Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. it is clear that THE VOICE OF WOMEN IS NOT AWRAH And All the Ulamaa of Al Salaf agreed about that. Thanx for the information. It is usually lame people who use religion to suppress the Muslim womenfolk who like claiming that her voice is awrah. Jazakhallah kheir
  2. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: [QB] "Now's the time for the world to step up and take advantage of this opportunity, and help to build a Palestinian state that's committed to the principles of individual rights and rule of law and fairness and justice , so the Palestinian people have a chance to grow a peaceful state and so Israel has a partner in peace, not a launching pad of terrorist attacks on her border," Bush added. Who is he to say that, Palestine is committed. May Allah protect us.
  3. Personally I accept death as a fact (Quraan &Hadith). An african sayin on death' Do the maize and the beans ask the harvester where they are going to be stored ? No, right. You see death in life everyday and beleive that one day it will be yours , when ? Allah Yalaam. What I fear is the accounts I will present to my Lord. Which as an exam im still preparing myself . I pray that i will cease not to perfect myself and backslide into the world of temptation and vile. May Allah protect us from our Nafs , keep us strong on His path and give us a good ending. Amin
  4. The answer is so simple cause it's...LOVE. It is such an addiction that even people who are not having it wish to experience and share it with. Inshallah one day.
  5. Would like to contribute to the topic first, Humor and laughter are but a part of our daily life which relaxs the bodies and mind. Ali bin Abu Talib once said 'Minds get tired as do bodies , so treat them with humor', and to Refresh your minds from time to time , for a tired mind becomes blind. From this light and from the Hadith stated by Sis Bambina I believe there is no harm in Muslims entertaining the heart but it shouldnt lead to his downfall. As it shouldnt be his sole pursuit in life -( Reminds me of an episode of friends where the 2 of the guys kept quarreling over the patency of a joke. :rolleyes: ) Why downfall? It has been forbidden to joke and laugh about other peoples values and honor. Allah says SWT' O you who believes let not some of you mock other people, it maybe that they are better than you....(49:11). Nor is it appropriate for a Muslim to tell jokes based on what is untrue in order to make people laugh. The Prophet SAW warned ' Woe to the one who says something which is false in order to make people laugh! Woe be to him , woe be to him! Going back to your qns, yes excessive laughter is to embarassing been there, seen that. Have been with people laughing after every simple sentence and I feel sick inside- so superficial . Always find a way to move out of the circle. coz I fear can be contagious . Another class of 'excessive laughter' is someone crackin down on a joke n they laugh in this loud voice with seems like lasted for an hour. And he is in the spotlight. Liqaye heard of that hadith too. Our Prophet SAW never raised his voice in laughter he smiled or showed his teeth. What an example. Said by another scholar, season your conversation with humor in the same proportion as you season your food with salt
  6. Originally posted by Salafi_Online: Innalhamdulillah....Wa salamu alaykum I believe its not wise for any sister to respond to this tread...Its not from the manners and characteristics of the people of Sunnah to reveal their bad deeds...If a sister doesnt where Hijba...and what not...they should repent..return to Allah Jala Wa Cala......Fear that Allah will reprehend them....they must cover their sins, past and present...Its not wise to promote her disobedience on a site...Wa Allahu A'lim Akh Nur FeeLah...Baarakallahu feek Alhamdullilah, thanks for expressing.
  7. Personally, I have no problems with my somali brothers. Ive had little experience with the somali community (excluding my immediate family) has always been of good memories. Men were perfect gentlemen showing good mannerism. Sisters were sisters. The only problem i do have is our people the majority male eating Khat which i find it a stealer of time especially family time, stealer of health and unnecessary expenses. Though I cant generalise all men on that. I only wish my ppl could stop taking it as it is an intoxicant. Personally, i have a beef of somali brothers standing in front of malls day by day changing outfits to match with the different day and not to add their helpless fate or fantasy shall we say...that hopefully one day a fine somali sistah will walk through those door and say iska waran walal.That to me shows the brotha has no occupation or desires for striving to be somewhere- and those who disagree please tell me otherwise for his lack of stragdey cuz oddly enough to be a doctor you must be admitted to med school and to be a attorny you must enter law school..so out of curosity what do they enter "somali-mall-observiogy"? Come on now.... no to sound like am dawgin you fella's but .. Ive also been very disappointed when I see our young generation in that state. Dont kill me guys but this is what the girls have to say to warming the wall which even occurs at jams.It seems to be a problem.web page
  8. Haha, hadnt seen this post before. Got to give you the credit of christinising Islam to educate Mr O jay. Wondering what did he have to answer. I have a feeling he must have been extremely embarassed after reading your reply.
