Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Jakhallah kheir Viking.Liked the explaination.
  2. Nomadic activist, Thats to much hate , very unhealthy . Hibo, Mashallah keep it up sis, Its a good character even if Libaax wasnt ur abti
  3. Pucca but arent we all supposed to be warriors? We are fighting battles every day? And Pucca used 2 love ur old avantar, just thought to tell u sis. You used 2 make me smile
  4. I see people are being generous with stars. What about passing some love over,
  5. Originally posted by OG_Girl: This is plain unhumane. I agree sister but its in the name of national security. Such sacrifices are allowed in any nation, when there is a risk of more harm. hold your horses,pls I didnt give the orders but its known since ancient times such mishaps/killings/sacrifices do occur. Personally ,I still beleive it was uncalled for.
  6. Sorry to say police have confirmed they have wrongly killed the person on friday , he was an innocent person wasnt connected to the Thursday attempts. Subhannallah blame it on 'shot to kill orders'. Open for inquiries and disciplinary actions now that is if the family will complain. article, bbcnews Ngonge, I only wish people could read and reflect more. I wouldnt mind handing out copies of Macbeth to all Suicide bombers wannabes.
  7. looooool ^^^^ you were hard on her, maskiin. Is somali n arabic aggressive?? I though german was a threat to the vocal cords.
  8. Originally posted by Goonle: .... has a visbly pertruding Gluteus Maximus she is safe to be transported across the atlantic. Goonle, thank you for a good laugh. Never knew it took time to reach those proportions. The things we learn through the net these days, *shakes head * its all love for our ppl
  9. ^^^Lander , 16yrs with a free chinese teacher just 2 words . Was lookin forward to have a mandarin speakin somali. Sis, did you manage 2 learn some cool Kung fu moves.
  10. Originally posted by Nur: your mom is very likely an Omani, am I right? Naam, she is.
  11. Pucca, Nice link couldnt help doin the what languages should you learn quiz. And the oddest thing is its chinese, :rolleyes: You Should Learn Chinese Surprised? You shouldn't be - Chinese is perfect for an ambitious person like you. You're a natural entrepreneur, and a billion people are waiting to do business with you! What Language Should You Learn?
  12. Interesting information. You are What Rejected Crayon Are You?
  13. Originally posted by Haddad: Girls tend to follow their mothers. That's a fact. ^^Interesting My mums Ibadhi and Dad Sunni, I relate more with the Sunni. Remember Ma teaching us to pray as Sunni. As we are supposed to follow our fathers beleif.
  14. Im a denim skirt wearer myself but still love my jeans under an overcoat/abaya/half dresses. When it comes to colours like natural tones of browns ,greens, blues and a dash of pastels dont harm. As for shoes, like flat comfortable shoes, last time I spoiled myself to heels was a CLARKS TIARRA , natural colour and my feet ached.Love them though.
  15. Mashallah,Jazkhallah kheir. Viking, what source did you use? "And by those which charge at dawn." According to Ibn Kathir, The Prophet SAW used to strike in the morning, He would wait with his army to hear the Adhaan. If there was no calling for prayers, they used to attack the town. Is man ungrateful? …but man transgresses all bounds, in that he looks upon himself as self-sufficient (96:6-7), Yes, once when we forget we have a Creator and are needy of others.
  16. ^^^Oh he saw her, but after a good ol SLAP :eek:
  17. OG walale If they on top of him, they could have handcuffed him.. why shoot him that too 5 times. I am not supporting what they did but they were given orders to shot on sight. If the person had a bomb attached on him he could have blown up the area coz he was alive. So they took the order. What I want to know is did that victim/perpetrator have a live bomb or was it just an act of precaution :confused: :confused:
  18. But if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it. ^^^Strongly beleive in that. Inshallah kheir.
  19. Dawoco, great topic. Atleast for some of us we can learn these games, never 2 late;)
  20. Your welcome Niicima, and I'm a sister
  21. Diamante Glad to hear that you are doing better. May Allah give you a speedy recovery.
  22. Asalaam aleykum, I find this bashing halimos because of her education is overrated. Being educated or not wont solve your problems.Being knowledgable is the key, using your education, experiences, 6th sense, instincts to make yourself, your society a better place should be the emphasis. People forget that knowledge is but a blessing from Allah, no big deal today its yours tomorrows its gone coz you abused it. Instead of lookin down at people it should be givin people a hand to better themselves. Returning to your topic, The whole issue comes down to finding your SOUL MATE and having a common goal as another virtue of this Union apart from comfort is procreation, youve got to think of the little offsprings wellbeing . And to find that person means taking sacrifices and compromising alot. So Goonle if you find your queen in the midst of the homeland, well and good. Wish you all the best. Im still scared of hitting the jungle yet, wonder what type of Tarzans n Janes I will meet. Rudy, your right we all have to have faith, these issues are deadly and weigh heavy on the scales. Waking everymorning lookin at the person next to you and asking yourself did I make the right decision?? May Allah have mercy on us, we all have shortcomings, need His advice in these matters so SALATUL ISTIKHARA should be a good venture to turn to.
  23. Salaxuddin, heard it on the news CNNi and also the Turkish media. Abdullah Gul gave a very good speech in turkish appropriate to the statement but wasnt approved of by other members of the parliament as Turkey is a Secular state. Nevertheless, he stood for his beleifs. Wondering though did the Senator offer an apology? Know the American Muslims were first to congregate and give a statement of disapproval.
  24. ^^^^Whats in the reason Suratil Fiil was narrated to the Prophet SAW?. Abysnians had attacked the Kabbah and Allah sent an army of Birds to kill them?
  25. Don't wait till later to think what might have been. Naam live today as if there is no tomorrow. Jazkhallah kheir Ukhti.