Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Sister, I enjoy reading your posts.Thank you for sharing the article. Jazakhallah Kheir
  2. What do you think? Have I finally lost the plot and are these the rantings of a mad woman?! ^^^^^^NOOOOOOOOOOOOO >>>>>Need to put my thinking cap on...
  3. Lol , lakad ure not following the rules. Regarding the quotation you made, whoever wrote that sure is cheeky. Im scared :eek: :mad:
  4. Asante Raula kwa link najiburudisha kwa nakutamani nakutamani nione macho yako........ hoi. Sijasikia taarabu miaka.
  5. LOOOOOOOOO Raula ufff kushuta, can only imagine pole. Lookin forward 2 read the developing story.
  6. Liked her creativity too."Shining macawiis" AERYN SUN finding a scapegoat is never a solution to a problem, a mere past nor the fault of a near future. Who is it?
  7. Asalaam aleykum Salafi , regarding the verse. Thank you for correcting me on the verse 30:21. True, it talks about the context of marriage. The aim of quoting that verse was to denote that it causes mercy and love between the people(All). Considering the fact that Allahs has allowed marriage of women of the beleivers of the Ahlul Kitab so there can be fosterage of such feelings towards them. Secondly I agree on Sahal answer regarding - Ahlul Kitab and Kafirun terms. Regarding the hadith what about considering Abu Dauds concerning the Dhimmis ? He is a renown collector of Hadith. Looking forward to hear more on this topic. But Im not biased on any Ulamma as long the Hadith and Quraan are soughted as references.
  8. Mashallah, Such a beautiful letter. A letter of hope, provided new energy to excel and stand firm and informed her that others care and share her ordeal. Hadith "Any man who provides for the need of a brother , Allah shall always keep fulfilling the needs of that man. And any person who alleviates some hardship of a Muslim, Allah on the day of Judgement will remove one of his hardships out of the many hardships of that day." Bukhari, Muslim Jazakhallah kheir Silent sister.
  9. XISBI, I beleive that your intent wasnt to turnish the wadaad, you were reflecting a problem in our society. It doesnt happen in Toronto only u can also see it in Uk. Its very common. So my questions still stand . Another question which arises is how do you define a good parent?/parenthood . As far as now we have been discussing the wife to be based at home and be educated. though it takes 2 to keep the household running. Any ideas ? J11 - your suggestion also sounds good. So starts posting?
  10. Khayr Happy to hear youve purchased it. My copy was a handdown from a brother who completed school And yes I also fell in love with it. Apart from the simple english, the usage also of the language is in harmony. I feel like opening a book which I dont want 2 put down. Just out of curiosity( with no PMs allowed) is there a new edition to it or just republications? Ive got the 2nd Edn. Thinking of buying a new copy. Nice to see you around. Fi amanillah
  11. Excerpts on etiquettes of friendship, Love your friends and be the object of love of your friends. A friend makes life beautiful, acts as a supporter in the journey of life and is a gift of God. The Prophet SAW said" The beleiver is an embodiment of love and affection. And the man who neither loves others nor is loved by others has no good or virtue in him." Miskat, Bab al shafqat The Holy Quran affirmed" The beleiving men and beleiving women are protecting friends of one another".9:71 Maintain amicable social relations with your friends and try to develop sincere links and continue to cement friendship..... When a man lives in the society of other men and has to participate in social matters, itis inevitable that he should suffer different kinds of shock..... In other words , he has to face all kinds of trials and tribulation.But when man suffers these hardships, his heart is strenghtened and he gains wisdom and experience. Good morals develop in his personality and passing through a natural process of training and purification he makes rapid spiritual and moral progress. He acquires the sublime virtues of patience, forbearance, selflessness, affection, sympathy, humanity, respect, loyalty, devotion and cooperation, sincerity and love, generosity and gallantry, kindness and favour to the highest degree and he becomes an instrument of goodness and blessing for human society. Every man man holds him in esteem and values his friendship; each man considers him a source of blessing in his favour. The Prophet SAW said " The Muslim who participates insocial matters with other men and shows forbearance if he suffes any pain from them is a far better person than the one who isolates himself from people and is dismayed at the hardships caused by others" Tirmidhi Form friendship with pure and righteous people. Famous saying" If you want to know the moral state of a person, look at the moral condition of his friends" Th Prophet Saw said" A man follows the beliefs of his friend. Hence, each man shoul deeply consider the question as to what kind of a man is the person with whom he is striking friendship." Musnad Ahmed, Mishkat. Another parable of a friend Example of a good and bad friend is like that of a dealer of musk-perfume and an ironsmith who strokes the furnace. In the company of the perfumer you wil certainly derive benefit( You may buy the perfume or enjoy the pleasure of smelling it). On the other hand the furnace of the ironsmith will burn your house or set your clothes on fire or the foul fumes emitted by the furnace will give you a headache. Love your friends for the sake of Allah. The favourites of Allah will join together on the basis of religion and struggle shoulder to shoulder with perfect unity and soul to discharge their obligation of establishing the religion of Allah. 