Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Now, now arent we all sisters? Having a little squabbling I see.Or is it character assasination? :confused: :rolleyes: I dont see the reason people taking sides. It was a question sister was troubled as she was coined a 'freak'. Is she one, NO. She is just connecting to her feminine side in the privacy of her bedroom. Maybe the wrong word she used was 'sexy lingerie' but it can range from a silk Pj, camisole, to whatever you can imagine. Which I beleive alot of women in different walks of life wear on a daily basis. Does she need 2 be married to wear some ?' NO'. Is she trying to catch men's attention 'i DONT THINK SO' as it was personal hygiene and wondered if others pampered themselves. As far as I know in our culture our womenfolk pampered themselves, all clean, smell fresh and look good, thats what makes us SOMALI women.For crying out loud its the WOMENS SECTION. Cant we be women?? Taking good care of ourselves , hah a little extra care? And she is just going to bed we having this discussion. Audhubillah,wondering if it was dressing for a party or something. Ah, Pampering is about being a WOMAN, ladies. Just a note of advice, dont have nonmaharim men see you.
  2. Naam, it does serve as a reminder. May Allah give patience to the family and you a strong heart, youve just lost a mate. I'll like to change my choice, if I had that one bullet would use it for the following reasons to protect myself,my household and religion Fiamanillah
  3. Mz alpha I also have thought of so but the biggest disadvantage is we nomads are located in different areas/continents. I beleive some nomads who live in some cities do congregate together. Qn is you need to know how many nomads are living in the same vicinity and what they would like to do. You could try pasting up a poll.i.e if SOLers are interested. Crazy but yesterday, an idea hit me like organising a trip to a historical/exotic place or country where SOlers with their families could visit together either for fun or to volunteer our services. Though seems so far fetched. Hope you get some positive responses and get to met follower Solers, tc.
  4. ^^^And I thought it was only the turkish men who did so, Disappointed big time.
  5. Mashallah, good venture hope the goals will be achieved. Cheers.
  6. Mashallah,its beautiful, JZK sister
  7. ^^^ Its an 'image' what they are showing. As in to catch your eye.
  8. Bob, bestee wish you many more happy days, Mungu akubariki jo, akujalia kila la kheri katika maisha yako, wake, watoto, mafedha, elimu ya dini,raha,kazi nzuri, furaha, u name it as you deserve it. Mashallah. take care bro.
  9. Asalaam aleykum Brother Nur mashallah as usual you go to lengths to discuss a topic which I do appreciate. To be honest, personally Im sick and tired of these cases of ‘terrorism’ blamed on religion and politics. It is in mans nature to cause mischief on earth if he loses his way. And we know when greed, no accountability, superiority, pride, arrogance creep in a human’s souls havoc happens on earth. It will start not with big implications but you will see small tribulations growing bigger and when people with similar minds congregate and act on them that’s when we have the problem. So it can be the American govt or a so called Islamic govt doesn’t matter really. I agree with what Bro. Ngonge said to find a solution we need to search within ourselves, our responsibilities to our fellow human being and to our Creator. Most of us Muslims in this era have become people of mere words, no action nor responsibility takers of our own burden. We have a tendency of shifting responsibilities either by blaming others or finding mere excuses to justify outcomes of our weaknesses.We have become cowards in many ways. You can see muslims demonstrating against the discretation of the Quraan(sorry for using this as an example, it is sacred ) in huge numbers but ask that Muslim, do you pray? Do you help your neighbour? Have you read the quraan? Do you tend to your parents?Do you fast? Is your earnings halal? And more he will say no or I do it when I feel like it. The whole essence of our religion by most of the people has gone down to Im a muslim alhamdullilah, I believe in the Prophet Mohammed SAW and Allah and the Quraan is my book.Thats enough for me. I believe time has come for Muslims to claim their Islam back, go back to the basics and forget about the doubtful acts and answer for themselves instead of asking for justifications from different Sheikhs with their conflicting fatwas. We all know how life is held sacred in Islam, why are Muslims now the mischief makers? Why don’t Muslims start with the Jihad of Nafs then grow stronger as a Ummah to reach the strengths to have armies to fight for their courses? So far there are few Islamic countries who fight for Islam most are headed by self centered leaders unfortunately and Islamic knowledge taught isn’t properly acted upon. Through sirah we have learnt of the magnificent character of Sayidna Umar, May Allahs blessing be on him who took his responsibility seriously, visiting different parts of his realm either punishing or helping those he comes across. Why because Firstly He feared Allah, Secondly he feared failing his responsibility as an Amir, thirdly