Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Originally posted by OG_Girl: he is proven innocent will be discluded from the community and labelled for rest of his life. So, should there be way to protect men too. Its a shame they are discluded as he is innocent.Societies can be harsh I think they fear that he can become one.But its still a presumption only Allah knows better. Defamers in Islam are lashed well, that is if she was a chaste woman.Dont know if the same ruling can be applied to men :confused: The one who has defamed his name should pay the price. Like there is an evil men there is an Evil women too. Naam, very true. There is also a lot of guys being rapped, can you imagine a grown up man comming to court saying three huge women rapped him!!! Well happened front of me but guess what ? The judge told him to get lost and he been charged for wasting " court's preciuos time" !! Just look other possibilities that men could be victim too. I knew this problem existed but never knew that the courts didnt consider the moraland psychological abuse of the gentleman. Poor man ,what an ordeal to go through.The judge should be charged with overlooking ones modesty and chastisy.
  2. Asalaam aleykum Suupu, I assume they put the limit of 9 years for females as that is the youngest age a girl can menstruate =Baliigh. But the truth is mentally she is still a child. Aniga, How can we just accept it. As we as Muslims know our shariah and these Islamic regime has concluded the case indifference to Allahs law. Xu, As brown has said it can be proved, You can check it up in a forensic medicine book if interested. Tears and lacerations occur different from willful entry. Brown, The thing I like the western countries is they always think of the worst then they prove that the person is innocent with evidence. So the case would have had alot of professionals talking with experience then well we could have heard the truth.And lived with it. What a shame, even in the Islamic world the Word of Allah isnt inforced properly. Ya Rabbi, where are we to run to ?
  3. Glad youve enjoyed it sisters. Originally posted by MsWord: just out of curiousity where can one find the soap? Or is it something to do with Salaatul Istighfaar ? Istighfaar as in the meaning of the word.To ask for forgiveness(through duah,praying,fasting,giving in charity) by taking part in such acts cleanses the soul thus the similitude to soap. Youve got a point though Salatul Istighfaar is a plus to it. Fiamanillah
  4. Leaving Reasons !! This is a collection of leave letters and applications written by people in various places of Pakistan. 1. A student's leave letter: "As I am suffering from my uncle's marriage I cannot attend the class...." 2. A candidate's application: "This has reference to your advertisement calling for a 'typist And an accountant - Male or Female'... As I am both for the past Several years and I can handle both; I am applying for the post." 3. I.T.I., Lahore: An employee applied for leave as follows: Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife. Please sanction me one-week leave. 4. Another employee applied for half day leave as follows: "Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clocks and I may not return, please grant me half day casual leave" 5. A leave letter to the headmaster: "As I am studying in this school I am suffering from headache. I request you to leave me today 6. An incident of a leaveletter: "I am suffering from fever, please declare one day holiday." 7. Another leave letter written to the headmaster: As my headache is paining, please grant me leave for the day. 8. A covering note: "I am enclosed herewith..." 9. From H.A.L. Administration dept: As my mother-in-law has expired and I am responsible for it, Please grant me 10 days leave. 10. Actual letter written for application of leave: "My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband At home I may be granted leave". 11. Letter writing: "I am in well here and hope you are also in the same well." 12. Another gem from I.T.I. Leave-letter from an employee who was Performing his daughter's wedding: "As I am marrying my daughter, please grant a week's leave..." hehehehehehehheheeh !!!!! > >
  5. Considering the fact that we don't know what actually happened with her and the two men True but we do know that she had an appointment with one of them. What if she willingly took part in the act? what if she did that and then tried to save her own a$$ by accusing the men of rape? She was charged as a willing person. The accusation of rape wasnt accepted. Consider that for moment...there is chance she is not a victim. if that is indeed the case, I think she deserves more lashes than the men because her false statements could cause the men to get executed. She Confessed of the sin as she put it "wanted revenge". Thus according to shariah she can be punished no need of 4 witness. I assume she was examined by a doctor to say that it was a willing act. And to free the men from the execution penalty. If she was to get more lashings it would have been over 100 as thats Allahs limit.And the men got there 100 slashes. Allah yaalam
