Warrior of Light

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  1. Thought the topic will be buried by now, :rolleyes: PMS :eek: Makes the not-so-good-side of people apparent
  2. Just found it , the supplication in detail by Ibn Kathir. The Supplication of Musa [قَالَ رَبّ٠اشْرَحْ Ù„ÙÙ‰ صَدْرÙÙ‰ - وَيَسّÙرْ Ù„ÙÙ‰ أَمْرÙÙ‰ ] ((Musa) said: "O my Lord! Open for me my chest, and ease my task for me.'') Musa requsted his Lord to expand his chest for his mission. For verily, He was commanding him with a great task and a weighty affair. He was sending him to the mightiest king on the face of the earth at that time. He was the most arrogant and severe of all people in his disbelief, and He had the largest army and the most powerful kingdom. He was the most tyrannical and the most obstinate of rulers. His case was such that he claimed not to know Allah at all, and that he knew of no god for his subjects other than himself. Along with this, Musa lived in his home for a period of time as a child. He stayed in Fir`awn's own room and slept on his bed. Then, after this, he killed one of their people and feared that they would retaliate by killing him in return. Thus, he fled from them and remained an outlaw during this entire time. Then, after all of this, His Lord sent him to them as a warner calling them to worship Allah alone, without associating partners with Him. This is why he said, [قَالَ رَبّ٠اشْرَحْ Ù„ÙÙ‰ صَدْرÙÙ‰ - وَيَسّÙرْ Ù„ÙÙ‰ أَمْرÙÙ‰ ] (O my Lord! Open for me my chest, and ease my task for me.) This means, "I cannot perform this task if You do not help me, aid me and support me.'' [وَاحْلÙلْ عÙقْدَةً مّÙÙ† لّÙسَانÙÙ‰ - ÙŠÙŽÙْقَهÙواْ قَوْلÙÙŠ ] (And loosen the knot from my tongue, that they understand my speech.) This is referring to the lisp that he had. This lisp was a result of an incident when he was presented a date and a hot coal stone and he placed the coal on his tongue instead of the date. A detailed explanation of this story is forthcoming in the following chapters. However, he did not ask Allah to remove this affliction all together. Rather, he asked for removal of his stammering so the people would understand what he intended in his speech. He was only asking for what was necessary to deliver his message. If he had asked for the removal of his affliction in its entirety, it would have been cured for him. However, the Prophets do not ask for any more than what is required. Therefore, he was left with the remnants of this accident that took place with his tongue. Allah informed of what Fir`awn said concerning him, [أَمْ Ø£ÙŽÙ†ÙŽØ¢ خَيْرٌ مّÙنْ هَـذَا الَّذÙÙ‰ Ù‡ÙÙˆÙŽ Ù…ÙŽÙ‡Ùينٌ وَلاَ يَكَاد٠يÙبÙين٠] (Am I not better than this one who is despicable and can scarcely express himself clearly)[43:52] This means that he is not eloquent in speech. Concerning Allah's statement, [وَاجْعَل لّÙÙ‰ وَزÙيراً مّÙنْ أَهْلÙÙ‰ - هَـرÙونَ Ø£ÙŽØ®ÙÙ‰ ] (And appoint for me a helper from my family, Harun, my brother.) This was also a request from Musa concerning something not pertaining to himself. That was his request for the assistance of his brother, Harun. Ath-Thawri reported from Abu Sa`id, from `Ikrimah, who said that Ibn `Abbas said, "Harun was made a Prophet at the same moment that Musa was made a Prophet.'' Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that `A'ishah went out intending to perform `Umrah and stopped to camp among some bedouins. While she was among them she heard a man say, "Which brother in this life was the most beneficial to his brother'' The people said, "We do not know.'' The man said, "By Allah, I know.'' `A'ishah said, "I said to myself about his swearing, that he should not swear such an oath, singling himself out as knowing what person was of most benefit to his brother.'' The man said, "It is Musa, when he asked for prophethood to be bestowed upon his brother.'' Then `A'ishah said, "By Allah, he has spoken truthfully.'' This is why Allah commended Musa by saying, [وَكَانَ عÙندَ اللَّه٠وَجÙيهاً] (And he was honorable before Allah.)[33:69] Concerning Musa's statement, [اشْدÙدْ بÙه٠أَزْرÙÙ‰ ] (Increase my strength with him.) Mujahid said, "This means to make my back strong.'' [وَأَشْرÙكْه٠ÙÙÙ‰ أَمْرÙÙ‰ ] (And let him share my task.) make him my consultant in this matter. [كَىْ Ù†ÙسَبّÙØ­ÙŽÙƒÙŽ ÙƒÙŽØ«Ùيراً - وَنَذْكÙرَكَ ÙƒÙŽØ«Ùيراً ] (That we may glorify You much, and remember You much.) Mujahid said, "A servant of Allah is not considered of those who remember Allah much until he remembers Allah while standing, sitting and lying down.'' Concerning his statement, [Ø¥Ùنَّكَ ÙƒÙنتَ بÙنَا بَصÙيراً ] (Verily, You are ever seeing us.) This means in Your choosing us, giving us the prophethood and sending us to Your enemy, Fir`awn. So unto You is all praise for this.
