Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. You welcome nomads, Balgobin is an asian name, one smart kid
  2. Up in the cockpit, the copilot breathes a sigh of relief and tells the pilot: "You know, one of these days the passengers aren't going to scream, and we aren't going to know when to take off!!!''
  3. LOOL, poor blondies, they always get picked on.
  4. How unfortunate, Rev. J Jackson when interviewed on BBC also had to remind the media for their racist remarks. Guess blacks will always be second class citizens in the states. :mad:
  5. Originally posted by Socod_badne: 2. Is there such thing as halal pork :confused: 3. Or halal wine? Is this a joke? Its the pork and wine which is haram. A haram thing cant be made halal as the components which makes it haram are never lost in the composition of the original substance. Thinking as a scientist how can pork /wine be purified to be termed halal?? Impossible as its whole package its Haram And As the Creator said so Its Haram.End of story. As for the animals, I dont know got 2 check it up sounds disgusting though.
  6. Islamtoday, I was thinking on the same lines. Subhannallah, the things people can do. I think the menfolk/shura commitee should have a talk with this Imam to know more. Problem with gold and ornaments is its not trace able different with cash and cheques.They need to know which organisation and how the money is sent. Brings us back to the rotten side >Its high time Muslims to be cautious we are becoming the likes of the Jews and Christian Priests using religion for their own personal betterment. Allah knows the real intention of this person, but precautions should be taken. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE. Reminds me of a hadith where a man left his horse untied to a post and said Ive left him for Allah to protect. The Prophet SAW said You were to tie him to the post then leave it to Allah. So let us not be blind and say Allah will judge our intentions and we leave it to Him. We are responsible for whatever the outcome will be. Fiamanillah
  7. Shyhem That sounds scary, thanks for the wake up call.
  8. Castro, is the man, I know people have had their misgivings with socialism but at the end, the community wins. Cuba has an excellent medical system and community service. I really feel sorry for what happened in the states wasnt what I expected. Another thumbs up for Castro, offering services to help those affected. Mashallah is all I can say, He is a LEADER.
  9. KKK, Raula nice to see you back, bibi wa mabibi Viking, ah hao jamaa tu, mambo yote ni sisi kwa sisi
  10. Tell her that soon she will have 2 angels by her side, one writing her good stuff and another writing her bad stuff instead.
  11. why did you have to scare her like that Alexus. Poor soul, mashallah glad she is reading the Quraan. Tell her 2 read the suraah about jins. And learn that there are good ones and bad ones.
  12. Alexus, I cant beleive it but Im laughing sorry cant help it . Kids are so lovely their imagination is known of having no boundries. Younggal, Im sad to hear as the sisters adviced always sleep with udhu, read ur Quraan n duas and start by sleeping on your right side. And remember not to fear Jinis they are but a creation of Allahs like us, all Fear and trust be addressed to Allah. Make extra dua during the day and ask Allah to protect you from these creatures.
  13. Sisters the link to the article>The designer eyewear for the heart the continuation Happy readings.
  14. Alexus, Your little cousin one seems very curious, havent you taught her yet that curiousity killed the cat?
  15. Has happened to me before in the past but never thought of it as a Jinn or anything. Sometimes I cant move my limbs for a while, its also known in science to exist. What happens is your body is still in the sleep cycle when your brain is awake and ur eyes open. What I do say Audhubillah, read Ayatul Qursi and pass salams to the Prophet SAW after a couple of minutes you come back to normal, I do it not because someone told me to do so but feel its my obligation to do so as there is life and death and maybe this maybe it.
  16. Naam, Mashallah a great article. Jakhallah kheir
  17. Amin, sister and dont forget the advice in the Quraan and hadith of the Prophet SAW. Read also stories of the Sahabah and characters of the early Muslimah, esp the Mothers of Islam, they are excellent role models. As the wise man said a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Stand tall,hbe prepared(have your Quran) , put your trust in Allah and without looking back begin it. Wonderful adventures lie ahead.
