Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. 'Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia, Thanks Sakhar for this important milestone.
  2. I suggest to ignore Mr. Bugland AKA JB's rants and frequent insults on the Kings of Sool. Idaa lam tastaxyi, fasnac maa shi'ta.
  3. Mr. Bugland wuxu ku khafiifay SSC iyo Puntland. Garaadada sharafta leh, kaalintooda way kasoo baxeen laakiin Cade Muse iyo Afqurac baa toodii gabay. LA way ka bixidoontaa gacanta fidmaada ee SL and you can take that to the bank.
  4. bal firsha ninkaan qiilka uu radinayo gowrici Amxarada uu geysatey wadadadi Tabliiqa. Ina Lillahi wa ina Illeyhi Rajicuun. You are a simpleton. Go back to the thread and re-read it again. Where does it says I support beheading? I don't. The whole point is that beheading is wrong in today's world opinion and the group that boasted in SOL are shabaab supports. The question still stands: Is beheading wrong or is it wrong when the otherside does it? Are you not the the man who said the shabaab is cancer and should be destroyed?
  5. Sheikh Sharif is a flip flopper. In his interview with BBC he denied he ever said he will meet the TFG but he will sit down with the UN, clearly non-Muslim organization but not the TFG, I wonder what is the difference. They don't know how to conduct war or bring peace. The sad part is they are the ones that we expect to bring the Somali nation back.
  6. Abu, You were defending beheading yesterday, why condemn it now? Answer the question, please. You should admit that shabaab is as bad as TFG/Ethiopia when it comes to serious violation of human rights and worse because they claim to be muslims following Islamic rule of warfare. There are rules of war in Islam and there are rules of war in the world today and you guys brainwashed by shabaab subscribe to neither. So what do you believe.
  7. The onlt group that boasted of beheading 3 TFG troops are the shabaab. It is ironic, now they are accusing TFG/Ethiopia of beheading. If this act is so wrong why did they claim it and now condemn it.
  8. FB may be right. She will bloody Obama so much and cause too much division in the Dem party so that Obama loses to McCain in November and she will be able to run in four years at the age of 65. If she helps Obama win in Novmeber then it is too late for her to run she will 69.
  9. Allahu yarxam, ilaahayna ehelkiisa samir iyo imaan hasiiyo.
  10. Let me know when you add a bit of substance to your posts. I may just respond in kind,,,,, The mother of all one liner with no substance. Saxiib you have taken the grand prize in SOL, too bad for Jimaale.
  11. Miskiin, Ma maqashay "bilaadil bun" in Arabic and in English the Land of Punt where the Egyptian queen Hasebshout (sp) traded for franksence and myrrh (beeyo iyo maydh). Read below, as the Bari region has has the largest production of myrrh & frankincense Queen Hatshepsut's expedition to the Land of Punt: The first oceanographic cruise? by Sayed Z. El-Sayed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queen Hatshepsut ruled Egypt from ca. 1503 to 1480 B.C. In contrast to the warlike temper of her dynasty, she devoted herself to administration and the encouragement of commerce. In the summer of 1493 B.C., she sent a fleet of five ships with thirty rowers each from Kosseir, on the Red Sea, to the Land of Punt, near present-day Somalia. It was primarily a trading expedition, for Punt, or God's Land, produced myrrh, frankincense, and fragrant ointments that the Egyptians used for religious purposes and cosmetics. We do not know when the ships returned to Kosseir, but Hatshepsut herself informed us in lengthy inscriptions on the walls of her beautiful terraced temple at Deir el-Bahri, near Luxor in the Valley of the Kings, that "the ships were laden with the costly products of the Land of Punt and with its many valuable woods, with very much sweet-smelling resin and frankincense, with quantities of ebony and ivory . . ." The queens' artists immortalized this homecoming in murals on the walls of the temple, which depict not only potted myrrh saplings and sacks of frankincense, but also fish and other fauna and flora collected during the expedition. The drawings on these walls are so accurate that the famed ichthyologist, the late Carl Hubbs of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, told me that he was "able to identify the fish to the species level" from the drawings! The ancient Egyptians with their penchant for accurate information, and for making precise observations of the environment, had amassed a store of knowledge of the geography, hydrography and meteorology which enabled them to undertake seafaring ventures. In order to navigate to Punt, they must have known the navigational peculiarities of the Red Sea, in which northerly winds bring rough weather from the end of June to December while mild southerlies prevail the rest of the year. We do not know whether or not Hatshepsut sent other expeditions to the Land of Punt, but later Egyptian monarchs reached the south of Africa and beyond. Herodotus informs us that Necho II, King of Egypt (ca. 600 B.C.) sent Phoenician sailors down to the Red Sea and along the coast of Africa. In the third year they returned through the Pillars of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar), and reached Egypt via the Mediterranean Sea. According to William A. Herdmann, author of The Founders of Oceanography and Their Work (1923), it is doubtful whether the circumnavigation of Africa was repeated until Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope from the west two thousand years later, in the 15th century.
