Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  2. It is amazing, the natural skeptic NG is taking a stand as a Slander dreamer. But when Riyaale is gone and reer Awdal turn their back on the dream and come down to reality, he will too. He is a realist afterall.
  3. adna hypocracy baad ku waalatay. takarta kusaaran ma'agto. Just work resolving your own before targetting others.
  4. Miskiin you are good. Waxbaad meesha keentau. May be Qudhac did not see this one Somaliland First Lady, Huda Barkhad: There is a woman behind every successful man
  5. Money you are excusing shabaab (not ICU), they have become part of the problem and may have introduced assassinations as a political tool.
  6. Somaliland in diinta lagu xukamaa waa wax aan soo dhawaynayo laakin yaa ku xukumaya weeye su'aashu? . How about shabaab over Somali republic?
  7. Alaha u naxariisto. The assassination virus may become widespread unless a cure is found urgently.
  8. Of all the things shabaab has done the worest and most lasting will be assassinations. They have claimed assissinated many people including civilians sych as judges, civl servants even participants of Mogadishu peace conference. They are the only group who openly boasted of assissinations, so who will believe them when they deny it. Some even proclaimed that this in revenge for Ayro. In all the years in civil war, this has never happened. Even when prominent prisoners were captured, they were eventually let go. Of courses thousands died in these unfortunate wars. The problem for al-shabaab is that they have started what somalis call dilal qorshaysan, the question is who is going to be safe when peace comes. Remember Somalis are known for revenge killing and do who will tell the son of the assissinated not to seek revenge tomorrow. So the cycle will continue. The important thing is to condemn any targeted killing by anyone.
  9. Xiin, Do you remeber this back in Feb '08 and al-shabaab claimed it. Read on... MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A militant Somali Islamist group linked to al Qaeda claimed responsibility on Thursday for bombings that killed at least 20 Ethiopian immigrants in a northern Somali port earlier this week. Regional officials confirmed that the al Shabaab militant group was responsible for the blasts on Tuesday night in the port of Bosasso in an area where Ethiopian immigrants congregate. Close to 100 people were wounded. Ethiopia's military is helping the interim Somali government fight Islamist-led guerrillas in Mogadishu, and the rebels have long exploited the traditional rivalry between Muslim Somalia and the Horn of Africa neighbour seen as Christian-led. The attack happened in the semi-autonomous northern Puntland region, a relatively peaceful part of Somalia that is home to President Abdullahi Yusuf and an ally. The al Shabaab, in a message posted on their Web site, said the attack had targeted Ethiopian soldiers and that some of their wives and children had been killed.
  10. War naga aamusa qaxooti Mnpls vs Boston.
  11. Ever since the capture of LA, Suldaan developed a new admiration for Riyaale. So leave the man alone.
  12. The rest of the country is under the control of the Somali freedom fighters As in SL, PL, Bay & Bakool, Jubooyinka, Shabeelaha, Banadir etc. I also own a bridge in brooklyn and I am selling it.
  13. Where are feel good news posers Suldaanka, Ayuub, Red, Mr. Bugland. What is going on? Why all the fuss, it is just a Riig or is it?
  14. Thanks k15, Some of the pictures look very recent did you took them. It i amazing the building boom still continues despite the poor economy.
  15. Soo siideyntii Jarmalka lagu heysto Sanaag oo lagu fashilay Laas Qoray(HR Media):- Waxaa weli lagu heystaa Buuraha Calmadow ee gobalka Sanaag labo qofood oo u dhashay dalka Jarmalka oo ahaa dalxiisayaal laga soo qabsaday Gacanka Cadan. Dadkan ay buuraha Calmadow ku heystaan kooxo burcad Badeed ah oo kasoo kala jeeda gobalada Sanaag iyo Nugaal ayaa hada heerkii ugu xumaa mareysa, ayadoo mid kamid ah dadkaasi afduubka lagu heysto xaaladiisa caafimaad aad looga dayrinayo. Ninka u dhashay dalka Germany ayaa la sheegay inuu qabo cudurka sonkorowga isla markaana ay ka dhamaatay daawadii u isku duri jiray, arrintaasi oo ay walaac weyn ka muujiyeen ehelada dadkaasi la heysto. Odayaasha Dhaqanka iyo Issimada gobalka Sanaag ayaa horey uga codsaday maamulka Puntland in ay ciidamadooda ka dulqaadaan maleeshiyooyinka afduubka ku heysata dadka ajnabiga ah si markaasi jawi nabadeed ah lagu siidaayo dadkaan, issimadu ayaa dhinacooda balan qaaday in ay dhameenayaan arrintan maalinimadii shalay oo ku beegnayd Sabti 5ta bisha July. Illaa iyo hada burcad badeeda dadkan heysta ayaan ogolaan in ay siidaayaan labadan qof ayagoo codsanaya lacag ku dhaw qofkiiba 1 million oo dollarka Maraykanka ah, taasoo isu geyn labada qof madax furashada laga rabo ay tahay 2 Million oo dollar. Macada tilaabada ay ciidamada Puntland hada qaadi doonaan ayadoo wadahadalkii aan wax natiijo ah laga helin dadaalkii waan waanta salka ku heysay oo ay odayaasha wadeen hada u eg yahay mid fashilay. Kooxda Burcad badeeda ah ayaa la sheegay in ay ku biireen dhalinyaro hubeysan oo deegaanka kasoo jeeda, kuwaasi oo hada raba in ay dhamaantood wax ka helaan hadii lacag madax furasho ah la bixiyo. Horseed Media
