Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Originally posted by hodman: This rings true for alot of us today.We are so good in good times and fall apart when things don't go our way like Allah owes us something.SubhannAllah. May Allah guide us. Ameen Naam, what you say is true. Amin to the dua. We have to remember Allah when we are content as well when we are troubled. Its called consistency. Our state of affairs shouldnt make us change our habits. Jazkahllah kheir for the reminder.
  2. ^^^Now thats what I call guilt free blackmail/ pampering
  3. ^^^Does it matter if she did or didnt? It was deceitful. If she posted her real photo or he sent his the problem could have been solved. Anyway,we are in weird times.Atleast they were adults. I feel sorry for all the curious kids out there befriending strangers via the net.
  4. Same ruling applies to them too. Got to work out and be active men. And cut down the eating. They need to be health conscious too. Ps. One thing I have observed fat somali women look great compared to the fat men as it accumulates on the belly for the latter while uniformly for the former.
  5. Originally posted by Modesty: I think they're a bunch of brainwashed anti-feminists. I second that, will comment on this later inshallah. But honestly speaking Im not surprised I once thought of it too. When I just hit puberty wanted always to be dads son. With the new change I had to accept being a female and the responsibilities which comes with it. Would I pop down the pills or advice someone to do so, NO menstruation is healthy it means your fertile. Without it youve hit the menopause and your chances of being a mum are almost nil(well with the exception of the latest techology which is costly). Limiting your periods to 4 times a year may cause alot of trouble.For those who COULD advocate because of the pain, there are strong painkillers in the market why bother stopping something which is natural :confused: Side effects> My mere speculation more pain, maybe endometriosis as the tissues arent eliminated from the body can be seeded somewhere else and cause pain.(though doesnt make sense as they suppress the menstruation and thats endometriosis treatment may happen if the medication isnt taken properly). As its a hormonal suppression maybe side effects on the skin> more hair??weight gain??acne??. Spotting?? endometrial proliferation if the dosage is low or medication not taken properly.. Cancer in the long run >Ovarian cancer as the risk factors include low number of birth, infertility and delayed childbearing. though the use of Oral contraceptives are said to be protective. :confused: Could a new type of endometrium cancer appear as there is prolonged suppression?? Wonder how long will it take the lady to fall pregnant when she stops the medication. Will she be infertile as the organs have been supressed for too long? will the only option be assisted reproductive techniques which means money and alot of time to spend?? To be honest need to read more on this drug and its effects. All in all what I see is another means to fulfils mankinds greed. Having children doesnt seem to part of this deal. fiamanillah
  6. Salaam, Personally I wouldnt go near it. Why pork is Haram, as is alcohol so ginger root beer or bacon flavoured vegetarian crisps as they bear the name "Beer" and "Bacon" are automatically struck off my shopping list. We maybe in the 21st century but thats doesnt make it halal coz its just a flavouring. As long it imitates the original thing it should be considered as haram. Same reason a muslim doesnt buy his kid a plastic pig. This is but another consumer gig, they want vegetarians to get a hook on it. Then slowly they can change their ways and start consuming meat or bacon. Why? coz it doesnt taste bad after all Clever move. So dear Muslim/ah beware of these type of entrapments. Originally posted by The Flipmode..: Muelezeni huyu kafala... I think that was harsh and uncalled for. You may differ in opinion but you shouldnt make such a call. We are all muslims and nobodies perfect. Advice from our Prophet SAW address/ call to each other with kind words. Fiamanillah
  7. Hanif, Who said they lost their dignity?? There are two sides of the story, culture dictates the lady to be a bit plump. Im being told of for being skinny but scientifically speaking im in the perfect BMI and Im healthy alhamdullilah. What they may need is healthy eating practices skip the hilib in the morning and all the fattening stuff. But that may mean compromising the cultural ways ??? Well I beleive if it comes down to putting your health on the line, it should be your first priority to eat less and work out more so that you dont have to skip your favorite dishes or if its that bad skip the favorites too. Anyway, I also think that maybe they have more problems then that. Can be an eating disorder( leptin hormone acting all weird) their satiety level different from everyones elses(need more food)have problems(family, depression) which they cant solve end up eating. Most