Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Rendez aka Flipmode, see youve been advertising yourself hot sheikh , Inshallah you will reap what you sow I pray you get a deserving Wife,who knows her religion and a jewel in your eyes and heart.Amin
  2. Originally posted by Fidel: quote:Originally posted by Haddad: Many people in the West do not drink wine, eat pork, frequent discos or nightclubs, date, or have ever been in a relationship. Indeed. They're called serial killers. They call themselves conservative and some of them are practising Christians.
  3. Very precise, Mashallah.JZK
  4. Mashallah, glad to see the Sharia put into use.It proves that ISLAM is a universal religion. JAKAHALLAH KHEIR RENDE
  5. Mashallah, Allah saves who He wants but that doesntt mean we shouldnt try to save our souls. Animal Farm, Im sorry to hear of the predicament of the new converts, are there any islamic library in the area where she could borrow vital material to learn and fortify her deen? Naam, I agree she needs a teacher but self development is still possible there are alot of visual aids available too. What is important is to continue and not losing hope or giving up. Remember a Hadith(dont know the perfect wording) which once said it is better for a new learner to recite the Quraan incorrectly as there is more dhawab. Implying its the desire to learn and overcoming the odds with patience and practise which will bring perfection. Even a baby starts with pulling up his neck, then sits, crawls, stands with support then starts walking, determination is the key.
  6. Originally posted by rayaana: I like 35+ men and 30+ women..i just think that is when you start to really come into to terms with life and manage all your problems (with just a few to not mention). So do I beleive so.That is if they act their age.
  7. Concubines :confused: :confused: What age are we in? Do they exist? Alexus, being a moderator, = deep waters, not easy to manage. Well, everyone has dreams, hope ur come true. Personally, its one of those days, to hot, not very productive, missing all the fun ppl are watching the Univ olympics live arghh.
  8. LOOOOOOOOOOL trying to do the Job alone.
  9. Wicked :eek: , I say kunafaida kujua lugha za watu
  10. Animal farm ^^^Beware, you may get busted, they maybe married by now. You heard the old man, its OLD. ORG :eek: U dont need to update your entries on my account.
  11. Looking at how people take care of their looks these days, 65yrs is old in my dictionary. FF, I also have a problem on guessing peoples age. Good thing is they dont get offended, they just smile. Coz even they cant guess my age.
  12. Originally posted by ORGILAQE: That old Black has it's use sometimes You've just proved me wrong thought after marriage it gets flushed down the toilet.
  13. OG walalo I am trying to be just, I know you are friends, thats why I didnt expect this to happen in the forum. Hope you manage to patch up your differences in opinion.
  14. Salaam, Brother Nur is Xan backbiting and Xanta false accusation?
  15. Mashallah, youve just given me extra homework. Jazakhallah kheir.
  16. Subhanallah, please control your tempers, have patience and apologies are due to each other ladies, you are both beleiving muslimahs. FF, Naam, dont we all have out shares of dhambi . Nobodies perfect, All angels are in heaven. What is important is to mend our ways when we know the truth and pray for Allahs forgiveness.
  17. Jazkhallah Kheir Salahudiin, Excellent reads, the following quotes have touched me more. The heart becomes sick, as the body becomes sick, and its remedy is al-Tawbah and protection [from transgression]. It becomes rusty as a mirror becomes rusty, and its clarity isv obtained by remembrance. It becomes naked as the body becomes naked, and its beautification is al-Taqwa. It becomes hungry and thirsty as the body becomes hungry, and its food and drink is knowledge, love, dependence, repentance and servitude. Excellent treatment ''The Shaitan has misled most people by beautifying for them the performance of certain voluntary acts of worship such as voluntary prayers and voluntary fasting while neglecting other obligatory acts of worship such as enjoining the good and eradicating the evil, to the extent that they do not even make the intention of performing them whenever they are able to. Sound reminder good expectation of Allah is equivalent to good deeds, for one is moved to good deeds by good hope of Allah, that He will reward him for his efforts and accept them. Otherwise, good expectation along with pursuit of whims and desires and lusts is incapacity. quote: Sax, very logical The dilemma you will experience should be reduced by remembering the sweet pleasure and the ultimate happiness that your obedience (to Allah) will provide. Also make your struggle less of one by picturing the punishment that follows disobedience to Allah. Something which is attainable, just a little effort necessary O Abud-Dardaa! What makes you weep on this day that Allaah has granted strength and honor to Islaam and its people? So he said: Woe be to you O Jubayr! How insignificant the creation becomes to Allah when they turn away from His command. In front of us is a nation who were evidently powerful and who had dominion, yet they abandoned Allaah's command, so look what has become of them." Nothing is everlasting, surely man is forgetful of his status the believer is in Jihad until he meets with Allâh. Sax, the thought of meeting His Illah is also tough, will our deeds be accepted, will they be denied? The fear is always there.
  18. Warrior of Light


    Lol, Im a sister
  19. Warrior of Light


    Lol,thanks for the translation. Arent you supposed to inform wife no. 1 your intention of adding a new sister/s in Islam as wife/wives ? *Will Hibo need to have written consent from wife number Uno ? Fear she wont be able to handle the guilt of bringing trouble to an already existing healthy marriage. *
  20. Warrior of Light


    ^^^^ Translator pls, is there anyone available to help? :confused:
  21. Warrior of Light


    Fidel, Your supposed to copy and fill it in private and send it to the email address provided. Read the instructions * You better make amends before you get busted by wifey numero UNO *