Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Asalaam aleykum Brother Nur, It nice of you to ask of our opinion. Personally I found all topics worth reading but as time is of essence My humble choices will be: 4. How to avoid sins 6. Guaranteed Departure, Arrival and Auditing. 9. Freedom is like light, the higher the source, the wider its scope. Fiamanillah
  2. Jazakhallah kheir Classique , what youve written is very true womenfolk do spend more time cooking than doing acts of ibadet . Something which can be done while cooking is listening to an audio CD or Cassette of the Quraan while cooking. As the act of cooking for the family is also ibadet-she is doing her responsibility so at the same time she is reaping thawab by reading the verses of the Quraan and also helps in memorising the Ayets. Regarding the amount of food cooked when you look at it is isiraaf-wasted and is haraam in Islam as everything should be done in moderation. Ive come across an article would like to share titled. My Plans for this Ramadaan By Ayub Hamid I would like to share with you a simple sample plan which I have been following over the years so that you can use for that purpose: This Ramadaan, I shall start with establishing a close relationship with the Qur'aan. I will gave the top priority to knowing and understanding the contents and message of the Qur'aan. I will recite and study the Qur'aan with translation and tafseer regularly and steadily throughout the month, inshaa'Allaahu, from a good, authentic translation and tafseer by a reputed scholar. From the start and right to the end of Ramadaan, I will not sleep after Fajr, but instead study the Qur'aan until I am ready to go to school or work. Throughout the day, I will find time to revise and re-learn the Soorahs and Aayaat I already know. Once that is completed, I will learn at least one Aayah a day from a Soorah that I do not already know. This Ramadaan, I will sleep early, soon after Taraweeh Salaah. I will go to bed with clear and conscious intention of fasting the next day, as well as with the intention of getting up early for Tahajjud. Then, while remembering Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala, I will fall asleep. I will get up well before Suhoor time, thanking Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala for giving me life, offer Tahajjud and then make special Du'a for the mercy of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala on our Ummah, Allah Ta'aala's help for its success and well being, and Allah Ta'aala's interference to foil the plans of Shaytaan. I will also make special Du'a that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala protects this Ummah, my loved ones and me from the Dajjaal and his Fitnah. For the month of Ramadaan, I will not watch TV at all, with a view of kicking this habit completely. My knowing of what is shown in the news does not affect any affairs of the world. Watching the news causes only frustration, despair and anxiety. If I do not watch for a month, it will not have any impact either on me, this Ummah or the world at large. I would rather spend the month on my personal improvement, personal spirituality and building a close, personal relationship with Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala , rather than on an activity where I cannot make any difference. (Unless I am one of those few Muslims who write letters, articles / anchors, paper editors / columnists, politicians and media in general to make Islamic points or to stand up for the Ummah. If I am one of those, I should continue this Jihaad in Ramadaan). While fasting, I will make a special effort to speak only to add value and to say only what is true, factual, positive, meaningful and useful. When I do not have anything good and useful to talk about, instead of saying anything else, I will remember Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala through the beautiful words taught by our Prophet Sal-Allaahu alayhi wa sallaam, while paying attention to their meanings and feeling the impact of the words on my heart, my mind, my thoughts and my attitude. Or, if I do not know them, I will learn those words of remembrance or prayer. Or, I will spend those moments to recite the portions of the Qur'aan that I know or learning those I do not. I will not lend my ears to anything that is useless, indecent, negative, spiteful or inappropriate. In my car, I will listen to the Qur'aan or some good speech of a reputed scholar. At my computer I would repeat the same piece over and over again, I will use it to help me learn a few verses or a Soorah. Similarly, while riding the transit or subway, I will use my pocket-sized Qur'aan or book of Prophet Sal-Allaahu alayhi wa sallaam's adi'yah (plural for du'a) to recite, practise or revise those I know or to learn those I do not know. This Ramadaan, I will particularly watch my gaze. While glancing on a member of opposite sex, I will move my gaze away before I start evaluating or assessing the attractive features of looks, appearance or personality or before I start paying attention to or begin enjoying those attractions. I will not participate or listen to the comments of illicit nature that my colleagues, peers or friends make. While remembering Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala in many other ways, I will more frequently ask for Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala's mercy in the first 10 days of Ramaadan (Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoomu, bi-rahmatika astagheethu), invoke Allaah's forgiveness in the second 10 days (astaghfirullaah-al-Azeem-alladzi laa ilaaha illaa Huwa-al Hayyu-l-Qayyoomu wa atoobu ilayh) and seek salvation from the Fire in the last 10 days (Rabbanaa aatinaa fi-ddunyaa hasanatanwa fil-aakhirati hasanatanwa qinaa adzaab-annaar). During the last ten nights, I will frequently make the Du'a: Allaahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuhibbul 'afwa, fa'fu 'annee. This Ramadaan, I will be exceptionally charitable. The tears that fill my eyes when I see the scenes of devastation, disease, starvation, agony, displacement, killings, blown up bodies and severed limbs of poor, helpless people of Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Chechnya and Kashmir will ameliorate my heart and open my purse. I will send all my Zakaah to them right at the beginning of Ramadaan through trustworthy Islamic charities. In addition to my Zakaah, I will pay whatever I can spare from my family's necessities for helping those in dire need. If I have been paying my Zakaah to my relatives, this Ramadaan, I will help my relatives from my other savings and resources, so that I can pay Zakaah to the victims of state terrorism. I will avoid spending money on my home decoration or getting new clothes for Eid or buying more video games and toys for my children, so that those who are in more need than me and my family can be helped. I will even pay my Fitrah very early in Ramadaan so that it can reach those displaced from their homes before the severity of winter. Also this Ramadaan, I will be generous and forgiving to my family, friends and the Muslim community at large. I will clear my heart from anger complaints, suspicion, jealousy, grudges or dislike against any of them. I will be extra kind, accommodating, courteous, supportive and helpful to my non-Muslims neighbours and colleagues. I will find ways to have them participate in the blessings of Ramadaan and happiness of Eid by sharing my food specialties with them or giving gifts and chocolates