  6. ^^^ Qac seems they are after you. Well when it comes to non muslims naturally we need to be precautious.But we are the best of the Ummah, my dear sister just be a muslim, try to educate-discuss with your freind this issue if it arises. Who knows you maybe a reason for her to change her ways. Allah knows better. NB. In Islam the person should be repriminded and if continues is executed. Last time I heard Afganistan and Iran executed a number of homosexuals Cure::::> The writer wrote addressing everyone "in the masculine term -he/brother" The way to salvation My Beloved Brother! Practising on complete Islâm is certainly the key to our success in this world and the Hereafter. Islâm has provided us with the solution to problems in every sphere of our lives. Without doubt, the road to saving ourselves is simple and as clear as daylight - and it is to keep ourselves far away from this grievous sin. The following are some means that will help you to do this: 1. Do taubah (i.e. repent sincerely) to Allâh and turn to Him. 2. Stay away from the company of evil people or friends who glamourise and glorify those deeds and things that are sinful and make them appeal to you. The company that the youth keep, plays the greatest role in either reforming or corrupting them. Therefore, choose for yourself the company of righteous people who will be of help and benefit to you in the matters of your Dîn (religion) and your dunya (worldly affairs). 3. Turn yourself and your gaze away from all those things that arouse the passions, like looking at and staying in the company of beardless, young lads or even pictures of them, of which films, magazines, etc. are brimming. 4. Make every effort to get married in order to remain pure and chaste and respond to the call of our beloved Nabi SAW who has said: "O Assembly of youth! Those of you who have the means to get married, should do so. And whoever is unable to do so, must fast. For this is certainly a protection for him." (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim). 5. Fast in abundance in order to suppress the carnal desires/passions. Our Rasulullah has said: "Certainly Shaytân flows in (the body of) man like the flowing of blood. So, subdue him by keeping fast." (Sahih Bukhari p. 273, Book on fasting) 6. Spend your spare time in those activities that will benefit you because the mind of an idle person becomes the target of sinful thoughts whispered by Shaytân and your nafs (the self which commands a person to do evil). source Fiamanillah
  7. Asalaam aleykum, I beleive most of you may have heard of the case of the Iranian maiden and her 2 male partners sentencing on the sin of fornication on the news. Personally,it only proves again that Muslims in the justice department arent applying the Shariah properly. Arent we supposed to follow the Quraan wholeheartedly and punish equally? They confessed their sins why was the sentence lighter for the males? Iran girl gets 100 lashes for sex The UN has criticised Iran over its treatment of women and girls A teenage girl and two young men in Iran have been sentenced to lashes for having sex. The court dismissed the girl's claim that she was raped. It said she had sex of her own free will, the official Iran Daily newspaper reported. The girl was sentenced to 100 lashes because her accusations of rape and kidnap could have landed her partners a death penalty, the Tehran judge said. Sex outside marriage is illegal in Iran and capital punishment can be imposed. The young men in the case were sentenced to 30 and 40 lashes each. Rights violations The Iran paper quotes the girl, who has not been named, as confessing: "I trusted one of these young men, whom I got to know by phone, and went to his place. "But because he betrayed me, I filed the case against him and his friend out of revenge." International concerns continue to be raised about women's rights in Iran. In December the UN General Assembly voted to censure Iran for human rights violations, including discrimination against women and girls. Tehran rejected the criticism as propaganda. Under Iranian law, girls over the age of nine and boys over 16 face the death penalty for crimes such as rape and murder, while capital punishment can be imposed in certain cases of illegal sexual relationships. source This what Allah says on this matter In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Surah 24 AL-NOOR (THE LIGHT) 024.001 A sura which We have sent down and which We have ordained in it have We sent down Clear Signs, in order that ye may receive admonition 024.002 The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment. That is flog them equally 100 stripes. Confused :confused:
  8. 1- To beautify your eyes, lower your gaze towards strange men, this will make your eyes pure and shiny. 2- To have attractive lips, always remember to speak the truth. 3- As for blush and rouge, "Modesty" (Haya') is one of the best brands and it can be found in any of the Islamic centers. 4- To remove impurites from your face and body, use a soap called "Istighfaar". Insha'Allah this soap will remove any bad deeds.(Ameen) 5- Now about your hair, if any of you has a problem of hair split ends, then I suggest "Islamic Hijaab" which will protect your hair from damage. 6- As for jewellery, beautify your hands with humbleness and let your hands be a power to forgive people who hurt your feelings. And the necklace should be a sign to pardon you fellow brothers and sisters. Insha'Allah, if you follow this advice given to you by the Creator a beautiful and attractive inner and outer appearance. Woman was made from the rib of man. She was not created from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be stepped upon. She was made from his side to be close and equal to him, from beneath his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him.
