Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. This has nothing to do with political If your retaliation has no limits and is not bound by any rules, principles and morals don't go wailing around and expecting sympathy. Well said. What is worth is claiming to be a good Muslim and justfying conduct that is contrary to Islam. The rules of war in Islam are well known and are highly advanced. This strategy is already backfiring and pretty soon the average Somali will see them as crazy murders rather than freedom fighters.
  2. Allaha u naxariisto. Waxan u malaynayaa in hal qof ka haray 13kii SYL.
  3. Allaha u naxariisto, gacan ka xaqdaran baa dishay. Killing the best and the brightest is a doomed strategy. When Somalis will learn violence is not the solution.
  4. Naxar, War kadaa ha isu camireen? War masaakiinta Hargaysa ayaa daryeel u baahan inta aad LA ku ordaysaan. Waa qowda maqashii waxna how qaban.
  5. Mr. Bugland iyo Afnugaal. Fitmad iyo xasarad meel idin gaymayso walee.
  6. Well said, yaa Xiin. As for this Gabre-slapped-Yey gossip, it’s a measure of desperation from some circles of this old man’s nemesis to seek moment’s repose in a mere hearsay! You know if one wanted to cite Ethiopia’s abuses on Yey, one could easily refer, with certain degree of credibility, to his imprisonment in Addis in Eighties. But to drive this nonsense is… desperate! The one liner SOLers have managed to degrade the site with fake news unashamed, dishonest and no regard to their Islam while claiming holier than thou.
  7. Then stop the fitna and bad mouthing their Graads?
  8. Graadada rer Sool waa Isimo sharaft leh oo 100% kalsooni ka haysta dadkood, marka caydiinu waxaba ma dhibayso. Groowe iyo Puntland shaqo culus bay kawadaan and that is to kick your militia from LA. There is one reason and only one reason that all the SSC graads united to oppose SL militia in Sool. This simple reason is that they do not want to break the country up and they want to stay with Somalia. For all your bravado, the only think you brought to LA is death and destruction. It is one of the most unstable frontline cities in Somalia. In four month you have done more damage than good and it's people are still refugees outside this great city.
  9. Mr. Bugland and Afnugaal, a love affair? How long it is going to last?
  10. Mr. Bugland, you like Afnugaal? Your hope in Sool Mr. Xaansade? Enjoy it while it lasts.
  11. Easy with the 4l words. That must be typo. It should be a regional state.
  12. That is why I suggested the word citizen should be change to resident. This is a draft and subject to revision.
  13. Awoowe, What is your take on the debate? Seems Obama has improved a lot since the first debate. The conventional wisdom is that it was a tie and hence an advantage for the fortrunner.
  14. AJ, No, it is not a nation, it is a region of Somalia. It clearly states, Puntland state of Somalia.
  15. In the United States, each state has it's own constitution. Of course each state's constitution must not be in conflict with federal constitution. For that reason, Puntland's constition is fine as long as it does not conflict with the federal consitution. In the matter of citizenship, it should be change to resident. Anyone who resides in Puntland for six consective months, shall be considered a resident.
  16. Somalipride, Thanks for the updates. As you said, there are a lot of development taking place and the security situdation is improving.
  17. Why gang up on Me, typical cult mentality.
  18. He is finished, he will have no effect. Last election he got only 650,000 votes a mere 0.3%.
  19. 'Tis a no brainer. The man was famous for saluting, and dancing for the axmaaro/the puppet government. Why should the killing shock anyone? It is indeed shocking to all civilized people. The question is if you kill everyone who does not oppose the Xabashi and TFG, how many people will be left in Somalia?
  20. Allaha u naxariisto, wuxu ahaa geesi una huray naftiisa badbaadada LaasAnood. Death is awaiting everybody and there is nothing freak about it and the arab poet said "man lam yamut bi seyfi, maati bi qayrihi, tacadad asbaabu wal mowtu waaxid.
  21. If Somalia is to ever come back as a nation the primary task should be the eradication of these Shabab. Gacan ka xaq daran baa dishay, allaha u naxariisto. The killing needs to stop period and anyone who advocates murder and mayham in the name of Allah, Ilaahay waa ka barii, sharkiisana Alle hannadhaafiyo.