to them. This Ramadaan, I am going to take my vacations in its last 10 days, so that the precious opportunity offered by those days can be fully utilized for developing my spiritual relationship with Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala. I will kick at least one of my bad habits such as arriving late for appointments or breaking promises. I will show up or do what I indicate I will do and I will show up or do so on time. If I am a smoker, this Ramadaan, I will not smoke even after Iftaar, before Suhoor or at night. I will keep my mouth odour free for prayers and Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala 's remembrance and my lungs, blood and heart from disease. If I am a university student whose final exams are falling in Ramadaan, my act of worship is to do my utmost best to study hard and get the best possible results, given that any moment that is not spent on studying is not spent in any other pursuit except in the remembrance of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala or study of the Qur'aan. While travelling to/from or within campus or while taking a break from studies, I will automatically shift to remembrance of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala or recitation of the Qur'aan. For my studies, I will keep timings that are consistent with the spirit of Ramadaan, i.e. sleep early and get up very early. Instead of staying up late at the risk of missing Suhoor or Fajr, I will adjust my body clock to Islamic lifestyle instead of the western lifestyle. When I get up to study at 2 or 3 a.m., I will start with two Raka'at of Tahajjud and then continue with my studies. After Fajr, I will still spend 15-20 minutes on the study of Tafseer and recitation of Qur'an every day. If we succeed this Ramadaan in living as planned above, we will be able to look back and rejoice and feel inner joy and true happiness knowing that our Eid day will be the day of celebrating rewards from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Courtesy: www.everymuslim.com
  3. Two drunks are walking along. One drunk says to the other, "What a beautiful night, look at the moon." The other drunk stops and looks at his drunk friend. "You're wrong, that's not the moon, that's the sun." They began to argue when they come upon a third drunk. They asked, "Sir, could you please help settle our argument? Tell us what that thing is up in the sky that's shining. Is it the moon or the sun?" The third drunk looked at the sky, shrugs and said, "Sorry, I don't live around here." Nice... ======= A man walks into a bar and orders a drink. After sitting for a few minutes, he hears a voice say, "nice tie." He looks around but doesn't see anybody near him and so he forgets about it. Some time passes and he hears the same voice say, "nice shirt." This time he looks everywhere; behind him, up and down the bar, under the chair, behind the bar, everywhere he can think to look, but he doesn't see anyone. A few minutes later he hears, "nice haircut." He can't stand it any more, so he calls the bartender over and tells him he has been hearing this voice but can't figure out who is speaking. The bartender says, "Oh that...that's the nuts....." ".....they're complimentary."
  4. Wow, that had some cool moves. Man, thanks >>> Daydreaming in a martial arts world
  5. This is one of my favorite islamic stories of the Prophets of Allah. Travel to the Junction of the Two Seas By Mufti Md. Shahbuddin Sabeeli Prophet Musa (Pbuh) got up to deliver a speech before the children of Israel and he was asked who is the most learned person among the people? Hazrat Musa (Pbuh) replied, “I am the most learnedâ€. Allah admonished him for he did not ascribe knowledge to Allah alone. So Allah revealed to him: At the junction of the two seas there is a slave of ours who is more learned than you. Hazrat Musa (Pbuh) asked, “O my Lord! How can I meet himâ€? Allah said, Take a fish and put it in a basket (and set out) and where you, will lose the fish, you will find him. So Hazrat Musa took a fish and put it in a basket and set out, along with his boy-servant Yusha bin Nun, till they reached a rock on which they both lay their heads and slept. The fish moved vigorously in the basket and got out of it and fell in to the sea and there it took its way through the sea (straight) as in a tunnel. When Hazrat Musa got up, his companion forgot to tell him about the fish and so they carried on, their journey during the rest of the day and the whole night. The next morning Hazrat Musa asked his servant ‘Bring us our early meal, no doubt, we have suffered much fatigue in this journey of oursâ€. Hazrat Musa did not feel tired till he had passed the place which Allah had ordered him to seek for. His boy-servant then said to him. “Do you remember when we were resting on the rock! Indeed we forgot the fish, none but Satan made me forget to remember it. It took its course into the sea in a marvellous way. There was a tunnel for the fish and for Hazrat Musa and his boy-servant. Hazrat Musa said: “That is where what we have been seeking for.†So they returned, retracing their steps till they reached the rock. Behold! There they found a man covered with a garment. Hazrat Musa greeted him. Hazrat Khidhar said astonishingly ‘Is there such a greeting in your land’? Hazrat Musa said. “I am Mosesâ€. He said: “Are you the Moses of the children of Israel? Hazrat Moses said, “Yes†and added, “I have come to you so that you may teach me of what you have been taughtâ€. Hazrat Khidhar said “you will not be able to have patience with me. O Moses? I have some of Allah’s knowledge which He had bestowed upon me but you do not know it, and you too have some of Allah’s knowledge which he has bestowed upon you, but I do not know it.†Hazrat Musa said “Allah willing you will find me patient and I will not disobey you in anythingâ€. Hazrat Khidhar said to him `If you follow me, do not ask me about anything until I myself speak to you concerning it? After that both of them proceeded along the sea coast till a boat passed by and they requested the crew to let them get on board. The crew recognised Hazrat Khidhar and allowed them to get on the boat free of charge. When they got on board, suddenly Hazrat Musa saw that Hazrat Khidhar had pulled out one of the planks of the boat with an adze. Hazrat Musa said to him: “These people gave us a free ride, yet you have scuttled their boat, so as to drown its people Truly! You have done a dreadful thing.†Hazrat Khidhar said: “Didn’t I tell you that you will have no patience with me?†Hazrat Musa said: “Call me not to account for what I forgot and be not hard upon me for my mistake.†The first excuse given by Hazrat Musa (Pbuh) was that he had forgottenâ€. Then a sparrow came and sat over the edge of the boat and dipped its beak once in the sea. Hazrat Khidhar said to Hazrat Musa My knowledge and yours compared to Allah’s knowledge is like what this sparrow has taken out of the sea. Then they both got out of the boat and while they were walking on the sea shore. Hazrat Khidhar got hold of the boy twisted his head and killed him. Hazrat Musa said, “have you killed an innocent soul who has killed nobody! Truly you have done an atrocious thing.†He said: “Didn’t I tell you that you would not have patience with me?†Hazrat Musa said: “If I ask you about anything after this, keep me not in your company.