Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Jazkhallah Kheir, Ukhtii. 'O mankind! there hath come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing for the (disease) in your hearts, - and for those who believe, a Guidance and a Mercy" (X:57)
  2. ^^^JBravo, Do you have to meddle in? This is between me and Sheh. And that is how I do feel, she would be on my list regardless of her action. And I also beleive Brother Nur has a big heart to forgive, too. I intend good for everyone, not only Bro Nur. Sheh is also my sister in Islam, I care about her too. This thread was his idea, he is entitled to continue the way he wants.I cannot read his intentions. That is why I also mentioned I cant nominate anyone because it isnt my calling. Thus I respect his choice and decision. I dont think I will lose a sister for trying to show her the right.*That is my view of right* And losing a brother for complimenting a sister.*who has a good reputation* Anyone can go overboard with an opinion and that doesnt mean we have to overlook a persons deeds and persona, and just cross them out. Have to give people their due and give room for forgiveness and healing. Dont we all make mistakes? I can not solve this matter to its entirety, its Bro.Nurs call inshallah in due time will be done. And it will be upto Sheh herself to forgive or do what she sees fit. And if in my action offended Sheh and Bro.Nur persona and integrity, I apologise in advance that was not my intention. All I know all along we were discussing about opinions and not their personality. Even our deen dictates us to tell teh truth even if it hurts. Which we all have tried to do, one way or the other. So we should be patient and wait for Bro. Nur reply. And well in my case the predicament of this nomination. My recommendation: Until Bro. Nurs return this topic be locked, to avoid unnecessary remarks and more fitna. Allah Ya Allam. Fiamanillah Wol
  3. Actually, its a recommendation from the best doctors of All, the Prophet SAW adviced us not to consume hot things. And according to the reports in Iran where stimming hot tea is consumed they have a high rate of throat cancer. Guess breaks over, the chit between workers coming to an end -> back to work. Ps. Got to congratulate you, your doing a good job. Mashallah.
  4. Ok, one Hot Shaax, heading you way. Hope you, enjoy it Then back to work Hear the breaks bell is about to ring *Ps, be careful there is a risk of throat cancer with hot stuff esp. hot tea, better have it a bit warm and not very hot*
  5. If I had started the thread, you are "IN" all shackled. Now, dont sweat it, breathe in , out
  6. ^^^only a cup of tea,*disappointed* Options available: *cup of turkish coffee *turkish tea *all somali shaax *sijui shaax *chai ya sturungi opps forgot the bitings to go with it
  7. loool, @the flattery. I call that starters, there are more nomads on his list I presume.
  8. Jazkhallah kheir,Akhii. Right on the mark!!
  9. Rudy, that was kinda harsh. But you are right, women should be charged with treason regarding the cutting.
  10. Ewww, this lady has unresolved issues. She needs a shrink, any volunteers out there? What was all that mumble jumble? Let the men pick up their pants, women will be women. In life there should be a balance. A woman is a multi tasker, thats Gods greatest gift He gave us. Now, locking her up only in the house isnt impressive either she needs to be knowledgable of "outside" n "extreme" issues too. Wouldnt want our ladies taken for a ride in the name of stup1dity or being unknowledgable. Love to all the Somali women out there, who are great mums,hard workers and Muslimahs.
  11. looooooo ati na hiyo ndo maendeleo. KKK, wakenya mnanikosha. Seeker, dada bila asante. Wewe ni wetu Singing along to " Sisi sote ni ndugu,....."
  12. Jazkallah kheir for the ebook. And Amin to the dua. As for the one who seeks knowledge for the sake of showing off, then apart from being a loser in this world, he will also be punished for this in the Hereafter as has been reported in the hadeeth about the three people who will be dragged on their faces into Hell, amongst whom will be a man who sought knowledge so that it could be said: 'He is a scholar' and such was said about him." This hadith always put me in check. May Allah Guide us and let us not be amongst those who lose their good deeds and actions to pride, arrogance and haughtiness. Amin
  13. Amin to the duaa. Yusuf’s message to the youth is that they should stick to the Islamic doctrine. "Parents are responsible for the religious and secular education of a child and they should be taught the book of Allah, both its method of recitation and actual implementation of the injunctions contained therein," he said. Mashallah, may his advice not fall on deaf ears.
  14. Originally posted by The Flipmode..: and Woman Please... Salaam, Flipmode. No disrespect but the meaning of "man" in this article was inclusive of the womenfolk. Man as in mankind or as a person regardless of the sex. For your perusal> The definetion of the word "man". *Thank you managed to learn the other meanings too.* man n. pl. men (mn) 1.An adult male human. 2.A human regardless of sex or age; a person. 3.A human or an adult male human belonging to a specific occupation, group, nationality, or other category. Often used in combination: a milkman; a congressman; a freeman. 4.The human race; mankind: man's quest for peace. 5.Zoology. A member of the genus Homo, family Hominidae, order Primates, class Mammalia, characterized by erect posture and an opposable thumb, especially a member of the only extant species, Homo sapiens, distinguished by a highly developed brain, the capacity for abstract reasoning, and the ability to communicate by means of organized speech and record information in a variety of symbolic systems. 6.A male human endowed with qualities, such as strength, considered characteristic of manhood. 7.Informal. a.A husband. b.A male lover or sweetheart. 8.men a.Workers. b.Enlisted personnel of the armed forces: officers and men. 9.A male representative, as of a country or company: our man in Tokyo. 10.A male servant or subordinate. 11.Informal. Used as a familiar form of address for a man: See here, my good man! 12.One who swore allegiance to a lord in the Middle Ages; a vassal. 13.Games. Any of the pieces used in a board game, such as chess or checkers. 14.Nautical. A ship. Often used in combination: a merchantman; a man-of-war. 15.often Man Slang. A person or group felt to be in a position of power or authority. Used with the: “Their writing mainly concerns the street lifethe pimp, the junky, the forces of drug addiction, exploitation at the hands of ‘the man’†(Black World).
