Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Fahiye, You are wrong about Abdisamad and the speaker. Again check your facts.
  2. UD, No really, I talked to my brother back home this morning and he was suprised that Ilkajiir lost. Everybody expected the General to win. However, when their is election, you have to accept the results.
  3. Waryaa Che, Stop the winning. You asked for change and you got change. You did not beleive their will elections afterall. Cade and Afgurac accepted the defeat gracefully. Give the new admin a chance to see if they can do better for Puntland and Somalia.
  4. Waryaa Huguri inadeer, many expected General Ilkajiir to win but at the end, the election took place fairly. Let us wait and judge the new admin for their deeds. I am hoping they will make a unity government and give top position to the general and other contestants.
  5. Congradulaions to new Pres. Elect and VP. This was quite unexpected. Let us not forget Cade and Afgurac, with all their mistakes, they accepted the defeat gracefully and we thank them for their services.
  6. Somaliland Defence Fund - we finance the military of Somaliland, employing the Israeli format and thus creating a hell of an army, equipped with Merkava tanks and F16s and F18s latest technology. We will even fly our unmanned aerial vehicle for reconnaissance exercises over Bossaso! . Wrong time to emulate an agressor bent on human destruction. And you would think you will have mercy for the long suffering Palestinians. Who are you anyway?
  7. how many secessionist does it take to make a point? As many as it takes to stop Duke.
  8. Xiin... Aday kugu hartay bahashu, I have seen your FM not only braising them but also supplicating his god for their wellbeing. Classic and it applies to all secessionist boys and girls here in SOL.
  9. Somalipride, I though you will keep us updated as the events in Groowe unfold? Keeps us informed, will you?
  10. Looks like things are going smoothly. Best of luck whoever wins. It is experience vs change. May the best man win.
  11. Clannish rants, nothing serious. You don't deserver a reply once you crossed the line.
  12. Allaha u naxariisto. Confused lot wishing mayhem for Somalia so that they can get recognized. For this alone you do not deserve recognition and you will surely lose the peace if you keep wishing death for others.
  13. Kooxda Alshabaabna ay la wareegi doonto magaalooyinka koonfurta Somaliya taas oo dad badan oo Somali ahi raali ku yihiin marba haddii siyaasiyiin isku sheegii ay burburiyeen dowladii dhisideeda lagu soo dhibtooday. Does that mean Sharif and Cade are warmig the seat for abu mansuur? and if this come to pass will the shabaab be heading to Bosaso and Hargaysa?
  14. Why not. Dubya campaigned for McSame, so what. To be in politics means you are in office or running for one.
  15. He will be elder statsman. He is retiring from Politics for good. I am surprised, NG, your being sarcastic. Don't you think this is excellent move by A/Y? Really unexpected for those who know him.
  16. I think all Puntlanders are happy for the old man to retire from politics. An excellent move by A/Y and I agree with the king. Abdulahi haduu dhibka ahaa wuu idinka soo tagay ee talo meesha la imaada .
  17. Don't be simpleton, why will they want him to resign?
  18. Alaha u naxariisto, Laakiin Suldaanow maad nifaaqa joojiso? What is happening in Baidoe is political war, not clan war so why wish for civil war for Somalia, your own country?
  19. At least Xaajiga is honest and clear in articluating what most Slanders hide. Since they have no power to achieve recognition on their own, they will always be at the mercy of Somlia and is it not better to work for stablizing Somalia? Once that is achived, they will be able to negotiate with Somalis to achieve your goal? A/Y will resign and I hope he does not listen to certain countries that are begging him to stay.
  20. I agree with Xiin and I doubt if Juje can answer the question he posed without clanish lenses. A/Y will resign for sure and will Sharif and Cade have any plan other than Ethiopia should stay. How ironic?
  21. War kan yaa naga aamusiya, wuu khafiifay.
  22. Kadar oo dibi dhal. Ma muslinbaa DQ? Redkow kaad u hiilinaysa was kasii daray. Isagana maad wax u sheegto, mise arinta waa sikale?
  23. Kadar oo dibi dhal. Ma muslinbaa DQ? Redkow kaad u hiilinaysa was kasii daray. Isagana maad wax u sheegto, mise arinta waa sikale?
  24. I agree this is the best option and a good step for HE A/Y. The ball is really is in the court of the people who have been obstacle to reviving the Somali state for the last 17 years. Can Nur Cade, Sharif and Shabaab compromise and produce peace. If they will only agree to stop the violence, then their might be a chance to achieve peace. The international community has no solutions and worse they have no money to spare. It is upto Somalis to stabilize their country.