  9. In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful Hadith The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said "Knowledge comes by learning, and patience comes by trying to be patient. Whoever seeks goodness will be given it, and whoever fears evil will be protected from it." [Narrated by al-Daaraqutni in al-Afraad; this is a hasan hadeeth, as was stated by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami', 2328.]
  10. haha shouldnt she get a life???
  11. looooooooooooo man ppl r bad
  12. Happy Birthday OG Moti wish you a prosperous life, health and firm imaan.
  13. Asalaam aleykum Would like to thank Bro Nur for reminding us and keeping us in par with his Religious insight and send my sincere gratitude to our moderators. Guys youve done a good job. Its for this reason I like SOL and feel at home like also to thank my fellow nomads who make this place unique. Lets keep the discussion coming and act nobelly to each other. Jazkhallah Kheir . PS. Admin ,feel sorry for ur eyes though, World full of surprises. Another Ugali Lover ( Kirichwa Kidogo) Poa
  14. Asalaam aleykum There is another hadith which says' Part of someones being a good Muslim is his leaving alone that which doesn not concern him'. Narrated by Abu Huraira. Anyway, Khayr uve already posted this topic so what is left is to make the most of it. What I understood from this topic such problems do exist. As an eyeopener can we discuss it according to our religious law. If you allow me can we make some changes as I have some qns to ask. Assumption living in a Shariah applying country and the couple r Muslims and they married after the conception of the fetus. Qn.1: Would the marriage be termed valid? - One of my teachers told me( who is Ibadhi) do not accept it say they will be living in zinnah Qn.2: What judgement will be passed? - will they be termed fornicators and receive corporal punished according to the verse 24.3 ' Flog the woman and the man guilty with fornication each with a 100 stripes.' Qn.3:Would they need to remarry? Verses 24.3 continue with prescribing the civil punishment for them...' The fornicator shall not marry anyone except a fornicatoress or an idolatress and the fornicatoress shall not marry anyone but a fornicator or an idolator, and that (maryying them ) is haram for the believer.' Qn.4 Would the baby be able to inherit from the father? get his name, ....... Hope can we can discuss this.
  15. Originally posted by OG_Girl: my point is IF u want to follow sunnnah that is more than GOOD, BUT I wish for him he follows for every thing..., I don't agree sellecting some from SUNNAH and ignore the "wajeb".. OG_girl your point is taken. Its just everyone has a different way of understanding and expressing themselves which brings the diversity and proves that we are humane.
  16. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) described the greatness of Allah in the most beautiful way: "He is controlling the affairs of all the kingdoms. He commands and prohibits, creates and gives provision, and gives death and gives life. He raises and lowers people’s status, alternates night and day, gives days (good and not so good) to men by turns, and causes nations to rise and fall, so that one nation vanishes and another emerges. His command and decree are carried out throughout the heavens and on earth, above it and below it, in the oceans and in the air. He has knowledge of all things and knows the number of all things. He hears all voices, and does not mistake one for another; He hears them all, in all the different languages and with all their varied requests and pleas. No voice distracts Him from hearing another, He does not confuse their requests, and He never tires of hearing the pleas of those in need. He sees all that is visible, even the walk of a black ant across a solid rock in the darkest night. The unseen is visible to Him, and secrets are known to Him Whosoever is in the heavens and on earth begs of Him (its needs from Him). Every day He has a matter to bring forth (such as giving honour to some, disgrace to some, life to some, death to some, etc.)! [The Quran 55:29 interpretation of the meaning]. He forgives sins, eases worries, relieves distress, helps the defeated person back on his feet, makes the poor rich, guides the one who is astray and confused, fulfils the needs of the desperate, feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, conceals faults, and calms fears. He raises the status of some and lowers the status of others. Even if all the inhabitants of heaven and earth, the first and the last of them, mankind and jinn alike, were to be as pious as the most pious among them, this would not increase His sovereignty in the slightest; if they all, the first and the last of them, mankind and jinn alike, were to be as rebellious as the most rebellious among them, this would not decrease His sovereignty in the slightest. If everything in heaven and on earth, the first and the last of them, mankind and jinn, living and dead, animate and inanimate, were to stand in one place and ask of Him, and He were to give them everything that they asked for, this would not decrease what He has by even an atom’s weight. He is the First, before Whom there is nothing, and the Last, after Whom there is nothing. He is the Most deserving of being remembered, the Most deserving of being worshipped, the Most deserving of being thanked. He is the Most Compassionate of kings, the Most Generous of those who are asked. He is the King Who has no partner or associate, the One who has no rival, the Self-Sufficient Master, Who has no son, the Most High, and there is none like unto Him. Everything will perish save His face [Quran 28:88 interpretation of the meaning], and everything