he was a Muslim meaning that he had to implicate the teachings of Islam in the best of manner. Lets be honest there are few such people in our times, we Muslims of this era are more into material gain, discording amongst ourselves on matters of minor significance, don’t fear Allah and Prophet Muhammed’s Law, lack of knowledge of the diin, thus we have youth who for trivial reasons can be filled with hate and blow themselves in the name of Islam. Isnt Islam the religion which says that if a person commits suicide, he will be resurrected doing the same action over and over again. And Isnt Islam the religion which saved that innocent girl from being killed alive? And we are to be asked for what reason she was killed? Im sorry if I don’t make sense, just overwhelmed with the state of our Ummah is going through and the weakness we, Muslims have agreed on and the state of the world and its discord. My fellow Muslims lets empower ourselves, learn our diin and practise it, the first lesson we were taught was Iqra, knowledge in all forms is necessary to curb these problems. And through knowledge to question ourselves on whats right and wrong and not acting on our impulses.And to fear Allah. May Allah guide us, Im also His slave and need a lot to pick up on. Im no saint. But that’s my though for now. Fiamanillah
  10. Thanks sky, havent seen loud n bright colours for a while. The ones I liked the most was the Pimp and Ive got the funk, looks 2 good.
  11. ^^^Sorry to hear about that STOIC, Inallilahi wainaillahi rajiun.
  12. Salaam ,sis Wish you a life full of joy, happiness,prosperity,tranquility and firm Iman. And between the 2 of us, can we still watch some rerounds of Looney toons,
  13. by Sumayyah bint Joan No two words can invoke as much hope and confidence as, "I promise." As children we are taught that promises are unbreakable pledges which cannot be defaulted on under any circumstances. But, as we grow older, the old adage of, "promises were meant to be broken," more often justifies the lack of commitment and follow-through placed behind these two words. Sometimes we forget that a promise, is like a pledge or a vow, and that it should be given only if we are absolutely sure that we can fulfill it. As Muslims, our word should be our bond, and if we make promises, then we should also make sure that we keep them, for Allah says, "...surely every promise shall be questioned about." [17:39] How many times have we heard brothers and sisters who have just gotten married talk of the promises they have made to each other? She promises that she will always look her best when he's at home, that the house will be immaculate at all times and that she will be the model of obedience. He promises that he will help her maintain their home, help her with the children and that he will practically be the poster boy for "Great Husbands Inc." If we revisit these very couples six-to-eight months later, we find a much different picture than the one painted only a few short months ago. We often find neither of them living up to the promises that they made, and this is usually the cause of much conflict and tension in many new marriages. Brothers and sisters, we must be careful to guard the promises we make to each other for Allah says, "whoever fulfills his promise and guards (against evil), surely Allah loves those who guard (against evil)." [3:76] Broken promises in a marital relationship can lead to many problems. When promises are broken, it breaks down the fragile walls of trust and confidence that must be maintained in order for the relationship to flourish. Sisters, if you promised that the dinner would be ready by the time he got home, then make sure that it is. Brothers, if you promised to cut the grass, then make sure you do that, before you go off to do something else. What may seem like a little thing to you, may be something quite big to someone else. By guarding our promises, we also guard the integrity of our relationships. This in turn fosters a more secure sense of reliability, trust and confidence, and serves to diffuse tensions and conflicts. Allah says, "They fulfill vows and fear a day the evil of which shall be spreading far and wide." [76:7] Let us fulfill our vows with this fear in mind. Let us not forget that even though we are neglectful, our scribe angels are not. If a brother comes to you in the mosque and asks a favor of you, and you say yes, just because you said inshaAllah, that does not give you permission to break that verbal agreement. So many of us use inshaAllah, as a way to get out of implicit or explicit verbal agreements we have made with each other. Many of us use inshaAllah to say yes, when in our hearts we actually mean no. As Muslims, we are honour-bound to be truthful with each other, and we should always say what we mean, and mean what we say. To no other group of individuals are broken promises more devastating, than to children. Children are like elephants, they almost never forget. If you promise a child something, they will remember that promise, even though they may not verbalize it to you. When a child knows that you are a person of your word, then it comes to trust and depend on you in a secure way. But, when a child finds out that you are not a person of your word, this can leave