  9. Prayer of Glorification Salat Tasbeeh Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said to Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib: "O Abbas, my uncle! Shall I not make a present to you ? Shall I not make a gift to you ? Shall I not infrom you ? Shall I not produce in you ten virtues when you will do that, Allah will forgive your sins, its first and its last, its past and its present, its involuntary and its voluntary, its small and its great, its secret and its open. (That is): You should pray four (4) rakats reading in each rakat the Opening of the Book (Sura Fatiha) and a sura. When you become free from reading in the first rakat while you are standing, you shall utter 15 times "Subhan Allah-e-Wa-Al Hamd-o-lillah-e-Wala-Ilaha-Ilallaho-Wallaho-Akbar" [Glory to be Allah and All Praise is for Allah and There is no deity but Allah and Allah is the Greatest]; then you shall bow down and utter it 10 times while you are in bowing; next you shall raise up your head from bowing and utter it 10 times; next you shall prostrate down and utter it 10 times while you are in prostration; next you shall raise up your head from prostration and utter it 10 times; next you shall prostrate down again and utter it 10 times in prostration; next you shall raise up your head and utter it ten times. And that will be 75 times in each rakat. You shall do it in the four rakats. If you are able to pray it once in every day, do so; and if you are unable to do so then once in every week; if you are (still) unable to do so, then once in every month; if you are still unable to do so them once in a year; if you are (still) unable to do so, then once in your life. Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Tirmizi narrated a similar Hadith from Abu Rafe and Baihaqi narrated this Hadith in Dawat-ul-Kabir. Hadith No.1252 of Mishkat Al-Masabih. Illustration: There are seven postures in a rakat of Salat, in Salat Tasbeeh you need to utter 75 times "Subhan Allah-e-Wa-Al Hamd-o-lillah-e-Wala-Ilaha-Ilallaho-Wallaho-Akbar" in each rakat. Glory to be Allah and all Praise is for Allah and there is no deity but Allah and Allah is the Greatest. Click here for the illustration.
  10. ^^^ Similar thats why I changed mine to Warrior of light. As in the protector and fighter for Light-Islam.
  11. ^^My sister did for a year then she changed her major.
  12. Salaam FF Im trying to learn somali vocabulary and especially these words. Source the Qaamus written by a SICIID WARSAME XIRSI and CABDULRAXMAAN C. OOMAAR. -Rib >>>Feedh -Pelvic Bone>> Laf Miskeedka/ lafta misigta -Clavicle>> Lafta Kalxanta -Larynx >>Qulaaqulshe -Vertebrae>> Lafaha dhabarka (ee is haysta) mid ah -Ovary>>Meelaha manida dhadiggu ka samaysanto <<IS IT A DESRIPTION???? :confused: Anyway Ovum is a shahwada dhadigga -Artery>>Halbowle,(kuwa dhigga) -Knuckle>>lafta isku xidha xubnaha faraha -Ankle>> canqow -Bone Marrow>>Dhuuxid -Urinary Bladder>>xameyti -Uterus>> Ilma galeenka dumarka -Womb>>Ilma galeen -Shoulder>>garap -Joint>>xubin -Uvula>> Hilib Dalqe -Wrist>> Jiqinjiq, jalaqyada, jiqinjiqo -Tympanum>>Dheta dhexdeeda/gudaheeda -Tonsils>> xoqado, qanjidh ku yaalla cunaha -Pharynx>>qulaanqulshaha cunaha ku yaalla -Thyroid>> qanjidhaha xoqadaha -Tibia>> lafta san qaroorka -Thorax>>sakaarka (shafka, laabta) -throat>>cunaha -thumb>>suul, gacanta, suulka -tendon/ligament>>seed -spinal cord>>xangulayda laf dhabarta ku dhex jirta -skeleton>> dhiska lafaha jirka -skull>>lafta, madaxa -skin>> harag, maqaar , saan -Rectum>> malawadka -Nostril>>dul; daloolka sanka -nose>> sanka, san -nail>>musmaar -nape>>tunka -knee>>lawga,jilibka lugta,law,jilib -elbow>>jidh,jirka -eye>>il -elbow>>suxulka gacanta,xusul -cartilage>>carjaw -kidney>>kelli -lung>>sambab -liver>>beerka abdomen>>uusleyda, caloosha, xiidnaha -circulatory system>> dhiisha warrega ee dhiiga???