61:4 Lo! Allah loveth those who battle for His cause in ranks as if they were a solid structure. Hadith God has ordained on the Day of judement: Where are those people who used to love their fellows for my sake only. I shall place them under My own Shadow. Muslim Consider the love of the pious people as a source of salvation in the eternal life and a means of winning the favour of Allah. Hadith: A person came to the presence of the Prophet SAW and submitted:" O Prophet of ALLAH , A person loves a pious man for his piety, yet himself doesn not emulate the good deeds of this pious man, how shall he be treated in teh next world? "The Prophet answered "It doesnt matter at all, Man shall find himself in the company of that person whom he loves." Bukhari Make friendship with those who deserve to be your freinds from the viewpoint of Islam and then try your otmost to maintain a loyal and devoted friendly relationship. Hadith, On the Day of judgement , 7 people will find place of shade. Of the first type will be two persons who loved each other for no othe purpose except for Allahs sake......... Trust your friends. Behave cheerfully while your in their company Narration , Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Harith relates , I have never seen a person smiling more often than the Prophet of Allah SAW. Dont be be dull and spiritless. Be of good cheer and keep your spirits high. Beware , however that your cheerful temper and humour doesnt exceed proper limits. If you love someone, you must express your love to that person. Its psychological effect on that person will be that he will develop nearness to you. Hadith Any person who cherishes in his heart sentiments of love and sincerity for his brother. he should express these sentimnets to his brother and tell him in clear that he holds in love and affection" Abu Dawud Adopt a moderate course in expressing your love and in the conduct of mutual relationship. Hadrat Asam RA states that Hadharat Umar RA observed:" Your love should not assume the form of madness, nor should enemity excite you to perpetrate tortue on others." I submitted" sir , how should we do so?" He answered "In this manner that if you love someone you start hugging him in a childlike fashion and display other forms of childish behaviour. And if you feel angry with someone , you rsolve upon the destruction of his life and property and utter ruination."" Al Adab ul Mufrad Be loyal and devoted to your friends. Hadith The beleiver should act as a wellwisher of his brother in his presence and absence. Share the grief and sorrow of your friends. Hadith, In their sense of mutual love and affection and perception of common distress, you will find Muslims as one body; if one organ of this body is afflicted; the whole body is affected by fever and sleeplessness. Bukhari Muslim Whenever you differ among yourselves on any matter resolve it once. Always take the initiative to seek forgiveness and to admit your fault. The Holy Prophet had observed. " The deeds of believers are presented to Allah on Monday and thursday and every beleiver is granted pardon except the one who nurses a grudge against any of his beleiving brothers. Allah ordains,"Leave them so that they may resolve their quarrel" Retain your tongue even if your freinds talk and behave in a manner which is offensive to your temper or taste. Do not utter harsh or oppressive speech in retaliation. Instead let the matter be resolved with tact and gentle conduct. Prophet Musa(PBUH)asked Allah" My Lord which one is the dearest to you among your creatures?" Allah affiremd" That one who has the power to take revenge yet forgives." Mishkat Do not let vanity and pride take overin your friends character. Do not take to shirk, train your friends in righteousness. The Holy Prophet affirms; Three things are fatal; 1. Passion which is allowed to prevail upon ones good sense. 2.The gred and lust which is allowed to become the guiding principle of one's life. 3.Vanity the most dangerous of the three ills. Baihaqi, Mishkat Look after your friends. Stand by them in their hour of need, even at the cost of your own life and property. Hadith "Any man who provides for the need of a brother , Allah shall always keep fullfiling the needs of that man. An any person who alleviates some hardship of a Muslim, Allah on the day of Judgement will remove one of his hardships out of the many hardships of that day." Bukhari, Muslim Be a trustworthy confident. Your moral conduct towards the people should be characterised by cosmopolitan, vast , comprehensive and tolerant outlook, so that people of all taste and temper ,though and ideal may feel an uncommon sense of attractiveness towards you. Be very much particular in prayers. Pray for your friends and request them to remember you in their prayers. The Holy Prophet said" When a Muslim says a prayer for his brother Muslim in absentia. Allah accepts his prayer and appoints one of his angels on the Muslim who is offering the prayer so that when this Muslim prayers for his brother Muslim the angel says: Amen, you shall receive from Allah yourself too what you are asking for your brother" Muslim A dua, Rabbanaghfirlana wali ikhwaninalladhina sabaqunaa bilimani wala taj'al fi qulubina ghillallilladhina amanu rabbana innaka raufurahim. . Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who were before us in the faith, and place not in our hearts any rancour towards those who beleive. Our Lord Thou art full of pity and merciful. 59:10 Extracted from the Book titled Etiquettes of life in Islam, Chapter concerning etiquettes of friendship you can read more Author, Mohammad Yusuf Islahi.