  16. This is a legitimate agreement signed by all parties and endored internationally and four month is not a long time in these can of conflicts. And Ibbi is revising history. Here is what happened, the same lack of forsight as the likes of you are displaying: SOMALIA: SOMALIA: Talks between interim gov't and Islamic group halted 02 Nov 2006 11:39:07 GMT Source: IRIN Printable view | Email this article | RSS [-] Text [+] More KHARTOUM, 2 November (IRIN) - Mediators have called off talks between Somalia's transitional government and the Islamic group that is dominant in the south, saying further consultations were needed before the peace process could proceed. The talks, which were due to be held in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, were intended to reconcile Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG) with the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC). Sources said the main bone of contention was the UIC's demand that Ethiopian troops allegedly deployed in Somalia should withdraw. "It was commonly established and agreed that there is a need for further consultation on both substantive and procedural issues to move the dialogue forward," the mediation team comprising the African Union, League of Arab States, European Union, Organisation of the Islamic Conference, United Nations and the east African regional Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), said in a combined statement. Amid widespread fears that lack of dialogue could lead to an escalation of violence between the two sides, the mediators urged them to exercise restraint. "The Somali parties are urged to exercise full restraint and to commit themselves to their previous agreements reached in Khartoum," they said, in reference to earlier agreements in which both parties undertook not to pursue military solutions to the conflict. The UIC delegation insisted that Ethiopian troops leave Somali territory before it sits down to talks with TFG representatives. The UIC claims the troops have been deployed inside Somalia to support the TFG. The TFG, meanwhile, has denied the presence of Ethiopian troops, claiming that the only Ethiopians in the country are military instructors. "Ethiopia has declared war and invaded Somalia," Ibrahim Hassan Adow, head of UIC's foreign affairs department, who led the group's delegation to the talks in Khartoum, told IRIN on Thursday. "It's an invasion as we all know, and the world is not focusing on that issue." Both parties to the conflict were also at odds over the composition of the mediation team. The Arab League was to co-chair the talks with Kenya, the current chair of IGAD, but the TFG expressed reservations over the League's neutrality. The UIC has objected to Kenya's mediation, saying the country is biased in favour of the TFG, and that Kenya is one of the states favouring the deployment of foreign troops to Somalia - an idea strongly opposed by the Islamic Courts. The UIC took control of the capital, Mogadishu, in early June and has continued to extend its authority over much of southern and central Somalia, challenging the legitimacy of the TFG, which was set up in 2004 in a bid to restore law and order after 15 years without a national government. The TFG has also claimed that Eritrea - a bitter foe of Ethiopia since the 1998-2000 border war between the two countries - had sent armed forces to Somalia to back the UIC. Observers fear fighting could ignite a proxy war between Ethiopia and Eritrea on Somali soil. nk/jn/jm IRIN news
  17. Don't back track. The agreement calls for Ethiopia withdrawl in four months to be replaced by UN troops. Exacly what the author wants which you opposed from the get go without much thought. Why don't you support this agreement because you have no long term strategy of resolving the Somali problem and you think shabaab are winning so why sign agreement when you are close to winning.
  18. loooool...adeer pland state supports as well as alot of its citizens, somaliland also supports Ethiopia though its citizens don't support nor provide anything directly to Ethiopia' invasion. Is that qabyaaladnimo? . Yes. Both admins support Ethiopia you concur but I fail to understand why don't you accord the same courtsey to both peoples. I think it is more true to say that both people do not support what is happening in Mogadishu whether it is TFG/Ethiopia or ICU/Shabaab.