  13. Pleasant Companionship By Shaikh Ali Hasan al Halabee Good companionship, choosing and having good companions is extremely important for many reasons and from many aspects. Mankind cannot live alone; every individual must live and interact with others. Those people who you sit with and make your friends are inevitably going to fall into one of two categories. Either they are going to be good individuals - who guide and encourage you towards what is good, and help you to accomplish that which Allah has ordered, or they are going to be bad - encouraging you to do what is pleasing to Shaytaan, that which misleads you and leads you to the Hell-Fire. When the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) was sent with the Da'wah to establish the Deen of al-Islaam, he did not do it on his own. Rather, Allah chose for him companions who accompanied him and who carried the Message until it was complete. These three aspects show the importance of having good companions, companions who are Saalih (righteous). Such a companion will help you to do what is good and remind you of Allah, he will enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil. They also show the importance of avoiding keeping bad companions. Such companions who have a bad effect upon you, they help you to do those deeds which are displeasing to Allah and which lead to the Hell-Fire - and we seek Allah's refuge from that. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) explained the matter of good companionship, so that no room is left for doubt or confusion, when he (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "A person is upon the Deen of his khaleel (close friend), so look to whom you befriend." [Abu Dawud & Tirmidhee] This means that a person is upon the same minhajj (methodology) as his friend, the same tareeq (path) as his friend, the same nature, manner and behaviour as his friend. So we must be careful about whom we befriend. There is an Arabic expression - 'Your companion is what pulls you to something'. So if your companion is good, he will pull to towards that which is good. But if your companion is bad, he will only pull you towards that which is evil. We must choose our friends and companions carefully so that we take friends who are sincere, and who will order us with what is good and forbid us from what is evil. If he observes us committing sins he would warn us, if he becomes aware of our shortcomings he would advise us, and if he finds a fault in us he would cover it. About this the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He neither betrays him nor tells him a lie, nor humiliates him." [At-Tirmidhee] So should you see a fault in your brother, you should wish to remove that fault from him and not expose it to the people. This is what is required by brotherhood and again stresses the importance of choosing friends who are upon the correct way, who are loyal, and who hide your faults whilst ordering you with good and forbidding you from evil, who stand beside you and support you, and co-operate with you upon all that is good. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) also explained this great principle further in another narration, wherein he (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) stated, "Do not keep company except with a believer, and do not feed except a person who has taqwaa (fear of Allah)." [Abu Dawud, Tirmidhee] This principle is important from the standpoint of how the Deen is to be established, and from the standpoint of what brotherhood is and what it does. Indeed, the reason that one takes a companion is to help him establish his Islaam, and to help him worship Allah. We find a good example in the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)- the one who Allah chose and who He spoke to - Musa (as). When Allah sent him to Fir'awn, he said, "And appoint for me a helper from my family, Haaroon - my brother; increase my strength with him, and let him share my task (of conveying Allah's Message and Prophet hood), that we may glorify You much and remember You much." [20:29-34] Musa wanted his brother to support him and help him, protect him and accompany him. And this is what the believers do for one another. For the thing that binds the believers together and makes them brothers is eemaan (Islamic belief). The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "There are three characteristics; whoever has them will find the sweetness of eemaan: That Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than all else, that he loves a person and does not love him except for Allah, and that he would hat to revert to unbelief just as he would hate to be thrown into the Fire." [bukhari & Muslim] Thus the connection between the believers is based upon eemaan and sincere brotherhood. Be warned against taking any companion if such companionship is based upon other than this, for if you were to do that you would then bite your hands in grief. Just as the unjust ones will bite their hands in grief on the Last Day. Saying, "Oh! Would that I had taken a path with the Messenger. Ah! Woe to me! Would that I had never taken so-and-so as a friend! He indeed led me astray from the Reminder (the Qur'aan) after it had come to me." [25:27] Allah says, "And whosoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Beneficent (Allah), We appoint for him Shaytaan to be a Qareen (intimate companion) to him." [43:36] So