.
  10. This is a thread you can forward to ur inner circles and friends) Asalaam aleiykum. > >I welcome you all to this new year 1425!!! Time has taken over our lives.. It makes us feel like we don't deserve this beautiful life, just this sin that makes us feel guilty because Allah (S.W.T.) wont forgive us until we ask for repentance from that person of whom we ill-treated by our words. >Yes. I am talking about gheebah, backbiting and tohmah. These sins have become so usual these days, that we speak of people intentionally and unintentionally. I don't wish to preach about this . I just have a small message for you and that is.... > >I ADMIT THAT I MAY HAVE SPOKEN ILL ABOUT YOU . YOU CAN HATE ME ALL YOU WANT FOR THE SECOND BUT >PLEASE I ASK YOU TO FORGIVE ME. >NEITHER YOU NOR ME HAVE SEEN IF DEATH IS KNOCKING AT OUR DOOR. WE DON'T KNOW WHO IS NEXT IN DEATH IT COULD BE YOU OR IT COULD BE ME. NOBODY HAS SEEN THE NEXT MOMENT WE DON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN, WHAT TROUBLE AWAITS US. THAT IS WHY I ASK YOU TO FORGIVE ME FOR I AM SORRY, ONLY YOU CAN EASE MY PAIN ....... >IF YOU DON'T FORGIVE ME FOR WHAT I HAVE DONE ALLAH (S.W.T.) WONT FORGIVE ME. ALLAH (S W) DOES NOT FORGIVE ANYONE WHO DOESW NOT FORGIVE OTHERS... > >If you forgive others, Allah (swt) inshallah will forgive you. let us all forgive all the people who have said or done ill of us. lets forgive each other today and inshallah Allah (swt) will forgive us. >REMEMBER ONE THING.... " A PERSON TO HONOUR IS THE ONE WHO FORGIVES THEIR ENEMIES" >If you are going to forgive me, don't forget to thank Allah (S.W.T.) for giving us the ability to forgive and repent. Let us forgive each other of all the bad things we have done. > >Wabillah Tawfiq >
  11. "Think not of those, who are slain in the way of Allah, as dead. Nay, they are living. With their Lord they have provision. Jubilant (are they) because of that which Allah hath bestowed upon them of His bounty, rejoicing for the sake of those who have not joined them but are left behind: that there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. They rejoice because of favor from Allah and kindness, and that Allah wasteth not the wage of the believers.” (Quran- Al `Imran: 169-71) Sayyidina Abu Hurairah(radhiyallahu anhu) reports that the Prophet(sallallahu alaiyhu wassallam) has said that those who die in the path of Allah, suffer little pain of death just like the bite of an ant. (Tirmizi) Sayyidina Anas(radhiyallahu anhu) reports that the Prophet(sallallahu alaiyhu wassallam) has said that a martyr will be given the right of interceding for seventy of his relatives. (Abu Dawood) Sayyidina Ka'ab bin Malik(radhiyallahu anhu) reports that the Prophet(sallallahu alaiyhu wassallam) has said that the soul of martyrs go about relishing the fruits of Paradise, just like green birds. (Tirmizi) Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “I swear by the One in Whose Hands my soul is, I wish that I would fight for the sake of Allaah (i.e., Jihaad) and get martyred, then return and fight again and get martyred, then return and fight again and get martyred” (Bukhaari & Muslim) In a Hadeeth when Marwaan said: “We asked ‘Abdullaah Ibn Mas’ood, may Allaah be pleased with him, about the following verse: (which translates as): “And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allaah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.” (Aal-‘Imraan: 169).’ He, may Allaah be pleased with him, replied: “We asked the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam about this verse and he replied: “Their (i.e., the martyrs souls) will live inside green birds that dwell in designated lamps which hang on the throne of Allaah, they will roam freely in Paradise as they please, then return to these lamps” (Muslim) A Shaheed has six other benefits; Al-Miqdaam Ibn Ma’di Karib, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “A martyr has six bounties: He will be forgiven with the first drop of his blood that is spilt; He will see his place in Paradise (at the time of death); He will be saved from the ‘Great Horror’ (on the Day of Judgment): A Crown of Dignity will be placed on his head, which contains many corundums, each one being more precious than this life and all that it contains; He will have seventy two Women of Paradise; And, he will be allowed to intercede for seventy of his family members (who would have otherwise gone to hell).” (Tirmidhi & Ibn Maajah) The pain that a martyr feels at the time of death will be reduced so greatly that he will only feel as if he was stung by a mosquito. Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “A martyr only feels from the effect of being killed that which one would when being stung by a mosquito.” (Tirmidhi, Nasaa’i) Samurah Ibn Jundub, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Last night I was inspired (through a dream); I saw two men come to me and take me up a tree (in Paradise) then into a dwelling which was the best I have ever seen; they informed me that it was the dwelling of the martyrs.” (Bukhaari) Among all the dwellers of Paradise, only the martyrs would wish to return to this life. This is due to the immense rewards and respect that have been mentioned in the previous Ahadeeth. Anas bin Maalik, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Nobody who enters Paradise would ever wish to return to this life again, even if he was to be given the whole world and everything in it – except for a martyr; for he would wish to return and get killed ten times due to the honour that he received (in Paradise).” and in another narration: “For what he finds as virtues of martyrdom.” (Bukhaari & Muslim)
  12. Asalaam aleykum I was shocked hearing the news. Its very cowardly the way they attacked him waiting till he came from the Masjid.Well what do expect from the people who killed prophets? Its always the Israelis right to make decisions which favour them. They still use force to solve their problems and always backslide when they make promises.America an israeli allie will naturally support the act because of its antiterrorist stand and interests. The Muslims will revenge.Just wondering to what extent though wont be surprised to hear America be targetted to. Its a shame though how the isreali-palestine conflict continues to blaze instead of ending.
  13. Sundus , im a sister. I beleive Nur will be honoured to welcome you. Just reaad the obligations and start implementing.
  14. Our ppl forgot Allah Laws.Brothers (Muslims)fought each other because of thier tribal ties and not on the merit of their religious beleifs. The Prophet SAW says in a Hadith that the murderer and the Murdered both will enter hell.Our ppl Muslims bro n sisters fought killed raped u name what just for our own interest. May Allah forgive those who have passed away and for the rest of us be a lesson to hold on to each other on religious beliefs.
  15. I agree with you all but as the shipment has been done measures are to be taken to find a solution. If they are distributed freely they promote zinnah to our ppl. What can be done is have them be distributed in the hospital to married couples. As Yasmine said they are not %100 fool-proof they can be used as a birth control method. Thus if Allah wants a child to be granted shall be so without taking pills,...other unislamic birthcontrol methods.
  16. Asalaam aleykum Bishaaro I feel for you. Would have killed my bro n sister. Originally posted by Bishaaro: I married one and my baby is still dark I don't let her play outside in the summer when the sun is at its highest. Beleive all children shouldnt be out at that time. If they are out need to be protected they have delicate skins. Or is there something else you were implying? Im grateful came from a family with both colours im the darkest being the 'in the middle' colour. Grew up to admire both the jet black and the whity white and appreciate the different shades of brown which we the offsprings had. The point is skin colour is just a few mm deep yes, if not 3mm. What really matters is who you are. I beleive those who do bleach and change what Allah has given them have a low self esteem. Coz they can only be feel accepted when they r a few shades lighter ,which is absurd. Guess what is to be done is try to tell them that what matters is their character, the way they carry themselves n not their colour. Do you know there are only 3 genes which deal with the encodation of skin colour in the humane genome. Just proves how unimportant issue it should be.
  17. Originally posted by *-DaReDeViL-*: I am *PURPLE* Sade Come on Now whats with this fouL Language...LoL...It describes me except for that one part. Sorry sister its not a foul word its the synomym to silly a six letter word starting with s ending with p.
  18. :eek: World sure coming to the end . That was a good one sis.
  19. Originally posted by Ameenah: The only way Csection inhibts the process is because -mothers may not be able to hold their babies straight away. I disagree with this statement im a doctor to be inshallah in my Oby&Gyno rounds mothers who had c/S were more receptive of their babies as they had strong analgesics(cocktails) given to them.
