Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Lander, Take it easy. Taking a little heat on the cosy relationship between SL and Ethiopia. Your President Riyaale on BBC justified the presence of Ethiopia troops in Somalia. Last time I checked there was not a single protest in Hargaysa about his cozy relationship with Ethiopia. As a matter of fact, SL has closer relationship with Ethiopia than PL. Personally I want the Ethiopians to leave Somalia and if the agreement in Djabouti succeeds, then they will be gone in matter of months. I do not hate SLanders, they are my people. How can I?
  2. War soo duceeya inay isafgartaan, tafaraaruq kale cidna faa'iida uguma jidho. Sh. Sharif is playing good politics for the Somali people.
  3. Here is more complete picture of the story... Hassan Aadan Samatar: Puntland waxaan imaanayaa markii amxaaradu ka baxdo Posted to the MOL June 28, 2008, 9:25 pm Fanaanka Hassan Aadan Samatar oo ka mid ahaa fannaaniintii hore ee qaranka Somaliya ayaa ka qaybgalay barnaamijka falanqaynta jimcaha oo ka baxa laanta afka Somaliga ee BBC. Hassan Aadan Samatar ayaa dhagaystayaal badan oo ka soo wacayay gudaha Somaliya barnaamijkaas uga jawaabay su'aalo badan oo ku saabsanaa taariikhdiisii faneed iyo intii uu wadanku burburay wixii uu ku soo kordhiyay heesihiisii hore. Su’aalaha ugu xiisaha badnaa ayaa waxaa laga soo kala weydiiyay magaalooyinka Hargaysa, Gaalkacyo, Muqdishu iyo Xudur. Hassan Aadan Samatar ayaa dhagayste joogay magaalada Hargaysa wuxuu soo weydiiyay goorta uu fanaankaasi imaan doono oo ka heesi doono Somaliland. Xasan ayaa ugu bishaareeyay dhagaystahaas in Xasan uu Hargaysa ku soo socdo sanadka soo socda. Su’aal taas hore la mida ayaa Hassan Aadan Samatar laga soo weydiiyay magaalada Gaalkacyo. Hassan Aadan Samatar ayaa su’aashaas dambe kaga jawaabay inuusan puntland cag soo dhigi doonin inta Amxaaradu haysato. Taas oo layaab ku noqotay dadkii dhagaysanayay. Sida dad badan ogyihiin ciidamo iyo saraakiil itoobiyaan ah oo badan ayaa ku sugan dekada Berbera oo ay dowlada itoobiya wax ka soo degsato. Hassan Aadan Samatar ayaa waxaa qaaday sida jawaabtiisa ka muuqatay qabiil, isagoo Puntland kaliya ku diidaya inay taageersan tahay dowlada KMG ah, halka uu ku faraxsan yahay inuu heeso ka soo qaado Somaliland oo cadeysatay inay gabi ahaanba ka go’do Somali inteedii kale iyadoo haddana Somaliland xiriir hoose oo wanaagsan la leh dowlada Itoobiya. Ma ahan Hassan Aadan Samatar kaliya fanaaniinta qabyaaladu qaaday, fanaan kale ayaa qaarkood sameeyay heeso ay ku dhibaataynayaan beelo kale, heesahaas oo ay uga qayb qaateen dagaaladii sokeeye.
  4. Saxid you do not know the consequences of sea piracy. First it is illegal in Islam and in any other system. Second the ones who do the piracy are the worst low life dibjir in the society and the money will go toward distructive warlordism. Third because of the piracy, the average Farax and Xalimo will have to pay extra for anything imported because of the extra insurance and security. Few will benefit, but the rest will suffer.
  5. June 26 and July 1 are two important dates for Somalia that call for celeberation. Despite the difficulties, we can overcome and bring peace to our land.