  3. ^ He prayed to have a companion (Harun) to assist him and asked to have his speech defisit corrected . Dont remember the surah (Taha???) verse goes like this > Rabbi Shrahli sadri wayasirli Amri, Wahlul Ukdatan minal lisaani yafkahul kauli, wajaali wazira minal ahli Haruna akhii ..... Qn. The prophet SAW had once said "There are three persons among the Ansar whom no one could excel in virtue" Can you name them? One of them (Sahabi) was known for his love of Ibaadah, hit by 3 arrows he still remained in prayer of Tahajuud. While in prostration he woke his fellow companion of the night to take over and guard them as he was wounded.
  4. Jazkallah kheir, the answer is correct Story/impact of Prophets Suleimans death. Suleiman's public work was largely carried out by the jinns. This was a punishment for their sins of making people believe that they were all-powerful, knew the unseen, and could foresee the future. As a prophet, it was Suleiman's duty to remove such false beliefs from his followers. One day, Allah the Exalted ordained for Suleiman to die. His death, like his life, was unique. The people had to learn that the future is known neither by the jinns, nor by the prophets, but by Allah alone, so Suleiman's death became an example. He was sitting holding his staff, overseeing the jinns at work in a mine. He died sitting in this position. For a long time, no one was aware of his death, for he was seen sitting erect. The jinns continued with their sand toil, thinking that Suleiman was watching over them. Many days later, a hungry ant began nibbling Suleiman's staff. It continued to do so, eating the lower part of the staff, until it fell out of Suleiman's hand, and his great body fell to the ground. People hurried to him, realizing that he had died a long time ago and that the jinns did not perceive the unseen, for had the jinns known the unseen, they would not have kept working, thinking that Suleiman was alive. "When we decreed death for him (Suleiman), nothing informed them (jinns) of his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept slowly gnawing away at his stick, so when he fell down, the jinns saw clearly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have stayed in the humiliating torment." [Qur’an: Surah Saba’(Sheba): 34:12-14] Lesson learnt, Allah knows the Unknown (Al ghaib).
  5. Which one is the best story in the holy Koran? Tough question, in my case Nabii Musa and Alkhidr. What is the name of the tree that was cursed in the Holy Koran? Zakuum? Who was the Sahabi that Allah ordered Prophet Mohamed (asw) to recite to him one of the Surah of the Holy Koran? Got to think about this one, for sure it wasnt Sayidna Ummar, could it be Abubakar As -Siddique ? Bonus QN: What was unique about Prophet Suleimans death?