  12. Enjoy it while it lasts, dear. Intend to make it last.
  13. Northern I agree with you that corruption is a big obstacle in Africa which needs to be curbed. I would like to contribute on curbing it at the hospital level.I had once had a conversation with fellow medical students in Ghana and they had been complaining on the provision of medical services to the people. The governments do pay their workers but the wages are very unsufficient so even doctors ask for baghshish/bribe/ kitu kidogo. We all know that if you dont have the dough , you will not be treated by doctors. Personally have seen outpatients coming for months tothe hospital each day lining up waiting for the mercy of a doctor to diagnose them. If they had money the doctor says his fees. If its not enough he can pretend to be busy. Or instead you will be taken from one doctor to another or sometimes its just a lab technician dunning a labcoat pretending to be a doctor. And at every door you knock you have 2 pay. And the poor peasant even if he makes it to the doctor he may not be able to afford to buy his medication. Well to keep it short they created a system whereby every patient could be seen. A donation box where by every patient will contribute( how much is your choice) . The money collected later will be counted and distributed evenly between the doctors and nurses available. The system has been sucessful somehow the medical staff were satisfied and the patients were happy to as they were not being fleeced, It was more like paying an appointment fee. When you look at this example you wont find it in the west as the health systems are securely based. As for the british the NHS cares for all. the only problem patients face is getting appointments to tertiary facilities.w hile back home in africa the problem is seeing the doctor.
  14. This topic is full of young optimism it makes me sick. Friends? Friends for life? Brother Ngonge is it so? We have great examples of people starting out as friends then for some became relatives due to their friendship. My example will be of the Prophet SAW and Sayiddinaah Abu bakar(Peace on his soul). They were friends. And Abu bakar was the first to accept the Prophets Call (After the mother of Islam , Lady Khadija RA)and was always his right man. And he ended up being the father-in-law of the Prophet and the first caliph in Islam. So I dont see anything optimist about frienDship. Its just you have to keep the ingredients right, dont over-do stuff and give your friend space and sincere advice.
  15. A first grade teacher, Ms Brooks was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, "Harry what is your problem?" Harry answered, "I'm too smart for the first Grade. My sister is in the third grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the third grade too!" Ms Brooks had enough. She took Harry to the principal's office. While Harry waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation was. The principal told Ms Brooks he would give the boy a test and if he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the first grade and behave. She agreed. Harry was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he agreed to take the test. Principal: "What is 3 x 3?" Harry: "9". Principal: "What is 6 x 6?" Harry: "36". And so it went with every question the principal thought a third grade should know. The principal looks at Ms Brooks and tells her, "I think Harry can go to the third grade." Ms Brooks says to the principal, "Let me ask him some questions?" The principal and Harry both agree. Ms Brooks asks, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of? Harry, after a moment "Legs." Ms Brooks: "What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?" Harry: "Pockets." Ms Brooks: "What does a dog do that a man steps into?" Harry: "Pants" Ms Brooks: "What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?" Harry: "Coconut" Ms Brooks: "What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?" The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the answer, Harry was taking charge. Harry: "Bubblegum" Ms Brooks: "What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?" The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the answer... Harry: "Shake hands". Ms Brooks: "Now I will ask some "Who am I" sort of questions, okay?" Harry: "Yep". Ms Brooks: "You stick your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me up. I get wet before you do". Harry: "Tent" Ms Brooks: "A finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you're bored. The best man always has me first". The Principal was looking restless and a bit tense. Harry: "Wedding Ring" Ms Brooks: "I come in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip. When you blow me, you feel good". Harry: "Nose" Ms Brooks: "I have a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I come with a quiver". Harry: "Arrow" Ms Brooks: "What word starts with an 'F' and ends in 'K' that means a lot of heat and excitement?" Harry: "Firetruck" The principal breathed a sigh of relief and said to the teacher, "Send Harry to university, I got the last ten questions wrong myself!"