  6. Good for the people to oppose these sea pirates. Burcad badeed dmoonimayno. Doolar qaate doonumayno.
  7. Xiin, Ma qodax baad udhigaysaa Red Sea sida macalin Baashi. Waryaa Red Sea dhulka hoosta ka fiiri yeeyan qodaxdu ku mudin? Seriouly congradulations for gentleman's debate and do not change the tone.
  8. I know all of you secessionist do not see the fitna you have caused in Sool but to gloat about it everyday shows how you'r blinded to suffering of other Somalis and how the virus of clan supermacy have taken over your body.
  9. Shirkada Duulimaadka Al Yemeniya oo Xafiis ka furatay magaalada Boosaaso Posted to the Web Jun 23, 14:20 Bosaaso:-Waxaa shalay galab xariga laga jaray Shirka cusub oo loogu magaca daray Horn African Aviation Service Agency xafiiskan oo wakiil ka noqonaya Shirkada Al Yemeniya iyo Shirkado kale oo isku xiri doona Puntland iyo dalal kale oo Caalami ah. Xafiiskan Cusub oo maareyn doona dhinaca duulimaadka Caalamiga ah ayaa ah kii ugu horeeyey oo ay shirkada Yemen laga leeyahay ka furato dalka Soomaaliya, waxayna suurto gelineysaa in duulimaadkaasi oo ka bilaaban doona Boosaaso ay dadku ayagoo maraya dalka Yemen, caalamka oo dhan u kala gooshi karaan. Xafiiskan ayaa wakiil uga yahay Qaaditaanka Rabaabka Caalamka oo dhan iyo sidoo kale wakiil uga noqon doono Duulimaadka xamuulka (Cargo). Duulimaadkan ayaa noqon doona mid ka baxa Bosaaso – Mukuli oo ah dalka Yemen, iyo kadib caalimka oo dhan.Waxay uga sii gudbi karaan adduunka meesha ay rabaan. Shuruudaha lagu xirayo dadka u duulaya caalamka ayaa ah heer caalami ah oo ay ku shaqeynayaan shuruudaha dhoofitaanka ee caalamiga ah. Md. Saciid Cabdullahi Deer oo ah Wakiilka shirkadan ee magaalada Boosaaso ayaa ka waramay sababta ay xiriirkan ulla sameeyeen dalka Yemen iyo daarada Al Yemeniya, ayaa yiri [… waxaa loo baahday xiriir caalami ah waxaana hada noogu dhaw dalalka Jaarka nala ah dalka Jabuuti, dalkaasna diyaaradooda aad bay u yartahay, dalka noogu dhaw oo heer caalami diyaaradahooda yihiin isla markaana xiriir wanaagsan naga dhaxeeyo waa Yemen, taasi baa keentay in Al Yemeniya ay noqoto shirkada hada xafiiska ka furata magaalada Bosaaso…] Duulimaadka shirkada Al Yemeniya ayaa dad badan u fududeyn doonta dhinaca safarada dalalka Carabta sida dalka Sucuudiga oo xiliga Xajka ay dad badan u dhoofaan, ayadoo sidoo kale Xiriirkan cusub uu kusoo kordhinayo duulimaadyadii isku xiri jiray Magaalada Bosaaso iyo Dubai oo hada loo mari karo dhinaca dalka Yemen, halkii horey laga mari jiray Jabuuti iyo meelo kale.
  10. Inta ay joogtana xabad laga dayn maayo, markay tagtana xabad ayaa lagala daba tagayaa ilaa mid mid loosoo qabto oo qoorta loo dheereyo. Taasi wa cadaalada, miyaad ooyi maalintaas, mise waa dilaaci? Xaqu marnaba been masheego. looks like you are loosing it and it shows your mindless ranting of killing other Somalis who do not share your view point. It is people like you who give Islam a bad name as mindless killing machine even when most people killed are muslims. My question to you is how do you live with yourself with these kind of hate when you live and prosper in non-muslim society and you were welcomed as a refugee.