of the women stay indoors, tend to the household and may have self esteem problems especially if they have unappreciative husbands around. Thus she indulges herself with eating to get that satisfaction. Anyway guess Im babbling again.What I think can cure the problem organise self awareness meetings, educate the women on the harm of being fat and get their husbands/menfolk involved.Teach them healthier alternatives in their cooking and lifesytle(You can still have a great peice of hilib in the oven than frying it ...). Work on their self esteem and give them a sense of belonging(most people still dont like the environment they live in) . Sending them back to somali doesnt help. Hanif, dont hate them that much, they are beautiful women after all. Our women. All they need is a little guidance and reassurance. Fiamanillah
  8. Flipmode, Mbona hivyo kaka, unadiss watu kinoma?? Arent we all family?? Isnt it the pleasure in Allahs Eyes we are supposed to work hard for?? What does being a sijui help with that?? Hello, I maybe a sijui but I count myself Muslim first, I think you should also get your priorities straight and let go of this "pride- sijuinimo" thing.You can be a sijui but you dont have to rub it in. A reminder" A person with an element of pride in his heart wont see heaven" Whats your take? Hope you wrote this for the fun of it and not as an act of pride. No hard feelings. Sisi sote ni ndugu. Fiamanillah
  9. I been lucky to see the original version of the book which is in turkish even costs a bit cheaper, problem is the used alot of old turkish(Osmanli and arabic) words, couldnt grasp the narration about most of the items. Been to topkapi palace thrice but hadnt seen more than the swords of the Sahabi and few of the Prophets SAW belongings.As some of the belongs werent open to public. Inshallah sometime next week Im going to visit Topkapi Palace again, this time Im planning to give it more than a day. Maybe the last time I can see such sacred peices. Yippy , Just remembered, the sacred hair of the prophet SAW every ramadhaan goes on a display tour around turkish mosques, muslims after taraweeh stand in file to see it at their mosques. Emmh, I didnt see it as there was alot of commotion and I also as I knew I could get a glimpse at it at the palace inshallah.
  10. To much knowledge and lack of knowledge can be harmful. Its a shame to see how men can claim this is what a woman should do when its demeaning but if its a right to emancipate her they dont force her to follow it. Pathetic, yuck.
  11. ^^^Only this time, its the mans performance for the money, Wonder what we will have next? :rolleyes: Bisharo, Im wondering too, So if he belongs to X tribe, does that mean all the men in the X tribe are wiped off the list of eligible men??? Or will it be the other way round, Highly sought men :eek: :confused: Whatever the case Ahmed is guilty, his clan shouldnt be getting the heat. Audhubillah . Im out. Fiamanillah
  12. Salaam, No, so far I think the "Dutch" Cousins are the most honest ones.(They dont hide behind doors n pretend to do otherwise). The problem is they seek attention in the wrong venues, thus the Somali community gets the "wrong" publicity *the black sheep impression.* . And either we like it or not( we maybe doing it), we "Somalis" when it comes to matter of shame people tend to be "Conservative and innocent" but our actions speak otherwise. Personally, I find it shameful what he did, not because he is "Somali" but because he has a name called Ahmed which implies he is Muslim. I only wish people could appear on Tv promoting good for all Somalis something progressive, in a nation where its culture/ identity is becoming extinct.And identity as Muslims is being diluted per the day. I think its high time people practise what they preach, and start to be practising Muslims for a change. And lets stop being hypocrites and propagators of devilish actions. Fiamanillah Wol
  13. From Riyadus Saalihin 615. Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "There was a dispute between Hell and Jannah, and Hell said: `The haughty and proud are in me.' The Jannah said: `In me are the weak and the humble.' Thereupon Allah, the Exalted, judged between them saying: `You the Jannah are My Mercy, and through you I shall show mercy to those whom I wish.' (And addressing the Hell) He said: `You are My punishment to punish whom I wish amongst My slaves, and each one of you will have its fill.''' [Muslim]. Commentary: This Hadith warns us against haughtiness and pride and urges us to observe modesty and humility. Jannah and Hell - two otherworldly phenomena - have been called as the manifestations of Allah's Mercy and punishment. True, only the Will of Allah prevails everywhere but the decision to send a man either to Jannah or to Hell will not be taken capriciously. Rather set Divine rules will be working behind it. Allah, will place some people in Jannah due to their good deeds; similarly he will place some people in Hell due to their bad deeds. Allah does not wrong anyone.