  6. salaam, The Prophet who passed through various stages of authority and slavery was Prophet Yusuf.(Joseph) Regarding the death of Prophet Zachariah, beleive it occured after his sons death Prophet Yahya Ibn Zachariah(John)AS except he was killed in Masjidil Aqsa. The reason the tyrant ruler of then in Isreal-(Palestine) Herold wanted to marry his brothers daughter Salome which was haram as its incentous. Due to power, lust and human weakness Salome asked for the Prophets head so that they can rule and go against the Allahs(Jewish) beleif at that time. In the end its known that the children of Isreal were later punished by invasions. *I could be wrong, thats what I remember*
  7. A link on the topic, Ideal Muslimah and her parents Link to the Al Adab al Mufrad
  8. Asalaam aleykum, a collection of Hadith and verses of the Quraan regarding parents. From the book :Al-Adab al-Mufrad by Al-Bukhari 1. Honouring Parents : The Words of Allah Almighty: "We have instructed man to honour his parents." (29:8) 1. Abu 'Amr ash-Shaybani said, "The owner of this house (and he pointed at the house of 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud) said, "I asked the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, which action Allah loves best. He replied, 'Prayer at its proper time.' 'Then what?' I asked. He said, 'Then kindness to parents." I asked, 'Then what?' He replied, 'Then jihad in the Way of Allah.'" He added, "He told me about these things. If I had asked him to tell me more, he would have told me more." 2. 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar said, "The pleasure of the Lord lies in the pleasure of the parent. The anger of the Lord lies in the anger of the parent." 2. Dutifulness to One's Mother 3. Bahz ibn Hakim's grandfather said, "I asked, 'Messenger of Allah, to whom should I be dutiful?' 'Your mother,' he replied. I asked, 'Then whom?' 'Your mother,' he replied. I asked, 'Then whom?' 'Your mother,' he replied. I asked, 'Then whom?' 'Your mother,' he replied. I asked, 'Then to whom should I be dutiful?' 'Your father,' he replied, 'and then the next closest relative and then the next.'" 4. 'Ata' ibn Yasar said that a man came to Ibn 'Abbas and said, "I asked a woman to marry me and she refused to marry me. Another man asked her and she agreed to marry him. I became jealous and killed her. Is there any way for me to repent?" He asked, "Is your mother alive?" "No," he replied. He said, "repent to Allah Almighty and try to draw near Him as much as you can." 'Ata' said, "I went to Ibn 'Abbas and asked him, 'Why did you ask him whether his mother was alive?' He replied, 'I do not know of any action better for bringing a person near to Allah than dutifulness to his mother.'" 3. Dutifulness to One's Father 5. Abu Hurayra said, "The Prophet was asked, 'Messenger of Allah, to whom should I be dutiful?' 'Your mother,' he replied. He was asked, 'Then whom?' 'Your mother,' he replied. He was asked, 'Then whom?' 'Your mother,' he replied. He was asked, 'Then whom?' 'Your mother,' he replied. He was asked, 'Then whom?' He replied, 'Your father.'" 6. Abu Hurayra reported: "A man came to the Prophet of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and asked, 'What do you command me to do?' He replied, 'Be dutiful towards your mother.' Then he asked him the same question again and he replied, 'Be dutiful towards your mother.' He repeated it yet again and the Prophet replied, 'Be dutiful towards your mother.' He repeated the question a fourth time and the reply was, 'Be dutiful towards your mother.' Then he put the question a fifth time and the Prophet said, 'Be dutiful towards your father.'" 4. Dutifulness to Parents, even if they are unjust 7. Ibn 'Abbas said, "If any Muslim obeys Allah regarding his parents, Allah will open two gates of the Garden for him. If there is only one parent, then one gate will be opened. If one of them is angry, then Allah will not be pleased with him until that parent is pleased with him." He was asked, "Even if they wrong him?" "Even if they wrong him" he replied. 5. Gentle words to Parents 8. Taysala ibn Mayyas said, "I was with the Najadites [Kharijites] when I committed wrong actions which I supposed were major wrong actions. I mentioned that to Ibn 'Umar. He inquired, 'What are they?" I replied, 'Such-and-such.' He stated, 'These are not major wrong actions. There are nine major wrong actions. They are: associating others with Allah, killing someone, desertion from the army when it is advancing, slandering a chaste woman, usury, consuming an orphan's property, heresy in the mosque, scoffing, and causing one's parents to weep through disobedience.' Ibn 'Umar then said to me, 'Do you wish to separate yourself from the Fire? Do you want to enter the Fire?' 'By Allah, yes!' I replied. He asked, 'Are your parents still alive?' I replied, 'My mother is.' He said, 'By Allah, if you speak gently to her and feed her, then you will enter the Garden as long as you avoid the major wrong actions.'" 9. Hisham ibn 'Urwa related this ayat from his father, "Take them under your wing, out of mercy, with due humility." (17:24) 6. Repaying Parents 10. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "A child cannot repay his father unless he finds him as a slave and the buys him and sets him free." 11. Sa'id ibn Abi Burda said, "I heard my father sat that Ibn 'Umar saw a Yamani man going around the House while carrying his mother on his back, saying, 'I am your humble camel. If her mount is frightened, I am not frightened.' Then he asked, 'Ibn 'Umar? Do you think that I have repaid her?' He replied, 'No, not even for a single groan.' "Ibn 'Umar did tawaf and came to the Maqam and prayed two rak'ats. He said, 'Ibn Abi Musa, every two rak'ats make up for everything that has happened between them.'" 12. Marwan used to make Abu Hurayra his agent and he used to be located in Dhu'l-Hulayfa. His mother was in one house and he was in another. When he wanted to go out, he would stop at her door and say, "Peace be upon you, mother, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing." She would reply, "And peace be upon you, my son, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing." Then he said, "May Allah have mercy on you as you raised me when I was a child." She answered, "May Allah have mercy on you as you were dutiful to me when I was old." Whenever he wanted to go inside, he would do something similar. 13. 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr said, "A man came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and made a pledge to him that he would do hijra. He left his parents who were in tears. The Prophet said, 'Go back to them and make them laugh as you made them weep.'" 14. Abu Hazim reported that Abu Murra, the mawla of Umm Hani' bint Abi Talib had told him that he rode with Abu Hurayra to his land in al-'Aqiq. When he entered his land, he shouted out in his loudest voice, "Peace be upon you, mother, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing!" She replied, "And peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessing." He said, "May Allah have mercy on you as you raised me when I was a child." She replied, "My son, may Allah repay you well and be pleased with you as you were dutiful towards me when I was old." 7. Disobedience to Parents 15. Abu Bakra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Shall I tell you which is the worst of the major wrong actions?" "Yes, Messenger of Allah," they replied. He said, "Associating something else with Allah and disobeying parents." he had been reclining, but then he said up and said, "And false witness." Abu Bakr said, "He continued to repeat it until I said, 'Is he never going to stop?'" 16. Warrad, the scribe of al-Mughira ibn Shu'ba, said, "Mu'awiya wrote to al-Mughira, saying, 'Write down for me what you heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say.'" Warrad said, "He dictated to me and I wrote out, 'I heard him forbid asking too many questions, wasting money and chit-chat.'" 8. "Allah curses whoever curses his parents" 17. Abu't-Tufayl said, "'Ali was asked, 'Did the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, give you something special which he did not give to anyone else?' He replied, 'The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, did not give me anything special which he did not give to everyone else except for what I have in my sword scabbard.' He brought out a piece of paper. Written on that paper was: 'Allah curses anyone who sacrifices an animal to something other than Allah. Allah curses anyone who steals a milestone. Allah curses anyone who curses his parents. Allah curses anyone who gives shelter to an innovator.'" 9. Being Dutiful to Parents as long as that does not entail disobedience to Allah 18. Abu'd-Darda' said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, recommended nine things to me: 'Do not associate anything with Allah, even if you are cut to pieces or burned. Do not abandon a prescribed prayer deliberately. Anyone who abandons it will forfeit Allah's protection. Do not drink wine - it is the key to every evil. Obey your parents. If they command you to abandon your worldly possessions, then leave them for them. Do not contend with those in power, even if you think that you are in the right. Do not run away from the army when it is advances, even if you are killed while your companions run away. Spend on your wife out of your means. Do not raise a stick against your wife. Cause your family to fear Allah, the Almighty and Exalted.'" 19. 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr said, "A man came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said, 'I have come to make you a pledge that will do hijra although I have left my parents in tears." The Prophet said, 'Go back to them and make them laugh as you made them cry.'" 20. 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr said, "A man came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, wanting to do jihad. The Prophet asked, 'Are your parents alive?' 'Yes,' he replied. he said, 'Then exert yourself on their behalf.'" 10. The One who Fails his Parents will not enter the Garden 21. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Disgrace! Disgrace! Disgrace!" They said, "Messenger of Allah, who?" He said, "The one who fails his parents or one of them when they are old will enter the Fire." 11. Allah prolongs the life of someone who is dutiful towards his parents 22. Mu'adh said, "Bliss belongs to someone who is dutiful towards his parents. Allah Almighty will prolong his life." 12. One does not ask forgiveness for his father if he is an idolater 23. Ibn 'Abbas mentioned the words of the Almighty, "When one or both of them reach old age with you, do not say 'Ugh!' to them out of irritation and do not be harsh with them but speak to them with gentleness and generosity. Take them under your wing, out of mercy, with due humility and say: 'Lord, show mercy to them as they did in looking after me when I was small." (17:23-24) He said, "This was abrogated in Surat at-Tawba: 'It is not right for the Prophet and those who have iman to ask forgiveness for the mushrikun even if they are close relatives after it has become clear to them that they are the Companions of the Blazing Fire.' (9:113)" 13. Dutifulness towards a parent who is an idolater 24. Sa'id ibn Abi Waqqas said: "Four ayats were revealed about me. The first was when my mother swore she would neither eat nor drink until I left Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Allah Almighty revealed, 'But if they try to make you associate something with Me about which you have no knowledge, do not obey them. Keep company with them correctly and courteously in this worldÉ' (31:15) The second was when I took a sword that I admired and said, 'Messenger of Allah, give me this!' Then the ayat was revealed: 'They will ask you about booty.' (8:1) The third was when I was ill and the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, came to me and I said, 'Messenger of Allah, I want to divide my property. Can I will away a half?' He said, 'No.' 