Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Asalaam aleykum Dont know if your aware of a conference on Islam and humanity which will be held from the 31st of July to 1st of August in Missassauga. Being organised by ICNA . Heard scholars like Dr. Jmal Badawi well also be there. You can get the details from http://www.icnacanada.org/ Hope it will be of use to all Muslims who can find the time to go.
  2. Legend of ZU least one of the gurls.... Actually I did pick it up , so wrote Umeshachumbia, valisha pete(siju karet ngapi) na oa kabisa.Unakwenda kwa supersonic speeed.Mungu Akuzidishie na huyo umpendae. >>>That is youve got engaged, choosen the ring(wonderin how many carets) and married already. You move with supersonic speed. May Allah increas you................and the you love....
  3. Bro Kupenda sio kitu, I beleive I read something on Bi shamsa lakini hakuwa mke wako ndo maana. N a kama ulivyona hapo nime acknowledge na kutakia kheri.
  4. Sijui Happy Birthday My Sweet and Loving Wife. ^^^Umeshachumbia, valisha pete(siju karet ngapi) na oa kabisa. Mabruk Alaik Unakwenda kwa supersonic speeed.Mungu Akuzidishie na huyo umpendae.
  5. Ngonge bro, I cant blame you on knowing these delicate secret issues. Thanks to the so called can discuss anything hush-hush tea breaks. Im sometimes caught off guard on what my fellow sisters can chit chat upon. >>>> end up taking notes
  6. The worst job experience I had was at a nursing home. It is true when they say as ppl grow older they return to a state of childhood were they cant take control of themselves.May Allah protect us from feeble age. The worst part was working with patients with dementia, they keep on asking for the same thing over n over again.Or claim youve stolen something from them :mad: . Anyway at the end of the day was a good experience to understand whats it like when ppl grow old. I admired those at age 99 and yet their minds and character were better than younger 60things. And found out that they loved reading books n solving puzzles, kept their brain occupied.
  7. Bro 508 Thats why I wrote if you beleive in it and wrote my source. It will be the persons choice.
  8. Asalaam aleykum Sister Hasna, May Allah cure your neice and give patience to your family in this time of tribulation. I hope she has been diagnosed in an early stage. May Allah accept your prayers and lessen your neices pain and from complications. AMIN Here is a dua for relief of pain. Wa bil haqqe anzal naho wa bil haqqi nazala wa ma arsalnaka illa mubash-shiran wa nazeera. And with truth have We revealed And with truth did it come, and We have not sent thee, but as a giver of glad tidings and as a warner If you beleive in Kombe(in swahili)-Verses of the Quraan written on a plate then dissolved with water and drank you could do this: Wa yashfe sudoora qaumim momeneen wa iza maridhto fa huwa yashfeen,Wa shifa-ul ulema fis-sudoori wa hudan wa rahmatul-lil momeneen wa nonazzilo minal qurane ma huwa shifa-un wa rahmatul-lil momineen wala yaziduz-zu-aalemeena illa khasara qul-huwa lil lazina amanu hudan wa shia-un Relieve the hearts of a believing people and when Iam sick, He heals me; and a healing for what is in the breasts; and a guidance and a mercy to the beleivers. And We reveal of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers and it adds only to the predition of wrong doers.Say it is ot those who beleive a guidance and a healing. Extracted from Masnun Duaain=>Prayers of the Prophet. Bro Darman, Mashallah, thanks for reminding us of the stand of Allah regarding the sick.
  9. Asalaam Aleykum Been trying to post the answers to this thread since yesterday I have failed. Asked for Admins help still waiting.Trying to be patient.
  10. Bro Nur, you can count me in then. Only hope I wont go overboard.
  11. Lol darman,^^^^^^ Congrats for having the gene, With the gossiping it applies both ways really even men gossip you know,
  12. Injection could trigger end to adultery Thursday 17 June 2004, 3:08 Makka Time, 0:08 GMT First meadow voles... but could men be next? Scientists have a created a simple injection that would prevent your partner from cheating – provided your partner is a meadow vole. A single gene inserted into the brain can change promiscuous male rodents into faithful, monogamous partners, scientists said on Wednesday. It may not be quite that simple to rein in human philanderers - many genes as well as other factors are probably involved in relationships among people But researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Centre of Emory University and Atlanta's Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CBN) in the United States said their rodent results could help to explain the neurobiology of romantic love. "Our study...provides evidence in a comparatively simple animal model, thatchanges in the activity of a single gene profoundly can change a fundamental social behaviour of animals within a species," said Larry Young a researcher at the university. Gene transferred in virus "It is intriguing to consider that individual differences in vasopressin receptors in humans might play a role in how differently people form relationships" Larry Young,Researcher, Emory University He and his colleagues, who reported their research in the science journal Nature, used a harmless virus to transfer the gene for a key hormone involved in sexual behaviour from monogamous prairie voles into the brains of their randy relatives, the meadow voles. After the gene transfer, the previously promiscuous meadow voles had less of a roving eye and showed a distinct preference for their current partners. Earlier research had shown that prairie voles, which form life-long partnerships, had higher levels of receptors for the hormone vasopressin in an area of the brain called the ventral pallidum, than meadow voles. Introducing the gene increased the natural levels of the receptor and enhanced the meadow voles' ability to form pair bonds. Previous studies have also suggested that the receptors may play a role in disorders such as autism, and that brain pathways involved in romantic relationships also play a part in drug addiction."It is intriguing," said Young, "to consider that individual differences in vasopressin receptors in humans might play a role in how differently people form relationships." Agencies [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  13. Bro Nur Im not a party creature, reading what you have written just make me wonder. Can you convince me more???