  12. 1. A/Y (for taking too much resources from PL} 2. Cadde 3. Afqurac 4. Gaagaab
  13. Indiana: Clinton 51% Obama 49% Reporting 91% too close to call.
  14. Indiana: North Caroline Clinton 51.7% 43% Obama 48.3 57% With 87% reporting. with 97% reporting NY Times: In Indiana, Mrs. Clinton was ahead at 52 percent to Mr. Obama’s 48 percent, with 87 percent of the precincts reporting. But the race could not be called yet because a large Indiana county near Chicago, where Mr. Obama is heavily favored, has not reported. The Associated Press said Lake County was counting more than 11,000 absentee ballots and would not be releasing the county’s results until midnight Eastern time.
  15. Mr. Bugland is at it again. There is one positive outcome in this incident and that is the qaswadayaal time is finsihed. Freeing the hijacked ship, freeing hijacked Golis Telecom owned tanker and now the attack on Gen. Saciid Samentar, the Security Minister. All the attackers are captured or killed.
  16. Allaha u naxariisto geesnimo ayuu ku dhintay, Another senseless killing that does not advance the cause of peace in Somalia. I hope all Somalis will release the sooner they bring peace to theie homeland the sooner the killing will stop and the sooner the world will help them reconstruct their country.
  17. Hubsiimo halbaa lasiistaa.
  18. That is why shabaab and their media supports lost all credibility. Dilka xaqdaradda ah iyo beenta waa isugu mid. Malaha waxay maqleen "al-xarbu khidca"= War is deception.
  19. If this is true it is tragic and foolish. There were propoganda from Sland that ONLF has bases in Puntland. I wonder, Suldaanka, since Somaliland has handed over hundred's of "ONLF" as they claim to Ethiopia, what is your objection here? Feeling a little bit of relief for continuing to handover Somalis to Ethiopia. I am sure all Putlanders must and should oppose this despicable act.
  20. Miskiin, Somalis and conspiracy maxaa kala haysta. Focus on this brilliant rescue mission and the respone of the population who are very supportive of this action. At in this incident, these pirates crossed the line and the admin had to move against them. With all the warships in the red sea, it is very difficult to stop these pirates and smugglers by Puntland alone.
  21. BOSASSO, Somalia (Reuters) - The Pakistani crew members of a hijacked, Dubai-flagged ship said on Wednesday they were lucky to be alive after being tricked and captured by Somali pirates then rescued in a shootout at sea. Alia Akbar, second-in-command of the Al-Khaleej, told Reuters seven pirates posing as thirsty fishermen in dire need of drinking water came alongside on Monday only to hijack the ship at gunpoint after being allowed on board. "We let in three of them. Suddenly four others, who were armed, boarded the ship. They then ordered the captain to change course and took us between Mukalah (in Yemen) and Dubai. They held us there at sea all night," he said in Urdu. On Tuesday, scores of security officers from the semi-autonomous Somali region of Puntland stormed the ship and engaged the pirates in a gun-battle that lasted for an hour, rescuing the 16 crew members and arresting the pirates. "The pirates stopped us at first and asked for drinking water," Akbar, 27, told Reuters, speaking throughout a Somali translator on behalf of the crew. "The troops came in the morning, before the pirates had asked us for any ransom." When the pirates came on board, the Pakistani crew scattered and tried to hide in different parts of the cargo ship that had been en route from Dubai to Puntland. But they were all found by the pirates, who promised not to hurt them. The rescue was terrifying, Akbar said. "In the morning many troops on two speedboats surrounded our ship. Then the shootout started. It was really frightening. The pirates surrendered after three of them were wounded. I can't believe we are free. It was a nightmare," he said, smiling. Source: Reuters, April 23, 2008
  22. A job well done, congratulations. A rescue mission with lost of life and property. Hopefully the sleeping giant has finally woken up. They should hit these pirates hard and show no mercy.
  23. dadku waa labo qaybood oo keliya wax sadaxeeyo aan la arag ama gaal raac noqo ama gaal la dirir ninkii gaal soo raaca oo dad muslim ah dhiigooda daadiya .. waa gaal therefore A/Y waa gaal and all the other dabodhilifs regardless the clan they are from and believe me the TFG comprises the the dameero and the duli from all the qabils. The problem with Al-shabaab and their supports is that they are ignorant about the basics of Islam. One of the worst offense is to call a muslim a kafir. The only reason a person becomes kafir is if they reject Islam or any of its basic tenants such as salah, sowm, haj etc. (al-macluum fi deena bi daruura). Therefore, Geeljire AKA Red Sea I suggest you repent or be prepared in the hereafter to be right or wrong and become kafir yourself.
  24. Interestign survey. So the Somalis are evenly divided in supporting Clinton and Obama but here in NA majority of Somalis support Obama.