'A third?' I asked. He was silent and so after that it was allowed to will away a third. The fourth was when I had been drinking wine with some of the Ansar. One of them hit my nose with the jawbone of a camel. I went to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and Allah Almighty revealed the prohibition of wine." 25. Asma' bint Abi Bakr said, "In the time of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, my mother came to me hoping (I would be dutiful). I asked the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, 'Do I have to treat her well?' 'Yes,' he replied." Ibn 'Uyayna said, "Then Allah revealed about her, 'Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen.' (60:8)" 26. Ibn 'Umar said, "'Umar saw a silk robe for sale. He said, 'Messenger of Allah, would you buy this robe and wear it on Jumu'a and when delegations visit you?' He replied, 'Only a person who has no portion in the Next World could wear this.' Then the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was given some robes made of the same material. He sent one of the robes to 'Umar. 'Umar exclaimed, 'How can I wear it when you said what you said about it?' The Prophet replied, 'I did not give it to you so that you could wear it. You can sell it or give it to someone.' 'Umar sent it to a brother of his in Makka who had not yet become Muslim." 14. A person should not revile his parents 27. 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr said that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Reviling one's parents is one of the great wrong actions." They asked, "How could he revile them?" He said, "He reviles a man who then in turn reviles his mother and father." 28. 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr said, "A man's reviling his father is one of the major wrong actions in the sight of Allah Almighty." 15. The punishment for disobeying parents 29. Abu Bakra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "There is no wrong action more likely to bring punishment in this world in addition to what is stored up in the Next World than oppression and severing ties of kinship." 30. 'Imran ibn Husayn said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'What do you say about fornication, drinking wine and theft?' 'Allah and His Messenger know best,' we replied. He stated, 'They are acts of outrage and there is punishment for them, but shall I tell you which is the greatest of the great wrong actions? Associating with Allah Almighty and disobeying parents.' He had been reclining, but then he sat up and said, 'and lying.'" 16. Making Parents weep 31. Ibn 'Umar said, "Making parents weep is part of disobedience and one of the major wrong actions." 17. The Supplication of Parents 32. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Three supplications are answered without a doubt: the supplication of someone who is oppressed, the supplication of someone on a journey, and the supplication of parents for their children." 33. Abu Hurayra reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, "No human child has ever spoken in the cradle except for 'Isa ibn Maryam, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the companion of Jurayj." Abu Hurayra asked, "Prophet of Allah, who was the companion of Jurayj?" The Prophet replied, "Jurayj was a monk who lived in a hermitage. There was a cowherd who used to come to the foot of his hermitage and a woman from the village used to come to the cowherd. "One day his mother came while he was praying and called out, 'Jurayj!' He asked himself, 'My mother or my prayer?' He concluded that he should prefer the prayer. She shouted to him a second time and he again asked himself, 'My mother or my prayer?' He thought that he should prefer the prayer. She shouted a third time and yet again he asked himself, 'My mother or my prayer?' He again concluded that he should prefer the prayer. When he did not answer her, she said, 'Jurayj, may Allah not let you die until you have looked at the faces of the beautiful women.' Then she left. "Then the village woman was brought before the king after she had given birth to a child. He asked, 'Whose is it?' 'Jurayj's,' she replied. He asked, 'The man in the hermitage?' 'Yes,' she answered. He ordered, 'Destroy his hermitage and bring him to me.' They hacked at his hermitage with axes until it collapsed. They bound his hand to his neck with a rope and took him along to the king. When he passed by the beautiful women, he saw them and smiled. They were looking at him along with the people. "The king asked, 'Do you know what this woman claims?' 'What does she claim?' he asked. He replied, 'She claims that you are the father of her child.' He asked her, 'Where is the child?' They replied, 'It is in her room.' He went to the child and said, 'Who is your father?' 