Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Warrior of Light


    Hear, hear, now lets see the serious applicants applying. Hibo Wish you luck sis. Sorry, folks Im not applying yet
  2. salaam dear sue, I found this link with some books hope be of help. web page
  3. Sheh, she will rave and especially going during summer. Well, thumbs up to Castro, has a great health system.
  4. Inshallah, looking forward to read the sequel. And if necessary receive treatment.
  5. Haddad, Zanzibar and pemba Island WERE 99% inhabitated by Muslims in these few yrs there has been an influx of christians there, place has changed dramatically the islamic values are being lost purposely.You may still feel ur in an Islamic town but if you ask a native they will say it has changed with the tourism boom and with its vice. As for the mainland from the coastal shores of mozambique to kenya the areas are heavily populated with Muslims. Within the mainland there are clusters of Muslims in Tabora, Bukoba, Arusha, Iringa.When you look st it nearly in every city you will find muslims. Islam is supposedly to be the first ranking faith in Tz. But the Muslims are amongst the poorest people. I dont know what happened but in my last visit in 2002, it became more apparent to me. Oh, as for the political atmosphere this Oct/Nov we are having our general elections so it isnt the safest time to make any commitment. If you have any more qns,you can PM me. Fiamanillah
  6. KKK STOIC, Kaka sema, bila ya kuogopa. RENDE, Acha zako bro, unatutishia bila sababu
  7. I am Tanzanian, Tz is home. It is usually a peaceful country was there in 97/8 when the Muslims were attacked. Been away from home for 7yrs now, last time I visited was in 2002. Businesswise they say the economy is booming. The govt has also wavered exemption on some items to let business flourish. People in Tz are more tolerant to foreigners compared to any East African country.
  8. Haddad, Thanks for replying,Im glad to see your interested. Personally, I want to learn somali. You are rightthe author its Edward Steere, a typing error, Asante(thank you) will have 2 edit my post. I dont have any swahili book with me thus its my only source. Havent been in contact with the swahili literature recently, . If you will manage to possess the book yes, it will be enough for you to have a conversation in swahili. What will remain will be practising your spoken swahili. Which could be done with friends or visiting paltalk. Swahili has changed slightly with time, but we also have different dialects and new vocab or should I say slang. Like the sheng the kenyans speak and the swahili ya mtaani(street swahili)spoken in Tz. Like the shengs way of saying how are u is Niaje? as for the Tz style would have been Mambo?
  9. Asalaam aleykum fellow nomads, Its been brought to my attention, some nomads and some personal friends(you know who u r ) would like to learn the Swahili language, thus taking this initiative to help them and those interested in its purest form>Swahili spoken in the coastal cities. I have a book in my possession named Swahili exercises by Edward Steere , (which was adopted as the standard grammer book in 1933) which I will use as my guide in this task. Inshallah, whenever I will have the time, lessons will be added. Taking one step at a time, sharpen you pencils, Karibuni kwenye darasa la Kiswahili (welcome to the Kiswahili class). Darasa la kwanza. (First lesson) 1.Alfabeti (Alphabets) A, b, ch, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o p, r, s, t, u, v, w, y, z Notes: g is pronounced as in go and y as in yes . c exists as ch .(x,q are not used in Swahili) Vowels are pronounced as in Italian vowels than English. A > far, e> fail, i>feel, o> foal, u>food Eg. BATA( baa- ta) a duck is pronounced similar to the English word BARTER than hater. As is the g in the word KOROGWE (Ko rogue we) sounds like rogue in English than dog. The accent always falls on the last but one sylabbi in Swahili >ko-ro-gwe 2.Greetings. Hujambo? ( who-jam-bo)Are you all right? Sijambo(see-jam-bo). I am all right. A child says to elders , Shikamoo (shika-moo) meaning ur humble servant, ans is answered back Marhaba (mar-xa-baa), Thanks. The Arabic greetings of Asalaam aleykum, Sabakhalkheir ! Masalkheir! Are also used. Other common phrases; U hali gani? How are you? (very polite coastal style) ; currently used >Hali yako? How are you? Njema( N’je-ma), pretty thanks ^, ; currently >Nzuri(N’ zoo ri) U mzima?(oo m’zee ma) Are u well? Njema or Alhamdullilah mzima. Im quite fine Habari gani? What news? Njema Good ; currently used > Nzuri Habari za siku nyingi(n’ ii nghee)? What is the news of many days? Njema/Nzuri Jina lako nani? Or unaitwa nani? What is your name? Jina langu …..