†Then they both proceeded until they came to the inhabitants of a town. They asked them for food but the people refused to entertain them, (in that town) there they found a wall on the verge of falling down Hazrat Khidhar set it straight with his own hands. Hazrat Musa said: “These are the people to whom we came but they neither fed us nor received us as guests. If you had wished, you could surely have exacted wages for it. Hazrat Khidhar said: This is the parting between me and you. (Bukhari:12/690) Moral of the Story There are numerous issues to be discussed on. But we are going to limit ourselves to a few of them for the sake of abridgement. A widely known Islamic scholar Ibn Munabhah has written that the name of Hazrat Khidhar was “Ablayan bin Malkanâ€. His fore-father was Hazrat Noah (Pbuh). (Qurtubi:11/30) “Khidhar†is an Arabic word which means green or verdant. He was called Hazrat Khidhar as whenever he used to sit on barren land and desolate place, the land was changed into a greenland. (Tirmizi:2/148). There are a number of commentators who thought that he was a Prophet (Ranul-Ma’ani:15/293). But he was given inspired knowledge by revelation (Tafseer-e-Razi:1/350) Some scholars say that Hazrat Khidhar is still alive, because he drunk water of immortality. Allama Qurtubi favours this opinion. But the proofs he gave for his idea, are not very convincing and accurate. (Qurtubi:11/30). On the contrary Hafiz Ibn Kaseer and Ibn Jauzi have given various reasons to condemn that idea and they said with firm conviction that Hazrat Khidhar is not alive. He died a natural death. Imam Bukhari, Qazi Abu Bakar Ibn Arabi and other scholars of tradition agreed with this point of view. (Tafseer Ibn Kaseer:3/98) There are more points in the story which are as follows: We should travel in search of knowledge whether it be a long journey or short and likewise face all sorts of difficulties that come in our way. The Prophet (Pbuh) himself said encouraging the seekers of knowledge, Allah makes way easy for him to Heavenâ€. (Abu-Dawood: 2/513). However, Islamic knowledge has very different and lofty position among other worldly knowledge, therefore the seekers of knowledge travelled throughout the world to get it. Imam Bukhari and other scholars of tradition have mentioned this Hadith under the chapter “Excellence of journey for the sake of knowledgeâ€. This particular journey of Hazrat Musa was of a similar nature.
  6. Binhah, It is a powerful article.It reminds me of what we take for granted this very life we live. May Allah guides us make us among those who remember Him and are grateful of His blessings. Amin The Wisdom in Islam Contributed by Abubakar Khasim Khalid ibn El Waleed (RA) narrated the following hadith: A Bedouin came one day to the Prophet (Pbuh) and said to him, “Oh, Messenger of Allah! I’ve come to ask you a few questions about the affairs of this Life and the Here After.†Q: I’d like to be the most learned of men? A: Fear Allah, and you will be the most learned of men. Q: I wish to be the richest man in the world? A: Be contented, and you will be the richest man in the world. Q: I’d like to be the most just man? A: Desire for others what you desire for yourself, and you will be the most just of men. Q: I want to be the best of men? A: Do good to others and you will be the best of men. Q: I wish to be the most favoured by Allah? A: Engage much in Allah’s praise, and you will be most favoured by Him. Q: I’d like to complete my faith? A: If you have good manners you will complete your faith Q: I wish to be among those who do good? A: Adore Allah as if you see Him. If you don’t see Him, He seeth you. In this way you will be among those who do good. Q: I wish to be obedient to Allah? A: If you observe Allah’s commands you will be obedient. Q: I’d like to be free from all sins? A: Bathe yourself from impurities and you will be free from all sins. Q: I’d like to be raised on the Day of Judgment in the light? A: Don’t wrong yourself or any other creature, and you will be raised on the Day of Judgment in the light. Q: I’d like Allah to bestow His mercy on me? A: If you have mercy on yourself and others, Allah will grant you mercy on the Day of Judgment. Q: I’d like my sins to be very few? A: If you seek the forgiveness Allah as much as you can, your sins will be very few. Q: I’d like to be the most honourable man? A: If you do not complain to any fellow creature, you will be the most honourable of men. Q: I’d like to be the strongest of men? A: If you put your trust in Allah, you will be the strongest of men. Q: I’d like to enlarge my provision? A: If you keep yourself pure, Allah will enlarge your provision. Q: I’d like to be loved by Allah and His messenger? A: If you love what Allah and Him Messenger love, you will be among their beloved ones. Q: I wish to be safe from Allah’s wrath on the Day of Judgment? A: If you do not loose your temper with any of your fellow creatures, you will be safe from the wrath of Allah on the Day of Judgment. Q: I’d like my prayers to be responded? A: If you avoid forbidden actions, your prayers will be responded. Q: I’d like Allah not to disgrace me on the Day of Judgment? A: If you guard your chastity, Allah will not disgrace you on the Day of Judgment. Q: I’d like Allah to provide me with a protective covering on the Day of Judgment? A: Do not uncover your fellow creatures faults, and Allah will provide you with a covering protection on the Day of Judgment. Q: What will save me from sins? A: Tears, humility and illness. Q: What are the best deeds in the eyes of Allah? A: Gentle manners, modesty and patience. Q: What are the worst evils in the eyes of Allah? A: Hot temper and miserliness. Q: What assuages the wrath of Allah in this life and in the Hereafter? A: Concealed charity and kindness to relatives. Q: What extinguishes hell’s fires on the Day of Judgment? A: Patience in adversity and misfortunes. Related by Imam Ibn Hambal May Allah give us the true guidance. Ameen!!!
  7. Dangerous, Im sorry to hear about the visa complications. Is there a possibility of having a doctor or a health worker visit him at home accompanied with someone he trusts?
  8. Volume 3, Book 31, Number 118: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Fasting is a shield (or a screen or a shelter). So, the person observing fasting should avoid sexual relation with his wife and should not behave foolishly and impudently, and if somebody fights with him or abuses him, he should tell him twice, 'I am fasting." The Prophet added, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, the smell coming out from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk. (Allah says about the fasting person), 'He has left his food, drink and desires for My sake. The fast is for Me. So I will reward (the fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times." Volume 3, Book 31, Number 119: Narrated Abu Wail from Hudhaifa: Umar asked the people, "Who remembers the narration of the Prophet about the affliction?" Hudhaifa said, "I heard the Prophet saying, 'The affliction of a person in his property, family and neighbors is expiated by his prayers, fasting, and giving in charity." 'Umar said, "I do not ask about that, but I ask about those afflictions which will spread like the waves of the sea." Hudhaifa replied, "There is a closed gate in front of those afflictions." 'Umar asked, "Will that gate be opened or broken?" He replied, "It will be broken." 'Umar said, "Then the gate will not be closed again till the Day of Resurrection." We said to Masruq, "Would you ask Hudhaifa whether 'Umar knew what that gate symbolized?" He asked him and he replied "He ('Umar) knew it as one knows that there will be night before tomorrow, morning.