  16. Sister I know its a hard but I beleive it part of the downfall of humanity because it doesnt affect somalis and doesnt happen at weddings only. Family members hurt you more.Apart from Iman, Lack of character, and self dignity which causes people to talk about others affairs. The unfortunate part is women lead in these activities.And sometimes by thoughtless men. I dont attend weddings(no wedins where I am),love them just to watch our ppl socialising( always fascinated like a fat boy loves cake) . Have limited female friends grew up with more male contacts(used to be more of a tomboy) and took me ages to find true female friends.And most of my female friends coincidentally have similar backgrounds. I came to realise that these acts are due to lack of self appreciation and esteem.You dont know who you really are,what you want from others, how to appreciate others, accept your limitations thus end up comparing yourself with others and well just all the bad characters start because envy,greed, jealousy, backbiting... sets in. As You dont want to control youself and leave the wishes and whims take over.And if your with the wrong group well its like your joining the waves craching the shores. I dont mind a person comparing themselves for motivation/good cause - like so-n-so is good in studies thats my role model want 2 be like her or better kinda thing.Personally I would like to be a friend of such a person. The friends I have now I know they love me more than my own family. Willing to sacrifice time and whatever they have to help. When I reflect how it came about its because we didnt click coz of our racial bond but more due to our religion. A true beleiver/ friend will want all good for his/ her friend. I only pray that will last forever and make more friends of such nature. Its not that I do not have friends from other walks of life but they are not like my true friends. But that they still deserve my trust , time and an open ear with a mind which is nonjudgemental. As we do not know our ending we have to walk in this world as if we will die today and pray that Allah will change our ways. The solution to our problems ?? Teach people to be more humane to know that what they do hurts others.It spoils the fun and the beauty of life.And remind them that actions like backbiting is compared to eating the flesh of a family member. And the most important is to implement the teachings of our magnificient religion. Personally I pray for a life that I wont need to reconsider what I say/wear/ behave people will talk about but just fear what His Almighty will judge. Its a tough predicament but need to start somewhere. And that is by putting character into check. Something else to think about is all this backbiting thing is so rampant its just seems normal. Youve got it on Tv 24/7 majority of the sitcoms.. So naturally it affects mankind.The thing I would have wished why dont ppl copy the good things and let go of the bad parts. But we all have a choice. So we going to live a life of trail n error and pain. May Allah give you patience sis.