  11. Ladies and gentlemen if anyone ever wanted to see hypocrisy and double standard at work, read this page. The comments posted here are garden-variety dishonest. The nerve of some folks!!!! The nerve!! Look what happens when the TRUTH is subjected to warmongers’ sophistry!! Feel sorry for the naïveté who fall for this gimmick I mean why cry foul? Is it because your poster boy agreed that Somali conflict preceded the Tigre troops presence in some parts of the country and their very involvement in the conflict is indicative of the depth of Somali problem? Is that it? I will have you know that Sh. Sherrif cannot guarantee peace nor can he end hostilities what he can do (actually did), however, is expose the agenda of some of old faces of this conflict. And boy did he or did he not dealt a lasting blow to pseudo nationalists and their ally kelligii-Muslim squad. Absent of valid and reasonable case against the need for negotiated settlement, the warmongers of SOL are reduced to seek shelter in unsubstantiated characterizations: dabodhilif, soldout, and what have you. As to the agreed text itself, awoowe all it says is that Asmara Alliance are open to discuss a path forward and are willing to negotiate with the opposing faction for ways and means of ending Somali tragedy provided that Tigre mercenaries leave Somali soil within defined and agreed time. Given the level of hostilities and the absence of agreed framework in managing the state, Sherrif also agreed with deployment of blue helmets. That’s all it says. Nothing less, nothing more!! Who objects this? The very folks who said that they are against the dirrin process for one reason: Tigre presence in Somali soil which they equated with occupation. Now Ethiopians have agreed to pack up and head west, they cry foul again. They oppose Sherrif now because he said he will hold fire if Tigre’s exit by other means is feasible. Exactly 325 words, Amen.
  12. Good for Puntland to work for peace, stability and trade with all the countries in the Horn and Yemen. The visit also shows support for Djibouti in it's time of need. This is Somali brotherbood at it's best. Djibouti is to be commended for working hard for the restoration of the Somalia state.
  13. Actually I like the man. Did any of you see his appearance at US Congress where Senator Colmann of MN tried to lay a trap for him. In the end, Colmann was the one who was ambushed.
  14. Africa since you are die hard successionist why do you have problem if the West supports TFG? This is an excellent article and it is about time new generation of Africans to rise up for the challenge of putting the interest of their nations above everything else.
  15. Gaddafi is simply the worest leader in the Arab world and possible Africa. He squandered the wealth of Libya instead of being on bar with the Gulf countries, Libya is behind even Ghana in west Africa. He does not matter much and his opinion matters less. Lazie have you been drinking cool aide from Hillary. Hilary is gone so don't let the train leave you behind. Obama for President and a new dawn for the USA.
  16. The little dictator has crossed the line once again, when will the good people of Ereteria get rid of this warmonger. Djibouti has major power allies and has well trianed and well equipped army so Ereteria can not much except few skirmishes at the border.
  17. I heard few months ago that Puntland reached agreemet with Yemen to have Yemeni airline begin flights to/from Bosaso. My question is when are they going to start and when the runway will be completed?
  18. Not you saxiib. Waa gaban yar oo biyihii iyo saliid isku daray.
  19. Disagree if you must, but easy on the four letter words, they make your argument very weak especially since you think you are carrying the banner of "Islam".
  20. Good news indeed. Now can the bloodshed stop immediately or we have alshabaab who will continue fighting?
  21. If you do not believe the news from the locals i.e Laasqoray and even reuters then you are welcome to make your own news.
  22. Three things that make A/Qasim a warlord. 1) He is the only person who served Siad Barre's dictatorship for 21 years non-stop as a minister in different capacities until the end. 2) He empowered Sh. Indhacade to take over Marka etc. and helped JVA with Kismayo because of his sub-clan 3) He stole at least 65 million given by Saudi Arabia. All the aid he got went into his pocket and what is he doing with all that money?
  23. Red Sea, SL baad ku waalateen. Ma indhala'dahay miyaadan fahmin maqaalka. Teeda kale ma laasqoray bay SL joogtaa? All the news is pointing to is a case of kidnapping of chinse and yemeni for ransom nothing more nothing less.