Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Mashallah a person who fought for Islam Ive always admired and taught Muslims our religion in the process. May Allah have mercy on his soul and be pleased with his efforts. Amin Bishaaro, he was a south african of Indian origin.
  2. ^^^ :eek: I'm tongue tied, Subhannallah, that is 2 wild. Kasheshe, we sing Kimaso maso, Mwanangu usimuone.
  3. LOOOOOOOOL @ Ur one of the 2 under 18, Im the eldest lady in the family.
  4. Mashallah, big families. We are 6 from same ma n pa. 3 ladies and 3 gents( 2 under 18 though).
  5. We're now selling gummy bears instead. How sweet of you, reminding me of the old days. Wont mind munchin on some chewwy bears Before you get excited GIRLS remember with all EXPORTS there is usually a rule when the importing country/people are AFRICANS.The rule is always export the worst QUALITY to them they wont know the difference.We get the WORST QUALITY medicine the WORST QUALITY food GM mainly,and now you'll get the WORST QUALITY men from them i.e those with full blown AIDS.Do you have any gurantees?.Read the small print WAKE UP. Thumbs up to ORGILAQE, kkkk
  6. Jaca Congrats brother, enjoy the breaks while u can, a cup of tea wont do harm Back to the topic, yeah tea is good, just make sure u dont have a cup of tea within 30minutes(min) after a meal. Well that will help you curb the iron deficiency. The tannins in tea interfere with iron availability and makes it unabsorbable to the body. SO if u want to drink to health keep that 30 min break then enjoy sipping that delicious drink. Goin to make myself a cuppa, how Ive missed it.
  7. Rend, Crazy is it ?, Ur craziness is good not, crazy enough to head to mathare Quoting Wiilo , Go figure Keep smiling
  8. ^^^ there are some men who have studied that art and are worse than women, thanx to metrosexualism, 'Gotta look good'issues Not hating prefer guys to look good n smell good but within limits . ARRRRRRGH, shopping aint my cup of tea, Lexy still asking for permission to attend that class.
  9. Mashallah, Wiilo Mabruk sister. May Allah bless your new household with prosperity,happiness, children, tranquility and firm deen. Amin.
  10. Originally posted by Caveman: I am so disappointed in you for not catching my drift there….you for all pll? Dont know if I read you post wrongly but seemed to negative as if we ladies of this century cant try to perfect ourselves. About catching the drift, Im not perfect
  11. ^^loool @ tarantulas and the other creepy stuff, glad Im not scared of them.
  12. Thats why I love children, sooooooo innocent, thanks Orgilaqe for sharing. Mungu akuweke Kijana wako
  13. Elysian, naam what you said is true. Liiban W. When they talk of preventable death the mean deaths caused by malnutrition, diseases which could have been treated by vaccination or mere hydration, and other diseases which can be treated in the 3rd world. You may not beleive it but alot of kids still die of dehydration, minor infections,which could have been easily prevented by boiling water and giving them ORS any mother could do that. But unfortuantely its a problem in Africa.And the children are the victims.
  14. Hi, Ogmoti Sorry for troubling you wise oldman, thought you being in cambodia you will be aware of the female warriors that end. I descend from a line of warriors so needed to give them credit. I was once known as Sissade(Simple(sade) sister),a name which later caused alot of unneccessary disturbance. No need to be confused, just ask the name user for their id Dont let the heat get to you, chill :cool:
  15. ^Yes, agree with you was disgusted with the mentioning of the Wahabis and the way Dr. Zaki Badawi was answering questions. Im glad though they mentioned the reason why the Saudi flag couldnt hang half post.
  16. Haddad, She is very upto date thanks to the media, she knew all the facts. As alot of ppl in the same category>Muslim bashers.
  17. Ive been harrassed and abused verbally coz of my hijab for ages(more than 7yrs) and know it will continue.Its just way people react unfortunately to their own insecurities and to difference they cant control or want to understand. The most vivid example which I will never forget was an overweight woman who could have been my ayeyo but in the eyes of society called modern with a hat and a pair of shorts. She said alot, to cut the tale short the line which she made me laugh out was she told me 'your african, come all the way to study here and wear this weird coverings calling yourselves Muslims, are you out of ur mind? ' Her train of thought was by getting an education you should leave the folds of Islam and become civilised. As Islam is perceived as ugly,ancient,uncivilised,against womens rights, related with terror, whatever evil there is.
  18. Inallillah wainaillahi rajiun. Admired the way the burial was done with no pomp and strictly Islamic.
  19. Haddad, There is no safe place on earth. Trials and tribulations are all around be a Muslim or not. I personally find Mr Badawi giving the wrong solution like alot of scholars did. He should look at Turkey and the psychological turmoil the sisters of that nation went through choosing between hijab and getting an education. And I also beleive Mr.Badawi forgot was its just a repeatition of jahiliah times (proper akhir zaman), the first Muslim sisters were sneered and tormented, and kept to their faith, they didnt run n hide and throw their veils off. It only strenghtens the faith.
  20. Originally posted by Caveman: she was an exception to the rule,. due to her impeccable personality and virtuous character, Who says such women dont exist, who fear Allah and day they shall meet Him? They may not be to Par as Lady Khadija's character but they take her and other Mothers of faith as role models? I know they still exist as does virtuous men. Or else Allah Subhannallah wataallah Wouldnt have said Beleivers for beleivers and the wrong doers married to wrong doers. And they take the advice ' the best of you is that with best moral character'
  21. Why not? Are we forgetting that we had an excellent example in our religion? I know in these times ppl see it differently but if the guy has what it takes wouldnt mind telling abo . We only live once and the best way to do so is make it worthwhile.
  22. Heard it before and was funny but there was no Tanzanian in the picture. Yacquub u makin fun of my countryman
  23. Originally posted by Zulfa: There the name was translated literally, before becoming the composite word : Su - Number, Doku - place. So it means "Place the Number". Apparently the same words have a different meaning in turkish SU: Water and DOKU: Tissue or organ. The game is a good stimulant.
  24. NO love, I was mysam (third time Im writing it) then.