  17. Asalaam aleykum Salafi_online After reading your article and answering it .I noticed that something was missing, It was totally against the people of the book.Allah had revealed those verses so that we act upon them and open our eyes against the oppressors of them. But the the other side of the coin wasnt presented. Allah has made Islam a balanced religion and has ordained other rights towards the People of the book and non muslims too . Concerning the non-muslims;The halal and haram S:60;8-9 "Allah does not forbid you with regard to those who do not fight you on account of your religion nor drive you out of your homes, to treat them with goodness and to be just to them; truly, Allah loves those who are just. Indeed, Allah forbids you (only) with regard to those who fight you on account of religion and drive you out of your homes, and assist (others) in driving you out, that you turn to them (in frendship); and whoever turns to them(in friendship), they are wrongdoers." These verses proves that we are to be just and fair to Non muslims.And urges us to be kind to those who do not trouble us Or else we will be judged by the ALmighty.And if we do not take to our defenses we will also be punished.. And we know that Allah loves those who are just (60:8)So we are bound to be just in wathever action we do. As for the people of the book, In the Quran they kept on being addressed as" O People of the book" or "O You who have been given the book" Implying that there is a spiritual kinship between them and Muslims .And ALLAH kept on reminding us of the kinship due to the prophets lineage.As they are our brothers in faith. And if its in Allahs will they can received a double reward when they become muslims( return to the original religion). "He has ordained for the Muslims the same religion which He enjoined on Noah, and that which We have reveled to thee(Muhammed SAW) and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus; that you should establish the faith and make no division in it..".(42;13) As muslims we were ordained when holding discussions we should avoid such approaches that could cause bitterness, " And do not dispute with the People of the book except by the way which is best, unless it be with such of them as trangress, and say ,"We beleive in what has been sent down to us and sent down to you, and our God and your God is one , and to Him do we submit." (29:46) We also know that Islam has permitted us to eat with the People of the book and marry their women. Allah Taala says: .. The food of those who were given the scripture(before you) is permitted to you and your food is permitted to them. And (lawful to you in marriage) chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the scripture before you .."(5:5-6). As for the Non Muslim residents of an Islamic state - The are known as ahl al dhimmah or dhimmies - protected people. And they have been given rights by the Prophet of Allah SAW. According to the Prophets SAW Hadith: Whoever hurts a dhimmi, I am his adversary, and I shall be an adversay to him on the Day of judgement. =Al khatib He who hurts a dhimmi hurts me, and he who hurts me annoys ALLAH. = Al tabarani in AL awsat. On the day of resurrection I shall dispute with anyone who oppresses a person from among the People of the convenant, or infringes on his right, or puts a responsibilty on him which is beyond his strenght , or takes something from him against his will. =Abu daoud Implying that Non muslim resident in a muslim countrys life and welfare is sacred. As for friendship, You have qouted down the necessary verses but these verses are not unconditional to be applied to every Jew, Chrisitian or non Muslim. Because it contradicts the injuctions of the Quraan concerning affection, kindness to good- and peace loving people of every religion. And as for the People of the book " and He has put love and mercy between you"(30;21 and concerning the christians ..And thou wilt find those who say ,"surely we are christians" to be nearest to them ( the Muslims) in affection..(5:85). The verses you qouted SHOULD BE ADDRESSED to those chrisitans and jews WHO are hostile to Muslims. And hope is there that one day reconciliation will be possible. "It may be that Allah will bring about affection between and those who are your enemies from among them. And Allah is All powerful, and Allah is forgiving(60;7)" The Prophet SAW said "Hate your enemy mildly he may become your friend one day." So when you look at it we should be somehow lenient in our relation with the People of the book though strong, firm in our imaan when dealing with them as some of them by the grace of Allah may become Muslims . I agree with you that we must emphasis against the befriending of the known enemies. Any friendship if fostered will only be done by hypocrites and those whose heart are diseased. Yet thou seest those in whose hearts is a disease racing toward them(the enemies of Islam), saying,We are afraid that a change of fortune may befall us" But it maybe that Allah will give thee with victory or some decision from Himself, and then they will become regretful for what they thought secretly within themselves(5;55)" Reference AlQaradawi - Al halal wal haram fil Islam - The lawful and prohibited in Islam. Allah loves those who are just (60:8) Allah knows better.
  18. Pearl I agree with you that the quality of parenthood is very important. Its easy to bring a child to the world but the real task is raising them.And the key ingredient is knowledge. Whether the mother works or stays at home she needs knowledge. It is the first command in Islam .Knowledge in both secular n spiritual and important of all general knowledge to answer -why do stars shine?(science)..They will ask about Allah n His creation... Where does Ayeyo live(geography)? and many more. Be the mother or father you need to be prepared to this challenge n engrave in your child a love of knowledge, deen, curiosity.., respect... I also agree that there are jobs which suit women better. This is my opinion. As Ngonge said child minding/care is an option if both parents r working. I beleieve its an open door for any Muslim mother because of her innate nature of caring . As she will contribute to the community by easying the responsibility of a sister, teach the islamic tarbiyat-(contribute the to childs education- no western hocus pocus) And also be a source of income. Other jobs which lack active female muslim participation are teaching (all levels n systems), social workers, counsellors,medical field( getting tougher these days for mothers though, unfortunately reconsidering my choice but its necessary to take care of females needs in our community), art and craft, dressmaking and design( need some smashing muslim attire )media and publishing(can be homebased- freelance writer/ editor),and secretarial( some muslim business owners are searching for muslim secretaries). What is important is to create an atmosphere where as muslims we can support each other and create a community. Personally if i will have to work, I would be happy to leave my child with a trustworthy muslim sister. (socail worker cames in n says were is ur husband, wife says oooh were divorced, socail worker says i understand ur pregnent is't from a boyfriend or ur X-husband, if boyfriend does he work? wife says it's from a boyfiend but he left me ) Xisbi , I know this is a fact but as a muslim I feel ashamed of this character. Isnt it high time ppl take care of their responsibility? What do the parents teach their children?? Religion says not to cheat or steal ( the man made law says that too )and right in their childs innocent face the parents are cheating the government. Thus letting the children accept the notion of cheating anyone due to the circumstances which arise. And when these children grow they can perform fraud coz its ok?? Its a shame but alot of parents do not see the consequence of their actions which can affect their childrens future. J-11 Thats a gr8 analysis of the options in the western world.
