Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Don,t ever say never. Only Allah can say never. personally I stay away from the word never because if I say I know I will eat my words because, we humans have little control of our actions let alone other peoples actions. The Flag , the most beautiful flag, blue as the sky with a star in sync with the return to nature. The emblem, is also good and beautiful and signifies the shebeelaha, when Somalia had them. Before they were killed or exported. I say leave everything as before and concentrate on reviving the Somali state.
  2. Silly talking heads and the question was? Why don't you debate like adults instead of children who are desprived of candy? Duke this duke that. You can't articulate anytung for Somalia beyond opposition to A/Y. If the man resigns, which will be good, what does the future hold for the return of the Somali state. Are you interested in building future for war ravaged people of Somalia or are you just enjoying your clannish pride in gaalo land sipping a latte?
  3. Cry baby, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. To get banned, you have to go out of your way to break the rules of SOL.
  4. 321,000 registered votes 50% 321,000, unregistered voters 50% 1.8 million -children younger than 18 yrs 2.4 million - population of Togdheer I call these feel good numbers. So what is the total population of SL again?
  5. Dagaalka ayaa waxaa ay wararku sheegayaan in uu u dhexeeyo ciidamo iskaashanaya oo ka kala tirsan Ururada hubaysan ee Al Shabaab iyo Mucaskarka Raaskanbooni oo isku dhinac ah iyo ciidamo ka tirsan jabhadda hubaysan ee ONLF ee ka dagaalanta gudaha dalka Ethiopia kuwaasi oo xeryo military ku lahaa deegaanka uu dagaalku ka dhacay. Are the shabaab endearing themselves to Ethiopia. I wonder what their supporters would say?
  6. Waryaa Xaaji Abtigaa maad ka xishooto. Haduu PL madax ka noqdo sow umtagteen.
  7. Ibti, Ahl Sunnah is like xerta Somalida ama dariiqada such as Abdulqadir Jaylani dariiqa etc. They usually follow particular shaikh. Alshabaab are ultra salafi even more Saudi then the saudi hence cimaamadda cas iyo surwaal gaaban.
  8. Xaaji dee guuro diyaar ma'u tahay, gabdhaha yari ragga cimrigay udheeraysaa baa layrir
  9. A&T beryahan waad mirqaansantahay miyaa? You are wrong, saxib, the old man knows what happened in his last term in Puntland and wants to avoid any instability due to the upcoming elections. He is there to cosule all to follow the rule of law with regards to elections and accept the results of elections regardless of who wins. The opposition need to wise up and come up with realistic plan for one of the them to be successfull. There is no way these 14 hopefulls can win unless they unite behind one or at most two candidates. I know al-shabaab supporters will like nothing better than Punltand to blow up and that is not going to happen. _________________________________________________ AT&T on Puntland: When is it going to start? I mean rasaastu? With Yey there, it is certain it is coming. ... wishful thinking
  10. If indeed A/Y comes back to Groowe, then Mr, Bugland, Riyaale again will run from Laaska and then loose the election, a personal and tragic loss for you. So be careful what you wish for.
  11. This shows how clueless you are about Somalia internal politics. Casha MP from Sanaag always opposed Ethiopia even when the TFG supported it. She has been very consistant unlike most Somalis who flip flop like there is no tomorrow.
  12. So it is Al-Shabaab officially. Now will Norf and Red Sea throw them under the the bus as they should or keep their romantic view of them.
  13. He is just waiting for the day he can go back to Mogadishu and eat his cambo iyo isbarmuuto.
  14. Che, You must admit, these boys from SL do'nt understand when to moch or disagree. These is no controversy here, waa caleema saar, one of the most important traditional leaders of Somalia. Even you should not have any beef with this isuue. What gives?
  15. Not angry, just serious about the task ahead in these trying times. The noble role of these traditional elders has never been more important. To foster peace and prosperity anmong the unruly somali clans. Hopefully the new king is upto the task and may Allah help him. Ameen.
  16. Sxb afkada sameyso adba Riyaale oo hablaha uu geyn jirey Maxamed Siyaad Barre aya Madaxweyne ku ah. Congratulation to the new King and wish him well and blessing during his reign. Only those who have known or linked with this historical kingdom can appreciate this coronation. Its impact and influence in Somali history exceeds beyond your thoughts and knowledge capability, and it will certainly, Inshallah, surpass your time and reach many more generations to come. In the mean time have the liberty of ridiculing it but learn more about it cause it is here to stay Very good reply. Sometimes Mr. Bugland says things before thinking.
  17. MMA, Waad u gaftay Muse Boqor, Alaha u naxariistee. He was pillar of stability in Somalia and particularly Mogadishu and many people believe, if he was not killed in 1991, the civil war could have been averted.
  18. C/llaahi Yeey DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADKAAAAAAA QAAAAAAAAAAAADAY! Abwaan wuu dabaal degaysaa, Etoobiana waa awr ku kacsi. The question is aside from the apparent demise of Yey (according to those with clanish lenses), what has changed?.
  19. MMA, Kingkong eh, you know the king, former DM of TNG. A very capable former politician, I hope he sticks to traditional matters. Congradulations to the King.
  20. The latest peace development of adding 275 reps to the parliment for a total 550 far exceeds even the US where the population is more then 30 times that of Somalia. And by electing new President before the current President term is finished, an unnecesary risk has been introduced to harm the peace process. Why not wait until October 15, 2009 when the term of current parliment expires to introduce the new changes. The same formula followed to introduce the TFG when the TNG term expired.
  21. Red Sea, never heard of skins. Somali men are all malnurshed because they chew too much qaat and usually forgo meals. Seriouly, This first step but not sufficient. There are 14 candidates for President and 10 cadidates for VP. Unless they all come together and select one candidate, they will have had time beating Cade Muse. After Obama, people understand change is very important.
  22. How about watching TV?. Seriously, these crazy people are abusing the beautiful religion of Islam. Little knowledge sometimes can be dangerous.
  23. Nep, I already highlighted your angry mean spirited rant above. I call a spade a spade. Refrain from insults. otherwise you will be called upon it. Capish.