  15. Sheh, Bro Nur hasnt run, I thought by now you would have noticed his tendency of disappearing. Then later either by initiating a new topic or answer a few others, he makes his entrance. Im not speaking on his behalf, Im just mentioning the obvious what I have observed for a couple of years now. Do I know his current stand ? Yes, he provided the answer in this thread. He may have praised me in this post but he acknowledged the invalidity of his own FGM post. Brown noticed the flow and mentioned that he was overdoing the apology.In the FGM topic, beleive he mentioned that it was a discussion and he was infalliable too. Quoting what he wrote: her passionate search to find balanced answers for the big picture of that subject and her elequent paper on the invalidity of NURology point of view is a testament that she has clear leadership qualities beyound the e-Nuri Academy expectations in which she has brilliantly earned the coveted NURosurgery Certfication with distinction after proving beyound doubt the fallacy of the effectiveness of Pharaonic FGM as an alternative safeguard against teenage pregnancy which are prevalent in Somali Communities overseas ^^^^This is enough evidence to me. The FGM topic was an open discussion but it changed from discussing the subject in hand to his persona and beleifs. I joined in the battle of thoughts late (in the 4th pg) but already the persona bashing had started. It was a theory we proved evidence it was wrong, mission accomplished.He like any other nomad can stick to the same opinion. And according to this thread he mentions it *his own words* its false. What else do you want?? Lets call a spade a spade. Is it an apology, you want? What he is entitled to provide isnt an apology but his last opinion on the topic, remember we were sharing views and asked of our opinion on that topic. I beleive all the persona bashers owe him one, instead. Fiamanillah. Wol
  16. ^^ Scary isnt it? May Allah bless us all and the writer. Liked his approach on this topic.
  17. Stoic na Raula,mko BACK, nifurahi kujua. Corner yetu ilidorora kidogo. Raula, wajua dada hata beats ya hiyo nyimbo nasikia in my mind> wape wape vidognge vyao, wakinuna wakisema shauri zao .
  18. Well its taken its toll my patience is thining, soon I will be taking my sword out and claim to have three legs. Its not a fair sight
  19. Written by:Soul Power. Man is on trial in this world. Here, everyone is being tested; if one acts rightly, one will succeed in the trial of life. Neglect of the task that lies before one is tantamount to failure. Those who do not strive to succeed in the trial of life are doomed to failure, whether they like it or not. Man can be likened to an ice-vendor in this respect, one whose ice is continually melting and who has to sell his merchandise before it all dissolves. If he delays in selling the ice, then he will have nothing left to sell; his capital and his profits will have vanished into thin air. This same principle applies to the life of man. Man is rapidly moving towards a sorry end. There is only one thing he can do to avoid disaster, and that is to put the time he has been allotted on earth to the best possible use. A successful ice-vendor is one who sells his ice before it has all dissolved. Similarly a successful person is one who puts his life to good use before it ends, and prepares for the life to come before it is upon him.
  20. Is this the order of the day, dissing xalimos? I dont know what your talking about but you are making me :mad: . So there is no good enough girls out there in the jungles? May Allah guide us.
  21. Seeker, People vary between extremism, negligence and moderation Well said.
  22. ^^ Indeed. As early as the 1950's Somalis have left the motherland(Somalia) and moved down to the greener pastures of East Africa with the dream Inshallah one day they will move back. A few did but they made sure they kept contact with their family back in Somalia. In my case my great grandfather's brothers remained in Somalia. Heared through the pipelines they still reside there.
  23. Simply I, And you forget to acknowledge that somalis are part of the history and integrety of that country mentioned. Kenya has a whole province full of somalis, they are kenyan nationals with equal rights as the african, indian, arab, european kenyan.This is also true for Tanzania for generations we have called those places "Home". And we arent discriminated, the ones who are , "are the foreign somalis" who cant speak the native language nor understand the native culture. We have learnt to accept and tolerate each other,these countries have been our home before the disintegration of Somalia.
  24. Lol, topic moved from missing home to Identity issues :confused: Red sea, if a persons genetic make up is Somali thats enough for me. Somalia doesnt have to be home. Seeker, Pole sana kijana, umetamani nyumbani sana naona. Tuna kacorner chetu kwenye jokes section ndo huko malumbano hutokea. Nimefurahi kuona sasa tuna kathread kipya cha kutuma salamu *remember the radio programes,," Natuma salamu kwa mama, na baba na rafiki wangu wa shule katoyi..." Kiswahili ukikimiss sana, ingia kwenye chat za kiswa(ata Paltalk wana room for swa speakers search using either sijui or swahili. Majority kenyans wantwanga sheng) au sikiliza radio via the net.