>my name is…. Kwa heri. Goodbye . Kwa heri ya kuonana. So long till we meet again. Hodi? May I come in. Karibu , come in/ ur welcome Karibu ukaye, come and sit. Starehe . relax>>feel at home/ don’t get up Ngoja kwanza. Just wait a bit. Other greetings in conversation using Habari Habari za watoto? How are the kids? Habari za usiku? How did you sleep? Answered with Njema/Nzuri If not good u can answer as Njema ,lakini… Good, but…. e.g Habari za usiku? Did u hava a good night? Njema, lakini sikupata usingizi. Good but I couldn’t sleep 3.Nambari 1. moja, 2. mbili, 3. tatu 4. nne(‘in a) 5. tano, 6. sita, 7.saba, 8, nane, 9. tisa, 10. kumi 20. ishirini, 30. thalathini, 40. arubaini, 50. khamsini, 60. sitini, 70. sabini, 80. thamanini, 90. tisini, 100. mia, 1000, elfu. 11. Kumi na moja 12 is kumi na mbili etc. 159. mia hamsini na tisa, 34. thalathini na nne (tha-la thi nee na ‘in a) 4. Siku za wiki days of the week Jumamosi- Monday ,Jumapili- Sunday, Jumatatu – Monday, jumanne(jumaca ‘n a rhymes with maacanee) – Tuesday, jumatano -wednesday,Alkhamisi – Thursday, Ijumaa- Friday, 5.Wakati> time Juzi - day before yesterday, jana- yesterday, leo( le (as in French)- O )- today, Kesho(ke(as in kevin) – sho)- tomorrow, kesho kutwa(cu-twa(like in Arabic Twa) – day after tomorrow
  10. is that mean you all hate me that much, or you just dont care? OG moti We do care, its just a baranbaro is a pest, with more harm than benefit to mankind. Your killing of it was justified. Think of the harm it may have created, infesting your house, soiling your food, May Allah forbid one of his offsprings got stuck in your ear>Needing Emergency removal of it.The benefits???DONT KNOW, personally only benefitted from baranbaros in my science dissection class , argggh was disgusting, the poor creatures So, please take a deep breathe and say Alhamdullilah and call the fumigators .Enjoy your day.
  11. the poor cockroach must had a family waiting KKKKKK, U MADE MY DAY og moti
  12. JAC, KKKKKK He said DUNGA, He sure created a scene. STOIC, kiswahili chako kidogo kimerust Wala sishangai kwamba watu walikuwa wanakucheka huko. Cousins wangu wakenya wakija kututembelea hutumia maneno kama nyanya na stima, kwa sababu hiyo nyumbani tumezoea na hata sheng tukajifunza. Sasa wataka nikusaidie kurekebisha kiswahili chako ndugu? to return to perfection. Rekebisho la kwanza > Mkoa wa mwanza. Mie mtu wa Dares salaam lakini nilizaliwa Pemba, mama nimkulia wa Zanzibar na baba mkulia wa Tanga. Ndugu zetu wengi wapo Tanga,Arusha na Kenya. Mie Shinyanga wala Tabora sijawahi fika,nasikia jamaa wapo huko na Singida.Miji mengine niliyowahi temebelea ni Tanga, ZNZ, Namanga, Arusha, Dodoma na Moshi. Niliwahi soma na kijana mmoja ambaye kwa bahati nzuri au mbaya tulikuwa na jina la babu sawa.Basi kila mtu, Yule kaka yako? Ndugu yako? alikuwa anatokea Tabora.
  13. "Verily Allah is pure and loves the pure, is clean and loves the clean, is beneficent and loves the beneficent, is generous and loves the generous." Tirmidhi
  14. Sound advice, liked the way qualities were prioritised.
  15. OG MOTI, sorry to hear you went through such an ordeal, Allhamdullilah your safe. I had such an experience a couple years back too.We got hit by a trailer in the morning traffic heading for the airport and suddenly the driver swayed the car, we rammed into the trailer which ws on our left, First Boom, second boom third then we hit the railings. I wasnt driving was in the passenger seat in the front and I was lucky to be alive as the officer said due to the fact the car was a Honda Civic had a thick peice of metal (Dont know its name) between the door. The car was a total wreck, still wonder how I got out without a broken hipjoint or a neck injury Alhamdullilah, well I missed my plan to heathrow but I was alive, still breathing. The driver, my cousin after the ordeal was so emotionally upset took him like 3-4 months to touch a steering wheel. He always saw the accident. Alhamdullilah last time I saw him he was driving and back to his normal self. Can we escape death ? I dont think so if its meant to be it happens yani if its your time you're a goner. We can come near to death by living through ordeals,(accidents,suicides,surgeries) what is important is to prepare ourselves for a better tommorrow(Yamul Akhirah) increase Good amal and be grateful to be alive.
  16. Warrior of Light


    Just wanted to say, some sound advice there Hibo, thank you. May come in handy. As for the couples( the lucky ones after the second disqualification) Congratulations, just dont forget to give us a shout, to buy you all ....wedding gifts.