  14. Forgot to suggest a name, heres my list Abdul-Rahman, Abdul-Jabbar,Tariiq, Farouk, Suleyman, AllyNoor and Abdul-Kareem
  15. ^^^ would never had said it better. Sijui ogopa unaingia maji marefu. wish u luck there bro.
  16. ^^^^ Thanks for that sijui bro. Very true.
  17. Bro Nur I can only imagine. Would love to be in a setting like that.Youve reminded me of home really except that it coast( beachside) and not a secluded island. May Allah grant your wishes and increase you in strenght to fulfill your dreams. Amin
  18. Asalaam aleykum Bro Salafi, Isnt if better for a female to pray at home? Hibo sister, No-ones perfect. We all have our shortcomings. Finding fine men is possible but depends on the contact circles, really. And the question is are you looking for a somali man or a Muslim man?You cant get him though with all the qualities but may come to the agreement to change together for a purpose. sis pray we find a Mumin for a husband. Amin
  19. Asalaam aleykum, I beleive you should read this.Its another astronomical fact(from the Hadith) coming true.May Allah guide and keep us firm on the right path. Amin The science of astronomy states that the speed of planet Mars has been decreasing in its course toward the eastern direction in the few past weeks to the level we notice the "waver" between the east and the west and on Wednesday the 30th of July the planet movement stopped going toward the eastern direction. Then in the months of August and September Mars changed its coursein the opposite direction to the West and that until the end of September which means the sun will rise now from the west on Mars!! And this weird phenomena of the opposite movement called "Retrograde Motion" Most scientist state that all the planets will go through the same once at least and our planet Earth is one of them. Planet Earth will move in the opposite direction some day and the sun will rise from the west!! This might occur soon and we are unaware! Our beloved messenger Mohamed (Peace Be Upon Him) said : "One of the signs of the hour the sun will rise from the west,where no longer tauba (forgiveness) will be granted" And the strange thing most of our Shariah scholars mentioned that the rise of the sun from the west occurs only once on that day the sun will rise from the west then again from the east and continues until Allah wishes and this is similar to what is happening to Mars it stops, then it changes its course of direction for a short period of time then returns to way once it was. Abu Hurayra(R.A.) narrated that the messenger of Allah (SAW) said " The day of the hour will not come until the sun rises fromthe west, if it rises and the people saw it they will all believe, when a time where nothing will be accepted anymore of believe the truth" [Abu Bukhari, Muslim) and from Abu Hurayra (R.A.) that the messenger (SAW) said: "Start with the six actions(he mentioned) the sun rising from the west) [Muslim] And Abdullah Bin Amro (R.A.) said: (I memorized from the messenger (SAW) a hadith I will never forget. I heard the messenger of Allah (SAW) say: The first aya to come the rise of the sun from the west) [Ahmad] And the messenger SAW "Allah (SWT) places HIS hand at night to forgive his morning sinners, and places in the morning to forgive his night sinners until the sun rises from the west" [Muslim] This piece of news is very important as it brings with it a great sign of warning and remembrance of the coming of a new WORLD -the world of the Hereafter And it is also good material for calling others to ALLAH s.w.t. whether for muslims, the unwary of us or the kufar. When we show this hadith that was told 1400 years ago about this miracle. You will see InshaALLAH, a lot will enter this beautiful religion...And the muslims if they see this phenomena happening in Mars. .who knows maybe it would bring them closer to our CREATOR. May Allah (swt) keep all of us in the Right path and provide us with success in this world as well as in the hereafter.
  20. What a sight. Shes among the few people who have allergies to some componenets of cosmetic dyes. It was her duty to tell them in advance if she knew she had allergies to stuff. And the staff at the hairdressors were supposed to test the product before they applied it on her. So it seems she really has a case of negligence of the staff. All I can say is Alhamdullilah Ala Kulli Hale. Im greatful in the way I have been created/blessings given by Allah. Feel sorry for people who still want to imitate others in appearances.
  21. Who said u cant look yourself in the mirror??? I will only be careful at places I know not offas not familiar with and naturally with every step we do put our Trust in Allah. Unfortunately couldnt understand what u wrote in somali, mind translating????
  22. Mara popcorn, mara taarabu, alfuu nani ata leta chai ya tangawizi? au nilete crisps za muhogo(afrikan style) tuu? He he he, mie nitaleta katlesi, sambusa,na nangatai. Bon apetite. Raula, Im looking forward to watch the movie,Fahrenheit911, hope it doesnt rise my temperature
  23. Observer WAZIGUWA, WAZIGWA, WAZIGUA are all used for the same ppl. In Tz(Tanzania) they are called waziguwa. But in different literatures they have used the other names. So all of the above names have been used to represent the same ppl.