'The cowherd,' he replied. The king said, 'Shall we build your hermitage out of gold?' 'No,' he replied. He asked, 'Of silver?' 'No,' he replied. The king asked, 'What shall we build it with?' He said, 'Put it back the way you found it.' Then the king asked, 'What made you smile.' 'Something I recognised,' he replied, 'The supplication of my mother overtook me.' Then he told him about it." 18. Offering Islam to a Christian mother 34. Abu Hurayra said, "Neither Jew nor Christian has heard me and then not loved me. I wanted my mother to become Muslim, but she refused. I told her about it and she still refused. I went to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said, 'Pray to Allah for me.' He did so and I went to her. She was inside the door of the house and said, 'Abu Hurayra, I have become Muslim.' I told the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and I asked, 'Make supplication to Allah for me and my mother.' He said, 'O Allah, make people love Abu Hurayra and his mother.'" 19. Dutifulness towards Parents after their Death 35. Abu Usayd said, "We were with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, when a man asked, 'Messenger of Allah, is there any act of dutifulness which I can do for my parents after their death?' He replied, 'Yes. There are four things: Supplication for them, asking forgiveness for them, fulfilling their pledges, and being generous to friends of theirs. You only have ties of kinship through your parents." 36. Abu Hurayra said, "The dead person can be raised a degree after his death. He said, 'My Lord, how is this?' He was told, 'Your child can ask for forgiveness for you.'" 37. Ibn Sirin said, "We were with Abu Hurayra one night and he said, 'O Allah, forgive Abu Hurayra and his mother and whoever asks for forgiveness for both of them.'" Muhammad said, "We used to ask for forgiveness for them so that we would be included in Abu Hurayra's supplication." 38. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "When a person dies, all action is cut off for him with the exception of three things: sadaqa which continues, knowledge which benefits, or a righteous child who makes supplication for him." 39. Ibn 'Abbas reported that a man said, "Messenger of Allah, my mother died without a will. Will it help her if I give sadaqa on her behalf?" "Yes," he replied. 20. The Dutifulness of someone who maintains what his father loved 40. 'Abdullah ibn Dinar reported that Ibn 'Umar passed by a bedouin during a journey. The bedouin's father had been a friend of 'Umar's. The bedouin said, "Am I not the son of so-and-so?" He said, "Yes, indeed." Ibn 'Umar ordered that he be given a donkey which was following him. He also took off his turban and gave it to him, One of the men with him said, "Wouldn't two dirhams be enough for him?" He replied, "The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Maintain what your father loved. Do not cut it off so that Allah puts out your light." 41. Ibn 'Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The strongest form of dutifulness is when a man maintains relations with the people his father loved." 21. Do not cut off someone with whom your father maintained ties 42. Sa'd ibn 'Ubada az-Zurqi reported that his father said, "I was sitting in the mosque in Madina with 'Amr ibn 'Uthman when 'Abdullah ibn Salam walked by, leaning on his nephew. 'Amr left the assembly and showed his concern for him." Then Ibn Salam returned to them and said, "Do what you like, 'Amr ibn 'Uthman," (and he said it two or three times) By the One who sent Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, with the Truth, it is in the Book of Allah Almighty (and he said it twice), 'Do not cut off those your father has joined so that that extinguishes your light.'" 22. Love is inherited 43. Abu Bakr ibn Hazm reported that one of the Companions of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "It is enough that I tell you that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Love is inherited.'" 23. A man should not call his father by his name nor sit down before him nor walk in front of him 44. Abu Hurayra saw two men and said to one of them, "Who is this man in relation to you?" He is my father," he replied. He said, "Do not call him by his own name nor walk in front of him nor sit down before him." 24. Can a man call his father by his kunya? 45. Shahr ibn Hawshab said, "We went out with Ibn 'Umar and Salim said to him, 'Peace, Abu 'Abdu'r-Rahman.'" 46. 'Abdullah ibn Dinar said reported that Ibn 'Umar said, "But Abu Hafs 'Umar decided..."
  9. Asalaam aleykum, Caano geel, the glossary... HAQQ> the truth or the right/ claim to something FARDH(Fard)>something which is obligatory on a Muslim. Severe punishment awaits those who fail to carry out these acts. There are two categories of Fardh 1.Fard 'Ain An action which is obligatory on every Muslim who is mature, healthy and sane. 2. Far'd Keefaya Obligatory on at least one person in the Muslim community. It signifies a collective duty of the Muslim community so that if some people carry it out no Muslim is considered blameworthy; but if no one carries it out all incur a collective guilt. ILM> Knowledge NIFAAQ >Hypocrisy. One of the greatest sins in the sight of Allah Ta’ala. The Punishment for Nifaaq is the lowest pit of an-Nar (hellfire), the Hutama. Noticed two other arabic words. IJTIHAD> To exercise personal judgement based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah TABIUN or Tabi'een >, Successors, are those who benefited and derived their knowledge from the Companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.). Ramadhaan Kareem.