  9. Volume 3, Book 47, Number 740: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "O Muslim women! None of you should look down upon the gift sent by her she-neighbour even if it were the trotters of the sheep (fleshless part of legs)." Volume 3, Book 47, Number 745: Narrated Anas: Once Allah's Apostle visited us in this house of ours and asked for something to drink. We milked one of our sheep and mixed it with water from this well of ours and gave it to him. Abu Bakr was sitting on his left side and 'Umar in front of him and a bedouin on his right side. When Allah's Apostle finished, 'Umar said to Allah's Apostle "Here is Abu Bakr." But Allah's Apostle gave the remaining milk to the bedouin and said twice, "The (persons on the) right side! So, start from the right side." Anas added, "It is a Sunna (the Prophet's traditions)" and repeated it thrice.
  10. Dangerous, Cant one of his parents come visit him instead?As it seems he isnt in a condition of travelling. And have the family doctor visit him then. J11 i agree with you , need someone he trusts.
  11. Originally posted by LuCkY STaRR: AsaLaamu ALaikum, SisSade,JZK for that but I did not quite foLLow The Sins of FLattering or Praising a Person.I read the excerpts and even that did not cLarify it.Can you heLp me here? PEace ! Waaleykum Salaam wabarakatuh, I will try to,Bi-idhnillah Starting with teh first hadith, Abu Bakr reported that a man was mentioned in the presence of the Prophet, saaws, and another praised the man. The Prophet, saaws, said, "Woe to you, for you have broken your friend's neck!" The Prophet saaws repeated this several times and then said, "If any of you simply must praise another, let him/her say, 'I think the person is this way or that...' if you genuinely think the person to be that way. The Final Reckoner is Allah, and no one can tell Allah anything about anyone." The message here is that when you praise a fellow it is better to say that you think 'he is a wise person or generous person 'than saying' so and so is wise or generous.' Why ??? Coz you are judging a person And It is only Allah who has the right to judge(Thats the sin) So unknowingly you have broken your brothers neck. >> The Final Reckoner is Allah. The second hadith >> Praise is slaughter if you accept it. Accepting praise kills the muslims character. As we are entitled to live in this world piously, helping fellow ppl without expecting thanks from anyone. And also praise Allah for all the provisions even if small. So once a person starts accepting praise a small peice in his heart becomes diseased, he becomes proud and may forget his responsiblity thus slowly becomes bigheaded. Riyah (showing off) and other characters follows.... So it is refered to be slaughtered . As he has let his neck be cut in a submissive way due to accepting praise and letting pride creep into his heart unawarely. About the third Hadith The prophet SAW is teaching us to call a spade a spade. We need to be truthful in praising others. That is why others were called fine men others foul. The sin is adding a pinch of salt on reporting their characters. The fourth hadith reported by Bi Aiysha The lesson taught is to treat well ppl especially those with vulgar characters as they have a tendency of praising or flattering more people.They will start to compare people ... So if you may make a small mistake or pay not audience to their needs they will spread fitnah -conflicting around. So this people with such a behaviour need to be avoided and the best way is to be polite and cordial to them. Regarding hadith 340 and 341 The Prophet of Allah, saaws, ordered us to throw dust in the faces of those who flatter." A person who flatters praises a person so much so that he can gain something from them. So to stop this habit as to repproach them dust- dirt was thrown in their faces to show them that they were the lowest people in character. Naturally anyone will feel very ashamed to fall under such a state. The last hadith is but a Dua As when a person tends to praise they add a word or two then another so much that the truth maybe hidden. That is why Our holy Prophet asked for forgivess from man. As we know our Christian and Jew brothers started to praise Nabii Isaa in such a way that they made him God astaghfirullah. I hope it has been of help but you can ask more . And if there is any other nomad who would like to answer please feel free. We all searching for salvation and enlightment for our souls..
  12. The muhadditin (Reporters of Traditions) have worked hard and devoted whole of their lives in collecting and compiling the books of Traditions, the prayers which the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) used to offer during journeys and in camp. Along with the prayers incorporated in the Holy Qur'an, you should also utter these prayers of the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him). These prayers are not only comprehensive, impressive and propitious, but also teach the correct thinking to the believer as well as the desires and ambitions he should cherish. In fact, a man's real nature is reflected in his desires, especially moments when he is satisfied that no other by his present and that his murmur can only be heard by his Creator. Each word of the prayers offered by the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) in the darkness of the night, in privacy in the midst and outside the company of the people, is characterised by profound sincerity, devotion and eagerness and one feels that the utterer of such prayers is the most exalted person who is perfectly begs from his Lord as a needy persons. Moreover, his eagerness and devotion is constantly increasing in depth and intensity as he continues to offer prayers to God. The essence of all his prayers is as follows : " God ! Draw me closer ! Spare me from Thy wrath ! Bestow upon me Thy favour ! Give me success and grace in Eternity. 1 Prayers to be offered in the Morning and Evening Hadrat ' Uthman b. 'Affan (God be pleased with him) narrates : " The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) observed : " No harm can come to a man from anything who utters the following prayer morning and evening ": Bismilla-hil-ladhi la yadurru ma'asmihi shai'un filardi wa la huwas-sami'ul 'alim. In the name of God by virtue of Whose name naught in the heaven nor earth doth hurt and He is the Hearer the Knower. Hadrat ' Abdullah b. 'Umar (God be pleased with him) reports: "The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) used to offer the following prayers in the morning and evening regularly without respire". ------------ Allahumma inni as'alikal-afiyata fid-dunya wal-aakhirata, Allahumma inni as,alikal'afwa wal-afiuata fi dini wa dunuaui wa ahli wa mali. Allahummasiur 'aurati wa aamin rau;ati.Allahummahfazni min baini yadayya wa min khalfi wa 'an yamini wa 'an shimali wa min fauqi wa 'audhu bi 'azmatika an ughtalal min tahti. "O God ! Behold, I beg of Thee peace in this world and the hereafter. O God ! Behold, I beg of Thee forgiveness and safety in my faith, in my world, in mine household and in my wealth. O God ! cover my defects, and give me peace from mine apprehension. O God ! protect me from my front and from my rear, from my right and from my left also from above me; and I seek refuge in Thee lest I be surprised from beneath me !". 