  20. Allah ya Rahma Rahimiin. May Allah heal the others. And give you patience sister.
  21. Something else as long we are on the road of reading and trying to gain the understanding the Quraan. Would like to share this dua i came across. Allahumma inni'abduka, ibnu 'abduka, ibnu amatika naasiyati biyadika, maadhin fiyya hukmuka,'adhunfiyya qadha'uka, asaluka bikulli ismin huwa laka, sammaita bihi nafsaka au anzaltahu fi kitabika au 'allamtahu ahadan min khalqika awistatharta bihi fi'ilmil ghaibi 'indaka au taj'alal Quraana rabia qalbi wa nuura sadri wajalaa'a huzni wadha haaba hammi wa ghammi. ('-denotes -ayin letter) Meaning ' Allah I am Thy slave. I am the son of Thy Bondsman and the Son of Thy bondsmaid. My brow is in Thy grip.I am under Thy Command. Thy judgement in regard to me is just and fair. In the Name of all Attributes applicable to Thee and all Attributes which Thou hast reserved for Thyself or those which Thou hast reveled in Thy Book or have transmitted to one of Thy creatures or have hidden in the treasury of the unseen with Thee in the Name of all these Attributes I implore Thee to make the Holy Quraan the joy of my heart, the light of my bosom, a panecea for distress and a cure of my sorrows and perplexity'. Dua better said after supererogatory prayers at night. U can also say this dua when in distress and sorrow. The Prophet SAW said'Any person who offers this prayer while in a state of sorrow and distress, Allah shall alleviate his state of sorrow and distress, and bestow upon him felicity and rejoicing. The narrator of this dua stated that the Prophet SAW said 'whoever hears of this dua must learn it and memorise it'
  22. Asalaam aleykum, Bro Nur thanks to you for coming up with the idea. Has given me a chance to share and learn from my fellow Muslims. Nur before i answer your qn would like to quote a Hadith of the Prophet SAW :'My Ummah will pass through a time when the nations, considering you an easy prey, will fall upon you just as the hungry rush for food. Someone asked : O Prophet of God SAW will our number diminish awaiting the other nations to unite together and make an assault to devour us? The Prophrt observed: No, you will not then be less in numbers but will render yourself weighless like straws that float helplessly in the flood of water. Your enemies will no longer fear you and your hearts will be stricken with cowardice and helplessness.' At this stage, a man enquired, O Prophet of Allah SAW What will be the cause of this cowardice? The prophet SAW said'There will be 2 causes: *You will start loving the world *You will feel allergic to death and hate the very idea of it.(Abu Dawud) Originally posted by Nur: So, Sade, how many traits of the Jews do we Muslims have? Refering to the Hadith above the Prophet SAW had already forseen the weakness of his nation. Two characters which truly have affected us. We have become cowards the wars against the so called islamic nations;The afgani, iraki and gulf war., the somali war though it was not western influenced its roots layed in our own weakness love of our tribal bondage than islamic bondage. We are lucky that Muslims did not kill prophets but we have killed our fellow Muslim brethern which is haram and we have become transgressors. There are some of us who sell the Quraan for economic gains like the sheikhs who treat ppl sometimes mixing with jahilia incantations. There are some Ulamaa in turkey which alow ppl to drink wine.. Our people also follow false dieties like astrology, magic.......Remember my own ayeyo playing with dices and telling the future. Astaghfirullah.When you look at it ppl are mixing the truth and falsehood. Among us are those who follow what they want from the Quraan and skip other parts.The issue of hijab, alcohol,child support,divorce,friendship... Among the Ulama are those who preach but dont follow themselves. I remember a case where a sheikh was charged with sexual abuse actually caught in the act with a primary school girl back home. May Allah protect us. We also love receiving free stuff. The welfare system had been aimed to elevate the people when their in economical dilemma but once they get themselves together yani become able ppl they should contribute back to the society. But most of the ppl prefer to be lazy n receive free money.I remember a Hadith of the Prophet SAW when he saw a man begging he gave him an axe. WHy? so that he can earn his halal food and regain his respect. Begging, being dependent tarnishes the position of a muslim. Among us to are those who wouldnt bother to contest to any bad mouthing of the faith coz they do not what really islam says about their religion. Islam is the religion which removed ignorance but still we do not grasp the idea. It is only by reading ,trying to understand by researching and implementing the commands we can succeed.Duty is to READ,LEARN ,IMPLEMENT.No excuse to Allah. Guess we have reached that state of the ahlul kitap ,if we arent one of them.The only thing we havent done is ascribe sons or daughters to him. We have been promised paradise but with a prerequisite to be among the Al-amin, Al-birr.... Qualities which we cant acquire overnight .So we gotta work hard for that. The only thing that will save us is returning to our religion and seiving out things which do not belong to it. And sincerely pray and live in the path to be saved. Bro Nur thats my fifty cents. Open to be corrected or contested .
  23. Well the idea still alien to me. Liked the convertible briefcase idea cool. Wish i could understand the somali phrases in the paragraphs.
  24. Glad u liked it. A tau-san apo-loguez for making u laugh.