  10. Subhanallah, may their souls rest in peace. For a couple of days I dont know whats going on in the world. For the survivors may they be patient in their time of trial. Amin Ps. Recently been alot of natural disasters happening around the world. Are we living in the last hours?? So many signs. A peice to read . signs???
  11. Raula, Jazkhallah kheir. I enjoy listening to the lectures on www.alhidaaya.com esp sheikh Othman. He has a talent in explaining his topics and he reminds me of home. Proud Muslimah, Sister Raula provided websites for swahili speakers. Topics covered are Ramaadhaan, Tafsir and stories of the prophets.And she also made dua for all of us. Twamuomba Mola Maulana atuzidishie fadhila na rehema za mwezi huu wa Ramadani-Amin. May (pray that) Allah the Almighty increase His blessings and mercy on us during this Holy Month of Ramadhaan. Amin.
  12. Excellent qualities. The problem is when you do come across such characters instead of people appreciating his moral uprighteousness they question him, Is he for REAL??? *Living in crazy times * My prayers for all the Muslims who strive hard to change their moral character to be better role models of Islam. Amin
  13. Jb Inshallah will attach a glossary next time of the few arabic words posted. Do you mind sharing which words in particular you didnt understand? Ilm, haqq, nifaaq, fardh keefaya..(so far the words in this topic). And WOLf (wolves) dont bite they devour
  14. My dearest Pucca, personal choice same reason a female wants to put on trousers than a skirt. Some use it coz they get allergies, rashes and others coz they bleed heavily. Im baffled to, but respect a persons choice. As long she knows how to use it, take the precautions and keeps hygienic. No problemo. Let her live her life. Being in your menses is already a stressful situation emotionally, physically (for those who have painful ones) and spiritually. Now we are getting involved in what people put on under their clothings?? If thats her means of having personal satisfaction, let her have it.
  15. Originally posted by Nazra: Virgin-Tampon= someone who lost their hymen to a tampon was that confusing. You are stubborn Another capital NO or a slight maybe isnt a must as told you hymens come in different shapes n size. Following you way of thinking > *Look at the brightside atleast she knows she lost it to a tampon, than gymnastics or sports. As her health comes first.* I pray for all the ladies out there who still hold tight to these beleifs, wont be surprised they still maybe FGM supporters coz there aint a difference( as a womans life is controlled by an anatomical variation). I beleive in being chaste( a womans life is controlled by her beleif, struggle to control desires,fear of Allah and self determination).
  16. Nasra, Im sorry if I offended you that wasnt my intent. And if we did go offtopic, its because we meet alot of people habouring these unrealistic feelings and force it down womens throats. As if, a woman married without an intact hymen isnt a virgin a reason for divorce or abuse in the society. I know as we all know Allah has created us different anatomically if a man says he is chaste you take his word for it. So why dont you take the sisters? Excuses and examinations are done to tarnish her reputation with help of the degrading culture (white sheets)practise. It is this which we are against. Thats the big picture I was talking about and Sister Rahima tried discussed. And to start with the notion of having an intact hymen equals virginity is wrong sister. Had to put that straight and tried to explain it to. Secondly, using a tampon doesnt necessarily mean youve lost the hymen either. I explained that too. And as always the Islamic ruling holds strong, its chastisy we aim for and not intact hymens. Why they bother? Its their personal choice. They aint doing anything wrong. I hope in future you will correct others on this matter.
  17. Nazra, glad you came around. We all singing to the same tune, the article doesnt shed anything new. *Tampon doesnt not equal losing the hymen nor mean losing the virginity and virginity doesnt equal to hymen presence or tampon absence mean being a virgin .Three interrelating entities, reminds me of mathematics.sigh* Anxiety? One reason for getting into the medical field was to educate my sisters and let go of the myth and stigmatization.
  18. Dear, you lose more than that. You lose also part of the elasticity and that matters more. The thing to be grateful about is that a few days the muscles find a new equilibrium. You also lose an inner part of you >Haya for once your sharing an intimate experience.... Something you cant get with just losing the hymen. So, I think you will agree with me Virginity is not = hymen.