  18. Jakhallah Kheir for all the posts. Islamtoday, there is no harm in providing nomads with elaborative replies.The essence is to share and everyone has/had a certain book/article which caught their eyes and broadened their thinking. Gives us all a different view of the same topic in a healthy way, instead of searching for something(especially if your less knowledgable) and stumbling into wrong, unhealthy answers. Fiamanillah
  19. Start from now, think of your priorities. Start with the basics your prayers are they done punctually, the way u take udhu(ablution), learn some new verses of the Quraan by heart.Learn a new dua per week, repeat it till u know it by heart. Smile more, start your every action with Bismillah, say Mashallah when u praise something, use Inshallah more often. Be positive and take every mistake as a new chance to correct yourself. If your with family, do more favours without being asked. The list goes one, love the key is whatever new thing you put into your life let it be continous so that it can be part of your habit -your personality. Live up to the Islamic character. May Allah make it easy for you. It starts with wanting to make a change n making the effort then everything becomes easy. We are all learning something new everyday. So dont think of next year think of Today and NOw. Fiamanillah Wol
  20. Coomay and Earz, Waleikum salaam, on behalf of the current members we always have room for new members, pls come and join us and share your wisdom and thoughts and enlighten our lives. Please read this link to get an idea of Brother Nurs vision hope will help in reaching the objective. Quraan readers Club Fiamanillah WoL
  21. Jazkhallah Kheir, isnt he our beloved? Thanks for the reminder of his noble character, what a role model, Mashallah.
  22. Asalaam aleykum, The lesson I want to share is derived from 2 verses of Surah Al Hashr 59:18-19 O, you who beleive! Fear Allah and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow, and fear Allah. Verily! Allah is All-Aware of what you do. And be not like those who forget Allah (i.e become disobedient to Allah) and He caused them to forget their ownselves,( let them to forget to do righteous deeds. Those are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah). {The Nobel Quraan, summarised Version of At Tabari, Al Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir with comments from Sahih Al Bukhari, translated by Dr. Muhammed T. Al Hilal and Muhammad M Khan} These are the words which caught my attention : Duty, Fear, Aware and forget. As of the flow of the verses the message is clear >to LOOK after the Morrow we have to evaluate the present. Naturally when a person has a duty to take care of he is aware of the duty, tends to refer to self appraisal or criticism and before its done as he fears to fail in his task he makes use of self evaluation as in the process there is a possibility of forgetting an important step or too. We have gone or are going through these processes nearly everyday consciously or subconsciously depending with the importance of the duty in question. Thus some questions can be raised when trying to deal with a duty. Especially as we are Muslims and our responsibility is to keep to the laid out norms of this world and prepare for the hereafter, you can raise up such questions ; 1. What am I doing? 2. Why am I doing it? (reason and logic set in) 3. Is the best thing to do? 4. Could it be done better? 5. Do I need assistance? 6. Does it befit my status as a human being? 7. Is it really compatible with my purpose of life? 8. Would I be happy to meet Allah with it? The answers to these questions can help us to reach our goal/duty without being forgetful of our position as we are aware of the steps we took and also we feared Allah’s disfavour by keeping to His prescribed Laws and strongly believe the duty is for the betterment of others too. And Inshallah have a better tomorrow without wasting a lot of time with failures, fear, regret and procrastination as they tend to hinder progress and shortens the life of man as it breaks his spirit. Time as we all know is very dear, once passed it can’t be retrieved. And with every heartbeat and breathe we take in, our life span shortens, thus more efforts should be made to achieve a prosperous ending. I would like to end with a quotation , regarding time, life in this world and its relation to the hereafter. May we make us of our time in this world to have a rewarding second life. Amin. Life is but minutes and seconds of events, That’s the message to man from his heartbeats, Your posthumous repute you’d now raise aloft, That’s for man, a second lifetime without doubt! Ahmed Shawqee a poet, excerpt from Yusuf Qaradawii ‘s book titled Al Waqt fiy Hayaatil Muslim Fiamanillah, happy readings. WoL
  23. Warrior of Light


    ANIMAL FARM, you sound like an expert, is that your speciality ?? Hibo dear, lip service cant be all that bad, as long its for a just cause, u aint losing nothing. Hang in there, Inshallah the doors of opportunity n prosperity will open, just keep your eyes wide open
  24. Sister Fartun You seem to have a lot of stress on your side. And even if we do help you with advice, you are to make the decision. And of All decisions the best is to Ask Allah for help. I think you have heard of Salatul Istikhara , pls pray 2 Rakats and read the dua. Inshallah with Allahs grace He shall show you the way. Fiamanillah, your sister.