  14. ^^^Lol, at "if" her way out. Seriously Passion4 fashion, 8 months is along time. Hours drive me crazy in 8 months I would have past out with remorse.
  15. The Islamic Works of Art Museum titled, "Discover Islamic Art," on the Internet and constituted by the collective works of 14 countries and 17 museums from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, can be visited at "www.discoverislamicart.org" as of 9 December. In a news conference, Eva Schubert, the founder and president of the Museum With No Frontiers (MWNF) and the coordinator of the visual exhibition, said 1,235 artistic and architectural works will be introduced through photos and detailed explanations. There will also be artistic and architectural works from Egypt, Algeria, Germany, Britain, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Portuguese, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey, in the museum. source
  16. Only one way, To the Quraan and Sunnah for salvation. And to He is our return. Inshallah may our acts and deeds be accepted by the Almighty. Amin.
  17. Brother Khayr, There are so many of them each outstanding the other. They all had Islam in common and the love of the Prophet SAW but after that they differed their intellect, bravery, compassion, humbleness... the qualities are just too many. Outstanding men and women they were, a fine examples to us. Mashallah. If you like duals, I admire Al Baraa Ibn Al Ansari as a man of great bravery. When the Muslims had divided amongst themselves after the death of the Prophet SAW and a group left Islam, as we all know war was declared against them. As the Banu Hanifah followed Musaylamah the Imposter and not the Prophet SAW a feirce battle was duelled. The Muslims almost lost but they held strong and fought, many were killed then Musaylamah and his group fortified themselves in a Garden which was later known as the Garden of Death. Here is where Al Baraa Ibn Ansari bravery was proven, he singlehandedly asked the Muslim soldiers to lift him on a sheild and throw him into the den of enemies, saying If I am to live I will open the door and you will enter. In modern times we would have said its Suicide but he made it, he not only got injured but he overcame the enemy and opened the gates for the muslim soldiers and the battle was won. And he survived. Mashallah. AlBaraa 's profile I forgot that I had quoted this Az-Zubair gave the highest priority in his life to fighting in the Cause of Allah, and joining the Prophet (PBUH) in battles to fight non-believers. The Prophet (PBUH) said about him: “Al Zubair and Talhah are my neighbors in paradiseâ€. Who is Talhah? Talhah ibn Ubaydullah, he was young man when he embraced Islam. While on a trip was lucky to met a person who fortold him the Advent of Ahmed and the religion of Islam. Thus when he returned to Makka, he asked of the news and was told of the Prophecy of Muhammed SAW and the conversion of Abu Bakar As Sidiqque. He went to met the Prophet and in the same seating he proclaimed his Shahadah. In Islamic history after the battle of Uhud He was named the "living maytr" . At the Battle of Uhud, when the Muslims fell into disarray at the beginning of hostilities the Prophet became dangerously exposed. There were about eleven men of the Ansar at his side and one Muhajir - Talhah ibn Ubaydullah. The Prophet clambered up the mountain hotly pursued by some mushrikin. The Prophet, peace be on him, shouted: "The one who repulses these people from us will be my companion in Paradise." "I, O Messenger of god," shouted Talhah. "No, stick to your position," replied the Prophet. A man from the Ansar volunteered and the Prophet agreed. He fought until he was killed. The Prophet went further up the mountain with the mushrikin still in close pursuit. "Isn't there someone to combat these?" Talhah again volunteered but the Prophet ordered him to maintain his position. Another person immediately came forward, fought and was killed. This happened until all who stood by the Prophet were martyred except Talhah. "Now, yes," signalled the Prophet and Talhah went into battle. By this time, the Prophet's teeth had been broken, his forehead had been slashed, his lips had been wounded and blood was streaming down his face. He was drained of energy. Talhah plunged into the enemy and pushed them away from the Prophet. He turned back to the Prophet and helped him a little further up the mountain and put him to lie on the ground. He then renewed his attack and successfully repulsed the enemy. About this occasion Abu Bakr said: "At that moment, Abu Ubayd ibn al-Jarrah and I were far from the Prophet. When we came close to him to render assistance to him, the Prophet said: 'Leave me and go to your companion (meaning Talhah)." There was Talhah, bleeding profusely. He had numerous wounds, from sword, spear and arrow. His foot had been cut and he had fallen into a hollow where he lay unconscious. Thereafter, the Prophet, peace be on him, said: "Whoever is pleased to see a man still walking on earth who had completed his span (of life), let him look at Talhah ibn Ubaydallah." And, whenever Uhud was recalled, As-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, would say: "That day, that entire day, belonged to Talhah." That was the story of how Talhah became to be called the "living martyr". There were unnumerabIe incidents which led to him being called "Talhah the Good" and "Talhah the Generous". His profile
  18. Thank you Castro. Great read. The Im sorry part was a customary part of our growing up, sent to your room to reflect on your actions and later give your "Im sorry for...." For a while Ive become a "Im sorry but..." person Its a good thing to apologise though, clears the air.