numerous hidden scars that can lead to a number of behavioral and disciplinary problems. By keeping our promises to our children, we are also teaching them the importance of honour and commitment. By keeping our word to them, they will in turn learn to keep promises made to us and to their peers. As parents, we must always remember that the old saying, "do as I say, not as I do," does not work. Children model themselves after behavior, and they will always do what they see their parents doing. By keeping our promises to our children, we also reinforce in them a sense of importance and belonging, and a knowledge that their feelings count too. Allah says, "And whatever alms you give or (whatever) vow you vow, surely Allah knows and the unjust shall have no helper." [2:270] So, let us then not be among the unjust. Let us be always mindful of the vows and promises we make to each other, so that through them we can tighten the bonds that hold us together. Source
  14. Najma, May Allah bless you too, sis. It was a forwarded message. This is another true story. Horror gripped the heart of a World War-I soldier, as he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle. The soldier asked his Lieutenant if he could go out to bring his fallen comrade back. "You can go," said the Lieutenant," but don't think it will be worth it. Your friend is probably dead and you may throw your life away. "The Lieutenant's words didn't matter, and the soldier went anyway. Miraculously, he managed to reach his friend, hoisted him onto his shoulder and brought him back to their company's trench. The officer checked the wounded soldier, then looked kindly at his friend. "I told you it wouldn't be worth it," he said. "Your friend is dead and you are mortally wounded." "It was worth it, Sir," said the soldier. "What do you mean by worth it?" responded the Lieutenant. "Your friend is dead." "Yes Sir," the soldier answered, "but it was worth it because when I got to him, he was still alive and I had the satisfaction of hearing him say...."Jim...I knew you'd come." Many times in life, whether a thing is worth doing or not, really depends on how u look at it. Take up all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not regret not doing it later in your life........
  15. ^^^ what a sight, only in their wildest dream. But from a serious note, Frisk did try to show that the aim of these bombings is to have england stop their alliance with Bush. Wonder if Blair could do that. :confused: Oh, I think I'll migrate to Sweden now.
  16. I fought my way through the rush hour trying to make it home just for you... I want to make sure that your dinner will be waiting for you... But when you get there, you just tell me you're not hungry at all, you said you'd rather read the paper and you don't want to talk... :mad: Lexus, pass the gun,^^^ he asked for it. And on a serious note, sisters cant we be independent n still spoil the guy BIG TIME??? Dont see it as a problem, more as an advantage, he is urs
  17. For those who said Britain had it coming, Robert Fisk writes for The Independent in London. Here's a recent article of his on the blasts - thought I'd share this. The Reality of This Barbaric Bombing If we are fighting insurgency in Iraq, what makes us think insurgency won't come to us? By Robert Fisk "If you bomb our cities," Osama bin Laden said in one of his recent video tapes, "we will bomb yours." There you go, as they say. It was crystal clear Britain would be a target ever since Tony Blair decided to join George Bush's "war on terror" and his invasion of Iraq. We had, as they say, been warned. The G8 summit was obviously chosen, well in advance, as Attack Day. And it's no use Mr Blair telling us yesterday that "they will never succeed in destroying what we hold dear". "They" are not trying to destroy "what we hold dear". They are trying to get public opinion to force Blair to withdraw from Iraq, from his alliance with the United States, and from his adherence to Bush's policies in the Middle East. The Spanish paid the price for their support for Bush - and Spain's subsequent retreat from Iraq proved that the Madrid bombings achieved their objectives - while the Australians were made to suffer in Bali. It is easy for Tony Blair to call yesterdays bombings "barbaric" - of course they were - but what were the civilian deaths of the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq in 2003, the children torn apart by cluster bombs, the countless innocent Iraqis gunned down at American military checkpoints? When they die, it is "collateral damage"; when "we" die, it is "barbaric terrorism". For the remaining part
  18. Legend of Xu nice link "My grandmother used to say that there is no more comfortable a pillow than another person," said Kameo's president, Tomoki Kakehashi. ^^^But I'll try to give the other person a chance first as the pillow is too tempting, may never give em a chance . Back to the topic, Hibo you rock. You say pampering before bed. Its all good. Most of the time I tuck in bed with my cotton PJs but once in a while spoil myself . We only live once, just make sure you lock ur bedroom though . Ive always got 2 check my front door.Then light a bit of unsi, say my prayers and beautiful sleep. Wallahi, being Alive it a Neema.