  19. Ciidamada Puntland oo sheegay in ay fursad siinayaan waan waanta Issimada Sanaag Badhan(HR Media):- Ciidamada Dowlada Puntland ayaa baneeyey goobo ay horey ugu sugnaayeen oo kamid ah deegaanka Buuraha Calmadow ee gobalka Sanaag, kadib markii ay sidaa ka codsadeen issimada iyo odayaasha gobalka Sanaag. Tilaabadan ayaa ah tii ugu danbeysay oo lagu doonayo in si nabad ah lagu siidaayo reer kasoo jeeda dalka Germany oo ay afduub ugu heystaan buuraha Calmadow kooxo hubeysan oo ah burcad badeed Soomaaliyeed oo reerkaasi kasoo qafaashay bada. Kooxdan iyo ciidamada Puntland ee ku hareeraysnaa ayaa waxaa waan waan ka dhex waday odayaasha iyo cuqaasha gobalka Sanaag, oo isku dayay in si nabad ah lagu dhameeyo arrintan. Dowlada Puntland ayaa ayadu dhinaceeda si weyn u diidan in wax lacago madax furasho ah lasiiyo kooxahan hubeysan ee afduubka ku heysta dadka ajnabiga ah, waxayna horey halkaasi ugu dirtay ciidamo badan oo ku hareeraysnaa goobta dadkaasi lagu haysto. Odayaasha gobalka ayaa ka codsaday in ciidamada Puntland ay dib uga baxaan goobihii ay joogeen isla markaana ayagu keeni doonaan dadkaasi ajaanibta ah oo ay halkaasi kasoo siideyn doonaan, waa sida uu Horseed Media u sheegay mid kamid ah saraakiisha Puntland oo ku sugan gobalka Sanaag. Hadaba waxaa hada lagu wadaa in maalinimada beri ah ee Sabtida ay wax natiijo ah kasoo baxaan dhinaca odayaasha iyo in ay keenaan dakdii wax afduubay, ayadoo aysan weynayn raja laga qabo in si nabad ah lagu siidaayo dadkaasi la heysto. Ciidamada Puntland oo weli ku sugan goobo aan ka fogeyn buuraha dadkan ajaanibta ah lagu heysto ayaa sheegay in ay qaadi doonaan tilaabooyin hadii aysan waan waanta ku guuleysan odayaasha iyo issimada gobalka. Maalin kahor ayey Issimada gobalka Sanaag baaq kasoo saareen arrinta afduubka ayagoo ugu baaqay kooxaha afduubka ku heysta dadkan in ay si sharuud la’aan ah ku soo daayaan dadka ay heystaan. Kooxda wax afduubtay ayaa ayagu dhinacooda codsaday in laga dulqaado ciidamada Puntland ee ku hareeraysnaa, ayadoo hada la khafiifiyey ciidamadii halkaasi joogay si fursad kama danbeys ah loo siiyo in si nabad ah loo soo daayo dadka ajaanibta ah ee u dhashay dalka Jarmalka. Horseed Media
  20. First, degrading someone solely because of a point of view he or she may hold, is a clear indication to me that such a person is unintelligent. Second, a unintelligent person, by definition, lacks wisdom and is more likely to be significantly less benevolent than they otherwise might be, because a wise person, by being wise, is naturally benevolent by nature. Third, a unintelligent person who lacks wisdom and is not benevolent by nature, is, by definition, someone who lacks courage. Fourth, someone who lacks courage, is by definition, a very selfish person and selfish people do not consistently make good decisions. Fifth, a person who does not consistently make good, sound decisions, is someone whose judgement I would not trust, and, in my opinion, should not be trusted. Sixth, a person whose judgement I do not trust, is someone whom I can not trust. Period. Excellent way to define a person. I hope those ciyaal suug in SOL will learn from this analysis.
  21. Red you posted an article that support the Djibouti accord which you oppose. This is what the auther concludes: 1) The UNPOS must ask the immediate deployment of the UN troops in Mogadishu without any delay and immediately ask the Ethiopian troops to completely withdraw from Somalia. This will give credit to the agreement as opponents of the accord will have less influence to inflame opposition to the deployment of UN troops. 2) Support the ongoing dialogue between and within the ARS. While it is also necessary to make the process more inclusive and invite the likes of Sheikh Hassan Aweys as he can influence the military wing of the Alliance and is in a position to woo the Al-shabab wing of the Alliance. 3) Pressure Ethiopia not to act as a spoiler to the peace process as it has always done in the past. 4) Urge the International Community to support the peace process politically and logistically without any delay as it is regrettable the UN Security Council has not yet discussed the peace agreement and did not pass a resolution with respect to this peace accord. If the shabaab have any brains they will support this agreement because it will force Ethiopia to withdraw yet they continue their mayhem and have no concern for the long term damage they are causing. If the withdrawl of Ethiopia can be achieved politically why not give it a chance and spare further Somali blooshed.
  22. Red, Your silly thread comes down to putting Baashi, Xiin amd Duke together because they hail from the same region, Puntland, even though the first two gentleman are on record opposing Ethiopia's involvment in Somalia. People are tried of your islamo qabyaalad facism, saxiib you are exposed. For you the clan comes first before Islam. So what is the problem if Riyaale allows Ethiopia to use the Berbera port which is a fact only a blind man will deny and you'r not even from Berbera. Why defend the indefensible.
  23. Yes invade PL and next will be SL, then we will see what song the secessionst Red will sing.
  24. I think damn is too strong word. This is politics don't take it too serious. And don't be dogmatic, you might find yourself singing a different tone.