  19. Mashallah, what a coincidence. I was reading on that and been on my mind for a while. My wish? Wish for peace on earth and peace and tranquility in my own.
  20. ^^^Actually there used to be a teens corner in the past. It was later removed, :confused:
  21. Dear not every woman wants an instant divorce. Instead they want a fair hearing. She maybe comfortable with the new stipulation. The choice is hers. By forcing down her throat the instant divorce, your also denying her right. I know my religion, and I know Im human too. And when matters come to marriage, people tend to change.Polygamy is allowed in Islam, I cant just write it off blindly.
  22. Originally posted by Khayr: If I am not mistaken , the Sahibi Zubair ibn awwam took off his shirt one day and a someone saw that he had over 70 scars on his body. The person asked Zubair about the scars and how he (Zubair) had acquired them. What you have written is right, it was Zubair Ibn Awwam who was the Shield of the Prophet SAW. A man of remarkable character , even the Prophet SAW said this about him, the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Every Prophet used to have a disciple), and my disciple Az-Zubair Ibn Al ‘Awwamâ€. Az-Zubair gave the highest priority in his life to fighting in the Cause of Allah, and joining the Prophet (PBUH) in battles to fight non-believers. The Prophet (PBUH) said about him: “Al Zubair and Talhah are my neighbors in paradiseâ€. His profile Mashallah.
  23. Give them a chance, we have nothing to lose. Time (Dhahr), as usual will be a witness.
  24. Originally posted by Jomaana: Just curious. How many women here would ask their future husband that before marriage? I intend to Inshallah but the caption will be different. A contract which entitles me the right to know he wants to marry a second wife(before the consummation of the marriage). I would prefer to know the reasons, he would like to remarry.Than hearing that he has already married, with the what you going to do about it look. I know its his right as well as mine. So if valid I think I will agree but it will depend on the situation. It maybe time to pack my bags and move on, who know? Allah Yaalaam
  25. Originally posted by Ducaqabe: Quick question. Would the sisters be given the freedom to discuss whatever they want in men’s forum without being told, this-is-men’s-section-and-we-will-discuss-whatever-concern-us-and-if-you-do-no-like-it-then-do-not-open-this-section-quiet-simple. ^^^ If worse somes to worse,we can have a taste of our own medicine. Ducaqabe, The section may cause division but it is necessary by all means. There is a need to address such matters. And the best way is men to do among themselves. Our community that is Somali is in a dilemma, there arent enough male role models or atleast male leaders to show the way. As we now see most of the youth end up in gangs,getting involved in violence. Others, well end up in prison, unfortunate girls get pregnant etc etc. The is a big gap which needs to be filled in. We are having a problem between culture, islamic values and morality. The only way to earn it back is by educating and sharing those age old wisdom. The girls had their mothers, as for the boys they had their fathers or anyone considered elder enough. And SOL is one of those places where people can share and learn from each other. So , why not? Personally, I think there is more which can be discussed and be of help.Especially for a man who agrees on changing and admitting his shortcomings and aims for the best. 1.Role issues( ABCs for the son, father,husband,brother) work related, household related, community related. 2.Some basic communication skills how to carry themselves around ladies for example. What you can say and cant. 3.Islamically approved solutions (e.g character) , examples from the Prophet SAW, Ambiya and Sahaba. 4.Appearances, grooming skills. What can be worn when and wear. 5.Basic culinary and household skills. 6.Mens health.