  19. what I see is a misunderstanding in this whole issue. Education is important for the mother and the society =Educate a women youve educated a nation. Yes she is incharge of her childrens welfare but also the community. If you seclude this women from playing a role in the society you deny her a chance of applying her knowhow to the use of the society. You may call it ambition but at the end it is for good. I do not see wrong in a women workin having a career and raising a successful family. Brothers you forget that the Mothers of Islam played a role out of their households too. Bi Khadija RA, was a successful wife, mother and bussinesswoman. And she didnt compete with her husband. Other Mothers of Islam B i Saudah RA was good at tanning and practised craft to earn for the family. Other members had surgical and medical skills and they were able to tend to the wounded at battlefield. So please dont overlook this.. It is true some of our sisters have gone overboard over their careers . But dont generalise.And put yourselves in the females shoes to try to understand. What is important is every work is Ibadah be it housework or working in an office. Whatever we do it should be a chance to propagate Dawah. We are but in this world for one sole reason to worship Allah .
  20. Mashallah, thats the best conversation between two ppl Ive ever read.wow. Thanx Viking Jazakhallah Kheir. What an example.
  21. Assalaam aleykum Naam, what you have said I agree. Apart from those quoted there are verses which are not followed by muslims. It is a shame.Thanx for reminding us. taken from Tafsir Ibn Kathir Oh People do not befriend the Kufar( they are the most dispicable being)....even if they give u money, a nice place to live, and they smile at you....it is haram Just like Pork's meat is haram... The reason why our people befriended the kafuurun is because our fellow Muslims who had the capability to host and help us turned a blind eye. Somalia was in turmoil it was the west who opened hands 2 help somalis and not arab or should say Muslim nations. Somalis scattered all over the world being accepted given rights in the western world but unfortunately the arab nations still dont want to accept somalis as citizens of their countries. In short, Islam says when a brother is in pain, the Muslim Ummah should remove the pain from the brother. Doesnt happen unfortunately now adays Muslim / Islamic countries are cowards. We have increased in number but we have the weight of a fly. Allah knows better. May He give us courage keep us firm in applying His words.
  22. Jazakhallah Kheir sis. Enjoyed reading the article well balanced and very informative. Keep them coming sis.
  23. I doubt that we have the strength to change So I seek refuge in the lord of men I prey that Allah will give Give his servant the chance to see True value in being a Somali ... and muslim AMIN, Beautiful peice.
  24. Juxa, I have the same idea in mind. Prefer to balance. Intend Inshallah to put my career on hold after deciding to create a family. for atleast 3yrs-5yrs but will also depend on the home economics. wouldnt mind doing volunteer work or a comfortable half-day job twice a week to keep me sane. I know sounds a bit unrealist in these days with student loans to pay n everything but I beleive when that time comes, the childs nurturing needs to be the first priority. There is a swahili saying Mkunje samaki yungali mbichi similar to if you have to snip a plant, snip while still a bud. Anyway another break thru in the career field is working at home.Can work as an option. And 508, independency is a good thing. The secret to everything in life is moderation. Have to find the balance and take the responsibility. $100 question is do the parents know their responsibilty? Child raising is a responsibility and takes both parents efforts and sacrifices to have a healthy family. So, you cant just point a finger to the woman of the house. It maybe she did her responsibility but the husband has being sabotaging her efforts. At the end you also end up with wild children because the maestros of the house dont see eye to eye on raising their children. As said earlier it takes 2 to tango likewise a home is established by 2.
  25. Well now its officially over Im gonna miss em. Pistons took the championship with style. They proved that teamwork still rules.