  19. Originally posted by Nazra: You can lose your virginity by house riding, ballet, doing the gymnastics and TAMPONS TOO. But still you are virgin who has not had sexual intercourse, but a virgin with no hymen + a vagina the same size as a tampon . lolz You lose your hymen but not your virginity. Arent we Muslims?, if so virginity is defined on the lines of having your first sexual encounter and not the presence of the hymen. And said passive expansion, the vagina entrance doesnt increase in size, basic physics.As the walls are muscular and no active expansion of the muscle fibers has occured.So snaps back to its normal lenght and width.When you have active expansion, you have the stretch, elongation of the muscle fibers, injury sometimes and well a change in size of the orifice. God, cant beleive you made me say this. Hope you see the big picture now.
  20. Nasra, its not a good thing making assumptions. 'Hijabis say this and do that' and 'grabbing your tampon box' was uncalled for. Knowledge of this 'stuff' is vital for any growing female especially of a teenager, need to know what are her options when it comes to menstruating.And when giving such advice need not be biased. *beleive we were teenagers once, didnt you read about this??? or ever wonder??* Advice when you think of having a family make sure you have a copy of a'family health/doctor manual' at home so the topics you cant come to talk with your daughter, let them read for themselves and that is if you encourage them to do so. And all I can say these topics comes up within my line of work, happen to met young ladies with your line of though who assume will lose their virginity while its not true. And also face the ignorant people(parents) who want their daughters to be checked if theyre intact. Audhubillah. Legally, only if its a criminal case they can have a medical exam to certify the girls condition. Anyway, I see youve jumped to the same conclusion, because your uncomfortable with the discussed topic instead of accepting or declining politely under the pretense of personal choice you call names. Why did you start this topic if you cant stomach the truth? Or is it easy to point fingers to others?? Being knowledgable and non biased doesnt kill either. Skip the myth and educate others. Its this kind of mentality which perpetuates FGM in our society as one of the reasons is that a female cant stay a virgin without being stitched, the moroons. And here you are perpetuating the idea that virginity equals hymen presence. One myth leads to another and the circle never ends. Hope somewhere on the way, you see the impact of this topic and line of thought. Rahima, I dont think they can stomach information regarding muscles especially relating it to virginity. Hint * imagine an space filled with a spongy material which is soft(insulator) or by a throbbing expandible material. The soft material will expand without putting force on the wall or change its shape, but the other material not only puts pressure on the wall, it can also create tears where the pressure increases and changes the shape of the wall if its not solid..* In short tampon equals passive expansion no harm . As for intercourse, there is more to that, active expansion, wear, tear, blood congestion,... If they are very interested let them look up forensic med. and read for themselves. Suprises me how ignorant thoughts are still harboured when literature discussing these topics exist. See the light now > you cant change a persons thinking unless they want to change themselves.
  21. Today, had shurbaa, light on the stomach. Enjoyed my first Taraweeh. Alhamdullilah. Regarding Turkey, there is a calm breeeze of neema with this EU mandate. Islam is reviving slowly and gradually. The problem with Turkey was religion and custom was mixed so people couldnt differenciate and thus alot of confusion. Now, more people are searching for the truth thus grassroot efforts are multiplying. The only problem is which Islamic group (Jamaat) gives the training. As there each group has different ideals. Some have apatriachal system similar to the Christians/jews> Their leader anytime soon can be in the ranks of the Prophets how he is idolised. There are the Ahlul Sunnah wal jamaa,the ailevis (alivites) a group with complex ideology(mix of christianity, sufism, you name it), you have the sufis..... list goes on. Hope is there, I only pray that those who are practising Muslims become meek/kind in their approach to others as the majority act as if they are above the cream. Naseeha and kindness in words wins hearts. Have seen how most of my Muslimah freinds alienated themselves and looked down on others thus failed to pull others into the light. Instead pushed them away from Islam and Muslims.
  22. Glad your back, keeping the ramadhaan spirit. Mashallah.
  23. Lool ^^ arent we all intact??? And Nasra why are you shocked?? Me being knowledgable on this topic or you are assuming I use tampons? If its the latter well, my answer is No. Dear,it a personal choice. Dont see the need to repeat Sister Rahima did an excellent job but a tampon user is still a virgin. Its not the hymen there is more to that to 'lose your virginity'... Oh, just remembered cases of females who are pregnant and still have an intact hymen, are you going to say she hasnt lost it :confused: :confused: And a little extra knowledge hymens come in different sizes and shapes, too. *I am assuming you still want to hold on to the myth.* All I know and alot of women beleive in you need a Man to 'lose' it thats the way Allah created us.
  24. ^^^ Very true. Another reason bicycle accidents.