will vanish except His sovereignty. He will not be obeyed except by His permission, and He will not be disobeyed except with His knowledge. He is obeyed, so He shows His appreciation, and He is disobeyed, so he forgives. Every punishment on His part is justice, and every blessing from Him is a favour. He is the closest of witnesses and the nearest of protectors. He seizes people by their forelocks, records their deeds and decrees the appointed time for all things. Hearts conceal nothing from Him, for secrets are known to Him. His gift is a word and His punishment is a word: Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, Be! and it is. [Quran, 36:82 interpretation of the meaning]. (Adapted from al-Waabil al-Sayib, p. 125) This is Allah, who revealed the Glorious Quran for the guidance of mankind. “Say : If the sea becomes ink for the words of my Lord , verily the sea will be used up before the words of my Lord are finished ,even though We bring the same like that (sea) for help” (18:109) Invite all to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; And consult with them in ways that are best and most gracious." (Al Qur'an, 16:125)
  17. OG_girl why do you have to take things to a further stage.sister He (QACQ) was only being honest with you and refered a book as his reference. When are we going to grow up and accept facts uze positive criticism. We are not competing with each other I beleive we have passed that stage.And in expressing facts we neither need to degrade each other. If its an opinion u want to make it is Islamic behaviour to express it wisely,accurately and openhearted. Take time to read what uve written before uve posted and reflect is it what u want others to see of u. As a law student I beleive u know better. Refering to the earlier discussion If you really care about the germs on your hands...then wash your hands, take the towel to dry your hands, THEN use that towel to close the fountain,open the door, I personally do that not only for eating whenever i use a public toilet. As said earlier Its a sunnah of the Prophet SAW I eat with my hands whenever I feel like it.And the food does taste sweeter. Yasmine I agree with you on the way ppl eat with their hands according to the sunnah it should be the 3 fingers A good read on Islamic etiquettes for english readers is 'Etiquettes of Life in Islam' written by Mohammad Yusuf Islahi. Published by Markaz Mataba Islami Delhi. Regarding the etiquettes issue what is the somali ways apart from yhe sunnah of eating with the hands. Coz this link can also serve to educate others like me on our culture.
  18. Asalaam aleykum, Wish the increase of killings happening on earth wish to share.The Islamic view of Murder. Sayyidina Ibn Abbas(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Rasulullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said that: "The murdered person will hold his head in one of his hands and the collar of the murderer with the other. Fresh blood will be coming out of the vein of the murdered person. He will reach the Divine Throne and submit to speak, that the person had killed him. Allah, the Almighty will declare to ruin the murderer and he will be sent to Hell." (Tirmizi) Sayyidina Ibn Umar(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Rasulullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said that, "A neck will appear on the Day of Judgement. It will address the people of Resurrection and say that it has been put to drag three persons to Hell: the polytheist, the proud oppressor and the unjust murderer." (Ahmad) Sayyidina Abu Hurairah(radhiyallahu anhu) quotes that Rasulullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) to have said that: "The man who utters even an incompleted word in support of murdering a Muslim will be brought before Allah on the Day of Judgement with the words written on his forehead that , he has no hope of Divine Mercy." (Ibn Majah) Sayyidina Abu Hurairah(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Rasulullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said that, "Seven sins are fatal for man. Two of them are polytheism and murder." (Bukhari, Muslim) Sayyidina Bara bin Azib(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Rasulullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said that,"To Allah, it could be easier for a man to destroy the entire world than to commit an unjust murder of a believer." (Ibn Majah) Sayyidina Abu Saeed(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Rasulullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said that, "If all the inhabitants of the earth get together to kill an innocent Muslim. Allah will throw them all with their heads downwards into Hell on the Day of Judgement." (Tabraani) Sayyidina Muawiyah(radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said that, "It is hoped that Allah will forgive every sin but the sin of dying as a Kafir and that of unjust murder of a Muslim are un-excusable." (Tabraani) Prepared by AL-Islaah Publications( www.everymuslim.com )
  19. Originally posted by underdog: whatever works, right Sade? by the way on an unrelated matter, everytime I see your name, I hear the opening beats to "No ordinary Love". It was a good beat. Guess its high time i change my username . Its turkish for plain, simple.
  20. Introspective Sensitive Reflective You come to grips more frequently and thoroughly with yourself and your environment than do most people. You detest superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. But your relationships with your friends are very strong, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you require. You do not mind being alone for extended periods of time; you rarely become bored . Good one Liqaye sure is me.