2 Prayer against Lethargy and Cowardice Hadrat Anas b.Malik (God be pleased with him) states: " I used to remain in attendance on The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and used to hear him offer this prayer very often: Allahumma inni audhu bika min-al-hammi wa-l-huzni wa-l'ajzi wal-kasali wal-bukhili wal-jubni wa dala'iddaini wa ghalabtir-rijali. " O God ! Behold, I seek refuge in Thee from anxiety and grief, from inability and sloth, from faint heartedness, and niggardliness, from the burden of indebtedness and the domination of men". 3 Prayer for the Attainment of Piety and Purity 3 Prayer for the Attainment of Piety and Purity This is the most comprehensive prayer. In these four words the The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) has asked for everything that a believer needs. Allahumma inni as'alukal-hudha wat-tuqa wal-,afafa wal-ghina " O God ! Behold I beg of Thee, guidance, piety, purity and contentment". 4 Prayer for Protection against degradation in this world Allahumma ahsin 'aqibatana fil-umuri kulliha wa ajirna min khizyid-dunya wa 'adhab-il-aakhirah. "O God ! End all our activities in grace and protect us from the torment of degradation in this world and in the Hereafter ". 5 Prayer to be offered after Worship Hadrat Mu'adh (God be pleased with him) states that one day The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) took my hand and observed : "O Mu'adh ! I love thee, and the proceeded to affirm : "O Mu'adh !! I advise you that you should never miss uttering the following words after each prayer: Allahumma a'inni 'ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatika. "O Lord ! help me in remembering Thee, in expressing gratitude to Thee and in worshipping Thee in the best manner ". 6 Will of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h)[/ i] Hadrat Shaddad b. Aus (God be pleased with him) states : " The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) advised me: Sahhad ! when you see the worldly people busy in amassing gold and silver, you should gather the blissful treasure by uttering the following words off and on". Allahomma inni as'aluka-thabata fil-amri wal-'azimati 'alar-rushdi wa as'aaluka ni'matika wa husan 'ibadatika wa as'aluka qalban saliman wa lisanan sadiqan wa as'aluka min khairi ma ta'lamuwa audhu bika min sharri ma ta'lamu wa astaghfiruka lima ta'lamu innka anta 'allamul ghuyub. "O God ! Behold, I beg of Thee steadfastness in keeping (Thy) command and firmness of resolution in (pursuing) the right course. I beg of Thee (the feeling of ) thankfulness for Thy grace and (abilityfor) adoring Thee best. I beg of Thee a sound heart and truthful tongue. I beg of Thee the good of that which Thee Knowest, and I seek Thy forgiveness for all of my wrongs thou knowest. No doubt Thou knowest all that is unknown to us". 7 Prayer for Forgiveness and the favour of Allah Hadrat Abu Huraira (God be pleased with him) states that : " The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) while bequeathing a will to Hadrat Salman Farsi (God be pleased with him) had observed : " I wish to bequeath a few words to you. Beseech the Most Kind in these words. Rush towards the Most Kind and offer prayer to Him in these words day and night ". Allahumma inni as'aluka sihhatan fi imanin wa imanan fi husni khulqin wa najahan yatba,uhu falahun wa rahmatan minka wa 'afiyatan wa maghfurtan minka wa ridwana. " O God ! Behold ! I beg of Thee vigour and health in my faith. and effect of faith in my dealings and behaviour and success leading to peace and mercy from Thee; and also security, forgiveness and Thy pleasure. 8 Prayer for Purification from Sins Hadrat Umm Salama (God be pleased with him) narrates : " The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) used to offer the following prayer ". Allahumma naqqo qalbi mina-l-khataya kama naqqaita-ththaubal-abuada min-ad danas. Allahumma ba'id baini wa baina khati'ati kama ba'adta bain-al-mashriqi wal-maghrib. " O God ! clean my heart from sins, just as you clean white cloth of dirt. O God ! cause as great a distance between me and my faults, as there is between East and West. 9 Prayer of the Attainment of Respect among People Allahummaj' alni saburan saj'alni shakuran wah'alni fi'aini saghiran wa fi a'yuninnasi kabira. "O Allah ! make me patient and thankful to Thee, and make me small in my own eyes, but great in other peoples eyes". 10 A comprehensive Prayer Hadrat Aisha (God be pleased with her) states : " It so happened once that when the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ) needed me immediately but I was delayed, whereupon the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ) observed : " Aisha, you should utter brief and comprehensive prayers. When I came to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ) I submitted: " O Messenger of Allah ! the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon you ) ! Teach me a brief and comprehensive prayer". the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ) observed : " You should utter the following prayer : Allahumma inni as'aluka min-al-khairi kullihi 'ajilihi wa ajilihi ma'alimtu minhu wa ma lam a'alamu wa a'udhu bika min-ash-sharri kullihi 'ajilihi ma 'alimtu minhu wa ma lam a'alamu wa asalukal-jannata wa ma qarraba ilaiha min qaulin au'amalin wa 'a'udu bika min-an-nari wa ma qarraba ilaiha min qaulin au 'amalin wa as'aluka mimma sa'alaka bihi Muhammadun wa a'udhu bika min ma ta'awwadha minhu Muhammadun wa ma qadiata li min qada'in faj'al aqibatagu rushda. " O Allah ! I ask of Thee all the good which is in the present or in the future, and I ask of Thee paradise, and the works and deeds, which would take me nearer to the same, and I seek refuge in Thee from Fire and the works and deeds which would take me nearer to the same. And I ask of Thee that which was sought by Muhammad, and I seek refuge in Thee from that regarding which Muhammad sought Thy Protection, and that the end of all Thy decrees above me should be good". 11 Prayer for Holding firm to Islam qa'iman wahfazni bil-islami qa'idan wahfazni bil-islami raqidan wa la tushmit bi'aduwwan hasida. " O Allah ! maintain my faith in Islam, while I am standing or while I am sitting or while I am lying and let not the enemy, the envious pass sarcastic remarks about me". 12 Prayer of a New Convert to Islam Hadrat Abu Malik Ashja'i ( God pleased with him) reports : " My father narrated that whenever a person embraced the religion of Islam, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ) used to teach him Salat and also the following prayers". Allahummaghfir li warhamni, wahdini, wa 'afini warzuqni. " O Allah ! forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, grant me peace and give me sustenance". 13 Prayer for Avoidance of Dissension and Immorality Allahumma inni a'udhu bika min munkarati-il-akhlaqi wal-a'amali wal-ahwa'i. Allumman inni a'udhu bika min-ash-shiqaqi wan-nifaqi wan su-il-akhlaq. " O God ! I seek refuge in Thee from evil morals, deeds and desires. O Allah ! Behold, I seek refuge in Thee from schism, hypocricy and evil 5 Prayer to be offered after Worship