  19. Abu Hurayrah (RAA) reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Allah (SWT) likes three things for you and dislikes three things. He likes for you to worship Him, not to associate anything with Him, and to hold fast, all together, by the Rope which He (stretches out for you), and not to be divided among yourselves [cf. Al `Imran 3:103]. And He dislikes for you to pass on stories and gossip, to ask too many questions, and to waste money." (Sahih Muslim, 12/10, Kitab al-aqdiyah, bab al-nahi 'an kathrah al-masa'il min ghayri hajah. )
  20. creepy, and scary, dont turn it into a supernatural thing please, Mummy, can I sleep with the lights on
  21. Bishaaro, my mama used to say, dont trouble your pretty head, when the time comes they will come lookin Just enjoy ur days as they come n go.
  22. Oh, rudy what about olives, figs and dates? they are supposed 2 be healthy too.
  23. 5. Good masseur. Interesting, Wonder how ull observe that now Youve got a point there, its true to know a daughter well is to know how her mother in particular cooks. But there are exceptions to that due to modern living, some cultural musts have become abhored. Its easier to buy a prepared lasgne with something than cookin a homemade one, which would have been more delicious and self rewarding. Anyway, guess thats life. Bon apetite.
  24. It was a normal week day and her husband was at work. After finishing her duties at home, Salma was busy as usual helping her neighbors, today washing their clothes. Her friends were surprised at her selfless kindness but she always told her friends: "A kindness a day keeps the devil away. I try to do one act of kindness everyday in hopes that it will eradicate a sin I may have unconsciously committed in the Book of Life". One Sunday Salma's husband said, "May I ride with you today when you go to do the grocery shopping?" Salma was obviously surprised, but she didn't question his request and said, "Sure why not, then we can spend some time together as you are always busy." So Salma and her husband left and spent the whole day together. When they got home and put away the groceries, Salma thanked her husband for being so kind as to come with her. He answered, "Salma, the real reason that I went with you is because you always tell people to do just one act of kindness, like eating an apple a day, keeps the Devil away, so I asked to ride with you to see just how kindly you act with people every day." Salma asked with astonishment: "Why?". He replied, "Because I wanted to see how do you practice kindness, and I wanted to see if you practiced what you preach. And trust me, I will never doubt anything you say again." He continued and said to Salma: (1) "When we got in the van, you let the car across from us go first while watching that no car was coming from behind and you signaled him to go. (2) "When we reached the stop, you signaled for people to cross the street saying that this way you protect them at least when you are at the stop sign because most drivers don't care about people, they just want to be on their way. (3) "On the freeway you signaled the trailer trucks when you were letting them take the lane and slowed down to give them space to change lanes, saying that they had a delivery to make on time and that you had all the time in the world. (4) "When we arrived in the store parking lot as you went to take a spot, someone else just swiped in front of you and we had to go all the way to the back. You never got angry. You said, "Well, maybe he has sore legs and needs to be closer," and you laughed. (5) "As we arrived at the entrance door, you opened the door and let an elderly couple in saying, "Beauty before age." "Well when I counted up 25 acts of kindness I stopped counting because your one act of kindness just rolls into many more. I couldn't believe it; you are so kind that I am sure that in the Good Book it will outweigh whatever you do wrong. From now on I will also do one act of kindness a day, and I will never doubt anything you say you do ever again". Salma laughed and said, "Kindness is like a box of chocolates, when I open the box, I can never eat just one. I finish the box! And this is true, that is why I don't buy a whole box; it doesn't last the day. But I am so used to being kind that I don't even notice I am doing it. It is just loving my fellow human beings. >>Try to be a man of VALUES rather than a man of SUCCESS !!!