all of the physical togetherness that you see around you, which is based upon other than eemaan, will be wiped away on that Day, and will be a source of misery and torture for them. Allah says that those who love one another for other than the sake of Allah will be "...foes one to another..." on the Last Day. [43:67] It is only the brotherhood which is based upon eemaan and taqwaa that is the true and lasting brotherhood. All of those who come together for materialistic reasons; because of complexion, because of nationality, or for whatever other reason, will be enemies one to another "...except al-Muttaqoon." Those who have taqwaa, and love a brother only because he is upon the Path of Allah and has the same eemaan that they have; he has taken the path of the Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and the Salafus-Saalih (righteous predecessors). So be careful, before you slip and find yourself exposed to a fitnah, which you never imagined, all because you were not careful about whom you took as a companion. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "The case of the good companion and the bad companion is like that of the seller of musk and the blower of the bellows (iron-smith). As for the seller of musk, he will either give you some of the musk, or you will purchase some from him, or at least you will come away having experienced its good smell. Whereas the blower of the bellows will either burn your clothing, or at least you will come away having experienced its repugnant smell." [bukhari & Muslim] The good companion has been given this similitude because he is righteous and will help you to remember Allah. If he sees you make a mistake he will advise you and support you, whereas the bad companion would forsake you; leaving you at the time when you are most in need of him. "And remember the Day when the Zaalim (wrong-doer, oppressor, polytheist etc.) will bite at his hands, he will say, 'Oh! Would that I had taken a path with the Messenger. Ah! Woe to me! Would that I had never taken so-and-so as a friend! He indeed led me astray from the Reminder (this Qur'aan) after it had come to me. And Shaytaan is ever a deserter to man in the hour of need'." [25:27-29] The bad companion is the Shaytaan from amongst mankind, and the Shayaateen are both men and jinns. Sometimes the harm, which comes from the Shayaateen amongst men, is greater than the harm, which comes from the Shayaateen of the jinn. As a matter of fact the Shayaateen amongst mankind could probably teach the Shayaateen from the jinn a few things they didn't know! So in this hadeeth, where the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said that the good companion is like the seller of musk - which is a particular type of perfume, one of the best - it is said that either you will take some from him or you will get some of its fragrance on you. It can be seen that from the good companion you will either pick up good actions and statements from his example - obeying Allah because he does so and because he supports you in that, ordering what is good and forbidding what is evil, acquiring good characteristics and qualities and beneficial knowledge - or if he sees you becoming weak in your eemaan he will advise you and help you. A good example of this can be found in the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), who was ma'soom (free from making sins). When he was making the hijrah (migration) from Makkah to Madinah he would not leave until he had chosen a companion to accompany him on his way. Abu Bakr offered to go with him and make the hijrah also, but the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) ordered him to wait until Allah allowed him to do so. This implies that the fact that Abu Bakr was to be the Prophet's companion on this hijrah was a choice from Allah, and so great a choice and such a blessing that Allah mentioned it in the Qur'aan: "Allah did indeed help him (Muhammad [sallallahu alaihi wa sallam]) when the disbelievers drove him out. The second of the two, when they (Muhammad [sallallahu alaihi wa sallam] and Abu Bakr) were in the cave, and he (s) said to his companion, 'Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allah is with us'." [9:40] He (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, 'surely Allah is with us', not 'with me', since Abu Bakr had supported the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) in the establishing of the Deen of Allah, he had thus earned the right to be supported by Allah also. Abu Bakr - a good friend and companion, one who was willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah and to the service of His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam); his blood, his wealth, his sweat, his tears and everything that he owned he gave for Allah's sake. Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq, radhi Allahu anhu, the first Khalifah after the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and his great companion, the best of this Ummah after the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), sets for us this great example of the good companion who is like the perfume merchant source
  14. Like to add this Questions to Ask a Prospective Marriage Partner Some of the questions sound far fetched. But there is a need to be realistic as the union with that particular person does not end on earth but continues in the hereafter Inshallah.