  13. The Importance of Manners Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #271, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ahmad, and Ibn Hibban. ...Abu Darda' reported that the Prophet of Allah, SAW, said, "Nothing is weightier on the Scale of Deeds than one's good manners." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #286 and Ahmad Abu Huraira, r.a., said, "I heard Abu al Qasim (the Prophet SAW), say, 'The best among you in Islam are those with the best manners, so long as they develop a sense of understanding.' " Hadith - At-Tabaraanee collected it, and Albani authenticated it in Silsilatul-AHaadeethis-Saheehah (#432). The Prophet (SAW) said: "The most beloved of Allah's servants to Allah are those with the best manners." Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, and Tirmidhi ... 'Abd Allah ibn 'Amr said, "The Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, was never obscene or coarse. Rather, he used to tell us that the best among us were those with the best manners." Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim and Ahmad ... Anas said, "I served the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, for ten years. During that time, he never once said to me as much as 'Oof' if I did something wrong. He never asked me, if I had failed to do something, 'Why did you not do it?,' and he never said to me, if I had done something wrong, 'Why did you do it?' " Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners # 285, Hakim, and Abu Dawud ... Abu Huraira, r.a., said that the Prophet of Allah, saaws, said, "If one has good manners, one may attain the same level of merit as those who spend their nights in prayer." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners # 290, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and Ahmad ... Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet of Allah (saaws) said, "And what is most likely to send people to Paradise? Being conscious of Allah and good manners." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners # 296, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Darimi, Abu 'Awanah, Hakim, and Ibn Hibban. ... Nawas ibn Sam'an reported that the Prophet of Allah, saaws, was asked about doing good and evil. He replied, "Doing good is having good manners. Doing evil is what troubles you inside and what you would not like others to know about." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #360, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, and Hakim The Prophet of Allah, saaws, said, "He who does not show mercy to our young or show esteem for our elders is not one of us." The sin of finding faults in others Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #313, Ahmad, Ibn Hibban, and Hakim ... 'Abd Allah reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said, "A believer is not a fault-finder and is not abusive, obscene, or course." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #329 ... Ibn 'Abbas said, "If you wish to mention the faults of your friend, mention your own faults first." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #330 ... Ibn 'Abbas said on the following verse of the Qur'an, "Nor defame one another" (49:11), "Do not spend your time finding fault with one another." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #545 Jubayr ibn Nufayr reported that Mu'adh ibn Jabal said, "If you love someone, do not quarrel with him and do not annoy him. Do not ask others about him, for the one you ask might be his enemy and thus tell you things about him that are not true and thus break you apart." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #889 and Ibn Hibban 'Amr ibn al 'As said, "...I am amazed at one who spots an impurity in the eye of another but is unable to detect it in his/her own eye, or who attempts to remove a grudge from another's heart while making no attempt to remove grduges from his/her own heart. I have never blamed anyone for the confidences of mine that they have betrayed. How could I, when already they have given me reason for pause?" Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #1295 Bilal ibn Sa'd al Ash'ari reported that Mu'awiyah wrote to Abu Darda' "Write to the wrongdoers of Damascus." So he asked, "What do I have to do with the wrongdoers of Damascus? How will I know them?" Abu Darda's son, Bilal said, "I will write to them," which he did. Then Abu Darda' said [to Bilal], "How did you know to whom to write? You could not have known they were wrongdoers unless you were one of them. Begin with yourself!" So he did not address the letter in anyone's name.* *i.e. he didn't single out a specific person as a wrongdoer, but spoke about wrongdoings in general, to come as a reminder (of Quran and Sunnah) to the people. Group Conversations Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah 'Abd Allah ibn Mas'ud reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said, "If they are three, two of them should not carry on a conversation from which the third is excluded, for surely that will be distressing to him." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners, Abu Dawud. Ibn Hibban classified the hadith as authentic. Ibn 'Umar reported the same from the Prophet, upon him be peace. Except that in the end, he added, "We asked, 'If they are four?' He, upon him be peace, said, 'Then there is no harm.' " Beware of Suspicion Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ahmad, and Ibn Hibban Abu Huraira, r.a., reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said, "Be careful of suspicion, for it is the most mistaken of all speech. Do not spy on others, compete* among yourselves, envy one another, or despise one another. Rather, be servants of Allah and brothers!" *There is nothing wrong with healthy competition, particularly in doing good deeds. This hadith refers to competion that destroys team play and equality, etc.) Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #1294 'Abd Allah said, "Sometimes a victim of robbery will become so suspicious [of everyone around him] that he will become worse than the thief."* *In other words, his suspicions will lead him to doubt everyone until he has destroyed every one of his relationships. It is permissible to call over a person and inform them of the facts, so that they will not be suspicious, as we see in the following hadith (narration). Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #1293, Muslim and Abu Dawud Anas reported that a man passed by while the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, was with one of his wives. The Prophet called the man and said, 'O So and so. This is my wife, so and so." The man replied, What I might have thought about another, I would never think about you." The Prophet, upon him be peace, said, "Shaytan [satan] will circulate through a person just like blood circulates [through one's veins]." Give Gifts Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #594, also related by Abu Ya'la and by Nasa'i in al Kuna. Abu Huraira, r.a., reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said, "Give gifts to one another, and you will love one another." Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, Nasa'i and Tirmidhi Ibn Abi Mas'ud al Badri reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said, "Anyone who spends money on his family and seeks blessings for doing so will find it counted as sadaqah (charity) on his behalf." Have a sense of shame/shyness (not being shy from doing good, but shyness from doing wrong) Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, and Ahmad Abu Mus'ud reported that the Prophet of Allah, saaws, said, "Among the well-known wisdom of the prophets is the saying, 'If you have no shame, then do as you please.' " Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, Nasa'i, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, and Tabarani Abu Huraira, r.a., reported that the Prophet, saaws, said, "... Having a sense of shame is one branch of faith." Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim and Ibn Majah 'Abd Allah ibn Abi 'Atabah said that he heard Abu Sa'id say, "The Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, was shyer than a virgin in her shift. Whenever he disliked something, we could see it on his face." The sin of Pride Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #550 Abu Huraira, r.a., reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said, "Whoever eats with his servant, or rides a donkey in the marketplace, or who ties up his goat and milks it will no be guilty of the sin of pride. Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #556, Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi Abu Huraira, r.a., reported that a handsome man went to the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, and said, "I love beauty, and I have been given what you see, even to the extent of my hating to be bested. Is that pride?" The Prophet replied, "No. Rather, pride is to disdain the truth and to treat others with contempt." The sin of flattering or praising a person (Flattering or praising is not just to say something kind about a person. Praising is to glorify especially by the attribution of perfections. Flattering is to praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest.) Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Abu 'Awanah, and Ibn Hibban. Abu Bakr reported that a man was mentioned in the presence of the Prophet, saaws, and another praised the man. The Prophet, saaws, said, "Woe to you, for you have broken your friend's neck!" The Prophet saaws repeated this several times and then said, "If any of you simply must praise another, let him/her say, 'I think the person is this way or that...' if you genuinely think the person to be that way. The Final Reckoner is Allah, and no one can tell Allah anything about anyone." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #337, Bayhaqi, and similar version by Ibn Majah. Aslam reported that he heard 'Umar say, "Praise is slaughter." One of the narrators added, "That is, if you accept it." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #338, Nasa'i, Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibban, and Hakim Abu Huraira, r.a., reported that the Prophet of Allah, saaws, said, "What a fine man Abu Bakr is. What a fine man 'Umar is. What a fine man Abu 'Ubaydah is. What a fine man Usayd ibn Hudayr is. What a fine man Thabit ibn Hudayr is. What a fine man Mu'adh ibn 'Amr ibn al Jumuh is. What a fine man Mu'adh ibn Jabal is." He said, "What a foul man so and so is. What a foul man is so and so." Hadith - Sahih Bukhari and Muslim 'A'ishah reported that a man requested an audience with the Prophet, saaws. The Prophet said, "What a foul tribesman that one is." But when the man entered, the Prophet was cordial and pleasant to him. When the man left, another asked permission to meet with him. The Prophet said, "What a good tribesman that one is." But when he entered, the Prophet was not nearly as cordial with him as he had been with the first. When he left, 'A'ishah asked, "You said what you did about the first man, yet you met him cordially. And you said what you did about the second one, and yet you were reserved with him." The Prophet said, "O 'A'ishah, the worst kind of people are those whose vulgarity must be avoided." Hadith Bukhari's Book of Manners #340, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Abu 'Awanah. "The Prophet of Allah, saaws, ordered us to throw dust in the faces of those who flatter." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #341 and Ibn Hibban 'Ata ibn Abi Rabah reported that when a man praised another in the presence of Ibn 'Umar, Ibn 'Umar began tossing dust in the direction of his face, saying, "The Prophet of Allah, saaws, said, 'If ever you encounter those who flatter, throw dust in their faces.' " Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #762 and Bayhaqi 'Adi ibn Artah said, "If ever one of the Companions of the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, was praised, he would say, 'O Alolah, do not take me to task for what they say and forgive me for what they do not know about." Regarding Fraud and Deceit Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #420, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Hakim, and Tahawi Abu Huraira, r.a., reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said, "A believer is frank and decent, whereas a wrongdoer is deceitful and blameworthy." Praying for Good Manners Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #308 and Bayhaqi ... 'Abd Allah ibn 'Amr reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, used very often to pray in the following manner, "O Allah! I ask You for good health, for trust, for self-control, for good manners, and to be satisfied with the divine decree."
  14. Jazakhallah Kheir for the article.Managed to learn more on Nisf Shabaan. Nisf Shabaan has passed productively Alhamdullilah and Im looking forward for the Holy month of Ramadhan.
  15. Originally posted by Dangerous: Sisade.. this is what i noticed about him the last time we met.. 1- on list A he has 2,5 and 7 2- on list B he has sleeping and appetitie problems. i dont know if a person can hold the both list signs at the same time Qns asked are of the major criterias for List A - schizophrenia List B -depression List C -Mania List C AND B-- Bipolar disorder. List D- OCD You have just helped me with the diagnosis. The List A are criterias to diagnose schizophrenia . 1.Two (or more) of the factors each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month period( we have 3 +) 2.Anded with the occupational dysfunction.(quited work) 3. the symptoms have been continuous for approx 6months or atleast for 1 single month.(??) 4. organic reasons need to be ruled out and depression. Then he is diagnosed of Schizophrenia. And as with any disease medical treatment is possible there are alot of new medication with lesser side effects which can let him have a better life and return to become fully functional in the society again. As said by fellow Sol members the heart also need to be treated. Faith is important for the body to function as one and the Quran is a healer of Every disease. Family support is also a must to come to terms, accept the treatment and overcome the stigma in society. Please take your cousin to a doctor. If he is pyschotic the earlier he is treated the better. http://www.schizophrenia.com/sznews/archives/000084.html
  16. jumatatu karibu, watia fora na bendera ya nyumbani hiyo. Raula , dada mpendwa samahani kwa usumbufu nililokutia ( refering 2 chakacha). Lakini majibu yako bomba