  22. You know the story is fake but I guess the truth does not matter when it comes to hating Yey and his dabodhilif. Somalidu waxay dhehdaa beeni raad maleh and will not be remembered in a month just like his near death episode just a month ago.
  23. Another angle to the story NYTimes Op-Ed Columnist The McCain World Rift By DAVID BROOKS The staff of the McCain campaign had a rude awakening last Jan. 25th. They opened The Washington Post and found a front-page story linking McCain’s campaign manager, Rick Davis, to the Russian aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska. Who, some wondered, was feeding damaging information about Davis to the press? Speculation inevitably settled, as it must in McCain World, upon John Weaver. For nearly a decade, stories about the inner workings of the McCain apparatus inevitably involved the Weaver-Davis rivalry. These two McCain advisers share a mutual hatred, one McCainiac told me Thursday, that is total, absolute and blinding. The tensions, which divided the McCain presidential campaign until Weaver was forced out last summer, exist on many levels. First of all, there is a personal contest for the attention and love of John McCain. But there are broader issues as well. Davis is a creature of the political mainstream. He is even-tempered and charming. He is a lobbyist and a friend of lobbyists. He is a good manager. In policy terms, his tastes tend toward the Republican center. Weaver is a renegade. He has a darker personality. He’s not a member of elite Washington circles and resented the way McCain would occasionally get pulled into them. Weaver is a less effective bureaucrat, but his policy instincts are more daring and independent. The Davis-Weaver rivalry has lasted for so long because John McCain has a foot in each camp. McCain is, on one level, a figure of the Washington mainstream. He admires Alan Greenspan and Henry Kissinger. He appreciates a steady manager like Davis. But McCain is also a renegade and a romantic. He loves tilting at the establishment and shaking things up. He loves books and movies in which the hero dies at the end while serving a noble, if lost, cause. He loves the insurgent/band-of-brothers ethos that Weaver exudes. McCain was loyal to each camp in a house divided. But the poisons emanating from the rift have spread outward. They are the background for the article my colleagues at The New York Times published Thursday. At the core of that article that began on the front page are two anonymous sources. These sources, according to the article, say they confronted McCain in 1999 with their concerns that he was risking his career by interacting with Vicki Iseman. As a columnist, I’m an independent operator, speaking for myself alone. I have no idea who those sources are. But they are bound to come from the inner circle of the McCain universe. The number of people who could credibly claim to have had a meeting like that with McCain in early 1999 is vanishingly small. I count a small handful of associates with that stature, including Davis and Weaver. There is nobody in that tight circle unaffected by the hostilities that emanate from the rift. Thursday, as McCain was fervently and completely denying the allegations of an affair with Iseman, people in all quarters of the McCain universe were vehemently denying it, too. But even on this embattled day, they broke down into rival camps over the identity of the sources. Many in the Davis camp argued Thursday that Weaver must be the chief anonymous source, and that he had roped in one other confederate. He’s had a hard life, they said, and is driven by demons. Weaver countered by telling reporters that he retains enormous affection for McCain and desperately wants him to become president. Moreover, Weaver had been trying to get back into the fold. There is no way he would be an anonymous source against McCain. Some closer to Weaver theorized that the sources must be former McCain campaign elders from 2000 who worked for rival campaigns in 2008. I checked that possibility out, and it doesn’t hold water. But while calling around to a dozen senior McCain friends and advisers Thursday, what struck me was the enormous tragedy of the rift. They all love McCain. They all say it is absurd to think he abused his power in the way that is alleged. But the rift is like some primal sore. It affected every conversation I had Thursday, as it has infected McCain efforts again and again over the past many years. At his press conference Thursday, McCain went all-in. He didn’t just say he didn’t remember a meeting about Iseman. He said there was no meeting. If it turns out that there is evidence of an affair and a meeting, then his presidential hopes will be over. If no evidence surfaces, his campaign will go on and it will be clear that there were members of his old inner circle consumed by viciousness and mendaciousness. But lingering over everything is the bitterness of the rift, which has caused duplicity and anger to seep into the campaign of this fine man. The poisons have yet to be drained.
  24. LSK & Baashi don't you think that Obama can weather this false accusation percisely because he is above politics and he has become a movement. Don't discount the message of Obama that people are unhappy with the status quo, the dirty poltics and partisan politcs and want change.