  17. Usinichekeshe ORGI, itabidi nikupe miwani. Ur eyes are playing tricks on you
  18. Acha zako ORGI, mbona mambo madogo haya.
  19. The Benefit of Obstacles! - Author Unknown A small boy - the fifth amongst seven siblings of a poor father, was selling newspapers in a small village to earn his living. He was not exceptionally smart at school but was fascinated by religion and rockets. The first rocket he built crashed. A missile that he built crashed multiple times and he was made a butt of ridicule. He is the person to have scripted the Space Odyssey of India single-handedly. He is Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (President of India). When Thomas Edison Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, he tried over 2000 experiments before he got it to work. A young reporter asked him how it felt to fail so many times. He said, "I never failed once. I invented the light bulb. It just happened to be a 2000-step process." When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, it did not ring off the hook with calls from potential backers. After making a demonstration call, President Rutherford Hayes said, "That's an amazing invention, but who would ever want to see one of them?" In the 1940s, another young inventor named Chester Carlson took his idea to 20 corporations, including some of the biggest in the country. They all turned him down. In 1947, after 7 long years of rejections, he finally got a tiny company in Rochester, NY, the Haloid company,to purchase the rights to his invention -- an electrostatic paper copying process. Haloid became the....... Xerox Corporation. A little girl - the 20th of 22 children, was born prematurely and her survival was doubtful. When she was 4 years old, she contracted double pneumonia and scarlet fever, which left her with a paralysed left leg. At age 9, she removed the metal leg brace she had been dependent on and began to walk without it. By 13 she had developed a rhythmic walk, which doctors said was a miracle. That same year she decided to become a runner. She entered a race and came in last. For the next few years every race she entered, she came in last. Everyone told her to quit, but she kept on running. One day she actually won a race. And then another. From then on she won every race she entered. Eventually this little girl - Wilma Rudolph , went on to win three Olympic gold medals. A school teacher scolded a boy for not paying attention to his mathematics and for not being able to solve simple problems. She told him that "you would not become anybody in life. The boy was Albert Einstein . Ed McMahon is a typical example of the obstacle/power relationship. His fascinating story illustrates that people who succeed best in the end are frequently the ones who had the most difficulty at the start. Ed McMahon is proud to be a salesman. He discovered his ability to sell because of the financial obstacles of his modest background. His family moved so often that he went to 15 different schools before high school. The obstacle of having no friends increased his power to make friends easily and today he is a friend to millions of Americans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A wise philosopher once commented that an eagle's only obstacle to flying with speed and ease is the air. Yet, if the air were withdrawn and the proud bird were to fly in a vacuum, it would fall instantly to the ground, unable to fly at all. The very element that offers the resistance to flying is at the same time the condition of flight. The main obstacle that a powerboat has to overcome is the water against the propeller, yet if it were not for this same resistance, the boat would not move at all. The same law - that obstacles are conditions of success - holds true in human life. A life free of all obstacles and difficulties would reduce all possibilities and powers to zero. Obstacles wake us up and lead us to use our abilities. Exertion gives us new power. So, out of our difficulties new strength is born. A closer acquaintance with the life of successful people almost always reveals the presence of some unusual obstacle, bitter disappointment or personal deprivation. As the above successful peoples' personal accounts suggest, there is no misfortune which a resolute will may not transform into an advantage. Out of an obstacle comes strength; out of disappointment comes growth; out of deprivation comes desire. To achieve success means looking for the obstacles that wake up the powers within YOU. Holy Quran clearly stipulates the above formula: "Verily, along with every hardship is relief. Verily, with every hardship is releif. So when you have finished , devote yourself for Allah's worship. And to your Lord turn your hopes and intentions". (94:5-8). Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: : "More the tests a believer faces, the more his faith increases".
  20. Every human has his ups n downs. You maybe in a down period. What you should do is keep ur trust in Allah increase Nawafil acts e.g prayers,charity. Read alot of the Quraan and try all the time to be in a state of Udhu (ablution). And whenever someone says something nice about u say Hasbunallah.
  21. sounds better than ticking , others.
  22. Originally posted by rudy: dont put any sugar in mine just a little bit of honey. Now, thats a wise man, way 2 go with honey, swahilis say ni Tamu And whats with this proof ? I didnt get a word of it.
  23. If you want a friend, Allah is sufficient Yes, if He is a friend, everything is a friend. If you want a companion, the Quran is sufficient. For sure, in your imagination, you can meet with the Prophets and angels in it, watch them, and become acquainted with them. If you want possessions, contentment is sufficient. Yes, one who is content is economical, and one who is economical is blessed with plenty. If you want an enemy, the evil commanding soul is sufficient. Indeed, someone who admires himself finds disasters and falls into difficulties, while one who does not fancy himself finds happiness and attracts Divine mercy. If you want advice, death is sufficient. Yes, he who thinks of death is saved from loving the world, and works seriously for his life in the Hereafter. Oh Allah, bestow upon us in this world love for You and love for that which will draw us closer to You, and the right guidedness that You have commanded, and , in the next world Your mercy and the vision of You. Glory be unto You, we have no knowledge save that which You taught us. You are the All knowing, All Wise. Oh Allah, grant blessings and peace on him whom You sent as a mercy to all worlds, and on his family and companions. Amin Source: From the Risale Nur collection: A guide for youth by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.