  17. Politically Inclined may I ask why you think of bipolar disorder? As he needs to have episodes of both depression and mania. that is have a swing in moods. According to what has been written the person has a delusional problem. A change in his train of thoughts. Ppl talking of him ,plotting against him. Wondering does he have hallucinations? And also the idea of talking to his cousin for hours trying to tell him that what is happening is true. Proves that he cannot distinguish reality. Anyway, his doctor needs to diagnose him. Needs to trust him and agree that he is in need of professional help. May Allah help him. Amin Im sad that he has a phobia with doctors or hospitals . As you cant force him to go to the hospital without his own accord unless he is a threat to the community. May that not happen. Try to talk to him and convince him that its for the best to see his doctor. I am curious dangerous does your cousin have any of these traits???Which of these set of qns fit with your cousins case if you dont mind? A: 1. Hallucinations. These usually involve hearing voices, but can involve all the senses—seeing, tasting, touching, hearing, or smelling something that is not there. 2.Delusions. These are firmly held but false beliefs. Some common experiences include thinking you are the President of the United States, or that you are being persecuted or chased by the CIA or by demons. 3.Disordered (confused) thinking and speech that does not make any sense. Examples include abruptly responding to questions, not being able to respond with enough information, or always giving a one-word reply to questions. 4.Bizarre or disorganized behavior. Usually the behavior involves being overly excited, angry, or unresponsive to other people. It may also include bizarre body movements, such as rocking back and forth or grimacing repeatedly. 5.Self-neglect, such as becoming isolated from other people, wearing dirty clothes, or neglecting living space until it becomes untidy or cluttered. 6.Inappropriate emotions, such as smiling when speaking of sad topics or laughing for no reason. 7.Inability to experience pleasure. This is a common symptom in schizophrenia and includes difficulty enjoying activities that once brought pleasure, such as playing golf or visiting with friends. 8.Lack of emotion. This can lead to few friendships or social contacts. Showing little facial expression, having poor eye contact, and slowed speech are characteristic. 9.Loss of motivation to succeed or accomplish goals. Job or school performance problems are common and usually due to an inability to complete tasks or goals. 10.Problems focusing or paying attention, difficulty processing information, confusion, and fragmented thoughts. or B: 1.Social or Occupational Impairment Either with : Sad or Depressed Mood Apathy-(lose of interst) Irritability or Hostility Fatigue Sleeping Problem Appetite or Eating Problem Feeling Worthless or Guilty Suicidal Thoughts or Risk of Harming Self Poor Concentration or Attention or: C: Social or Occupational Impairment Either with: Elated Mood Irritability or Hostility Hyperactivity Slowing or Poverty of Response Inflated Self-Esteem or Grandiosity Decreased Need for Sleep Reckless or Impulsive Behavior Over-Talkative or Racing Speech Hyperactivity Poor Concentration or Attention OR: C AND B: or D: Have thoughts or images that repeatedly enter your mind, such as: 1. concerns with contamination (dirt, germs, chemicals, radiation) or getting a serious illness such as AIDS? 2.Overconcerned with keeping objects (clothing, groceries, tools) in perfect order or arranged exactly? 3.have mental images of death or other horrible events? 4. have personally unacceptable religious or sexual thoughts? worry lot about terrible things happening, such as: 5. about fire, burglary, or flooding the house? 6. about accidentally hitting a pedestrian with your car or letting it roll down the hill? 7. worry about spreading an illness (i.e. giving someone AIDS)? 8. worry about losing something valuable? 9. worry about harm coming to a loved one because you weren't careful enough? worried about acting on an unwanted and senseless urge or impulse, such as: 10. physically harming a loved one, pushing a stranger in front of a bus, steering your car into oncoming traffic; inappropriate sexual contact; or poisoning dinner guests? driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as: 11. perform excessive or ritualized washing, cleaning, or grooming rituals? 12. check light switches, water faucets, the stove, door locks, or your car's emergency brake 13. perform counting; arranging; "evening-up" behaviors (making sure socks are at same height)? 14. collect useless objects or inspect the garbage before it is thrown out? 15. repeat routine actions (going in/out of a chair, going through a doorway, re-lighting a cigarette) a certain number of times, or until it feels "just right?" 16. need to touch objects or people? 17. unnecessarily re-read or re-write; re-open envelopes before they are mailed? 18. examine your body for signs of illness? 19. avoid certain colors ("red" means blood), numbers ("l3" is unlucky), or names (those that start with "D" signify death) that are associated with dreaded events or unpleasant thoughts? 20. a need to "confess" or repeatedly ask for reassurance that you said or did something correctly? AND On average, how much time is occupied by these thoughts or behaviors each day? How much distress do they cause you? How hard is it for you to control them? How much do they cause you to avoid doing anything, going any place, or being with anyone? How much do they interfere with school, work or your social or family life? Hope Im not going overboard just trying to be of help.
  18. Dangerous sick ppl do visit their family doctor. So he can see his doctor. Before a person is diagnosed of a psychiatric disorder all possible organic diseases have to be ruled out. He may have a mass, an electrolyte or hormonal imbalance, previous head trauma, infections.. causes him to think that way. So his GP/FPhysician need to do a thorough checkup before he thinks of consulting a psychiatrist. Thats how ppl are supposed to be diagnosed. So send him to his nearest public health center. About OCD and Schizophrenia they all different mental diseases. they have different criteria for diagnosing them (DSM -IV or the WHO-ICD). As I said I still assume your cousin has schizophrenia or part of the Delusion disorders as a person with OCD tends to know what is real than a person with Schizophrenia. And also because he has Predominately persecutory/jealousy delusions. I am not aware of the relation of OCD and Schizophrenia but do know there is a relation of Bipolar Disorder (Manic-depression) with schizophrenia.
  19. My favorite class was Islamic knowledge and African history during my high school period. Uni : Genetics,Infectious medicine and microbiology always kept me interested. Worst class: Lectures by some Public health profs when they start bashing Africa with the unfound source of the HIV virus - a so called african .... with a monkey Audhubillah.Or the myths and legends on circumsion. As the lectures are not open to debate but are forced down your throat. And have the whole class looking at you with the '''Is that for real '' look.
  20. Dangerous, sorry to read what has happened to your cousin May Allah restore his health. What you have written is more of schizophrenia or schizophrenic character than obsessive-compulsive character. I support your advice of having him see a psychiatrist. Tablets or psychotherapy could help. Sometimes organic diseases can be the causes of the pychosis. Is there any way u could have him see his family doctor a person he trusts before calling in the psychiatrist.
  21. Damsel Pass the chocolate
  22. Be it cultural or not but the diraac is just too transparent. I wouldnt mind wearing it in the privacy of my house where I know there will be no male members available. About the Guntino the ladies look beautiful, culturally attired but they arent wearing proper Islamic hijab.