Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Even if Ethiopia leaves today, Somalis will be fighting. Do not foget, we have 17 years of non stop fighting for no good reason before the curretn crises. Unless a cure is found for this culture of violence, nothing will change. The opposition have accepted to talk to the TFG so according to you they are legitimizing occupation? Where doe that leave you? I guess you have to keep hitting the b and m letters of your keyboad until victory.
  2. That shows how some people have lost any commen sense of how tp stop this conflict. Ethiopia will not have been in Somalia if it were not for the Somalis i.e the TFG. If Somalis reconsile, then Ethiopia will withdraw. If you think the killing needs to continue because al-shabaab will defeat Ethiopia & TFG , then you are in a dream world. Because in the comfort of your home in the west, it is eay for you to be keyboard warrior and do not bear any cost.
  3. Finally the top dogs of TFG are in sync when it comes to peaceful resolution of the Somali tragedy and that shows Nur Cade approach is bearing fruit. Both sides needs to compromise for the long term benefit of Somalia. I wish them the best.
  4. Xoogsade, I think you are out of control with this qabiil thing. Quoting clan trash tabloid Dayniile is not going to help your cause. You are opposing A/Y only because of qabiil that, my friend, comes through with your frequent rants here. Tone it down and stick to the Ethiopia is occupying us through the TFG which include your own clansmen such as Mohamed Dhere, Gen. Cabdi Qaybdiid and many others.
  5. Mr. Bugland is at it again. Wixii xun xaawa leh. Just call Hadaaftimo and they will tell you what happened if you want to know the truth. But then again does it matter what is the truth?
  6. Mr. Bugland, War afxumidaa, isku xishood. Meesha fikir ayaa laysku khilaafaa, laakiin nacayb kale meesha mayaal.
  7. Somalipride, It is true that real pirates got away with the ransom money and some shaxaadoon got arrested. As you say committing crime and assisting a criminal is also a crime. This young men must be regretting now going near that hijaked ship. The other news that I have heard is that Puntland marines went to the area one week before this happened and asked the hijakers to release the the ship but they refused. The information I have is that Puntland was aware of this and allowed the French to proceed with capturing these pirates.
  8. I admire your balanced approach to the problems of Somalia. Few are able to divorce themselves from the parochial approach to understanding the problems of Somalia. Your contribtion will be missed. Even though I do not contribute much to this forum and have not clashed with you, it is good muslim tradition to forgive so cafis iyo masaamax and good luck to you.
  9. I agree with Xiin. The TFG with Ethiopian firepower is unable to bring peace for one full year, therefore we need to search for way out of this mess. This is a golden opportunity for peace in Somalia and it is bigger than any man or any group. I wish they could put the interest of the nation above their own interest for once..
  10. You owe Che an apology, now go on and be a nin rag and do the right thing I agree. This is a sign of declaring defeat before the fight started.
  11. ****** kuuma haysan...Duke baaba ku dhaama! On the mark. The same word I used in another thread *****. [ April 15, 2008, 10:30 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  12. Suldaanka, Are iching for a fight? Inaad sidaan na cas u tahay maan moodayn.
  13. I believe there is an agreement to divide the oil revenues in 3 ways. One third for the locality where the oil is found, one third for Puntland and one third for TFG. All the money receive so far were also divided and the bulk of it went to the TFG.
  14. A chick from Burco: Are you suffering from ADD -attention deficit disorder?
  15. Thanks General for the updates. Once the initial tests reveal oil, watch for the big oil companies to become interested because they alone have the billions to recover oil.
  16. Miskiin, Corruption is nothing new, go and see the Gulf. If there is wealth, it will trickle to the rest. You will be surprised how much our poverty is at the root of our problems. If there is oil and that is big if, it will be exploited because the world needs it badly.
  17. Wa ayaan daro Somali qarax baratay. Mr. Bugland what ss happening to the peace in Hargaysa? Sorry I could not resist nabsigaas? Who is behind it and why?
  18. This will be one of the lasting legacy of Cade Muse Administration and all the people of Puntland and Somalia will benefit when the natural resources are fully exploited. The attacks will escalate when and if oil is found and it is incompenet on Puntland and the TFG and the Range company and its partners to prepare and plan for such unforseen development.
  19. And who, furthermore, when they have realized that political outcome (in which their selfish and clannish greediness have brought about in the first place), decided collectively – rather cowardly in my view, and hence the genesis of the word "Defeated Lot" – to skip town (i.e., Mogadisho) as well as the country altogether and therefore head to a "Diaspora Existence". So defeated lot are those who skipped town (Somalia) and would include Oodka & Baashi and me and all the those who could not stomach with what was happening in Somalia back in 1980-1991 and decided to emigrate to other countries. A large number of Somalis from every region call their home Minneapolis and London percisely because their own survival and their families depend on it. It is high time we acknowledge that young men or women in Mogadishu, Bosaso or Hargaysa will prefer nothing but to ge a change to migrate to the West and escape a difficult life in a failed state.
  20. AP, That will be contrary to the majority of Planders who are for being part of Somalia in a federal system. The only conflict is over Ade's insistance for the right of Pland to exploit its natural resources. In addition, A/Y and his governmnet will not accept an independant state wether it Sland or Pland. No matter where he travels at the end of the day Ade has to deliver and fast before the elections.
  21. To be fair, the issue is not rape of Samsam by the VP that will complete lie but he ordered the young girl jailed because she came to his house. She was raped in the jail which is not uncomment in our part of the world. He made a fool out of himself by telling an unblievable story about Samsam in an interview he gave to BBC
  22. The only people who are Somalidiid are those who want to seperate from Somalia. As long as one is for the unity of Somalia, he can not be called Somalidiid.
  23. Thanks for the good news Sakhar. This is one of the major challenges for Cade admin. The other two are the restoring LA to its rightful owners and the security situation. If he accomplishes all three, then he will get re-elected.
  24. What is this FB/GD and the king all kinder and gentler. May be finally we will get along. Peace to you all.