  15. Couldnt help it. Gave me a laugh. All the blondies out there poleni. People can be so cruel. BLONDE'S DICTIONARY OF MEDICAL TERMS Anti-Body against everyone Artery study of paintings Bacteria back door to a cafeteria Barium what to do when treatment fails Bowel letters lik A E I O or U Caesarean Section a district in Rome Cardiology advanced study of poker playing Cat Scan searching for ones lost kitty Cauterize made eye contact with her Colic sheep dog Coma punctuation mark Congenital friendly D & C where Washington is Dilate to live long Enema not a friend Fester quicker Genes blue denim slacks Genital non-Jewish Hangnail coat hook Hemorrhoid a male From outer space Herpes what women do in the Ladies Room Hormones what a prostitute does when she doesn't get paid Impotent distinguished, well known Inpatient tired of waiting Labor Pain hurt at work Medical Staff a doctor's cane Minor Operation coal digging Morbid a higher bid Nitrate cheaper than the Day Rate Node was aware of Organic organ repairman Outpatient a person who has fainted Paralyze two far-fetched stories Pharmacist person who makes a living dealing in agriculture Post-Operative a letter carrier Protein in favor of young people Recovery Room place to upholster furniture Rectum what happened to the Corvette Rheumatic amorous Saline where you go on your boyfriend's boat Secretion hiding something Tablet a small table Terminal Illness getting sick at the airport Tibia country in North Africa Tumor an extra pair Urine opposite of You're Out Varicose nearby Vein conceited You can read more at medical humor Ps. The webpage also has information on Islamic arts
  16. Jazkhallah Kheir Thalamus, Very informative article. Thanks again. Nationalist I found this book informative too. ‘The Muslim Marriage Guide’ - Quilliam Press Ltd. (ISBN: 1 872038 11 5. 141pp £5.95). Advice for those contemplating marriage, or for those whose marriages are stale or struggling. Includes some frank advice. A less explicit version has been published by Goodword Books, New Delhi, available from IPCI, 481,Coventry Rd, Birmingham, B10 OJS. Written by:Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood Here is one of her articles: Can we be halal friends? http://www.islamfortoday.com/ruqaiyyah10.htm
  17. Asalaam aleykum Jazakhallah Kheir for starting such a thread. I also thank those who have/are still contributing. Im glad you also added audio links. Brings the khutbah home. May Allah reward you for your efforts. Fiamanillah
  18. Guess its high time for a Somali wedding organisor/coordinator to hit the spotlight and put things into order. Qn is are there any Somalis with that qualification available??????? Our people really dont love the discipline and the straineous work that comes with it , the rehearsals,planning. And when the event comes everyone wants to be responsible even when the extra hand isnt needed. I have witnessed few somali weddings.One which I still highly regard as "per excellence" was held back home in Tanzania. The family had the normal gelbiska done at home. The wedding ceremony/ reception was held at a hotel. The bride was dressed in Somali attire and the Groom likewise. The entered with no fuss and sat on some loft sofas. Silence prevailed. Then the MC introduced in somali , swahili and english and read out the plan of the wedding , sometimes youve got 2 read it out aloud for people to stick to it. Anyway, they did it traditionally the Mukumadah ceremony not sure if its correct spelling - the tiny miny peices of c@mel meat wrapped in a container concealed in another outer leather container looking like an hour glass which has been wrapped up by strings .Had men try to open it. Those who failed got asked qns in somali, some sang some read gabay was fun really.And the MC tried to translate so the guests could get an idea of whats going on. And the greatest part was it was properly organised.People did dance and had a chance to greet the new couple n take snaps. I beleive everything is possible.We need just a little touch of organisation skills and an understanding from our families that when you say no to their offers you mean No.Hope they -couple dont have members who hold grudges though. Family have to respect those you as a couple choosed to handle the work. And as for the couple they will have 2 learn to let go. Naturally at any wedding faults are found. Its living the moment which is Important.
  19. Mashallah, You would take away from them all the evil that is within them. You would soften their hearts to make it as soft as yours. You would make new men out of them, men with the tender hearts of women. You would make them understand the errors of their ways, which you will make them see. I wish this could really happen.
  20. Jazakallah Kheir. Added a link on an article about Muharram. Muharram the First month in the Islamic calender
  21. Farxah, ouch, that was nasty. :eek: Thats not a Muslim womans brain.
  22. Wonder when we can live in peace and have law and order back. It saddens me.
  23. Ratios ??? Cant be applied where I am. Being a somali is a rarity -been the only one around for 6yrs. On campus they see us all as Africans, they just wonder how come we have finer features. :eek: On the other hand, I would have liked to have fellow Somali on campus, people to relate to. So far My Muslim sisters are all I have Alhamdullilah.
  24. Originally posted by QUANTUM LEAP: When old people talk, they often talk from experience and anyone who sat down with them and listened, could learn something from them as long as they are open minded. Naam, I agree. I enjoy listening to their tales and learn from their past.